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Graduation qualification work on the topic "Reconstruction of the dormitory of the VSTU branch with 150 seats in the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region"

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During the work of the building, the following tasks were solved: decisions on the choice of the building structure are justified; space-planning solutions are indicated; the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site were described; the bearing capacities of the main bearing structures were checked, as well as their sections and dimensions were selected; Job instructions for main operations are calculated; estimated documentation of the building under construction. Graduation qualification work was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction, the purpose of which is to create the most modern and comfortable building. The technical and economic indicators of the project confirm the rationality of the decisions made. Technical and economic indicators of the project: Total building area - 1 521m2 Construction volume - 11 309m3 Standard labor costs of workers - 3587.61chel-see Labor costs per unit area - 2.36 people-cm/m2 Labor costs per unit volume - 0.317 people-cm/m3 Duration of work - 97 days. The estimated cost of the facility is 118851.6 thousand rubles. Including CMR - 104465.695 thousand rubles. Cost of 1m2 of the building area - 78.140 thousand rubles

Project's Content

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Section 1. Architectural and construction

1.1. Master Plan

1.2. Space-planning and architectural-compositional


1.3. Constructive solution

1.4. Heat engineering calculation of the external fence

1.5. Exterior and interior finishes

1.6. Sanitary and engineering equipment

Section 2. Engineering Geology

2.1. Study of engineering and geological conditions

2.2. Physical-geographical and man-made conditions

2.3. Geological structure and soil properties

Section 3. Constructive

3.1. General Calculation Provisions

3.2. Calculation of the coating slab

3.2.1. Calculation of secondary coating beam

3.2.2. Calculation of the main cover beam

3.3. Calculation of floor slab of standard floor

3.3.1. Calculation of secondary floor beam

3.3.2. Calculation of the main floor beam

3.4. Calculation and construction of monolithic column

3.4.1.The initial data

3.4.2. Determination of forces in the column

3.4.3. Column strength calculation

3.5. Metal truss calculation and design

3.5.1. Load collection

3.5.2. Calculation of truss

3.5.3. Results of verification calculations of truss elements

3.5.4 Calculation of welded joints of truss elements

Section 4. Foundation and foundations

4.1. Calculation and construction of foundations for the column

external row

4.1.1. Source Data

4.1.2. Sizing the Foundation Floor Side

4.1.3. Determination of foundation height

4.1.4. Calculation for push-through

4.1.5. Determination of reinforcement area of foundation floor

4.2. Calculation and design of the foundation for the external column

of the auditorium row

4.2.1. Source Data

4.2.2. Sizing the Foundation Floor Side

4.2.3. Determination of foundation height

4.2.4. Calculation for push-through

4.2.5. Determination of reinforcement area of foundation floor

Section 5. Technology and organization of construction production

5.1. Organization of construction of the facility

5.2. Job Instructions

5.2.1. Calculation of labor costs

5.2.2. Process sheet for excavator pit development Scope of Application Costing Labor Requirements for logistical resources Technical and economic indicators Safety precautions

5.2.3. Process sheet developed for erection of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete foundations Scope of Application Calculation of labor costs Selection of process equipment Selecting the Master Machine Feasibility studies of selected

option Selection of integrated brigade Safety precautions

5.2.4. The Job Instruction has been developed for the arrangement of monolithic floor and columns Scope of Application Calculation of labor costs Selection of process equipment Selecting the Master Machine Feasibility studies of selected

Option Selection of integrated brigade Safety precautions

5.2.5.Technological map for metal truss installation works Scope of Application Calculation of labor costs Selection of process equipment Selecting the Master Machine Feasibility studies of selected

option Selection of integrated brigade Safety precautions

5.2.6. Construction Master Plan General provisions Calculation of domestic premises Storage Room Calculation Calculation of temporary water supply

5.3. Ecology in construction

5.3.1. General provisions

5.3.2. Management of earth resources

5.3.3. Environmental safety measures

5.3.4. Restoration and improvement of the territory after the completion of construction

5.4. Occupational safety

Section 6. Economic


List of used literature


In recent years, the number of cultural gathering centers has decreased from 73.2 thousand to 36.9 thousand. The documents note that this decrease is due to a decrease in the population, including those living in rural areas, the spread of home forms of leisure activities, the development of information and communication technologies and various objective factors. Local cultural educational institutions by the 1990s. managed to become the center of "earthly attraction" of people of all ages, since much attention was paid to the education of culture and patriotism among the population, and primarily among the younger generation. For these purposes, cultural houses were built in almost every village. With the collapse of the USSR, "rural culture" fell into decay, moreover, we can talk about its complete extermination, which ultimately led to the fact that we lost rural youth culturally. And if we do not take measures now, then we can finally lose part of the population of the state, which will not play a significant role in the public life of the country.

To solve this problem, in 2017, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the first time launched a project to support the construction, reconstruction and equipping of rural cultural houses as part of the state program "Development of Culture and Tourism." 1.5 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes. By the end of the year, 118 houses of culture in the countryside and in small towns will be opened in 10 regions of Russia. 40 new cultural houses will be built, six will be reconstructed and 72 existing ones will be overhauled. Next year, a large-scale project to build a recreation center will cover 28 regions of the country. In addition, the reconstruction and repair of rural recreation centers is carried out as part of the program "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020" and the project "Local House of Culture."

To date, within the framework of the program "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020," eight cultural houses with a total of 1,550 seats in the auditoriums have been commissioned. By the end of this year, it is planned to put into operation another 12 DC. Also, as part of the Local House of Culture project, implemented jointly with the United Russia political party, 351 clubs will be repaired by the end of 2017 and the material and technical base of 1532 clubs in 71 regions of Russia will be updated. This is a three-year program with an investment volume of 1.4 billion annually (for 2017-2019 - 4.2 billion rubles). Two more regions joined the list of recipients of subsidies for 2018-2019 (the city of Sevastopol and the Kaluga region).

As part of the program "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020," the House of Culture will be built on the territory of the village of Tantyrei, equipped with modern cultural technologies. At the moment, 1232 people live in the village, mainly pensioners. Young people strive to study and work in the city, due to the fact that in rural areas there are no modern and necessary social and cultural institutions: a hairdresser, pharmacy, cinema, sports hall, restaurant park and children's play complexes. Currently, the following socio-cultural services operate on the territory of the village of Tantsirei: Tantsirei comprehensive school, temple, library, post office, several shops.

Currently, the village club is located in the building of the former grocery store. The room is close, poorly lit.

The House of Culture in the village of Tantyrei will be designed from reinforced concrete, frame type. The land plot of the club will be divided into the following zones:

- public or representative (platforms in front of entrances at least 0.2 m2 per 1 visitor, monument, Plaque of Honor, etc.);

- spectacular (advertising and cinema concert platforms, dance platform, outdoor stage);

- sports (combined court for volleyball and basketball, other courts);

- recreation area (a pavilion for reading and board games, a platform for attractions, playgrounds);

- economic (platform for vehicles, economic warehouse, canopy for containers, garbage collector).

The House of Culture will consist of a living room, which is designed for ad hoc communication and recreation, group classes, views, exhibitions. The living room is usually used universally. In clubs of reduced composition, the living room is the main club room, the center of composition, in large clubs it is part of the recreation and entertainment group, forming a single complex with a buffet, games, etc.

And there will also be an audience hall, which is designed for meetings, film screenings, concert programs, theater productions (professional performances in away design and amateur performances). The shape of the auditorium will be round or semicircular, depending on the requirement of comfortable visibility (see the manual "General requirements" for SNiP 2.08.0289 [25]), as well as taking into account the composite solution of the building .

Specialized premises of the club (classrooms, workshops, housekeeping rooms, buffets and other rooms with stationary equipment) will be provided according to the design assignment. The lobbies and lobby of the club will be designed taking into account the possibility of joining the universal premises of the clubs.

The House of Culture in the village of Tantyrei is a place where local residents could spend their leisure time, show their creativity, organize concert and theater activities, where the younger generation would take an active part in all events and adopt experience from the older generation. Also, the House of Culture will help develop the infrastructure of the village, give an impetus to the influx of tourists, and create new jobs.

Therefore, it is worth putting this project into practice, because its relevance is now very important, it will contribute to improving the cultural standard of living of the rural population of all social groups, satisfy the need of the villagers for an active and full-fledged rest, patriotic education of youth on the basis of careful attitude to the original culture and historical heritage of the small Motherland, and the development of the Territory through cultural tourism and the creation of favourable conditions for its development in rural areas.

Architectural and construction

Master Plan

The projected territory is located on a plot with an almost even earthen surface, only in the direction to the southeast side some relief differences are observed. The absolute elevation of the surface is 106.1 m. The construction site conditions by the nature of the relief surface are favorable.

The planning of the site of the house of culture is based on the principles of rational functional zoning.

The main task in the development of the master plan is the competent improvement of the designed territory, in order to provide the population with comfortable recreational conditions.

The dimensions of the elements of the master plan are adopted taking into account the placement of engineering networks, roads, sidewalks, landscaping elements, as well as in accordance with sanitary and fire regulations and regulations.

Before the start of construction, it is planned to remove the vegetable layer 0.5 m for reclamation purposes.

The general plan designed the following structures:

House of Culture;

places for rest and;

parking for cars;

landscape filling;


Architectural and construction

Master Plan

The projected territory is located on a plot with an almost even earthen surface, only in the direction to the southeast side some relief differences are observed. The absolute elevation of the surface is 106.1 m. The construction site conditions by the nature of the relief surface are favorable.

The planning of the site of the house of culture is based on the principles of rational functional zoning.

The main task in the development of the master plan is the competent improvement of the designed territory, in order to provide the population with comfortable recreational conditions.

The dimensions of the elements of the master plan are adopted taking into account the placement of engineering networks, roads, sidewalks, landscaping elements, as well as in accordance with sanitary and fire regulations and regulations.

Before the start of construction, it is planned to remove the vegetable layer 0.5 m for reclamation purposes.

The general plan designed the following structures:

House of Culture;

places for rest and;

parking for cars;

landscape filling;


Plot Plan Explication

1. House of Culture;

2. Parking;

3. Lounge;

The architectural and planning solution of the territory of the house of culture was made taking into account the existing pedestrian flows, the existing development.

Materials used in territory design:





One entrance from the northwest side leads to the projected territory. Most of the territory is occupied by a house of culture, 4 m west of the house of culture is a parking lot. In the direction north of the designed building there are flower beds planted by ornamental plants, to which semicircular benches adjoin. Coniferous plants were planted on the border of the land plot on the north side and benches with urns were installed. The network of paths laid down by the project allows you to get to any part of the designed area.

The territory of the house of culture is divided into zones:

Mass events area;

Cultural and educational zone;

Walking area;

The zone of mass events is the building of the house of culture.

divides the designed area into two parts - a house of culture with parking and a walking area;

improvement is designed for the number of people visiting the house of culture on holidays;

Traffic is allowed only on the tracks;

The area of cultural and educational events includes the building of the house of culture and the area near it, where you can organize an exhibition on holidays.

The walking area is equipped with a closed network of paths for convenient and comfortable movement of visitors through the designed area.

In this area there are secluded benches for a quiet rest with a pleasant environment with green spaces.

1.2 Space-planning and architectural-compositional solution

Designed public building with auditorium for 100 seats. The building has three entrances: the main entrance and two evacuation. The occupied area is 2185 m2.

The building is round in plan. The first floor has a diameter of 36 m, the second - 40 m.

Near the house of culture there is parking for visitors and workers, as well as sidewalks and paths leading to the building.

Around the building there is landscaping in the form of trees (linden), as well as in the form of shrubs (hydrangea, spirey), western tui. The designed house of culture is suitable for the stay of people of various age categories, social groups and material situation, where the atmosphere is cozy and there are many different types of activities. Suitable as a place where you can spend your leisure time, participate in the cultural or festive activities of the village of Tanzyrei.

The designed house of culture operates from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The premises of the house of culture are divided into:

rooms for visitors;





Space areas are selected according to recommended areas of design standards.

The entrance to the building intended for visitors is located on the side of the main facade.

1.3 Design Solution

The building of the house of culture in the village of Tanzyrei is 2-story, frame type with dimensions of the first floor 36x36 m, the second - 40x40 m.

Foundations. Groundwater at a depth of up to 15.0 meters was not found.

The foundation base of the designed building is semi-solid clay.

The foundations are designed as stand-alone monolithic reinforced concrete reinforced with rods according to GOST 578182 [9].

Under the foundation base, sandy preparation with a thickness of 100 mm is provided.

The depth of the foundation is 1.8 meters.

Walls and partitions. Outer walls 130 mm thick, made of metal three-layer sandwich panels with insulation from polystyrene foam.

Partitions are made of gas-concrete blocks measuring 390x190x188 or 390x90x188 with a cavity of 28%.

Floors and coverings. Floors are designed from reinforced concrete cast-in-situ slabs 120 mm thick. Holes for staircase blocks and elevator shafts are additionally reinforced.

Farm. Metal truss with span of 15 m, height of 2 m is made of angles according to SNiP II2381 * [33].

Columns. For the designed building, monolithic reinforced concrete columns with a section of 40 × 40 cm are adopted. For columns, heavy concrete is used in terms of axial compression strength of class B25. The columns are reinforced with longitudinal rods with a diameter of 6... 40 mm from hot rolled steel A400 and transverse rods mainly from hot rolled steel of class A240.

Stairs. The front staircase is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete steps according to metal bearing structures. Emergency ladder is made of steel structures. Staircase fences are metal.

Elevator. According to GOST 336522015 [15], an elevator with a cabin width of 1100 mm and a depth of 1400 mm is adopted.

Stained glass windows. Glazing of stained glass windows is provided from double-glazed windows with tinted outer glass, bindings from painted aluminum profile .

Doors. External plastic doors with glazing from glazing windows with tinted external glass, bindings from painted aluminum profile, internal plastic doors with glazing according to GOST 309702002 [1].

Floors. Filling polymer floors are designed on the ground floor according to SP 29.13330.2011 [45], a commercial carpet is provided in the hall, floors for all bathrooms are designed according to the series 2.2441 from ceramic tiles, a hall on the second floor is made of filling polymer floors according to SP 29.13330.2011 [45], and 12noleum to GOST 714 is used in the cabinets.

Roof. The single-slope roof, having an insignificant slope, is made of H608500.7 profile steel, cement leveling layer, insulation, steam insulation in one layer, waterproofing and reinforced concrete monolithic slabs.

Insulation - polystyrene cement slabs PSC300C and mineral wool slabs (ROCKWOOL).

Engineering Geology

1. Design object: house of culture for 100 places in the village of Tantyrei, Borisoglebsky urban district;

2. Data on the location of the construction site: Borisoglebsky district, the village of Tantyrei, st. Passing, 6;

3. Type of construction: erection of a new facility;

4. Technical characteristics of the building:

- level of responsibility - 2;

- storey - 2;

- maximum height of the building - 12 m;

- the maximum size of the building in the plan is 36 m.

- complexity of engineering and geological conditions - II.

2.1 Study of engineering and geological conditions

Engineering and geological surveys at this site have not been carried out before, other archival materials are absent.

2.2 Physical-geographical and man-made conditions

Climate. In accordance with the scheme of climatic zoning for construction, the survey area is located in the construction and climatic zone IIB [38]. The climate is temperate continental.

According to meteorological observations, the average annual outside air temperature is 6.6 ° C, the absolute minimum 37 ° C, the maximum + 41 ° C, the duration of the period with an average daily temperature of ≤0 ° C is 130 days.


3.1 General Calculation Provisions

Slabs and pavements are calculated as beam slabs in the direction of short spans. The calculation of a beam plate loaded with a uniformly distributed load is carried out as a multi-span continuous beam with a conditional width of 100 cm, the supports for which are considered secondary beams.

For the designed slab, the strength of bending moments is calculated, as a result of which the necessary diameter of the reinforcement is selected.

The load on the secondary beam is collected from the load strip, the width of which is equal to the pitch of the secondary beams. The secondary beam is calculated as a multi-span continuous beam of taut section. The calculated forces in the beam are determined taking into account their redistribution due to plastic deformations of reinforced concrete. For the designed beam, the strength of bending moments is calculated, as a result of which the reinforcement necessary for the area is selected, as well as for the action of transverse forces.

The design scheme of the main beam is a three-span continuous beam under the influence of concentrated forces in the form of support reactions from secondary beams loaded with various combinations of evenly distributed load. For this main beam, the load is transmitted in the form of concentrated (knot) forces. Calculation of the main beam is carried out taking into account the redistribution of moments due to the development of plastic deformations. Reinforcement in span is calculated by formulas of T-sections with shelf in compressed zone, and on support - as for rectangular sections.

The calculation of forces in the elements of the metal truss was performed in the SKAD program, the selection of sections was performed in the CRYSTAL program according to SNI2381 * [33].

Calculation of structures starts with collection of permanent and temporary loads as per SP 20.13330.2016 [37].

Technology and organization of construction production

5.1 Organization of construction of the facility

The construction of buildings and structures is carried out if there is a construction document (permit) obtained in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities.

The actions of the construction participants, the works performed during the construction process, their results, including the buildings and structures completed by the construction, must meet the requirements of the current legislation, design and working documentation, urban planning plans of land plots [43].

Construction works shall be performed by the person carrying out the construction, in accordance with the current legislation, design, working and organizational-technological documentation [43].

Construction Site Organization

The boundaries of the construction site, the location of permanent and under construction buildings, structures and temporary construction infrastructure are indicated on the construction master plan and situational plan, and for linear objects - in the situational plan and the diversion lane plan.

In addition to the land plot owned by the developer, additional territories of other (including neighboring) land properties can be added to the construction site if necessary. In such cases, the developer must obtain the written consent of the owners of the additional territories for their use before receiving the construction document, or the necessary easements must be established [43].

Protection of the construction site, compliance at the construction site with labor protection requirements, environmental protection, safety of construction work for the surrounding territory and the population, as well as compliance with various administrative requirements established by this set of rules, other current regulatory documents or local self-government body, is provided by the developer. In the case of construction on the basis of the contract during the entire construction period, the obligations stipulated above in accordance with the contract are performed by the contractor (general contractor) [43].

In case of construction on the basis of the contract, the developer (technical customer) transfers the construction site to the contractor (general contractor) as the person carrying out the construction, according to the act. The territory and condition of the construction site shall comply with the terms of the contract. The developer (technical customer), in accordance with the current legislation in cases and in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the contract, must transfer to the contractor (general contractor) the buildings and structures necessary for the performance of work, ensure the transportation of goods to his address, temporary supply of power supply networks, water and steam pipelines [43].

Placement of temporary construction infrastructure on the construction site shall include:

- Minimizing temporary construction by maximizing the use of permanent buildings, roads and engineering support networks;

- maximum use of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to create normal production and living conditions for workers;

- maximum possible laying of all types of temporary utility networks along permanent routes;

- optimization of material and technical resources delivery schemes with minimum volume of transshipment works.

The person carrying out the construction shall provide cleaning of the construction site area and the five-meter adjacent area. Household and construction debris, as well as snow, must be taken out in a timely manner and in the manner established by the local government [43].

The construction contractor shall, prior to the commencement of any work, protect the dedicated territory of the construction site, dedicated separate territories for housing for builders, areas with hazardous and harmful production factors, areas with material values ​ ​ of the construction organization (if necessary) [43].

On the territory of the construction site, hazardous areas are identified with the installation of safety guards and safety signs [43].

When entering the site, information boards shall be installed indicating the name of the object, the name of the developer (technical customer), the contractor (contractor, general contractor), the names, positions and telephone numbers of the responsible manufacturer of the work on the object and the representative of the state construction supervision body (in cases where supervision is carried out) or local government controlling construction, the dates of the start and end of work, the scheme of the object [43].

 On-site preliminary works shall include delivery and acceptance of geodetic layout for construction, release of construction site for construction and installation works (clearance of territory, demolition of buildings, etc.), planning of territory, carrying out work on artificial lowering (if necessary) groundwater level, transfer of existing and laying of new engineering and technical support schemes, arrangement of permanent and temporary roads, inventory temporary fencing of the construction site with organization of checkpoint regime, location of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures, arrangement of storage sites, organization of communication for operational-dispatching control of works, provision of fire-fighting water supply and equipment, lighting and alarm equipment to the construction site [43].

During the preparatory period, permanent buildings and structures can be erected for construction needs, or existing ones can be used for this purpose. Preparatory works within the construction site shall be done prior to commencement of construction and installation works.

The works shall be performed by methods (methods) that do not lead to the emergence of new and/or intensification of existing hazardous natural processes and phenomena and exclude the occurrence of a threat of harm to the life or health of people, property of natural or legal persons, state or municipal property, environmental ecology, life and health of animals and plants [43].

Mechanization of construction, installation and special construction works during the construction of the facility shall be integrated and carried out by sets of construction machines, equipment, means of small mechanization, necessary installation equipment, equipment and devices [43].

Types of construction and reconstruction works that affect the safety of the capital construction facility should be carried out only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have a certificate of admission to such types of work issued by self-regulatory organizations. The person carrying out the construction and reconstruction organizes and coordinates the works, ensures compliance with the requirements of the design and working documentation, technical regulations and safety during the performance of such types of works [43].

The developer (technical customer) shall ensure in the course of construction and reconstruction that the buildings and structures comply with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of their equipment for accounting for the used energy resources [43].


Consolidated estimate of the construction cost of the House of Culture for 100 places with a total area of ​ ​ 2185 m2 in the village. Dancers of the Borisoglebsky urban district

Estimates are prepared in accordance with the instructions for the development of projects and estimates for the construction of SNiP 11042003 and MDS 8135.2004.

The estimated cost of construction works is determined using the software complex "GrandSMET" according to the collections of federal unit rates for construction works in the Voronezh region (FER2001).

Overhead costs and estimated profit are accepted on the basis of MDS 8133.2001 and MDS 8125.2001 by type of work.

The cost of installation works is determined by the collections of federal unit rates for the installation of equipment in the Voronezh region (FERm2001 ).

The estimated calculations are as follows:

in prices of 2001

in prices of 2Q2019

Indexes of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works were adopted according to the letter of the Department of Construction Policy of the Voronezh Region dated 04/04/2019. No. 6111/703 for the II quarter of 2019.

Technical and economic indicators on the consolidated estimated cost of construction:

The total cost is -111783.626 thousand rubles.

CMR -98185.279 thousand rubles.

Equipment -1 117.836 thousand rubles.

Other - 12463.874 thousand rubles.

The cost of 1 m2 is 51.16 thousand rubles. - data from the SSR


In rural areas (unlike the city), the leisure center (House of Culture, village club) is often the only "provider" of cultural and leisure services to the population (using market terminology). It is a center for the organization of leisure activities of the population.

The final qualification work on the topic "House of Culture for 100 places in the village of Tantyrei, Borisoglebsky urban district" was completed in full, the goals were achieved, and the tasks were solved.

During the work of the building, the following tasks were solved:

decisions of building design selection are justified;

space-planning solutions are indicated;

the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site were described;

the bearing capacities of the main bearing structures were checked, as well as their sections and dimensions were selected;

Job instructions for main operations are calculated;

estimated documentation of the building under construction.

During the implementation of the final qualification work of the village of Tantyrei, Borisoglebsky urban district of the Voronezh region, it is possible to increase the cultural standard of living of the rural population of all social groups, as well as attract tourists to new architectural facilities.

Graduation qualification work was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction, the purpose of which is to create the most modern and comfortable building. The technical and economic indicators of the project confirm the rationality of the decisions made.

List of used literature

GOST 309702002 "Door blocks of polyvinyl chloride profiles. Specifications. "

GOST 251002011. Soils. Classification. M, 2012.

GOST 205222012. Grunty. Methods of statistical processing of test results. M, 2013.

GOST 2340778 "Fences inventory of construction sites and construction and installation work areas. Specifications. "

GOST "Nature Protection (SSOP). Lands. General requirements for land reclamation (with Change N 1). "

GOST "Nature Protection (SSOP). Soils. Requirements for protection of fertile soil layer during earthworks. "

GOST "Nature Protection (SSOP). Land reclamation. General Land Requirements. "

GOST 8270 *. Rolled steel hot-rolled wide-beam universal.

GOST 578182 Hot rolled steel for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures.

GOST 12.1.0462014 Occupational Safety Standards System. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. "

GOST 851086. Steel hot-rolled angles are unequal.

GOST 850986. Steel hot-rolled angles are equal.

GOST 21.3022013. Schematic graphic symbols in engineering and geological survey documentation. M, 2015.

GOST 72512016 "Polyvinyl chloride linoleum on woven and non-woven substrate. Specifications. "

GOST 336522015 "Passenger elevators. Technical requirements for accessibility, including accessibility for persons with disabilities and other persons with disabilities. "

GESN200106 "Collection No. 6. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures monolithic. "

GESN200101 "Collection No. 1. Earthworks. "

GESN200108 "Collection No. 8. Construction of bricks and blocks."

GESN200115 "Collection No. 15. Separation works."

GESN200111 "Collection No. 11. Floors."

GESN200109 "Collection No. 9. Construction metal

constructs. "

GESN200112 "Collection No. 12.Krovlya."

GESN200115 "Collection No. 15. Thermal insulation works."

ENiR Collection E4. "Installation of prefabricated and construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures."

Manual for design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from heavy concrete without preliminary reinforcement stress (to SP 5201012003). M.: FSUE CPP, 2005.

Manual for designing foundations of buildings and structures (to SNiP 2.02.0183). M, 1986.

Manual for design of prestressed reinforced concrete structures from heavy concrete (to SP 5201012003). M.: FSUE CPP, 2005.

Examples of calculation of reinforced concrete structures. Bondarenko V.M, Rimshin V.I. 2006.

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. "

SNiP 12042001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production. "

SNiP 3.03.0187 "Bearing and enclosing structures."

SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures (with Changes N 1-5)."

SNiP II2381 *. "Steel structures."

SNiP II379 * "Construction Heat Engineering (with Changes N 1-4)."

SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings."

SP 47.13330.2016. "Updated version of SNiP 110296. Engineering surveys for construction. Main provisions. M, 2016".

SP 20.13330.2016 "Updated version of SNiP 2.01.0785 * Loads and impacts. M, 2011".

SP 131.13330.2012. "Updated version of SNiP 23.0199 * 2003. Construction climatology. – M, 2012".

SP 521012003. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without pre-stress reinforcement. M.: FSUE CPP, 2005.

SP 63.103330.2012. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Main provisions. Updated version of SNiP 52-01-2003 * "

SP 121352003 "Labor Safety in Construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions. (Docipedia: JV 121352003 Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions.). "

SP 1110597. "Engineering and geologic surveys for construction. M, 1998."

SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction Organization. Updated version of snip 12012004 (with Change N 1). "

SP 22.13330.2011. "Foundations of buildings and structures. Updated revision of SNiP 2.02.0183 *. M, 2012."

SP 29.13330.2011 "Floors. Updated revision of SNiP 2.03.1388 (with Change N 1). "

SP 521022004. "Prestressed reinforced concrete structures. M.: FSUE CPI, 2005. "

SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings."

SP 50.13330.2012 "Thermal protection of buildings. Updated revision of SNiP 23022003 (with Change N 1). "

Drawings content

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