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Gas dynamic calculation of TKR-18 turbocharger for engine pressurization

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Coursework. Calculation of TKR-18 turbocharger. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Мерид. обводы на формате11.cdw
icon ТКР 18 проточка.cdw
icon профилировани колеса компрессора ТКР 18.cdw
icon Копия ТКР-18.docx

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Task

3. Gas dynamic calculation of compressor

3.1 Initial data

3.2 Input device

3.3 Compressor wheel

3.4 Blade-free diffuser

3.5 Blade diffuser

3.6 Air collector

4. Gas Dynamic Turbine Calculation

5. Compressor Wheel Profiling

5.1 Construction of meridional wheel strokes

5.2 Profiling of wheel blades in cylindrical section

6. Blade diffuser profiling

7. Conclusion

List of literature

1. Introduction

The use of turbocompressors is due to the need to increase the internal combustion engine power without increasing the engine liter. Turbochargers were quite widely used for pressurizing diesel engines.

Gas-dynamic calculation of the turbocharger is included in the complex of works on design of the turbocharger. The peculiarity of the calculation is that the compressor and the turbine are located on the same shaft, i.e. the speed of the turbine wheel must correspond to the speed of the compressor wheel. At the same time, the balance of turbine and turbocharger capacities must be observed.

The purpose of the calculation is to determine the main dimensions of the flow parts of the turbocompressor (turbine and compressor impellers, diffusers, air intake, nozzle rim, gas supply housing), as well as to profile the compressor impeller and blade diffuser.


During the calculation, the main dimensions of the flow parts of the turbocompressor (turbine and compressor impellers, diffusers, air intake, nozzle rim, gas supply housing) were determined, as well as the calculation for the profiling of the compressor impeller and blade diffuser.

2. Task

Perform gas dynamic calculation of turbocharger for engine pressurization with the following initial data:

- engine power Ne = 650 kW;

- specific fuel consumption ge = 0.218 kg/( kWh);

- total excess air coefficient in the engine = 2.0;

- boost pressure rk =240 kPa;

- pressure loss in air filter (silencer) rf = 3 kPa;

- gas temperature in front of turbine TT =823 K;

- back pressure at turbine outlet p2 = 106 kPa;

Analogue - turbocompressor TKR 18 with radial-axial turbine.

Drawings content

icon Мерид. обводы на формате11.cdw

Мерид. обводы на формате11.cdw

icon ТКР 18 проточка.cdw

ТКР 18 проточка.cdw

icon профилировани колеса компрессора ТКР 18.cdw

профилировани колеса компрессора ТКР 18.cdw
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