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Cardiology Center Slavik Lunka - graduation qualification work


Diploma draft explanatory note, set of drawings

Project's Content

icon plot.log
icon Генплан.dwg
icon Движение ресурсов.dwg
icon Колонна.dwg
icon Планы этажей.dwg
icon Плита монолитная.dwg
icon Разрезы и план кровли.dwg
icon Сетевая модель.dwg
icon Сравнение вариантов.dwg
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Тех. карта сваи.dwg
icon Тех.карта. монолит.dwg
icon Фасады.dwg
icon Доклад.doc
icon Desktop_.ini
icon Desktop_.ini
icon Генплан.dwg
icon Движение ресурсов.dwg
icon Колонна, свая.dwg
icon Планы этажей.dwg
icon Плита монолитная.dwg
icon Разрезы и план кровли.dwg
icon Сетевая модель.dwg
icon Сравнение вариантов.dwg
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Тех. карта сваи.dwg
icon Тех.карта. монолит.dwg
icon Фасады.dwg
icon Доклад.doc
icon 3. Сравнение вариантов.doc
icon 8. Смета поликлиника полн.xls
icon 8. Сметы-окончание.xls
icon 9-13 разделы.doc
icon Desktop_.ini
icon Введение.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Общ. часть и архитектура (пп 1-4).doc
icon Организация.doc
icon Расчетно-конструктивная часть.doc
icon Реферат, обложка.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Стандартизация.doc
icon стар Лок Смета 2.doc
icon старЛок смета 1.doc
icon Технология.doc
icon Реферат, обложка.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Лок смета 1.doc
icon Лок Смета 2.doc
icon Общ. часть и архитектура.doc
icon Организация.doc
icon охрана среды.doc
icon Противопожарные меропр.doc
icon Раздел Одинцова.doc
icon Расчетно-конструктивная часть.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Сравнение вариантов.doc
icon Стандартизация.doc
icon Техн. строит. произв.doc
icon Технология.doc
icon Чертежи для записки.dwg
icon Реферат, обложка.doc

Additional information



1. Design Input

2. General plan

3. Basic Information on Process Equipment and Manufacturing Technology and Functional Assignment

4. Techno-economic comparison of design options and selection of main option

5. Architectural and construction part

5.1. Space planning solutions

5.2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

5.3. Structural solution of the building

5.4. Elevation solution, interior decoration

5.5. Engineering equipment

6. Design and structural part

6.1. Calculation of reinforced concrete four-span frame

6.2. Collection of loads on the intermediate floor

6.3. Frame Calculation Using Replacement Frames

6.4. Calculation of column bottom along B- axes

6.5. Calculation of the column junction with the precolor plate

6.6. Calculation of seismic load impact

7. Construction production technology

7.1. Technology of construction and installation works

7.1.1. Definition of nomenclature and volumes of on-site preparatory and main construction and installation works

7.1.2. Calculation of labor costs and machinemen for preparatory and main construction and installation works as a whole by object

7.1.3. Selection of main construction and installation machines, accessories and accessories according to technical parameters

7.1.4. Brief description of work methods

7.1.5. Description of the developed Job Instruction for one of the types of construction and installation works with analysis of its technical and economic parameters

8. Organization, planning and management in construction

8.1. Calculating and Building a Network

8.1.1. Master Master Data Developed Using Labor Costing

8.1.2. Network chart and its optimization

8.2. Construction Master Plan

8.2.1. Calculation of requirements for temporary buildings and structures

8.2.2. Calculation of storage space and space requirements

8.2.3. Calculation of water demand for household, process and fire fighting needs

8.2.4. Calculation of power demand and selection of transformers

8.2.5. Calculation of compressed air demand and compressor selection

8.2.6. Calculation of heat demand and selection of temporary heat supply sources

8.2.7. Brief description of the developed construction plan with analysis of its technical and economic indicators

9. Economic part

9.1. Preparation of estimates

9.1.1. Local Estimates

9.1.2. Object estimate

9.1.3. Summary Estimate

9.2. Project Feasibility

10. Standardization and quality control

10.1. Standardization

10.2. Quality Control

11. Safety of life at work

11.1. Ensuring Safe Working Conditions in Stone Works

12. Fire fighting measures

14.1 Environmental Protection

Protection of territory and population in emergency situations

Evacuation from the building in case of fire

List of literature


In construction, as in one of the basic industries, there are serious structural changes. The share of construction of non-production facilities has increased, the volume of reconstruction of buildings, structures, urban microdistricts has increased significantly, as well as the requirements for the quality of work, environmental protection, and the duration of the investment cycle of the construction of the facility. There are new relationships between the participants in the construction, elements of adversarial and competition appear. The scale of prices, values, wages, resource consumption has changed dramatically. In a market economy, the consequences of builders' decisions become disproportionately more tangible. Advanced requirements for the engineer include the ability to work with a computer.

The graphic part of the project is made in the automatic AutoCAD design system, which is widely used around the world by design engineers.

The explanatory note is made on the computer using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, WinEstimate 2000 software packages .

Diploma project A specialized polyclinic in the city of Krasnodar was carried out on the basis of an approved preliminary design, with the allocation of construction queues.

The project of the first stage was completed in accordance with the current norms and rules of urban planning and manuals for the design of healthcare institutions.

A specialized clinic is created on the basis of the second humpback.

Such medical institutions have shown a high effectiveness of the course outpatient treatment system.

The city's health care system needs the creation of a center for medical care for the disabled of the Great Patriotic War, and other wars, which almost constantly supports their treatment, connected with the aging of the contingent.

The requirements of life suggested: the solution to these problems is the construction of a new building of the Specialized Clinic, adapted to serve the disabled and veterans of all wars.

This project pays special attention to the monolithic reinforced concrete frame. So, section 6 presents the calculation and design of a monolithic framework, and section 6 developed a process map for the construction of a framework made of monolithic reinforced concrete .

The degree project contains 13 sections and covers the main issues of real design in construction.

1. Design Input.

The site for the construction of the building "Specialized Clinic" is located in the western part of the city of Armavir on the territory of the diagnostic center.

The construction area belongs according to SNiP 2.01.0182 to the III B climatic area, characterized by negative temperatures in winter and hot summers with a high intensity of solar radiation.

The project of a specialized clinic was developed for construction in the region with the following climatic and engineering characteristics:

- estimated winter outside air temperature - -19 ° С;

- standard weight of snow cover for the 1st district - 0.50 kPa;

- standard value of wind head for the IV area - 0.48 kPa;

- seismicity of the construction site - 7 points;

From the surface to the depth of 1.6... 1.8 m, the soil is loamy, dark-brown, wet-porous, solid with plant roots. From a depth of 1.8 m to 3.4... 4.8 m - loess loam, dark, wet-porous solid with nests and ties of carbonates up to 10... 15%. From 4.8 to 5.5... 7, 5supus greenish-brown solid, wet-porous; from 7.5 m to 7.9... 11.2 m - loam greenish-gray, hard, dense, iron.

EGE 1, EGE 2 and EGE 3 soils - subsidence (subsidence of the first type). Underground waters are opened at a depth of 9.25... 11.2 m, the value of the forecast level is 6.25 m. The depth of seasonal freezing of soils is 0.8 m; (SNiP 2.010182).

3. Basic information on process equipment and production technology and functional purpose.

The designed building "Cardiology Center" is intended for the established structure of the medical institution. The composition and areas of the premises are accepted in accordance with the approved outline design of the customer's task. The planning solution of the building is determined by the technology of treating patients.

In the "Cardiology Center" medical, auxiliary and administrative rooms are located on the floors in the following order:

Basement - scientific photo laboratory, archive, sterilization department, household and technical premises;

1st floor - lobby with register, pharmacy kiosk, wardrobe, security room, neurological, cardiac department, infection room, administrative premises;

2nd floor - advisory departments, inhalers with phytotherapy;

3rd floor - acupuncture, manual therapy;

4th floor - day hospital for 24 couches.

All rooms of the medical institution are equipped with furniture, medical equipment and equipment of domestic and imported production.

The main traffic schedules in the complex are as follows. Visitors from the street get into the main lobby with a wardrobe, a ramp is provided for access by disabled people in wheelchairs. After registration in the registry, visitors are sent to the relevant departments. Visitors go up the main open staircase or adjacent elevators, as well as two dispersed staircases.

Medical personnel enter both through the main entrance and through service entrances. Medical staff and nurses undress in their offices. For procedural nurses, nurses are provided with a separate wardrobe on the ground floor.

Medicines for the pharmacy kiosk and for the medical institution are supplied through the service entrance.

Storerooms of harvesting equipment are designed on each floor. Garbage is taken out in closed barrels through the service entrance.

Delivery of materials to be sterilized, their processing and subsequent delivery are carried out taking into account the organization of two flows (dirty and clean). The possibility of crossing cargo flows is excluded by the planning decision.

5. architecturally building part.

5.1. Space-planning solutions.

Specialized polyclinic is a different-height volume complex

forms. The building is stretched along the street. Station and overlooks it with the main facade.

The building consists of four and one-story parts. The largest area is occupied by the first floor, which includes the central staircase hub with a lobby. It has a wardrobe and registry. Wide doors lead to three departments, which entered in the first place: neurological, cardiological. The departments have bright recreations with a winter garden. On the second and subsequent floors you can climb the central staircase. Next to the stairs is an elevator hall, equipped with a hospital elevator for 12 people with a wide entrance opening, which makes it possible to use it for wheelchair users. From the lobby, visitors can get to any of the departments located on the ground floor, or climb the following floors.

On the second floor are the offices of doctors of the consultation department. To the left of the central staircase is a phytobar with a utility room, next to you can get expert advice.

Through the hall, visitors get into the winter garden, which is made of light structures, has a glazed ceiling and two walls. The area of ​ ​ the winter garden is filled with landscaping and banquets for recreation.

The third floor is occupied by the physiotherapy department, the psychological unloading room.

On the fourth floor there is a 24-bed day hospital.

Bathrooms are provided on all floors, taking into account services for the disabled.

The building completes the engine room of elevators and a ventilation chamber, which can be reached by the central staircase.

Under the part of the building facing the passage between the rehabilitation building and the existing diagnostic building, there is a basement. On this side, its floor elevation comes almost to the surface and the rooms have natural lighting.

In the basement floor there is a sterilization room, a complex of sauna rooms with a separate entrance, an archive, an assembly hall with 96 seats and a buffet with utility rooms. Some of the floors are occupied by technical rooms .

The complex of sauna rooms begins with a locker room, in which a bathroom is provided. Then visitors get into the room with showers.

The building of the rehabilitation building, having cut outlines, picturesque fits into the surrounding green zone. Glazing is accepted by tinted mirror glass windows of warm tone. Foam concrete walls. The main color of the walls is white. The basement and part of the first floor are finished with slabs of natural stone on a grid on cement-sand mortar.

Main technical and economic indicators:

building volume - 10101 m ³

total area - 2856 m

usable area - 2528 m ²

building area -1158.1 m ²

10. standardization and quality control.

10.1. Standardization.

Many typical industrial structures and factory-made parts that have passed experimental testing and have been widely used (window bindings, doors, windowboards, stair steps, etc.) are approved as mandatory standards for manufacture at construction industry enterprises and for design applications. The description of each standard product is given in the State All-Union Standard, called GOST..

In accordance with the main provisions for the establishment of standardization facilities in construction, it is envisaged to develop a number of sets of organizational and methodological standards. Some of these complexes will be parts of unified organizational and methodological systems (for example, a system of quality indicators, an occupational safety system), and others will be independent systems.

10.2 Quality control.

The high quality of construction is the main condition for ensuring the reliability and durability of the structures under construction, the social and economic efficiency of capital investments.

The quality of construction depends on:

- quality of architectural and artistic level of design solutions;

- quality of building materials, structures, products, equipment;

- qualification of workers and engineering and technical personnel;

- level of technical discipline;

- strict compliance with the requirements of the project, GOST, SPiP, technical conditions, construction organization projects (PIC) and work execution projects (PPR).

The quality of construction and installation works is regulated by SniP, part 3, which establishes the requirements for the quality of works, the composition and procedure for quality control, permissible deviations (tolerances) of geometric dimensions, rules for the design of hidden works and other requirements aimed at ensuring high quality of construction products.

Quality control of construction and installation works at production includes incoming control of working documentation, structures, materials, products and equipment; operational control of individual construction processes, as well as acceptance control of work performed.

Implementation of rules of works of separate types, their quality are controlled by the foreman, the master, foreman-linear personnel of building.

The quality of construction and installation works is the responsibility of the technical personnel of the construction projects. External control over construction quality is carried out by technical supervision of the customer and author supervision of design organizations.

A special place is occupied by the author's supervision, which is obliged to ensure control over the strict implementation of the requirements of the project, GOST, TU and SniP. The authors of the project or the author's supervision group, who are entrusted with the duties of supervision by the project organizations, systematically visit construction sites, maintain author's supervision logs, and monitor the implementation of their instructions. In accordance with the provision, the author's supervision has the right to prohibit the use of structures, materials and products that do not meet the requirements of GOST and TU, to require the suspension of work of certain types carried out in violation of the project and SniP, to submit to the relevant authorities ideas about the prosecution of officials who allowed poor-quality performance of work.

As a rule, the author of the project should be the chairman of the working commission for the acceptance of completed buildings.

Design organizations and persons who carry out author supervision are responsible for the quality execution of the project and fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by the Regulation on author supervision of design organizations for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SniP 1.06.0585).

Quality control is carried out by:

- visually;

- measurement of linear dimensions and evaluation of surface finishing quality;

- natural tests;

- using technical means - by destructive or mechanical method (test of control samples), or by non-destructive method (using ultrasonic or radiation equipment, heat meters).

Compliance with the necessary requirements of the works, which are hidden by subsequent works, is recorded by special acts for hidden works compiled by line personnel with the participation of representatives of author's and technical supervision.

At each construction site it is necessary to maintain the logs of work (general and by individual types of work) and the author's supervision log, to draw up acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures, to test and test equipment, systems, networks and devices.

State supervision of construction quality is carried out by the state inspection of construction supervision (GASN). These bodies carry out systematic inspections of the state of construction quality during the commissioning of completed facilities. The quality of individual types and the entire object is determined by a working commission with the participation of a representative of the author's supervision. In case of violation of the project requirements, SniP and technical conditions for work execution, the object is not accepted. The decision is approved by the State Commission.

Drawings content

icon Генплан.dwg


icon Движение ресурсов.dwg

Движение ресурсов.dwg

icon Колонна.dwg


icon Планы этажей.dwg

Планы этажей.dwg

icon Плита монолитная.dwg

Плита монолитная.dwg

icon Разрезы и план кровли.dwg

Разрезы и план кровли.dwg

icon Сетевая модель.dwg

Сетевая модель.dwg

icon Сравнение вариантов.dwg

Сравнение вариантов.dwg

icon Стройгенплан.dwg


icon Тех. карта сваи.dwg

Тех. карта сваи.dwg

icon Тех.карта. монолит.dwg

Тех.карта. монолит.dwg

icon Фасады.dwg


icon Генплан.dwg


icon Движение ресурсов.dwg

Движение ресурсов.dwg

icon Колонна, свая.dwg

Колонна, свая.dwg

icon Планы этажей.dwg

Планы этажей.dwg

icon Плита монолитная.dwg

Плита монолитная.dwg

icon Разрезы и план кровли.dwg

Разрезы и план кровли.dwg

icon Сетевая модель.dwg

Сетевая модель.dwg

icon Сравнение вариантов.dwg

Сравнение вариантов.dwg

icon Стройгенплан.dwg


icon Тех. карта сваи.dwg

Тех. карта сваи.dwg

icon Тех.карта. монолит.dwg

Тех.карта. монолит.dwg

icon Фасады.dwg


icon Чертежи для записки.dwg

Чертежи для записки.dwg

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