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Development of production program: grill bar for 250 seats with evening leisure

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Installation linkage of hot shop equipment with calculations.

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Enterprise Description

1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

and location area

1.2 Supply of food to the enterprise

1.3 Raw material storage

1.4 Specification of technical equipment

enterprises with equipment

1.5 Process

2. Production Program Development

2.1 Determination of the number of consumers

2.2 Determination of the number of dishes

2.3 Calculation of ratio of different groups of dishes produced by cafe-confectionery

3. Enterprise Menu Map

3.1 Map of alcoholic beverages and cocktails

4. Process calculation and equipment selection

4.1 Process calculation and selection of mechanical equipment

4.2 Process calculation and selection of thermal equipment

4.3. Process calculation of auxiliary equipment

4.4 Calculation of grill-bar hot shop area

4. Conclusions

5. List of sources used

Exchange Rate Project


Catering enterprises include commercial and production facilities occupying separate buildings or premises, having a bar and, as a rule, a hall equipped with furniture for organizing food consumption and the necessary production and household premises.

The network of catering enterprises used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, fast service enterprises, etc.

The need for different types is determined by the diverse demand of the population for catering products, the specifics of serving consumers during lunch breaks, during holidays, the need to serve various contingents of the population.

In our time, public catering enterprises are introducing new modern technologies that contribute to improving the quality of culinary products. Public food is a branch of the national economy that has been, is and will be the most market sphere of activity.

The priority direction in the development of catering in recent years is the opening of food enterprises for the population with medium income. Therefore, recently opened public canteens, eateries and quick service enterprises.

For each type of enterprise, a certain range of products, the most acceptable methods and forms of customer service. My coursework focuses on a type of catering enterprise like Grill Bar.

1.2 Supply of food to the enterprise

One of the most important conditions for the successful production and commercial activity of the enterprise is the timely and uninterrupted supply of goods, raw materials, semi-finished products to this public catering enterprise.

The requirements for the organization of food supplies are as follows: to ensure a wide range of goods in sufficient quantity and of adequate quality during the year, regardless of seasonal fluctuations; timely and rhythmic delivery of goods; maximum speed. The supply should be technological, that is, the promotion of goods should use modern delivery technologies, means of small mechanization, various devices, rational methods and techniques for loading, unloading and storing goods. In addition, it is necessary to use the principle of economy, that is, to use optimal schemes of goods movement; Eliminate additional costs when shipping items. The most important stage in organizing the supply of cafe-confectionery is procurement. It is important to know clearly:

- what to buy;

- how much to buy;

- from whom to buy;

- under what conditions.

This catering company receives goods from suppliers. The goods from the supplier come into production on the basis of supply contracts. The supply contract is a legal document that defines the rights and obligations of suppliers and buyers. It is necessary that the conclusion of contracts is timely, and the choice of a supplier is optimal, since the success of the cafe-confectionery largely depends on this.

Below are the main food suppliers.

Supplier of meat raw materials OJSC "Khripanyam" city Krasnodar. Supplier of fish raw materials of Likoln OJSC, Vladivostok City OJSC. Supplier of vegetables and fruits OJSC "Orange" city of Rostov on-Don. Supplier of additional raw materials of Armyanochka CJSC Moscow, supplier of ankagol products of Ricardi CJSC Moscow, supplier of river fish of Kuban OJSC Rostov on-Don.

1.3 Raw material storage

Storage facilities for raw materials and goods are an important element of the material and technical base of the cafe-confectionery. This group of rooms includes: loading, cooled chambers (for storing vegetables, meat and fish dishes, dairy products, fruits, berries, drinks); uncooled pantries (for dry products: flour, sugar, wine and vodka products). The area of refrigerated chambers and storerooms for storage of goods shall comply with the standards for each product group taking into account the characteristics of storage.

The products necessary for the preparation of products go to the daily storage room. Perishable products (oil, eggs, etc.) are stored in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of 24 ° C. To store fruit-berry semi-products, the following types of containers are used: barrels of wood riveting; polyethylene bags laid in plywood barrels; glass bottles, lacquered tin cans. The largest distribution is barrel containers of maximum capacity - 150-200 kg.

Storage of fruit and berry semi-finished products in barrel containers is carried out in storage rooms and in open areas with freezing (for long-term storage) at a temperature of 12 ° C and relative air humidity of 7080%.

Finished confectionery products are sent to the store rooms or refrigeration rooms of the workshop for short-term storage. Manufactured articles are packed in specialized packagings.

1.4 Characteristics of technical equipment of the enterprise

I believe that the choice of equipment in grill bars directly depends on whether this grill bar will produce products in its own shop or buy finished goods. Since the bar grill "Palace" produces its own products, it is necessary to remember that no matter what equipment would be purchased, the success of the bar grill, of course, will primarily depend on the skill of the cooks. The traditional slogan "cadres decide everything" is more relevant than ever. Everything else is only additional equipment that allows the master to fully show his talent.

The meat, fish shop uses a wide variety of equipment: knives and table meat grinders and meat growers. It should be presentable and functional.

In the cold shop, the following equipment is used: vegetable-cutting (wiping), slicers.

There is a workshop for cooking ready-made food: ovens, a table smoking chamber, steam machines, ice generators, grills for chickens.

Suppliers of equipment are the city of Moscow ARS Technologies, brand name FEUMA.

1.5 Process

The technological process in the grill bar consists in the fact that (reception, storage of raw materials) it is further used in the workshops, it is prepared and sent to the kitchen. There already passes, such processes as cooking, frying, etc.

Products produced by catering enterprises are perishable and require quick sale. Various products and raw materials used for the preparation of dishes and culinary products also do not withstand long storage periods. In this regard, when organizing the technological process, catering enterprises should ensure the maximum reduction in the storage and processing of raw materials and the sale of finished culinary products.

For the delivery of freshly prepared dishes to consumers, it is advisable to organize their release in small batches as demand goes.

Consumer demand for catering products varies depending on a number of factors (season, weather, fashion trends, etc.). Therefore, in order to correctly determine the volume of the production program and the range of products produced, it is necessary to take into account the demand of consumers for various types of dishes and culinary products. Demand can change not only on days of the week (holidays, Saturdays and Sundays), but also during the day. Due to uneven flow of consumers, uneven loading of production is created. This should also be taken into account in the process of production at catering enterprises when organizing the labor of workers. During the hours of the largest influx of visitors in certain areas of production, it is necessary to concentrate more people, using the combination of the profession and the principle of interchangeability of workers. So, during peak hours, some cooks can work on distribution, vegetable cleaners - in washing, etc.

The variety of processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed locally in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population require strict observance of the rules of sanitary regime in production and control over the quality of dishes. Therefore, it is of great importance for the correct organization of the technological process that cooks comply with the standards for investing raw materials in accordance with approved recipes, organoleptic evaluation and marriage of ready-made dishes and culinary products.

An important factor determining the characteristics of the production process is the transfer of them to work with semi-finished products. The complex supply of enterprises with semi-finished products creates opportunities for the most rational use of technological equipment, increased labor productivity, narrower specialization of workers, allows to reduce the process of cooking, reduce production costs.

As a rule, in enterprises with a small production volume or working on semi-finished products, the business structure of production is established. Here, all production processes are carried out by one or more teams that report to the production manager. Such a labor organization allows you to more effectively use cooks, practice combining professions, etc.

At large enterprises, a workshop structure of production has developed and procurement workshops (vegetable, meat, fish), pre-cooking (hot, cold) are created. This allows you to organize work more rationally, mechanize individual production processes, and rationally use qualified workers.

In order to ensure the greatest efficiency of workers' work, to establish the sequence of their entry into work in accordance with specific production conditions and to achieve timely production of products, monthly schedules are developed for cooking workers to go to work. A general schedule is drawn up at small enterprises, and at enterprises with a workshop structure - separately for each workshop and team.

Drinks are an obligatory component of any meal (they are consumed to quench thirst, restore lost strength, some of them have a tonic effect on the body (tea, coffee, cocoa, etc.), and also serve as a source of vitamins and minerals. Due to drinks, a person covers up to half of the daily need for water.

The beverages are divided into hot (at least 75 ° C) and

cold (supply temperature not higher than 14 ° С).

Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, hot drinks with wine are served hot. Cold drinks include milk, milk and creamy soft drinks, sour-dairy products, fruit-berry soft drinks, cocktails. It is recommended to cook drinks immediately before vacation, since when storing finished drinks, especially hot ones, their quality deteriorates.

3.4. Hot shop.

Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full, production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of the catering enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-products, cooking of broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second dishes, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. Besides, in the shop, hot drinks prepare and flour confectionery (pies, rasstegais, coulibiacs, etc.) for transparent broths are baked. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes are delivered directly to distributors for sale to the consumer.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the catering enterprise. In the case where the hot shop serves several trading halls located on different floors, it is advisable to arrange it on the same floor with the trading hall having the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be dispensers with a roasting stove and marmites. The supply of these dispensers with finished products is provided by lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with the warehouses and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and trading room, washing kitchen utensils.

Microclimate of the hot shop. The temperature according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor should not exceed 23. ° С, therefore, plenum ventilation should be more powerful (air velocity 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the area of ​ ​ the plate should be 45-50 times less than the floor area.

The mode of operation of the hot shop depends on the mode of operation of the enterprise (trading room) and the forms of issue of finished products. Employees of the hot shop, in order to successfully cope with the production program, must start work no later than two hours before the opening of the trading room.

The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, frying cabinets, digestive boilers, electric trucks, electric fryers, refrigeration cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup compartment, the preparation of broths and first dishes is carried out, in the sauce - the preparation of second dishes, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks.

Production program of the workshop.

The production program of the hot shop includes dishes that must be prepared in this shop. Using the production program data of the entire enterprise, we will compile the production program of the hot shop

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