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Opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 of the mine field of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch

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"Opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 of the mine field of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch. Degree project in specialty (130404) - "Underground development of mineral deposits." - Novokuznetsk, 2009. - 155 pages, 43 tables, 37 literary sources, 11 sheets of drawings. In this diploma project, an option was developed for using a string excavation using the example of the K-5 formation, which is on the balance sheet of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch of UUK Yuzhkuzbassugol OJSC. The basis of the work is the idea of ​ ​ working out thin and medium-sized formations lying at great depths. As the main measure, formation development is provided by means of a string excavation . The adopted decisions will extend the life of the enterprise, increase the quality of mined coal, reduce its cost, and increase the degree of safety of mining operations. As a result, the Osinnikovskaya Mine Branch can move to a number of cost-effective, safe and qualitatively new enterprises.

Project's Content

icon Диплом СтругR ч1.doc
icon Диплом Часть2 формат 2007.doc
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icon ПроходкаВскрытие2005.dwg
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icon Струг 57 9-38 PF280.JPG
icon Струг 9 38 ve 5.7.JPG
icon Струг лава.JPG
icon Струг15.JPG
icon Струг2005.dwg
icon Струг9 38ve.JPG
icon Техн схема Вентиляция Электроснабжение2005.dwg

Additional information




1.1 General information about the mine

1.2 Stratigraphy and Lithology

1.3 Mine Field Tectonics

1.4 Hydrogeological conditions

1.5 Quality characteristics of coals

1.6 Mining operating conditions

1.7 Limits and reserves of the mine field

1.8 Mining and geological characteristics of K- formation



2.1 Existing provision

2.2 Options of formation opening K-

2.3 Mine production capacity

2.4 Carrying out of conveyor industrial roof K-

2.5 Calculation of technical and economic parameters of penetration works

2.6 Conclusions on section


3.1 Mine field preparation methods and diagrams

3.2 K-5 reservoir development system and preparation of excavation reserves

sections 4-2-5-

3.3 Calculation of anchor support of conveyor stem 4-2-5-

3.4 Calculation of technical and economic parameters of penetration works

3.5 Production procedure

3.6 Safety precautions

3.7 Conclusions on section




4.1 Analysis of production experience in the development of thin formations

4.2 Analysis of domestic production experience of application of strings

4.3 Analysis of foreign experience of development of gentle strata with capacity of 1-1,6 m by jets

4.4 Conclusions on Section


5.1Soil development system K-

5.2 Mining area development technology 4-1-5-

5.3 Automatic control equipment of PM- cleaning complex

5.4 Calculation of the load on the treatment face

5.5 Scope of preparatory works and exit of coal from the preparatory bottoms

5.6 Safety precautions during operation of DBT 110/

5.7 Calculation of technical and economic parameters of treatment works

5.8 Process diagram of the mine

5.9 Conclusions under


6.1 Method and diagram of shaft ventilation

6.2 Calculation of air quantity required for shaft ventilation

6.3 Selection of main ventilation fans



8.1 Emergency protection of coal mine

8.2 Mine fire protection

8.3 Dust and explosion protection of the mine

8.4 Aero-gas test

8.5 Bed degassing K-

8.6 Occupational safety


9.1 Organizational and legal form and production

structure of the enterprise

9.2 Calculation of cost of 1 linear meter of production per section

9.3 Calculation of cost of 1 ton of coal per site

9.4 Comparison of planning figures with actual data


List of sources used

Application A1 Calculation of Power Supply of the Clearing Site

Appendix A2 Process Automation


"Opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 of the mine field of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch.

Degree project in specialty (130404) - "Underground development of mineral deposits." - Novokuznetsk, 2009. - 155 pages, 43 tables, 37 literary sources, 11 sheets of drawings.

In this diploma project, an option was developed for using a string excavation using the example of the K5 formation located on the balance sheet of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch of OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol OJSC. The basis of the work is the idea of ​ ​ working out thin and medium-sized formations lying at great depths. As the main measure, formation development is provided by means of a string excavation .

The adopted decisions will extend the life of the enterprise, increase the quality of mined coal, reduce its cost, and increase the degree of safety of mining operations. As a result, the Osinnikovskaya Mine Branch can move to a number of cost-effective, safe and qualitatively new enterprises.


In connection with the projected decrease in gas production, the strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia for the coming years provides for an increase in the share of coal in the fuel and energy balance. According to the results of modeling of energy markets, the limits of demanded coal production in the country will be from 300 to 360 million tons in 2010 and from 340 to 430 million tons in 2020. The estimated coal production volumes will require doubling the production capacity of coal mining enterprises until 2020 .

The raw material base of Russian coal is impressive in its scale. The main coal basin of Russia is Kuznetsk, in which reserves of coal of all brands are concentrated - from long-flame to anthracites.

In many operating enterprises, production capacity is limited to the "narrowest link" (purification fund, transport, ventilation, etc.). It is enough to invest relatively small funds in expanding the "narrow link" and in many enterprises it will be possible to significantly increase the production capacity for coal mining. Quick return at low costs can also be achieved by involving coal seams with a capacity of 0.91.6 m in the development of previously opened mining operations, but not currently being worked out.

So, in various coal mining regions of Russia, the refusal to develop low-capacity formations leads to an increase in the depth of mining operations, disruption of the procedure for working out the formation retinue, and rapid depletion of the reserves of more powerful formations. To replenish reserves, large investments are needed for the exploration of reserves, the construction of new mines or their reconstruction.

The main reason for the reduction of coal production from thin beds is the lack of high-performance equipment for their development, and when using combine excavation, extremely low loads on the treatment face and high labor intensity of work.

In this project "Opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 of the mine field of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch," a solution to the problem faced by almost all coal mining enterprises will be considered.

Usually, more than a dozen strata are on their balance sheet, but only those whose capacity is 2 meters or more are worked out from them. Less powerful strata are thrown and their development becomes a matter of the distant future. At the same time, it is known that after some time the conditions for their operation are greatly complicated, since there is destruction of mine workings that could be used, the necessary materials and equipment are dismantled, mining and geological conditions are deteriorating, and the development of abandoned formations is becoming more and more expensive and less profitable .

Currently, the Osinnikovskaya mine, in order to increase the production capacity of the coal mining enterprise, has become necessary to develop the K5 formation, which leads to a number of problems that can only be solved using more advanced methods and systems for the development of coal seams, technological processes and equipment.

Thus, the purpose of this project is to develop an optimal version of the opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 in order to increase the production capacity of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch.

1.3. Mine Field Tectonics

In tectonic terms, the Osinnikovskaya mine field is confined to the Shelkansky synclinal. The fold is asymmetric, its axis extends from the south-west to the north-east and plunges in the same direction at an angle of 510 °, reaching the maximum dive in the area of ​ ​ the XIVI exploration line. The east wing of the synclinal has a relatively simple structure at rock incidence angles of 1020 ° .

The western wing is composed of a number of additional folds; the angles of incidence of the layers in the western wing are steeper. Near the outcrops of coal seams for sediments on the upper horizons and wings of additional folds, the angles of incidence reach 5070 °. With depth, the angles of incidence decrease, reaching 58 ° in the castle part of the Shelkansky syncline.

However, in the northeastern part, a steep additional synclinal fold is also installed at a significant depth (p.l. XIVI); Note here that said fold adjoins major tectonic disturbance H-H zone. In general, areas with a gentle fall of formations occupy the predominant part of the mine field, and mining over the past 20 years has been concentrated on the gentle east wing. In addition to folded violations, bursting violations are also developed on the mine field. The largest of them is an "H - H" rise with an amplitude of 100.0-140.0 m. A violation of the "H - H" rise is accompanied by a powerful crushing zone and apophysical disorders. Oriented almost in the meridional direction, the H-H rise divides the mine field into two wings - "hanging" and "lying," the development of which is carried out separately. In addition, exploration work revealed 17 bursting violations (H0, H1, H2, M, K, etc.) with an amplitude of mainly 3.0-20.0 m .

1.4 Hydrogeological conditions

Hydrogeological operating conditions are quite complex. This is due to the presence of powerful sediments of Jurassic age, which have uneven but increased watering in the weathering zone (120150 m from the surface). Earlier, during mining operations on the upper horizons, water breaks from Jurassic sediments occurred at a depth of 3040 m. Currently, mining operations have reached a depth of 550620 m from the surface, so the aquifer complex of Jurassic sediments no longer has a significant impact on the watering of the mine field.

The watering of directly carbonated Permian deposits, in general, is insignificant. In general, water inflow to mining on the lower horizons is estimated at 150 m3/h in the hanging wing of the H-H violation, and 200 m3/h in the lying wing. At the same time, the maximum water inflows on the horizon of 160m., to the existing main water drain remains at the level of 8001000 m3/h, with an average annual inflow of 50250 m3/h.

1.6 Mining operating conditions

All formations of the Osinnikovskaya mine are gas-bearing. The upper boundary of the methane gas zone on the area where there are no overlapping Jurassic deposits is approximately set at a depth of 200 m from the surface. The main gas components are methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

For the predominant part of the mine field, the upper boundary of the methane zone is located directly under the Jurassic sediments that prevent degassing of the thickness (with a Jurassic sediment capacity of more than 100150 m).

The natural gas content of formations with a depth increases with a growth gradient (by 100 m of depth) of 2? 3 m3/t. In general, natural gas content of coal layers makes: on the horizon of 160 m abs. - 10÷15 of m3/t, on the horizon of 260 m abs. - 15÷17 of m3/t, on the horizon - 360 m abs. - 20÷22 of m3/t, on the horizon - 660 m abs. (about 1000 m from a surface) - up to 25 m3/t.

The mine refers to dangerous sudden emissions of coal and gas. Three formations - E5, K2, and. K1vas are classified as dangerous by sudden emissions of coal and gas from a depth of 490 m from the surface; the remaining formations from a depth of 490 m from the surface are threatened by sudden emissions of coal and gas.

All formations of the mine field from a depth of 150 m from the surface are classified as threatened by mountain impacts, and formations E6 and E4 from a depth of 420 m are classified as hazardous by mountain impacts.

Coal formations of the mine are not prone to spontaneous combustion. The containing rocks are silico-hazardous, the content of free silicon dioxide is 12-45%.

Coal has a high volatile content (2836%), and therefore, the coal dust of all formations is explosive.

1.8 Mining and geological characteristics of K-5 formation

Formation K-5 of simple structure. The K-5 formation lies 18 m below the E1 formation, belongs to the mine field formation that is most stable in power and structure. The total thickness of the formation is 1.3-1.56 m, with an average value of 1.45 m; the structure of the formation is simple, "colchedans" are absent. The immediate roof of the formation is composed of a weakly straddled aleurolite, medium stable .

By spontaneous combustion, the formation is not dangerous. The formation is dangerous in explosiveness of methane gas and coal dust. The formation is threatened by mountain impacts and sudden emissions. Lava watering is determined by formation development. In zones of increased fracturing of roofing rocks, dripping is possible. On average, the water flow will be 3.0-5.0m3/hour, it is possible to accumulate water in the mullet parts.

Formation opening k-5 under the conditions of the "Osinnikovskaya mine" branch

2.1 Existing provision

Opening of the mine field was carried out by cage, new cage and two skip No. 1 and No. 2 vertical shafts passed from the main industrial site of the Osinnikovskaya mine to the horizon of 160 m and having near-barrel yards on the horizons of 60 and 160 m.

The cage and new cage trunks are equipped with calorifers and Georgian lifting units and are used to supply fresh air to the mine, transport equipment, materials, descent and lift people.

The stand trunk has a depth of 479.5 m and a diameter of 8.0 m, is equipped with two two-story stands per 5-ton car and a 2C6x2.4 lifting machine. The new stand trunk with a depth of 479.5 m and a diameter of 6.5 m is equipped with two stands for a 3-ton car and a 2C4x2.3 lifting machine. Skip barrels No. 1 and No. 2 with a diameter of 6.5 m, used to deliver rock mass to the surface, are equipped with skips with a capacity of 14.1 m3 and lifting machines 2C5x2.3.

To the horizon of 60 m near the southern boundary of the mine field, ventilation shaft No. 6 was passed, equipped with a suction fan unit VTsD47.5U and used to discharge an outgoing air jet from the shaft. The barrel depth is 449 m, diameter 6.0 m.

In addition, the Osinnikovskaya mine uses a vertical flank shaft passed in the south-west within the boundaries of the former Kapitalnaya mine, equipped with a gas suction fan unit UTsG15, for the isolated removal of methane-air mixture from the extraction sections of block No. 2.

Currently, the penetration of the vertical ventilation shaft No. 1 with a diameter of "in the light" of 8.5 m in the central part of the mine field, which has already been passed to the peak 94 on the mountains, is ending. 160 m.

The opening of the mine field on the horizon of 160 m was carried out by the main and ventilation tops passed from the workings of the near-barrel yard of the gor.160 m across the strata in the southeast direction, axial track tops No. 1 and No. 2, passed in the northeast direction, block tops No. 69, 71, 73, 78, 94.

The preparation of the mine field on the horizon of 160 m was carried out by field strokes. Opening of formations from field lines is carried out by intermediate tops.

Preparation of formations for development consists in carrying out for each of them track, conveyor and ventilation bremsbergs or slopes and flanking bremsbergs for gas control. Development of formations in blocks is carried out by single or double-sided panels.

Technology of production

Extraction of rock mass is carried out by combine harvester. After inspecting the combine, the supply network, the dust suppression system, the sound signal, the combine driver turns on the combine and drives up to the face chest. Then it sets the actuator to the operating position, turns on the actuator motor and the loader, begins to destroy the array .

From the face, the rock mass is loaded with the help of a combine on the belt reloader PL600, then on the belt conveyor 2LT120. Through belt conveyors, rock mass enters skip barrels.

After giving the bottomhole the necessary configuration, the machine operator of the combine turns off the actuator of the combine, fixing the button "STOP" of the actuator.

Under the protection of a permanent support, penetrators grab the roof, sides and face from overhanging pieces of rock. Oborka shall be produced by metal peaks with a length of 2.5 m.

To erect a temporary support using a combine, it is necessary to:

1) Lift the hydraulic supports, set the actuator (and. the lake) on an axis of development and to lower crowns of the deputy on the soil.

2) Lock Stop buttons on both sides of the combine.

3) Unfold the hoist boom. Bring and put the upper support into the fastener grips, after which everyone leaves the feeder.

4) Unlock "Stop" buttons and start the oil station.

5) Raise the acting and, without pressing the apex to the roof, set it to the desired position, maneuvering by moving, lifting and turning the acting.

6) Lock Stop buttons on both sides of the combine. Put a metal grid on the top.

7) Unlock "Stop" buttons and set the oil station to ON. Press the temporary fastener with screen to the working roof.

8) Lock Stop buttons on both sides of the combine.

9) Connect the upper part of temporary support by means of inter-frame bracing to the previously installed frame of permanent support .

10) Install struts of permanent support:

Pits with a depth of 100 mm are taken in the soil of the mine using a kail at a distance necessary for the installation of posts. The struts with the lower end are installed in the taken pits, the upper ends of the struts are brought under the top. The struts are then connected to the top by means of clamps. The erected frame of the support is adjusted according to the marksman's direction and wedged with wooden wedges. The voids between the frame of the support and the sides of the mine are blocked by incombustible material.

The intermediate frame of the support is installed in the order described above. After that, with inter-frame ties, newly installed frames of the fasteners are connected to the previously installed frame of the fastener .

Safety precautions

In order to carry out the work safely, it is necessary to observe and comply with the requirements of the current "Coal Mine Safety Rules":

1) Before commencement of works:

- Before starting work, the foreman, link and worker must check their workplaces and bring them to a safe state.

- Shifts are handed over and accepted directly at the workplace, if there is no break between shifts, by senior shift workers (links). The passing shift is obliged to inform the receiving link about the mining and technical situation in the face (state of ventilation, mountain pressure, encountered geological violations, the appearance of barbs and domes, etc.), about the state of the support, conveyor, reloaders, pumps, etc.), paying special attention to the weaknesses and available (or possible and further) breakdowns and failures.

- At the workplace, the penetrator (link) must check:

- serviceability and normal functioning of all downhole mechanisms, as well as conveyor, pump station, etc.;

- availability and serviceability of the manual tool;

- serviceability of hoses and pipelines for water and emulsion supply;

- state of ventilation and composition of mine atmosphere;

- state of roof and face (presence of cracks, barbs, domes, etc.);

- presence of warning signs of gas-dynamic phenomena (cracking, "tremors," increased gas release, etc.);

-performance of telephone communication with the surface.

If failures are detected, the penetrator (link) must take measures to eliminate them or inform the mining foreman or another person of the district supervision.

2) During operation:

- during the whole shift, the foreman, link and worker shall monitor the safe condition of the place of work......

- when performing the technological cycle of working operations for mining, the penetrator must strictly observe the completeness and procedure for their implementation, provided for by the certificate for conducting and fixing workings.

- the composition of the mine atmosphere and the content of methane in the air must comply with the requirements of the PB, local ventilation fans must operate continuously;

- distance from the end of ventilation pipes to the face shall not exceed 8 meters;

- fans of local ventilation shall be installed in the working with fresh air jet at a distance of not less than 10 meters from the outgoing jet;

Mine Field Preparation

3.1 Mine field preparation methods and diagrams

The preparation of a mine field is called the holding after opening of the mine field of a system of preparing mine workings that provide a condition for the effective and safe extraction of mineral resources. The preparation of the mine field is usually carried out in parts and as they are worked out, the following parts are prepared.

3.1.1 Mine field preparation methods

According to the location of the preparation workings relative to the formation, the following are distinguished :

- Formation method of mine field preparation - a method in which the entire complex of preparation workings is carried out along the formation.

- Field method of mine field preparation - a method of preparation, in which the entire complex of preparation workings is carried out by rock.

- Formation field (combined) mine field preparation method - the preparation method is a combination of the methods described above.

When preparing formations in the retinue, two methods are distinguished:

- Individual training.

- Group training.

During individual preparation, the entire set of preparation workings is carried out for each formation. Method is applied at power of interplasties > 50 m. Development of strata is carried out separately or jointly.

During group preparation, the complex of preparation workings is used for simultaneous development of two or more formations. Grouping is used when the power of the inter-branches is less than 50 m.

3.1.2 Mine field preparation diagrams

The preparation scheme is a characteristic arrangement of the combined, taking into account the functional purpose, into a single complex of preparation workings that ensure the division of the mine field into parts ready for excavation .

The horizontal preparation scheme is the spatial arrangement of mine workings, dividing the mine field with transport horizons into excavation stages, then worked out by fall and rebellion.

Panel diagram of mine field preparation - a set of workings separating the mine field on the panel. Application area α < 250. Size by drop 12001500m, by span 35004000m.

The floor scheme for preparing the mine field is a set of workings that divide the mine field into floors. Scope of application α > 350. Floor height α < 55 ° 800400m. α > 55 ° 120150m.

3.2 K-5 reservoir development system and preparation of reserves of excavation area 4-2-5-1

3.2.1 K-5 reservoir development system

Within the mine field, the K-5 formation was accepted for development. The formation is maintained within the mine field in terms of capacity and structure. The prevailing power is 1.45 m. Formation method of mine field preparation is adopted. K-5 formation preparation method is individual. The K-5 formation was prepared by conveyor and track bremsbergs passed through the formation from the 94 gor.160m roof. Panel diagram of mine field preparation is adopted .

For the K5 formation, based on mining, geological and mining operating conditions (angle of incidence, power, degree of disturbance, gas content, depth of development, etc.), a long-pillar development system with complete roof collapse is adopted. Excavation poles shall be developed in descending order. Excavation pillars are worked out in reverse order at a small angle along the fall.

Method of preparation of excavation pillars - execution of paired excavation grooves. The ventilation scheme of the extraction sections is combined with the ascending movement of the ventilation jet along the lava and an isolated branch of the methane-air mixture from the developed space .

The K-5 conveyor bremsberg is carried out along the K5 formation, designed for the passage of people, the transportation of rock from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and preparatory slabs. The K-5 track bremsberg is carried out along the K-5 bed for the delivery of materials and equipment .

According to the calculations made, taking into account the long life of the workings, the attachment of the track and conveyor bremsbergs K-5 is carried out by the A1927 arched support. Section of production in penetration of 22 m2, in light to settlement of 19.1 m2, in light after settlement of 17.4 m2. The width of the mine in the light is 5.414 m, the height is 4.25 m. The mounting pitch is 0.8 m. Dragging of the roof with metal lattice tightening. Both sides are pulled by a metal grille ZR2.6 .

3.2.2 Preparation of reserves of the excavation area 4-2-5-1

Preparation of excavation strata is indicated by paired (conveyor and ventilation) straps passing from K-5 stratum conveyor bremsberg. The length of the face is accepted as 220m.

The penetration of the preparatory workings will be carried out using the penetrating combine KP21.

To prepare the reserves of the excavation section 4-2-5-1, it is necessary to conduct a number of mine workings: conveyor plug 4-2-5-1, installation chamber 4-2-5-1 (in two stages: narrow section and expansion), ventilation plug 4-2-5-1 and flank bremsberg of the K-5 formation. The cross-sectional area of the non-passed mine workings (in light) of the excavation section 4-2-5-1 is determined by:

- permissible air jet speed (ventilation by various factors),

- overall dimensions of rolling stock and arrangement of equipment taking into account the minimum permissible gap,

- the shrinkage value of the support after exposure to mountain pressure and repair-free content during the entire operation period .

Conveyor stem 4-2-5-1 is carried out along K5 formation, designed for transportation of rock mass by 2LT120U conveyor, passage of people, supply of fresh air jet to treatment face 4-2-5-1 and delivery of materials and equipment using monorail diesel road DP155U. Section of working in light - 11.2 m2, in penetration - 12 m2. The width of the mine in the penetration is 5.0 m, the height in the penetration is 2.4 m. The inclination angle of the mine is from 2 to 5 degrees. Length of conveyor stem L = 1510 m.

According to the calculations, the roofing of the conveyor stem is 4-2-5-1 carried out by an anchor support: 5 ASP24 anchors with a length of 2.4 m with installation on one polyester ampoule with a length of 600 mm for picking up PMSH8 with a length of 4.5 m. The mounting step of the support is 0.8 m.

Both sides are pulled by a metal grille. The grid is attached by anchors: one armament anchor with a length of 2.2 m, one SK1M anchor with a length of 1.6 m per step of mounting the support, under segments of special profile PMSH8 with a length of 0.25 m.

Ventilation stroke 4-2-5-1 is carried out along the K5 formation, designed to pass people, pass an outgoing stream of air from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and deliver materials and equipment using a monorail diesel road. Section of working in light of 11.2 m2, in penetration of 12 m2. The width of the mine in the penetration is 5 m, the height in the penetration is 2.4 m. Working inclination angle - from 2 to 5 degrees. Length of ventilation plug 4-2-5-1 L = 1510 m.

According to the calculations, the roofing of the ventilation hatch is 4-2-5-1 anchor: 5 ASP24 anchors 2.4 m long with a 600 mm long polyester ampoule installed on one. The mounting step of the support is 0.8 m. Both sides are pulled by a metal grille. The grid is attached by anchors: one armament anchor with a length of 2.2 m, one SK1M anchor with a length of 1.6 m per step of mounting the support, under segments of special profile PMSH8 with a length of 0.25 m.

Mounting chamber 4-2-5-1 is carried out along K5 bed, designed for installation of the system. Section of mounting chamber 4-2-5-1 in penetration:

- general section - Spr. = 16.2 m2, (width 7.0 m, height 2.4 m).

Working inclination angle is from 3 to 10 deg. The length of the mounting chamber of the excavation section 4-2-5-1 L = 220 m. The number of anchors in the row of the main support is 8 pieces, the number of intermediate anchors in the row is 4 pieces per full section.

The flank bremsberg K-5 is carried out along the K5 formation, designed to output part of the outgoing jet of the cleaning face. According to the calculations made, taking into account the long life of the workings, the bremsberg is fixed by the A1627 arched support. Section of production in penetration of 19.1 m2, in light to settlement of 16.8 m2, in light after settlement of 14.9 m2. The width of the mine in the light is 4.76 m, the height is 3.72 m. The mounting pitch is 0.8 m. Dragging of the roof with metal lattice tightening. Both sides are pulled by a metal grille ZR2.6 .

Graphic image of sections of mine workings of excavation section 4-2-5-1 with arrangement of equipment is given on process diagrams.

3.5 Production procedure

At the beginning of the shift, the shift is accepted - handed over. MGVM prepares a combine, penetrators prepare drilling machines for work. Then MGVM excavates and loads the rock mass, one penetrator monitors the combine at the overload into the B15K car. After breaking and loading of rock mass, penetrators and MHVM begin to attach the face .

After inspecting the combine, the driver turns on the combine and drives up to the chest of the face. Then it sets the actuator to the operating position, turns on the actuator motor and the loader, begins to destroy the array.

The rock mass is transported from the face using 2LT120U belt conveyors. To load the rock mass on the conveyor, a self-propelled car B15K is used. Through belt conveyors, rock mass enters skip barrels.

Roofing is secured by anchor support consisting of ASP24 anchors and SK1M anchors. After giving the bottomhole the necessary configuration, the machine operator of the combine turns off the actuator of the combine, fixing the button "STOP" of the actuator. The work shelf is installed.

Under the protection of a permanent support, penetrators collect metal peaks with a length of 2.5 m to the roof, sides and face from overhanging pieces of rock. Then the upper support with length of 4.5 m is laid on posts VK9, tightening is started on it and the previously installed support, after which the upper support with posts VK9 is pressed to the working roof.

Through the holes of the apex, with the help of a drill with forced supply or with the help of a pneumatic drill "RAMBOR," holes with a depth of 2.2 m are drilled. Then, a guide tube of polymer material is inserted at the mouth of the drilled hole, into which a polymer ampoule is inserted. An anchor bolt is installed in the spindle of the "RAMBOR" pneumatic drill and the anchor is lifted and inserted into the holes. At that, when the anchor bolt enters the hole mouth, the turbine is switched on for rotation and the anchor is quickly supplied to the holes. After the anchor reaches the bottom of the hole, it is additionally continued to rotate for 1015 seconds, then 3040 seconds are expected, necessary for solidification of the resin, while the anchor is retained in the hole by the turbo-drill.

The repair shift at the beginning of the shift is accepted - the shift is handed over, then the electrician is engaged in the maintenance of the combine. Penetrators carry out transfer of DSV sensor and growth of veins. staves, then one piercer drills holes and impregnates coal in the massif, two piercers build up the fire-spraying pipeline. Then penetrators build up degassing pipeline, monorail, then deliver fastening materials and perform other unaccounted-for works.

Delivery of materials and equipment is carried out by the mine transport section along the monorail road DP155U .

3.6 Safety precautions

In order to carry out the work safely, it is necessary to observe and comply with the requirements of the current "Coal Mine Safety Rules":

1) Before commencement of works:

- Before starting work, the foreman, link and worker must check their workplaces and bring them to a safe state.

- Shifts are handed over and accepted directly at the workplace, if there is no break between shifts, by senior shift workers (links). The passing shift is obliged to inform the receiving link about the mining and technical situation in the face (state of ventilation, mountain pressure, encountered geological violations, the appearance of barbs and domes, etc.), about the state of the support, conveyor, reloaders, pumps, etc.), paying special attention to the weaknesses and available (or possible and further) breakdowns and failures.

- At the workplace, the penetrator (link) must check:

- serviceability and normal functioning of all downhole mechanisms, as well as conveyor, pump station, etc.;

- availability and serviceability of the manual tool;

- serviceability of hoses and pipelines for water and emulsion supply;

- state of ventilation and composition of mine atmosphere;

- state of roof and face (presence of cracks, barbs, domes, etc.);

- presence of warning signs of gas-dynamic phenomena (cracking, "tremors," increased gas release, etc.);

-performance of telephone communication with the surface.

If failures are detected, the penetrator (link) must take measures to eliminate them or inform the mining foreman or another person of the district supervision.

2) During operation:

- during the whole shift, the foreman, link and worker shall monitor the safe condition of the place of work......

- when performing the technological cycle of working operations for mining, the penetrator must strictly observe the completeness and procedure for their implementation, provided for by the certificate for conducting and fixing workings.

- the composition of the mine atmosphere and the content of methane in the air must comply with the requirements of the PB, local ventilation fans must operate continuously;

- distance from the end of ventilation pipes to the face shall not exceed 8 meters;

- fans of local ventilation shall be installed in the working with fresh air jet at a distance of not less than 10 meters from the outgoing jet;

3.7 Conclusions on section

The project adopted a formation method for preparing the mine field. K-5 formation preparation method is individual. The K-5 formation was prepared by conveyor and track bremsbergs passed through the formation from the 94 gor.160m roof. Panel diagram of mine field preparation is adopted .

The K-5 conveyor bremsberg is carried out along the K5 formation, designed for the passage of people, the transportation of rock from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and preparatory slabs. The K-5 track bremsberg is carried out along the K-5 formation and is designed for the delivery of materials and equipment. Fastening of traveling and conveyor bremsberg of K-5 is made by an arch timbering of A1927.

For the K5 formation, based on mining, geological and mining operating conditions (angle of incidence, power, degree of disturbance, gas content, depth of development, etc.), a long-pillar development system with complete roof collapse is adopted. Excavation poles shall be developed in descending order. Excavation pillars are worked out in reverse order along the stretch at a small angle along the drop.

Method of preparation of excavation pillars - execution of paired excavation grooves. Penetration of preparatory workings will be carried out by KP21 penetrating combines. Transportation of rock mass from the face is performed by 2LT120U belt conveyors. To load the rock mass on the conveyor, a self-propelled car B15K is used. Through belt conveyors, rock mass enters skip barrels.

Conveyor stem 4-2-5-1 is carried out along K5 formation, designed for transportation of rock mass by 2LT120U conveyor, passage of people, supply of fresh air jet to treatment face 4-2-5-1 and delivery of materials and equipment using monorail diesel road DP155U. Ventilation stroke 4-2-5-1 is carried out along the K5 formation, designed to pass people, pass an outgoing stream of air from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and deliver materials and equipment using a monorail diesel road. Anchoring of conveyor and ventilation rods 4-2-5-1. Roofing is secured by anchor support consisting of ASP24 anchors and SK1M anchors.

The flank bremsberg K-5 is carried out along the K5 formation, designed to output part of the outgoing jet of the cleaning face. The bremsberg is attached by the A1627 arched support .

Delivery of materials and equipment is carried out by the mine transport section along the monorail road DP155U .

The monthly labor productivity of the worker during the conveyor stroke 4-2-5-2 is 4.86 m/hr/sec.

Analysis of domestic production experience of application of strings

In the former USSR, coal was mined from thin strata, mainly at the mines of the Donetsk and Lvovsko Volyn basins. About one third of all slaughters were equipped with mechanized complexes [7]. According to the technical characteristics of the complexes, all of them, with the exception of the Donbass complex, could be effectively used only on formations, with side rocks not lower than average stability. On formations with a difficult roof, as practice has shown, these mechanized complexes worked unsatisfactorily.

For the first time, the analysis of excavation technologies on thin gentle formations was carried out in our country by A.D. Panov [15]. The technical article describes the positive results of work at mine No. 9 of the Snezhnyananthracit trust, which were achieved using a narrow-grip complex of DU1 equipment, consisting of the Donbass 1 combine, a scraper conveyor, metal posts with hinged tops and landing posts.

The state and development of string mining at the mines of the USSR is devoted to the article by N.K. Grinko [18 ]/:... "In solving the problem of technical re-equipment of the coal industry, string complexes, which are one of the most promising and progressive means of narrow-grabbed coal mining, should play a large role ."

The first string installation in the former USSR was tested in 1965 at the mines of the Rostovugol plant. It was a novelty of coal mining equipment. The team of I.V. Savchenko from the Yuzhnaya -1 mine was one of the first in the city to master this string installation. With its help, the team produced more than 1000 tons of coal per day and in 1966 issued 112,300 tons of coal to the mountain for 31 working days. The record set by Savchenko showed that the new coal mining equipment holds great opportunities to increase labor productivity. Prior to the use of strings, coal was mined using a wide-grasp combine, while production amounted to 13 thousand tons of coal per month.

The team of M. Chikha [14] also switched to strings. The use of new technology required a new organization of labor. After a long search, the miners came to the conclusion that the strug can work with full efficiency only with an in-line organization of labor, which required combining the processes of mining and lava preparation. Together with the engineering and technical workers of the mine, they developed a new lava attachment passport. Having switched to the flow method, the team began to produce 1,500 or more tons per shift on a string lava. Per year, the team produced 500 thousand tons of coal. The reserve for increasing production during the string excavation was in the mechanization of roof control during the string excavation, for this it was necessary to develop a new mechanized complex with a hydrofied support, adapted for the string installation. At ShakhtNIUI, on the basis of the M87E, a 1-ISS string support was developed. In 1970, such a mechanized support, together with a string installation, was mounted in lava. With its help, the team increased the average daily production to 2000 tons per shift.

At the mines of the former USSR in the mid-70s, 3 types of strings worked mainly:

UST-2 (slow-moving string unit, V = 2040m/min);

ESF2M (high-speed, V > 40 m/min);

ESF67 (high-speed string unit, V = 2040m/min).

All these strings had a common layout: they consisted of tubular guides located on the downhole side of the conveyor. Thanks to this, the pod was combined into a single unit with the conveyor.

Later in our country strugovy installations of new technological level were developed, made and experienced: detachable type - SO90U, the sliding type - CH96, the combined ZSKP type. The technical solutions laid down in the design of these installations corresponded to the best foreign counterparts, and in some respects exceeded them. The installations could work in complex with jet mechanized supports [10].

At the mines of Donetskugol, formations dangerous by gas, dust and sudden emissions account for about 40% of coal production, the fourth of which is provided by jet plants. The use of plows allows to significantly reduce the dust content of air and eliminate large loads of mountain pressure in the area of ​ ​ the plow, the redistribution of which leads to sudden emissions of coal and gas. These advantages of the string excavation have contributed to a significant increase in its use, especially in the development of ejecting formations at large depths.

In 1982 32 string units were in operation at the mines of the Donetsk PO, of which 21 were operated on formations with a capacity of up to 0.81m, seven - from 0.81 to 1.3 m and four - more than 1.3m [19]. 1MKS jet mechanized complexes are used on medium-power formations, the KMS97 complex is used on formations with a capacity of 0.78m, and the ESF67 (8), UST2M (14), UST2A (6) and CO75 (2) strings with an individual support are used on thin and very thin formations.

The length of the strings with mechanized supports is 190-240m, with individual supports - 100-180m. The pillar development system was predominantly distributed (68.5%).

The load on the string face was 1940t/day. At the same time, the load on jet lavas with mechanized supports is 2.2 times higher than in lavas with individual supports. The working time of the coal extraction plough in lavas with mechanized supports is 23.2%, and with individual ones - 18.6% of the shift duration. At the same time, more than 80% of the operating time of the plough falls on the second half of the shift, which leads to difficulties in the operation of vehicles and creates an unfavorable gas situation in the bottomhole. In order to reduce unevenness of gas release, it is necessary to strive for uniform operation of the plough during the shift. At the same operating time of the plough during the shift, the duration of its continuous operation has a significant effect on the uneven gas release. With the same total duration of the plow during the shift, an increase in the time of its continuous operation will reduce the unevenness of gas release by 1020 %.

However, in the early 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, the situation in the mining industry changed dramatically. Thin strata went into the background, as enterprises, in order not to become break-even, began to develop more powerful coal strata, increasing production by introducing new treatment systems with mechanized supports. However, recently in many mines there has been a need to work out thin formations.

The Kazakhstan mine processes formations T1, D9, D10, D11, D6, of which the T1 formation is dangerous, D6 is especially dangerous due to sudden emissions of coal and gas. Formation D6 is prone to spontaneous combustion, of the formations being worked out, only it has a thickness of 5.56 m, the rest from 0.8 to 1.6 m. To ensure the profitability of the mine in the conditions of a limited coal market, in order to concentrate mining since 1999. at the mine, the transition to work according to the "shaft" scheme has begun [21]. Considering the fact that reserves for low-power and thin formations of the mine make up 50% of the balance reserves, it was necessary to find ways to develop thin formations (0.81.5 m) that ensure the profitable operation of the mine. In addition, the timely reproduction of reserves on a powerful highly hazardous bed D-6 due to low penetration rates associated with BOP activities is difficult.

After a thorough study of the experience of high-performance development of thin strata in coal mining countries of the world, the GH 9.34.VE 4.7 string unit of DBT was acquired. Binding of the string plant to the mechanized support Glinik 066/16 available in the coal department was carried out at the company's coal engineering plant (RGPO). The support and the string installation were mounted on a excavation section, the workings of which were passed a few years ago and were not adapted for the string excavation. The average daily load on lava was 4167 tons (for 24 working days), with a labor productivity of 510.6t.

The experience of the first string plant at the Kazakhstan mine showed that new technical solutions are required in the preparation of the excavation site. This is an increase in the length of the lava to 250300m, penetration of the mine with a width of at least 5m, the use of an anchor support, as well as the need to acquire penetrating equipment capable of providing a penetration rate of at least 300m/min, as well as the use of overloaders and belt conveyors with a capacity of at least 1000t/h. During the operation of the string plant, measurements of dust content of air and gas release in the area were made. The dust content of air was about 5570mg/m3 with production of more than 5000t per day compared to 150200mg/m3 with combine production; gas release in the section did not exceed 45m3/min.

In September - December 2005 for the first time in Kuzbass at the Abashevskaya mine of OJSC OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol, the excavation section of the low-capacity reservoir was successfully worked out by the DBT GmbH jet complex (Germany) [24]. "DBT GmbH" treatment jet complex is designed for complex mechanization of processes of coal breaking, loading and delivery, roofing attachment and control, as well as protection of working space from collapsed rocks during extraction of coal seam. In July-August 2005, the reconstruction of the mine conveyor line, the preparation of lava and the installation of a cleaning string complex for the development of the excavation column 1409 along formation 14 were completed.

3a The period from September 25 to December 26, 2005, the lava exploit amounted to 655.2 m. The maximum daily production in November 2005 was 6,200 tons, the average daily production was 4,536 tons, the total production was 28further 1 tons. (chip depth - 40 mm), up at a speed of 1.86 m/s (chip depth 150 mm) and the average withdrawal capacity of the formation 1.52 m. The maximum achieved productivity of the complex was 13.2m3/min (17.4 t/min or 1044 t/h). The achievement of higher indicators was hindered by the high gas abundance of the coal seam.

Based on the results of the experiment, the Abashevskaya mine of OJSC OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol made the following conclusions:

1) Proposed by DBT GmbH through the line of cooperation, the string plant provides, taking into account the difficult conditions in the face (watering, etc.), a high average daily load.

2) The operation of the string complex allows to reduce the ash content of the shipped rock mass (in lava 1409 from 37 to 16%), which leads to an improvement in the economic performance of the mine and the company as a whole.

3) Reduction of labour intensity and improvement of safety of works;

4) Significant cost reduction for end and auxiliary operations;

5) Reduction of the probability of gas-dynamic phenomena during the development of formations dangerous by sudden emissions and mountain impacts.

Development of strata with the help of string excavation made it possible to extend the service life of the enterprise, increase the quality of mined coal, reduce its cost, and increase the degree of safety of mining operations .

The coal extraction technique is one of the most modern and progressive types of coal extraction mechanization. During string excavation, full mechanization of coal extraction and loading with high technical and economic indicators is provided, working conditions of miners are improved, and safety of work is increased. The main advantage of the string recess is the possibility of effective mechanization of the recess of thin strata.

At present, slop mining is the most promising mining technology in the development of thin coal beds, for the large-scale application of which it is necessary [14]:

- development of production of string equipment competitive with foreign counterparts by domestic machine-building plants;

- training of qualified specialists and miners for efficient and safe development of strata.

4.3 Analysis of foreign experience of development of gentle strata with 11.6m capacity

DBT's GH 938 ve is a modern standard grating machine in Germany, as in other coal mining countries. This standard system has been chosen as the basis for the development of a new GH 42 type slip string with a downhole side chain. The first string unit GH 42 was installed at the ProsperHaniel mine of Deutsche Steinkole AG (DSK) on section 258 of formation N [25]. The practical experience of DSK shows that on formations with a capacity of less than 1.8m, automatic strings are in any case more productive than combines.

In September 2003 normal cleaning operations were started in panel 258. Along with the string installation, a DBT type II shield mount was installed in the lava. The DSC mine-standard DBT PF 4/1300 overloader was used together with the SK 11/14 type crusher. Despite difficult geological conditions, especially when lava moves away from the mounting chamber with coal extraction by drop (22.5 °) and passing through the saddle, the string plant was successfully put into operation. Even the overturned crease, found at 50 meters of propulsion with a height of about 2.6 m over about 100 sections of the shield support, was successfully overcome without the use of drilling and blasting operations. This demonstrated at the very beginning the excellent properties of the new string set. The average daily lava drive was 7.39 m with an average commodity coal output of 6171t/day (11689t/day in ordinary coal, respectively) throughout the time of the site development. This was the best result of 2003 for all the string lavas of DSK.

Together with the DMT research center, a large number of instrumental observations were made. In April and May 2004 63 load-free and non-load tests were performed. At each operating cycle of the jet, the stroke of the jet supply cylinders was measured - the effective chip depth, as well as the effective power consumption of the engine. Of the 63 tests, 50 were carried out under load with a preset depth of 70 to 180 mm, and 13 were carried out without load.

During the duration of the development of section 258, the new string set-up has shown very good results, including some potential for further improvement. In the future, treatment works in the ProsperHaniel mine will move to deeper horizons with a simultaneous decrease in the average capacity of the formations and an increase in the strength of coal working formations. DBT has developed and manufactured a new GH 42 slip jet system introduced in September 2003 to ensure high-performance mining under these conditions. pilot operation at ProsperHaniel mine [16].

This first experience was very successful and exceeded the highest expectations. A series of experimental studies have led to new trends in the measurement of the performance of strings.

The collected data indicate that the new GH 42 can provide even higher performance than previously expected. At the ProsperHaniel mine On a formation with a capacity of less than 1.8 m and with an angle of incidence of 18-27o, an automatic string installation GH42 in lava up to 400 m long achieved an average daily production of commercial coal of 6171 tons (respectively, 11,689 tons/day at ordinary coal). The mine management believes that with the appropriate infrastructure that allows effective plow operation, for example, for 10 hours per day, the capacity of this string plant can reach up to 20000 - 35000 t/day (depending on the strength of coal). The DSC company is considering the possibility of using the same strings in other mines.

In Germany, DBT's strings are stable and operate in many mines with high productivity. At the Ost mine with a capacity of 1.7 m with a lava length of 308 m, the average daily production reached 13,500 tons for commercial coal, at the Friedrich Heinrich mine with a capacity of 1.3 m in lava with a length of 310 m, commercial coal production reached 12,653 tons/day with a record of 16,500 tons/day [16 ].

In the USA, due to the sharp difference for the better in the mining and geological conditions of the formation from European and located in Russia, chamber-pillar development systems for which appropriate mining equipment has been created are used. For the development of thin strata in the United States, mainly strings of West German production are used. Production volumes of marketable coal from 4 to 5 t/day have been achieved in excavation sections with sliding jets 726 and 934 ve [26].

When excavated with western parameters by a 934 ve plough in West Virginia on a formation with a capacity of 1.25 m (lava length 250m) in a three-shift mining mode (working time of 18h), an average load of more than 8,500 tons/day of commercial coal was achieved when working out the entire extraction field. The maximum values exceeded 12 thousand tons/day, and the reservoir area productivity was 7.3 m2/min. The best indicators of lava movement approached 20 m/day throughout the extraction field with a length of 1707 m. The average machine time ratio was 68%, over 82 working days 667321t of commercial coal was mined, which corresponds to 8138 tons/day. Moreover, the development speed to some extent was inhibited by geological conditions. Hard coal formations are worked out by Sirus screw harvesters installed on the conveyor "E - 170," which move along the soil in front of the conveyor [26]. Coal extraction is also carried out by a combine with remote control. So on thin formations coal is excavated by cutting long parallel chambers with leaving between them minimum in size pillars. The chambers pass with a width of 3 m without attachment. Using short-face harvesters, more than 60% of coal is mined on gentle formations in the United States.

Using GH type strings, world records for coal mining have been set. So, at the mine "USSteel No. 50 "in the USA on a gentle bed with a capacity of 1.2 m in lava with a length of 270 m, the GM 2.7 string plant provided an average daily production of 9,204 tons with a maximum of 22,710 tons/day. The average nominal movement of the face was 18.6 m with a maximum of 42 m/day [26].

4.4 Conclusions on Section

The analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of working out gentle strata with a capacity of 11.6m jets makes it possible to draw the following conclusions:

The string technique is a proven and reliable technique from the inventors of the string with experience in application for more than 50 years.

High technical level, integrated systems - all system components are optimally coordinated.

DBT string systems adapt to fluctuations in formation power and to changes in coal strength.

Operation in fully automated mode is possible.

Maximum productivity and low production costs when working out formations with a capacity of less than 2m.

Easier access to stocks concentrated in low capacity formations.

Repair work can always be carried out outside the lava.

Significant installed power as a guarantee of high performance.

The presence of the driver in the lava is not required.

The safest job in lava.

Reliability of operation even in the presence of undulating gypsometry of coal seam and geological disturbances.

Dosed movement with a certain cutting depth depending on the strength of coal constantly provides straightforward lava.

Intelligent drive systems ensure optimal protection against gusts.

Higher loads on the treatment face, reaching 10000t per day on thin formations from 1 to 1.5 m;

Reduction of ash content by 3-4% due to elimination of side rock patches, improvement of quality of shipped products, increase of content of large-medium grades by 1220%;

Reduction of labour intensity and improvement of safety of works;

Significant cost reduction for end and support operations;

Reduction of probability of gas-dynamic phenomena during development of formations dangerous by sudden emissions and mountain impacts.

The use of strings in recent years has become the most attractive method of coal mining, which eliminates the disadvantages inherent in combine coal mining.

5.2.3 Technology of excavation section 4-2-5-1

The excavation section is worked out by the development system with long pillars along the stretch with a reverse stroke with control of the roofs with complete collapse.

The scheme of operation of the extraction machine is combined .

With a lava length of 220 m, the number of sections in the lava will be 125 pieces.

In the initial position of the jet complex, it is located at the interface at the ventilation stem. Main duty cycle (metered chips):

The jet, moving from the ventilation stem, cuts a strip of coal 0.12 m wide. Knife and plough lemech rock coal under action of forces transmitted to plough by traction chain. With a delay of 3-5 m from the jet, the conveyor is automatically moved by a value of 0.1 m. After moving the main conveyor, the support sections are automatically moved (through 2 sections).

With the help of the jet approximation sensor, the position of the jet in the lava is determined, the jet is equipped with an infrared radiation source, when the jet passes under the section, the infrared sensor is activated and the corresponding signal is sent to the computer of the system and the conveyor is moved .

Equipment for automatic control of PM-4 cleaning complex

5.3.1 General Information

For automatic and remote control of the DBT 110/230 complex as part of the DBT 110/230 support, the DVT GH 5.7/938 plume and the PF280 main scraper conveyor, this project provides for the use of the PM4 system [17]. The PM4 automatic control system is a complex of technical means designed for control and current diagnostics of the extraction complex, with many engines in the drive system (up to six motors) and a complex hydraulic control system (up to twenty coils of electrohydraulic controllers).

The PM4 system is designed as a universal control and diagnostic system designed for joint use with various types of strings. The system provides control of the jet, main conveyor, support sections, controls operation and interaction of the main units of the extraction complex.

The system is a set of easy-to-fit units. It has a modular structure, which facilitates installation, maintenance and maintenance during the operation of the complex. All control, measurement and information processing circuits of the system are intrinsically safe.

The block diagram has several control subsystems:

- plow motors (feed speed).

- main conveyor motors,

- movement of the main conveyor,

- by movement of support sections.

PM4 system provides:

- remote control of jet starters, conveyor, direction of movement and speed of jet supply, their disconnection;

- supply interlocking with conveyor actuation and time interval between starts of plow motors;

- automatic shutdown of the jet starters and protection at tilting of the electric motors of the jet feed drive;

- stabilization of the specified current value of the most loaded jet motor, limitation of the total current consumed by the jet drive, automatic change of the feed speed;

- stabilisation of feed speed at the specified level at underloading of engines of jet feed drive;

- reduction of supply speed to zero during long-term overloads of electrical equipment;

- fixing of zero rate of jet supply;

- light indication of regulator operation, availability of supply voltage, integrity of cables and control circuits of jet and conveyor starters;

- disconnection of the jet starter and conveyor when the methane gas concentration exceeds the permissible one;

- remote control of support and conveyor sections movement in accordance with the program;

- light indication of support and conveyor sections movement, in accordance with the program;

5.3.2 Device and brief description of PM4 system.

The following devices form the system:

- central computer;

- modems;

- system power supply units;

- device PM4 for control of jet and conveyor;

- PM4 devices for control of support sections.

The central computer is the main device of the system. The central computer consists of a processor, a diagnostic monitor, I/O units and a power supply unit of the system.

System power supply unit - is an intrinsically safe source supplying all circuits of the system (220V and 12V), except for isolated circuits measuring temperatures and currents of motors, as well as relays, which are supplied from an additional source (12V).

I/O units - connecting units connecting central computers, control panels, electro-hydraulic controllers and sensors. They are passive devices (it contains a set of diodes separating control circuits).

The support section control device PM4 remotely controls the movement of the 3 support and conveyor sections in this area in accordance with a predetermined program. The PM4 device is equipped on each section with a valve control panel, a valve block, a jet proximity sensor, a measuring rod, pressure sensors for each strut.

With the help of the jet approximation sensor, the position of the jet in the lava is determined, the jet is equipped with an infrared radiation source, when the jet passes under the section, the infrared sensor is activated and the corresponding signal is sent to the computer of the system and the conveyor is moved .

Conveyor movement:

- in accordance with the specified program, a command is sent to the device PM4 of the support section, where it is necessary to move the conveyor,

- PM4 appliance, signal is transmitted to valve control panel, electromagnetic valve of conveyor movement is switched ON,

- value of conveyor movement is controlled by measuring rod fixed on the movement jack,

- after moving the conveyor of the section by a predetermined value, the electromagnetic valve of the conveyor movement is turned off.

Then the support section is moved. In accordance with the specified program, a command is sent to the device PM4 of the support section, which is to be moved at a given moment, by the device PM4, the signal is transmitted to the valve control panel, solenoid valves are turned on, the section is reduced .

The amount of section reduction is monitored by pressure sensors for each rack. After the section is reduced, the solenoid valve is switched on to move the section. The amount of movement of the section is controlled by a measuring rod fixed on the jack of the movement. Measuring rod has reed contacts and moves inside ring magnet. After section movement, solenoid valve is switched on to support section struts by preset value. The size of section alignment is controlled by pressure sensors on each strut.

8 sensors are connected to the ploughing unit PM4, which measure the operating parameters of the cantilever and conveyor mechanisms. Electronic system of the unit consists of the following parts :

- signal normalization circuits,

- microprocessor circuit for servicing of speed sensors and traversed path,

- address multiplexer;

- voltage-to-frequency converter.

The range of sensors used in the system depends on the type of jet and conveyor, this makes it possible to make the best use of the system. The sensors are grouped in such a way that three instrumentation systems are formed:

- sensors connected to the diagnostic measurement unit, measuring temperature, pressure, speed of movement and path,

- temperature and current sensors of electric motors are connected to insulated unit with degree of protection "ic."

Electrohydraulic control units - control units for process functions performed by hydraulic systems of support sections. The units are equipped with electrohydraulic controllers.

Reception of initial information for the control and diagnostics system is provided by a network of 23x sensors measuring the following values:

- electric motors load currents,

- temperature of windings and bearings of electric motors,

- pressure in supply hydraulic pipelines,

- water pressure,

- speed of plow movement,

- the location of the plough in the lava (path traveled).

In addition, the system monitors the continuity of the circuits of the coils of the electrohydraulic distributors, the supply voltage, the condition of the switches and other circuits.

The system diagnostics are based on the corresponding processing of measuring information and the generation of: short messages about the state of the machine, warning signals and emergency switches by diagnostic procedures with simultaneous indication of the state of all control loops on the monitor.

High monitoring efficiency is achieved through the use of a "monitor" equipped with a digital display and a corresponding set of point indicators.

Calculation of the face load

The load on the excavation area is determined by a complex of mining factors and technical characteristics of the selected cleaning equipment.

The equipment capacity is calculated in accordance with the accepted industry procedures for process links and factors:

DBT 110/230 Safety Precautions

1. The operation of the complex is allowed by GROZ, who have undergone special training and instruction on safe working methods and TB during coal mining by mechanized complexes.

2. During the operation of the string installation, it is forbidden to find and move people:

a) between the conveyor and the lava face;

b) at a distance of less than 1 meter along the formation drop from guide blocks or other devices for fixing drive heads;

c) in niches at a distance of less than 1.5 m from the traction chain of the jet or conveyor section;

It is forbidden to perform other operations in the lava when pulling up the stringed rig to restore the formation.

3. It is not allowed to use separate sections in the mechanized support that have lost resistance to mountain pressure

4. In case of repair of individual sections, a reserve of individual support (GS, GVCU, ore struts) shall be provided in the aircraft.

5. When moving the support sections and moving the conveyor to the bottomhole, the workers must be under the protection of the open section.

6. When removing the stripe, reducing the section, being under it is strictly prohibited.

7. When moving the section, it is forbidden to be in front of the moving section and under it.

8. It is forbidden to lower and move the section manually if the mining unit is in the area of the support.

9. In automatic mode, the support sections are controlled without human intervention using automation, so when moving along the face, it is necessary to expect that the sections will begin to move independently. In this regard, warning signs at the lava inputs are required, and visual and acoustic warning signals emanating from the control device in the section are taken into account.

10. It is forbidden to find people on the face conveyor and cross the face conveyor during its operation. It is forbidden to move people along the working conveyor and ride it.

11. The extraction of coal shall be performed only with the irrigation system in operation.

12. When turning off the main conveyor for any reason, re-start only with the permission of the person who turned it off.

13. Perform daily visual inspection of all hydraulic units.

14. In the case of a long stop, in the unsatisfactory condition of the roof, the attachment of lava and interfacing with the dashes is strengthened.

Shaft ventilation

6.1 Method and diagram of shaft ventilation

6.1.1 Brief characteristics of the mine by gas, dust,

to suflyarny releases of methane, emissions, mountain blows and self-ignition of coal

The Osinnikovskaya Mine branch is classified as hazardous by mountain impacts (E6 and E4 strata), sudden coal and gas emissions (K2 and K1 strata), sufflar emissions (K4, K3 and K1v.p. strata) and coal dust explosiveness.

Layers are not prone to spontaneous combustion.

In the work are one cleaning and three preparatory slaughters. During the development of the treatment face 4-2-5-1, the daily productivity is 2930 tons per day, a flanking K5 bremsberg, a conveyor stem 4-2-5-2 and a ventilation stem 4-2-5-3 (two paired bottoms) are carried out along the K5 formation.

6.1.2 Method and diagram of shaft ventilation

Ventilation method - suction, ventilation system - single, ventilation scheme - flank.

Fresh air through the air supply shaft (stand shaft), enters the shaft on the horizon 160m., Then to the main top of the mountains. 160 m. From the main peak of the mountains. 160 m. fresh air is supplied to the track bremsberg of K5 formation via the main track line E1. Fresh air is supplied from the track bremsberg of K5 formation along the conveyor stem 4-2-5-1 to the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and along the ventilation stem 4-2-5-2 to the preparatory bottom of the flank bremsberg of K5 formation.

The outgoing air jet from the treatment face is delivered along the ventilation plug 4-2-5-1 to the track bremsberg of K5 formation. Ventilation of the preparation face of the flank bremsberg of the K5 formation is carried out by supplying fresh air with local ventilation fans installed on the ventilation stem 4-2-5-2. The outgoing air jet from the preparation face of the flank bremsberg of the K5 formation is delivered to the group ventilation stem of the K5 formation, to the track bremsberg of the K5 formation, then along the failure to the horizon 160m to the roof No. 94, along the roof No. 94 to the ventilation shaft equipped with the main ventilation fan VOD30M (suction ).

Ruddvor of cage and skip trunks, a garage for diesel trucks, an electric machine chamber of the main drainage of the mountains. 160 m. main conveyor stem of bed E1 and conveyor industrial overhang K5 are ventilated separately, fresh air enters the shaft through a new stand shaft, the outgoing air jet is supplied to the main conveyor stem of bed E1, to the conveyor industrial overhang of bed K5, then to the conveyor bremsberg of bed K5 and to the ventilation shaft.

Ventilation of paired preparatory bottoms of ventilation plug 4-2-5-3 and conveyor plug 4-2-5-2 in initial period is performed by fresh air supply by fans of local ventilation installed on track bremsberg of K5 formation. The outgoing air jet from the preparatory bottoms is delivered to the conveyor bremsberg of the K5 formation and further to the ventilation shaft. After the workings are carried out for a length of 250 m, a failure is carried out from the ventilation stem 4-2-5-3 to the conveyor stem 4-2-5-2 and local ventilation fans are installed on the ventilation stem 4-2-5-3 on the fresh jet at a distance of at least 10 m from the breakage .

Ventilation of preparatory nicks, which are in operation during this period, is provided by fans of local ventilation 2VME-10 installed on fresh air jet.

The water drain of the air supply shaft is equipped with pump units of CNS 300300 type in the amount of three pieces (1rab. + 1ref. + 1removing). The main drain of the cage shaft is equipped with pumping units of the CNS 300300 type in the amount of six pieces (2rab. + 2rez. + 2removing). Water is pumped to the surface to the mine treatment facilities. Explosion-proof motors of BAO2450LB4 type with 400 kW capacity are used as electric drive of pumps.

Initial data for calculation:

reservoir capacity - 1.45 m;

angle of formation incidence - 115˚;

the length of the excavation pillars is 1510m;

development system - with long pillars along the stretching;

the length of the face is 220 m;

average daily production - 2930 tons;

coal extraction method - inkjet;

danger due to spontaneous combustion - not dangerous;

danger from mountain strikes - threatened from a depth of 150 m;

danger of sudden emissions - threatened from a depth of 300 m;

mine category - dangerous by sudden emissions (by gas - supercategory).

Power supply to the mine

7.1 Underground power supply

Power supply of the mine is carried out of 35 kV from PS of 110/35/6 kV KapitalnayaSh and PS of 110/35/6 kV Osinnikovskaya who are on balance of the Southern electrical networks of Kuzbassenergo.

The following voltage levels are adopted for power supply of underground consumers:

- 6 kV - for underground distribution networks;

- 1140V and 660V - for power networks supplying mobile electric receivers of the section;

- 127 V - for power supply of lighting, manual power tool, gas protection equipment, automation, alarm and communication;

- 36 V - for power supply of automation equipment.

The cable network with a voltage of 6 kV is made with a cable of EVT, SBn, TsSBG, SBGu and KGEN grades; for 1140V and 660V networks, a shaft flexible shielded cable of KGESh1140 grade is used. KOGASH 3x16 cable is used for 127V lighting network, connection of AGZ equipment and automation and for power supply of manual power tool. Control circuits of mining machines, connection of sensors, panels and buttons are made by cable of KGVSh, TPShV and TPShT grade.

Protection of 127V networks against leakage currents and short circuits is provided by APSH.M.02 units with built-in leakage relays.

The grounding is performed in accordance with PB and "Instructions for arrangement, inspection and measurement of shaft grounding." Grounding of electrical equipment is performed by connection of machine housings and mechanisms to common ground network through grounding cores of cables and to local grounding electrodes.

High Voltage Underground Distribution Points (HLP6kV) shall normally be located on a fresh air stream. RPP6kV is equipped with switchgears of the KRUV6 type, which provide protection of networks from short-circuit currents, overload, leaks to the ground.

Power supply of preparatory workings is carried out taking into account provision of backup power supply to fans of local ventilation. For this purpose, an additional substation is installed together with the substation supplying the operating WMBs to power the standby WMBs. Transformer substations (TP) for 660V voltage of KTPV400/0.69 type are used for power supply of pre-works loads. Low-voltage switchgear 660V is assembled from VB400, VV-250 circuit breakers, and PVI315 H + R, PVR250, PVR-125, PVR125R magnetic starters.

Underground section mobile substations (SGBP) are recommended to be located as close as possible to the consumers of electricity and, as a rule, be located in dead ends, in intermediate grooves, failures and other workings, where the SGBP is reliably protected from vehicle impact.

Calculation of power supply of the treatment area is performed in Appendix A.

Industrial safety

Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities - the state of protection of vital interests of the person and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents (from Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety").

Industrial safety requirements are directed to:

⇨ Accident prevention;

⇨ Prevention of industrial injuries at hazardous production facilities;

⇨ to ensure the readiness of organizations operating hazardous production facilities to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents .

8.1 Emergency protection of coal mine

1. The organization operating the coal mines shall:

- take part in the technical investigation of the causes of the accident at the hazardous production facility, take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent such accidents;

- analyze the causes of the incident at the hazardous production facility, take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent such incidents;

- keep records of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facility.

2. Emergency protection of the mine should ensure prevention of emergency situations by implementing a set of measures determined by design solutions, and in case of their occurrence - rescue of people, localization and elimination of the accident.

3. The mine should be equipped with monitoring systems, warning about accidents of people, regardless of where they are located in the mine, means of searching for people caught by the accident, as well as direct telephone and backup communication with the emergency rescue service serving the mine.

4. During the periods of construction, expansion, reconstruction, operation and liquidation, the mine is obliged to conclude service contracts with professional rescue services, as well as create its own emergency rescue formations from among the mine workers in the manner established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5. During the periods of construction, expansion, reconstruction, operation and liquidation, the mine is obliged to have an accident elimination plan (SAR), developed on the basis of an analysis of the risk of accidents and information monitoring of the state of its emergency protection, agreed and approved in the manner established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. If there is no approved submarine or if it is mismatched by emergency service personnel, it is prohibited to perform works in the mine and on the surface (if work on the surface can lead to an emergency situation in the mine).

It is allowed to perform works related to elimination of causes of mismatch, provided that there are additional safety measures.

6. Prior to the commissioning of the submarine, the technical head of the mine is obliged to organize, in accordance with the procedure established by the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia, his study by the mine employees in terms of their issues and familiarization with emergency exits in case of emergency situations.

It is forbidden to put people who are not familiar and do not know the submarines into the mine, as far as they relate.

7. During the development of submarine positions, in accordance with the procedure established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, it is necessary to calculate the time of exit from an unsuitable atmosphere to a safe place for people included in self-rescuers.

8. In case of accident at the mine, the submarine is activated. The Head of Accident Elimination Works is obliged to organize the execution of measures to rescue people, eliminate and localize the accident provided for by the SIL positions.

9. The head of the accident liquidation works should be the technical head of the mine, and for the period of its absence - the mining dispatcher (shift supervisor) of the mine or another official appointed by the mine order.

10. The decisions of the head of the accident liquidation works aimed at saving people and eliminating the accident are mandatory for all persons and organizations involved in the liquidation of the accident, except in cases determined in accordance with the procedure established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, or if the level of risk of these decisions corresponds to an acceptable (justified) safety risk of emergency rescue operations.

11. The mine must keep personnel records of all those who descended into the mine and left (left) it. The first head of the mine establishes the procedure for identifying people who have not left the mine in a timely manner and takes measures to search for them.

12. In the places specified by the technical manager of the mine, signal devices and safety signs shall be installed, agreed in accordance with the procedure established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

13. The distance to the most remote mine workings of mines under construction, reconstruction, operation and closure shall be such that the time of people leaving these workings in the event of an accident does not exceed the time of operation of the isolating self-rescuer.

For the period of performance of planned works at mines with remote places of work, the exit from which in case of accidents to a safe place is not provided by the time of protective action of the self-rescuer, there must be means of collective protection, the placement of which is determined in the manner prescribed by the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia.

14. Mine employee with underground working conditions shall be provided with serviceable individually fixed isolation self-rescue device and accumulator head lamp.

It is forbidden to descend into the mine, move people through the workings, as well as carry out work without a self-rescue device and a lamp.

15. To ensure readiness for actions to localize and eliminate emergency situations at the mine, there must be a reserve of financial resources and material resources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The mine must record accidents and incidents, carry out a technical investigation and analysis of the causes of their occurrence, as well as take measures to eliminate the identified causes and prevent such emergencies in the manner established by the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia.

17. When developing plans to eliminate accidents, damage zones should be established in case of fires, explosions, sudden emissions, mountain strikes, collapses, water breaks, penetration of poisonous and chemical substances; assessment of fire hazard of workings and calculations of ventilation modes were made. Emergency ventilation modes adopted in the submarine should help prevent spontaneous overturning of the ventilation jet, the spread of gaseous combustion products, explosion and sudden emissions through the workings in which people are located, reduce fire activity, create the most favorable conditions for its extinguishing and prevent explosions of combustible gases. The ventilation modes envisaged by the submarine shall be controlled, stable and tested practically during position development.

18. At mines developing coal beds prone to sudden emissions of coal (rock) and gas, there must be means of collective protection, the placement of which is determined in the manner established by the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia.

In dead-end workings with a length of more than 500 m, mobile rescue points should be installed 80-100 m from the face.

Economic part

9.1 Organizational and legal form and production

structure of the enterprise

9.1.1 Organizational and legal form of the enterprise

The Osinnikovskaya Mine branch, which is part of the United Coal Company Yuzhkuzbassugol OJSC, is currently an association of 2 branches - the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch and the Taizhina Mine branch, which share a common mountain branch border .

The Osinnikovskaya mine was commissioned in 1998 and formed on the basis of the separation of the Capitalnaya mine from the liquidated mine in order to finalize the remaining reserves of valuable grades of coking coals on the current horizon of 160 m and opening, preparation and development of coal reserves on the horizon of 360 m. This diploma project is carried out according to the conditions of the functioning of the coal mining enterprise OJSC Osinnikovskaya Mine Branch, which is characterized by such an organizational and legal form as an open joint-stock company. Shareholders of such a company may dispose of their shares without the consent of the other shareholders of that company. An open joint-stock company has the right to conduct an open or closed subscription to shares issued by it. The number of shareholders is not limited .

Shareholders are not liable for the company's obligations and incur a risk of loss only within the value of their deposits. The Company shall be liable for its obligations to all its property, but shall not be liable for the obligations of its shareholders.

9.1.2 Production structure of the enterprise

Each coal mining enterprise consists of sites, farms and organizations serving production and technical processes. The totality of these units is the general structure of the coal enterprise. The totality of production departments and their relationship make up the production enterprise.

The number of structural subdivisions depends on the production capacity of the mine, the area of its location and the mining and geological conditions of the formations. The mine management structure provides for a number of functional organizations consisting of employees of the relevant specialties.

9.1.3 Operation mode of shaft, section, workers

The mode of operation of the mine is a continuous working week. Number of working days per year 360. The number of working shifts per day 4, the duration of the shift 6 hours. The operating mode of the workers is a discontinuous working week with two days off on a rolling schedule. Briefly, the work of the enterprise and workers can be described as 7 + 0, 5 + 2.

9.2 Calculation of cost of preparatory work

The calculation of the cost of 1 linear meter of production per site is made according to the following elements:

- labor costs, thousand rubles;

- social contributions, thousand rubles;

- material costs, thousand rubles;

- depreciation of fixed assets, thousand rubles.


In the diploma project "Opening, preparation and development of the K-5 formation of block No. 4 of the mine field of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch, the goal was achieved: to increase the production capacity of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch when developing the K-5 formation due to the use of string excavation. Production capacity of the mine during the development of the K-5 Ag formation = 1.1 ∙ 106 t/year.

In 1989 the reconstruction of the Osinnikovskaya mine was completed and the mountains were commissioned. 160 m. The long period of reconstruction led to the fact that by the time of the surrender of the mountains. 160m into operation reserves in the Bremsberg field of the mountains. 160m were practically worked out. Therefore, almost immediately the preparation of the mountains began. 260m evasive fields. This led to a long length of mine workings and complicated ventilation.

Opening of K-5 formation on 460m horizon. in the design it was produced by a ventilation shaft, a conveyor industrial top of the K5 formation, passed from the main conveyor stem of the formation and a track industrial top of the K5 formation, passed from the main track stem of the E1 formation.

This allowed:

a) eliminate ventilation workings along the mountains. + 40 m, mountain - 60 m by 70 km, thereby reducing the length of supported workings and reducing aerodynamic drag of the shaft ventilation network;

b) reduce internal and external air leaks;

c) exclude the active fans of the main ventilation VTs-5 and VOD40, which are mentally and physically obsolete, thereby significantly reducing the cost of electrical energy;

d) reduce the path of people in an accident to a common emergency exit by 3 km.

Conveyor industrial slag K-5 is designed for passage of people, transportation of rock mass from treatment and preparation bottoms of K-5 formation. The K-5 track service station is designed for the delivery of materials and equipment. Fastening of traveling and conveyor promkvershlag of K-5 is made by an arch timbering of A1927 .

To penetrate opening workings, KSP32 penetrating combines are adopted. Belt conveyors 2LT120U are adopted for transportation of rock mass from the face. From the face, the rock mass is loaded with the help of a combine on the belt reloader PL600, then on the belt conveyor 2LT120. Through belt conveyors, rock mass enters skip barrels.

The project adopted a formation method for preparing the mine field. K-5 formation preparation method is individual. Panel diagram of mine field preparation is adopted. The K-5 formation was prepared by conveyor and track bremsbergs passed through the formation from the 94 gor.160m roof.

The K-5 conveyor bremsberg is carried out along the K5 formation, designed for the passage of people, the transportation of rock from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and preparatory slabs. The K-5 track bremsberg is carried out along the K-5 formation and is designed for the delivery of materials and equipment.

For the K5 formation, based on mining, geological and mining operating conditions (angle of incidence, power, degree of disturbance, gas content, depth of development, etc.), a long-pillar development system with complete roof collapse is adopted. Excavation poles shall be developed in descending order. Excavation pillars are worked out in reverse order at a small angle along the fall.

Method of preparation of excavation pillars - execution of paired excavation grooves. To penetrate the preparatory workings, piercing combines KP21 and KSP32 are adopted. Belt conveyors 2LT120U are adopted for transportation of rock mass from the face. To load the rock mass on the conveyor, a self-propelled car B15K is used.

Conveyor stem 4-2-5-1 is carried out along K5 formation, designed for transportation of rock mass by 2LT120U conveyor, passage of people, supply of fresh air jet to treatment face 4-2-5-1 and delivery of materials and equipment using monorail diesel road DP155U. Ventilation stroke 4-2-5-1 is carried out along the K5 formation, designed to pass people, pass an outgoing stream of air from the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and deliver materials and equipment using a monorail diesel road. Anchoring of conveyor and ventilation rods 4-2-5-1. Roofing is secured by anchor support consisting of ASP24 anchors and SK1M anchors.

A DBT 110/230 complex equipped with a GH 5.7/938 strand and a PF280 main conveyor is provided for development. Production capacity of the excavation section during extraction by a string installation is 2930 tons of coal per day at technically possible average daily load in terms of flow rate Asut = 10994t/day. Theoretical capacity of the plow "GH 5.7/938" by feed speed qt = 16.38t/min. Productivity is limited by high gas abundance of coal bed K-5.

In addition, with a string excavation, the cleaning face works completely automated, without the presence of people (if there are good geological conditions, even the plow driver is not required in the bottom), that is, the number of maintenance personnel is reduced, and accordingly the cost of wages is reduced; improved working conditions of miners, increased safety of works, due to lower cost of the string plant compared to the K300 combine and, accordingly, reduced operating costs, reduced cost of mined coal.

Taking into account the mining and geological conditions, as well as the experience of enterprises in similar geological conditions, the main transport is fully conveyed within the designed area. Belt conveyors are used to transport coal through the area workings. In the conveyor stem, the most expedient is the use of a belt telescopic conveyor in combination with a scraper reloader.

Belt conveyors 2LT120 are adopted for transportation of rock mass on conveyor racks and conveyor roof, 1LU120 on conveyor slopes, and 2LT 120 belt conveyors are adopted during penetration of preparatory workings.

To provide auxiliary transport of track and conveyor bremsbergs of K5 formation, conveyor and ventilation racks are equipped with monorail roads of DP155U type. Transportation of materials and equipment, delivery of people is carried out by diesel locomotives such as DPL80, IMM-80 .

Ventilation method - suction, ventilation system - single, ventilation scheme - flank.

Fresh air through the air supply shaft (stand shaft), enters the shaft on the horizon 160m., Then to the main top of the mountains. 160 m. From the main peak of the mountains. 160 m. fresh air is supplied to the track bremsberg of K5 formation via the main track line E1. Fresh air is supplied from the track bremsberg of K5 formation along the conveyor stem 4-2-5-1 to the treatment face 4-2-5-1 and along the ventilation stem 4-2-5-2 to the preparatory bottom of the flank bremsberg of K5 formation.

The outgoing air jet from the treatment face is delivered along the ventilation plug 4-2-5-1 to the track bremsberg of K5 formation. Ventilation of the preparation face of the flank bremsberg of the K5 formation is carried out by supplying fresh air with local ventilation fans installed on the ventilation stem 4-2-5-2. The outgoing air jet from the preparation face of the flank bremsberg of the K5 formation is delivered to the group ventilation stem of the K5 formation, to the track bremsberg of the K5 formation, then along the failure to the horizon 160m to the roof No. 94, along the roof No. 94 to the ventilation shaft equipped with the main ventilation fan VOD30M (suction ).

Ruddvor of cage and skip trunks, a garage for diesel trucks, an electric machine chamber of the main drainage of the mountains. 160 m. main conveyor stem of bed E1 and conveyor industrial overhang K5 are ventilated separately, fresh air enters the shaft through a new stand shaft, the outgoing air jet is delivered through the main conveyor stem of bed E1, conveyor industrial overhang of bed K5, conveyor bremsberg of bed K5 to the ventilation shaft.

Ventilation of paired preparatory bottoms of ventilation plug 4-2-5-3 and conveyor plug 4-2-5-2 in initial period is performed by fresh air supply by fans of local ventilation installed on track bremsberg of K5 formation. The outgoing air jet from the preparatory bottoms is delivered to the conveyor bremsberg of the K5 formation and further to the ventilation shaft. After the workings are carried out for a length of 250 m, a failure is carried out from the ventilation stem 4-2-5-3 to the conveyor stem 4-2-5-2 and local ventilation fans are installed on the ventilation stem 4-2-5-3 on the fresh jet at a distance of at least 10 m from the breakage .

Ventilation of preparatory nicks, which are in operation during this period, is provided by fans of local ventilation 2VME-10 installed on fresh air jet.

For degassing the K-5 formation, the project adopted a method of degassing the formation with crossing wells. Method of bed degassing by crossing wells is based on effect of coal mass unloading near wells at points of their intersection, where two systems of crossing cracks are formed.

Increased crack formation provides good aerodynamic communication between series of wells drilled at a certain angle to each other. As a result, a uniform degassing of the coal massif occurs. In the zone of impact of the treatment face, intersecting cracks develop intensively, which contributes to an even greater degree of degassing of the formation. Degassing of preparatory workings is performed by barrier wells.

The project considers the issues of emergency, fire and dust and explosion protection of the mine, aero-gas control. To automate production processes, the project adopted an automated system of dispatching control and control of the ASCU mining enterprise of Davis Derby. The system allows monitoring the state of technological facilities, the mine atmosphere and the movement of underground personnel and vehicles, loudspeaker communication along mine workings and with the dispatcher, as well as implementing the required functions of local and remote control of equipment in underground mine workings. The AGC equipment of the Minewatch PC 21 ASCU system of Davis Derby provides continuous monitoring of the content of methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide in the mine air, as well as indication of the air flow rate in the mine at the sensor installation points; protective disconnection of electric power from the monitored object upon reaching the maximum permissible standards for safety; transfer of continuous information on methane, carbon monoxide and oxygen content to the control room and its registration.

The project provides for the use of the Granch communication system in the mine. The system provides the ability to transmit speech, video, control and telemetry information from one arbitrary point of a coal mining plant to another. The system can be used to monitor the location of people in the mine, alert and search in the event of an accident, the main and emergency communication system, and the control and restriction of access to the facility. The portable telephone provides two-way voice communication with any subscriber of the enterprise telephone network. The basis of the system is a network of base stations located along all mine workings with a step of 300500m .

For dust and blast protection of the extraction section the following measures were taken by the project:

- preliminary humidification of coal in the massif;

- irrigation during operation of excavating machines;

- provision of ventilation jet of air coming from the treatment face;

- dusting at transshipment points;

- removal of settled coal dust;

- individual protection of respiratory organs.

Dusting during the operation of the plough is carried out using cone sprinklers, which are installed on the floors of the support sections. With the help of the jet approach sensor, the position of the jet in the lava is determined and the signal is supplied to the electromagnetic valves for water supply to the sprinklers of the corresponding support sections by the PM4 system .

Dusting during operation of the penetrating combine is carried out through the devices by which they are assembled at the manufacturer. The design also provides for the use of DPU1000 dust collector (800) to reduce dust content during mining workings.

The main goal of the diploma project was to develop an option for the use of string excavation for the development of thin and medium-sized formations lying at great depths.

When performing the diploma project, a comprehensive research method was used, including an analysis of mining literature and the experience of using string excavation abroad and at domestic mines in similar mining and geological conditions, as well as the results of experimental and industrial operation of string excavation on formation 16, excavation site 1614, at the Abashevskaya Mine branch.

In the diploma project based on the experimental and industrial operation of the string excavation on the formation 16, the excavation section 1614 of the Abashevskaya Mine branch, at the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch, it is proposed to string the reserves lying at large depths with the effect of pressing out coal to increase productivity. A justification was made for the feasibility of using a string installation during the development of the K-5 formation.

The introduction of a string installation on the K5 formation will make it possible to obtain at least 2930 tons per day from the excavation area, with a technically possible average daily load in terms of the flow rate Asut = 10994t/day. Theoretical capacity of the plow "GH 5.7/938" by feed speed qt = 16.38t/min. Productivity is limited by high gas abundance of coal bed K-5 .

The productivity of coal extraction by the string installation significantly exceeds the productivity of coal extraction by the K300 screw combine.

In addition, in the case of string excavation, the cleaning face operates completely automated, without the presence of people, that is, the number of maintenance personnel decreases, and accordingly the cost of wages is reduced; improving the working conditions of miners, improving the safety of work.

All decisions made in the thesis are based on modern trends in the field of mining. The emergence of various innovations in the technological schemes of coal mines in various mining and geological conditions, both in our country and abroad, makes it necessary to generalize the experience of their implementation, as well as to identify the features of implementation at coal enterprises in Kuzbass. The introduction of new progressive excavation schemes on thin and medium-sized formations, give high economic efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Analysis of the used literature makes it possible to evaluate the proposed scheme of development of thin and medium capacity of formations, lying at large depths, with the help of string excavation as a new technical solution.

The use of a string plant in the development of thin strata of the Osinnikovskaya Mine branch of OJSC Yuzhkuzbassugol OJSC will extend the life of the enterprise, increase the quality of coal produced, reduce its cost, and increase the degree of safety of mining operations.

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