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Development of measures to prevent and eliminate fires and explosions at a methane-rich coal mine


It is necessary to make a selection and justification of measures to prevent fires and

explosions in the underground workings of a gas-rich coal mine.  Contents of the explanatory note

notes and the graphic part correspond to the program of the coursework.

Source data

1 Name - Kirov mines

2 Name of the gassed mine - Lava 24-56

3 Length of gas-polluted section in the working, m  53

4 Methane concentration in the air of the gassed area, % 10.48

5 Carbon monoxide concentration in the air of the gassed area, % 0.16

6 Hydrogen concentration in the air of the gassed area, % 0.05

7 Oxygen concentration in the air of the gassed area, % 18.31

8 Methane concentration in the air stream emitted from the gassed workings in the normal ventilation mode, % 0.54

9 The parameters of the workings (length, m; junction angles, deg.; cross-sectional area, m2; cross-sectional perimeter, m; aerodynamic drag coefficient, kg∙s2/m4; air flow rate in normal ventilation mode, m3/min) are taken in accordance with the mine model in the Ventilation Production Association

10 The scheme of the analyzed area of mine workings is presented in Appendix 1.

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