Dining room for 150 places in Voronezh

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
2.1.2. LEDGES
2.2. WALLS
1. Introduction.
Developed according to SNiP IIL.8-71 "Catering enterprises." The explanatory note outlines the main planning and volume-planning solutions. The designed building is a dining room with 150 seats, 2-story, located in Perm.
By appointment - a catering enterprise.
By storey - low-rise.
According to the material of the walls - brick.
Layout diagram - mixed.
Foundation - precast reinforced concrete .
2 Constructive solution.
Structural diagram - a set of interconnected structural structures of a building, their composition and placement in space.
The building has a combined structural scheme.
2.1 Bases and foundations.
Foundation - the bearing part of the building, which receives all loads from the above-ground parts of the building and transfers them to the base.
Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation is laid in the designed building on compacted soil. The basement is missing.
The thickness of the foundation wall of the external walls is 700 mm, the internal - 500 mm. The width of the foundation of the external walls is 1200 mm, the internal - 1000 mm. Along the perimeter of the building there is a concrete pavement 800 mm wide.
2.1.1 Calculation of foundation laying depth.
Depth of foundation laying is accepted taking into account depth of ground freezing.
The freezing depth for Perm is 1.9 meters.
Np = 1900 mm.
Nzalozh. = Np + hotm + stock., mm. where :
stock - required stock,
hotm - ground elevation.
Nzalozh. = 1900 + (900) + (100) = 2900 mm.
2.1.2. Ledges.
The transition from a greater depth of laying to a lesser one is made by ledges. The size of the ledges is 600 mm. Located at a distance from the outer bearing wall equal to 1000 mm.
2.2. Walls.
The walls of the building are designed to protect and protect against environmental influences and transfer loads from the above structures - floors and coatings to the foundation.
When erecting the walls of the building, manual masonry with horizontal and vertical dressing of seams is used. Solid silicate bricks are used for masonry of external and internal walls.
External load-bearing walls: brick multi-row masonry 510 mm. Internal load-bearing walls: brick multi-row masonry 380 mm. Partitions - from brick 120 mm.
Brick walls are laid of ordinary brick 65mm high., stones in the walls are laid on mortar with dressing of seams. Vertical seams - 10mm, horizontal - 12mm.
2.3. Overlaps.
Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from floors to the structural walls of the building.
Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength. Intermediate floor - reinforced concrete slabs with round voids with a diameter of 159 mm. with support on two sides 220 mm thick. Laid slabs of reinforced concrete floors are anchored with steel bonds to external walls and to each other. To ensure the joint operation of adjacent plates under load and to improve the sound insulation of the floor, side faces are made in a special shape. Seams between slabs are sealed with cement mortar. The plates are supported by walls to a depth of 150 mm.
Floor panels used: PK60.15., PK30.15.
2.4. Coating.
The coating is the upper bearing and enclosing structure of the building to protect the room from atmospheric impacts.
In the designed building, the coverage is attic (combined). The slope is 3%. The internal drainage is organized along the internal wall.
2.5. Stair knot.
Stairs are designed to rise in height and communicate between floors. They serve for safe evacuation from the building in case of fire and are an additional element of building stiffness. The spaces in which the stairs are located bear the name of the staircases.
In the designed building there are two large-block stairs made of prefabricated elements.
The large-block staircase consists of a floor staircase, an inter-stage staircase and a flight of stairs.
The upper stage is called the upper frieze, the lower - the lower frieze. All other stages are the same and are called main. The upper and lower frieze stages are included in the platforms and in their size. The main stages are marches.
The length of the staircase is 6000 mm.
The height of the floor is 3300 mm. The height of the flight of stairs is 1650mm.
The height of the stage (spacer) is 150 mm. The width of the stage (tread) is 300 mm. The number of spacers in the march is 11 pcs. The laying of the march is 3000 mm. The width of the march is 1230 mm.
The width of the staircases is 1330 mm. The length of the staircases is 2660 mm.
By purpose - the main, for everyday communication between floors. By the number of marches - two-march. Under fire safety conditions - protected from fire.
2.6. Internal walls and partitions.
Internal walls and partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Internal walls perform fencing and load-bearing functions in the building, partitions - only fencing.
Internal load-bearing walls are designed in the form of brick masonry with 380 mm thick dressing of seams, brick partitions have a thickness of 120 mm. Internal structural walls are supported by slabs and divide spaces. Silicate bricks are used for masonry of walls and partitions.
The structures of these walls and partitions meet the regulatory requirements for strength, stability, fire resistance, sound insulation.
The material type of the partition determines the specifics of their design. The main type of partitions is stone. Made of bricks 120 mm thick. They are erected on a solution with dressing of seams. Brick partitions have quite a lot of weight, but are distinguished by fire resistance, moisture resistance and low sound conductivity. In order to reduce weight, partitions are erected from slotted or hole bricks.
If there is a door opening in the partition, the bridge above it should be made bar or beam reinforced concrete. Beam bridges rest on walls for 250 mm, bars - for 120 mm.
2.7. Windows and doors.
The windows are designed for lighting and ventilation of the room. Also, windows are enclosing structures, and therefore their design must meet thermal requirements.
The windows in the building are designed with double glazing. The thickness of the window blocks is 140 mm, which gives the right to judge their sufficient heat and sound insulation. Double-leaf windows are provided. The frames in the windows are wooden.
Since there are quarters in the window openings, the window blocks during installation rest against them, slopes are made from cement sand mortar.
The designed building uses 3 types of windows:
O1 – 1760х2070.,
O2 – the 1760th 1470.
The doors provide communication between the rooms and the necessary capacity to evacuate people. Their dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of furniture and equipment, depending on the purpose of the premises.
According to the position in the building, the doors are divided into entrance to the building; tambourine, smoke-proof - in floor exits to the stairwell; entrance to the room; in bathrooms. The position in the building determines the dimensions, fire resistance, heat resistance, strength, density of the narrower and the possibility of glazing the door webs. 4-type doors are used in the designed building
D1 - 2385x1874 mm
D2 - 2085х984 mm
D3 - 2085х884 mm
3. Volumetric planning solution.
The space-planning decision of the building was made taking into account its functional structure and capacity. By compositional technique, the building has a compact structure, this allows you to establish the shortest internal connections between the premises of individual group cells and general purpose. When resolving internal planning issues, the requirements for ensuring the normative noise characteristic in a particular room were taken into account .
All premises associated with the long stay of people have
natural lighting.
The size of the building in the axis is 27-24 m.
The height of the building is 7.14 m.
The designed building has 2 floors.
On the ground floor there are: a dining room with a dispensary, a buffet, a lobby with a wardrobe and a bathroom, a kitchen, procurement workshops, washing rooms, a staff room, a staff bathroom. On the second floor there are: a production manager's room, pantries for chilled and uncooled products, pantries for containers, pantries for inventory, a director's office, an office, linen, and a staff wardrobe. The total area of the premises is 646.45 m2.
Столовая на 150 мест.dwg
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