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Development of turbocharger design for diesel engine 6CHN23/30 with a capacity of 380 kW



1.Description of the object of development...... 4

2.Calculation part...... 5

2.1.Choosing a prototype turbocharger ..........5

2.2.Calculation of centrifugal compressor....8

2.3.Calculation of the compressor....9

2.4.Calculation of the profile of the working blade...... 14

2.5.Calculation of the spatula diffuser...... 17

2.6.Calculation of the axial turbine ............... 23

2.7.Calculation of the turbine ... 26

2.8.Calculation of the nozzle apparatus...... 29

2.9 Calculation of turbine impeller...... 31

2.10.Determination of the efficiency, losses and power of the turbine...... 35

3. Selection of bearings and lubrication system...... 37

4. Technical operation of the gas turbine supercharger .......39

5. Description of the gas turbine supercharger...... 41


     List of sources used.......44

Project's Content

icon Чертеж А1.cdw
icon Курсовой проект СТМ.docx

Additional information



1. Description of the development object

2. Calculation part

2.1.Selection of turbocharger prototype

2.2.Compute centrifugal compressor

2.3. Calculation of compressor

2.4. Calculation of rotor blade profile

2.5.Compute blade diffuser

2.6. Calculation of axial turbine

2.7. Turbine calculation

2.8. Calculation of nozzle unit

2.9 Calculation of turbine impeller

2.10.Determination of turbine efficiency, losses and power

3. Selection of bearings and lubrication system

4. Technical operation of gas turbocharger

5. Gas turbocharger description


List of sources used


Engine power is determined by the working volume of the cylinders and the amount of fuel-air mixture supplied to them. In other words, the more fuel burns in the cylinders, the higher power needs to be developed. But in order to increase the power of the engine by increasing its working volume, it is necessary to increase the size and mass of the structure. The amount of feed of the working mixture can be raised by increasing the rotation of the crankshaft, that is, implementing a larger number of working cycles in the cylinders per unit time, but there will be serious problems associated with an increase in inertia forces and a sharp increase in mechanical loads on the parts. The most effective way in this situation is called supercharging. The task of pressurization is to increase the power and torque of the engine. Currently, mechanical, gas turbine and combined supercharging of internal combustion engines (ICE) are known. ICE gas turbine pressurization has become more widespread, as it has significant advantage compared to mechanical pressurization: the turbocharger has no connection with the crankshaft and does not take power from the engine, and air supply is controlled due to exhaust pressure. But at low engine speed, the amount of exhaust gases is small, respectively, the efficiency of the compressor is low. The disadvantages can be eliminated by reducing the weight of the rotating parts of the turbine and compressor. However, turbocompressors are easier to manufacture, which pays off a number of inherent disadvantages.

The purpose of this course project is to calculate the parameters of the turbocharger. The tasks of the course design include the analysis of parameters, the design of the turbocharger, as well as the design of the 6CHN23/30 engine and the analysis of regulatory documents in the field of turbocharging .

Drawings content

icon Чертеж А1.cdw

Чертеж А1.cdw