Development of hydraulic press

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Additional information
1.1 Brief description of the enterprise
1.2 Economic component of the enterprise
1.3 Analysis of rolling stock use
1.4 Organization of road transport
1.5 Justification of thesis project topic and its task
2.1 Design Input
2.2 Maintenance Production Program
2.4 Determination of the number of diagnostic actions per whole fleet per year
2.5 Definition of daily car maintenance program
2.6 Selection of organization of methods of automotive maintenance process
2.7 Calculation of annual scope of work
2.8 Selection and adjustment of normative labour intensity
2.9 Determination of annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works
2.10 Determination of annual scope of work from self-service of the enterprise
2.11 Distribution of M&R volume by production zones and areas
2.12 Calculation of the number of employees
2.13 Calculation of number of posts and flow lines for maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock
2.15 Maintenance site planning
2.16 Design of hydraulic press
2.16.1 Terms of Reference
2.16.2 Design and operating principle of the press
2.16.3 Calculation of strength of the main parts of the press
2.16.4. Safety requirements
2.16.5 Maintenance
2.16.6 Storage Rules
4.1 Selection and characteristics of the construction site of the designed maintenance area
4.2 Main hazards and hazards of the maintenance area
4.3 Measures to reduce hazards and hazards in the maintenance area
4.3.1. Personal protective equipment
4.3.2 Sanitary facilities and appliances
4.3.3 Ventilation for maintenance area
4.3.4 Lighting system
4.4 Fire Prevention
4.5 Conclusions and recommendations for improving working conditions
Explanatory note to the diploma project: 116 pages, 1 figure, 27 tables, 29 sources.
The purpose of the diploma project: to improve the maintenance of trucks at ATP, to develop a maintenance area.
The analytical part shows the history of the enterprise, the economic indicators of ATP, the analysis of the use of transport, the existing maintenance technology.
The main part shows the process calculation of ATP. A hydraulic press was designed, calculations were made confirming its operability.
In the economic part, the economic justification for improving the maintenance of trucks at ATP is given.
In the section, work protection lists the list of measures to improve working conditions and safety. Calculation of lighting and ventilation of the maintenance area room is given. Also listing fire safety measures.
One of the most important tasks in the field of operation of the automobile fleet is to further improve the organization of maintenance and maintenance of cars in order to increase their operability and at the same time reduce operating costs. The relevance of this task is also confirmed by the fact that many times more labor and funds are spent on the maintenance of the car than on its production.
Currently, on the basis of scientific and technological progress, a planning and preventive system for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock, proven by many years of experience, is being further developed.
Various methods of analysis, planning and design are beginning to be applied in both road transport and vehicle maintenance. New methods and tools for diagnosing the technical condition and predicting the resources of car failure are increasingly being developed and introduced. New types of technological equipment are being created that allow mechanizing, and in some cases automating, time-consuming operations for servicing and repairing rolling stock. Modern forms of production control are being developed, which are designed for the use of electronic computers with a further transition to an automated control system.
The most important areas of improvement of maintenance and repair of cars are: application of progressive technological processes; improving the organization and management of production activities; improving the efficiency of using fixed assets and reducing the labor intensity of the industry; application of new, more advanced technological and construction projects and reconstruction of existing car maintenance enterprises taking into account the actual need for the types of work, as well as the possibility of their further phased development; Improving the quality of services and developing material and moral incentives.
The most important task in any farm is the organization of maintenance and maintenance of cars. A diploma project is devoted to this topical topic.
1.1 Brief description of the enterprise
The motor vehicle company began its operation in 1957 under the name of a truck fleet.
In 1960, the facilities of the ATP repair and maintenance base included: a platform for cleaning and external washing of cars, an open platform for parking cars (for 150 cars - seats), boxes for saving cars, a universal post for ongoing repairs; post for Maintenance No. 1 and Maintenance No. 2; thermal section; mechanical section; storage room; vehicle refueling station; checkpoint; control room; administrative structures.
The increase in the number of the vehicle fleet of the transport enterprise put forward large requirements for the technical readiness of cars, which in turn led to an increase in the material and technical base. In 1988, the company was renamed ATP.
Thus, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the logistics base of the transport enterprise was practically formed and had all the necessary facilities of the repair and maintenance base to maintain the high technical readiness of the rolling stock.
The transition of the enterprise to market conditions due to the emergence of an independent Ukrainian state significantly affected the functional activities of the repair and maintenance base units.
Insufficient funds for the purchase of spare parts led ATP to increase the volume of repair and maintenance work at the sites of its own divisions. To ensure the quality of these works, it became necessary to technically re-equip the main units.
1.2 Economic component of the enterprise
The cost of freight transportation is affected by the following costs:
• TSM costs
• payroll costs
• Spare parts costs
• Depreciation
• contributions to the repair fund
• The cost of securing the territory
• transportation costs, etc.
1.3 Analysis of rolling stock usage.
In general, for the enterprise:
• The list number of cars 152 units;
• purpose of the enterprise - freight transportation;
• list number of cars by models: KAMAZ - 5320 - 66 units; MAZ5549 - 42 units; ZIL431410 - 44 units.
• type of vehicles - freight;
• rolling stock class: KAMAZ - 5320 - on-board car; MAZ5549 - dump truck; tZIL431410 - on-board car;
• number of technologically compatible groups 3;
• Number of ATP working days per year 356;
• number of working days of zones TO l, ETO, D 1 and TP per year 305;
• number of working days of zones T02, and TP per year 305;
• Category of operating conditions of vehicles II;
• Ksm factor of planned replacement
• temperate natural-climatic area;
• Ks coefficient of the company's self-service scope is 0.12;
• washing frequency Dm, day 3;
• average mileage from the beginning of operation by models:
- KAMAZ - 5320 - 190 thousand km;
- MAZ-5549 - 140 thousand km;
- ZIL-431410 - 160 thousand km.
1.4 Organization of road transport
Vehicles returning from the line pass through the checkpoint where their technical condition is checked and documents are issued for the necessary type of maintenance or maintenance. The data is sent to the production control center. Washing and cleaning works are carried out on a mechanized wash. Cleaning and washing daily, recessed washing before maintenance and maintenance. Vehicles subject to maintenance and maintenance are sent by the dispatcher to the area TO1, TO-2, and TR. The rest of the cars are sent to the parking lot.
TO1, TO-2, cars pass according to the schedule through certain runs: At the same time, minor accompanying repairs are carried out. The current repair is carried out as required (on requests). Before running TO-1, cars undergo general diagnostics, in which units, units and systems that affect traffic safety are checked. Two to three days before installation in the TO-2 zone, cars undergo in-depth diagnostics, which determine specific malfunctions and the required scope of work in order to prepare for the TO-2 in advance.
In-depth diagnostics are also carried out, and after performing the current repair to determine the quality of the performed works.
• TO1: Service method on universal posts.
• TO2: Service method on universal posts.
• TP: Produced in universal and specialized posts.
The revolving fund is created and maintained through the receipt of new or repaired units, including those capitalized from decommissioned vehicles.
After carrying out the appropriate types of maintenance and maintenance, the cars are sent to the parking lot.
The work of repair areas is planned on the principle of maintaining a non-reduced stock of parts, units and units in the warehouse.
1.5 Existing vehicle maintenance and repair process
For maintenance of cars in ATP there is a complex team that performs all types of maintenance. For all maintenance types, perform the following operations:
Daily Service (EO)
• cleaning the engine from dust and dirt;
• external inspection checks the absence of oil, fuel and coolant leaks;
• check the oil level and add it if necessary;
• check the tension of the generator belt. Maintenance No. 1 (TO-1)
During TO-1, OU operations are performed, as well as:
• check the oil level and, if necessary, add it to the level of control holes in the transmission units;
• inspect and regulate power supply and electrical equipment.
Maintenance No. 2 (TO-2) At TO-2, TO1 operations are performed, as well as:
• rinse air purifiers;
• drain the sludge from the coarse fuel filter;
• replace oil in the engine crankcase.
During the maintenance season (SO), the batteries are checked (electrolyte level and density check), oil and fuel are changed corresponding to the upcoming season.
The main shortcomings in the organization of maintenance and repair of cars are:
• lack of spare parts and repair materials for maintenance repairs;
• absence of new parts, units and assemblies;
• lack of special appliances, tools and equipment;
• low qualification of repair workers;
• absence of maintenance routines.
For high-performance use and maintenance of equipment, and as a result of this increase in labor productivity, I propose to introduce the following measures to eliminate deficiencies in maintenance and repair
• Fully supply maintenance and repair facilities with new parts and units, spare parts and repair materials;
• Conduct training, training and consultation courses for workers;
• purchase new technologically necessary equipment to improve the quality and productivity of repair works.
Day-to-day maintenance includes preparation of the machine for operation, i.e. performance of works on external review, fuelling, monitoring and mounting works and elimination of all faults detected during operation and during inspection.
Maintenance No. 1 (TO-1) is designed to ensure reliable, trouble-free operation of the equipment until the next maintenance. When carrying out TO-1 besides performance of operations EO, reliability of fastening of units, a condition of threaded connections is checked, tightening, a shplintovka, adjustment of separate units and knots, lubricant works and elimination of the malfunctions found in use is made. Maintenance-1 is performed by personnel assigned to this equipment, maintenance is carried out at maintenance posts.
Maintenance No. 2 (TO-2) is intended for in-depth inspection of the technical condition of the machine and its mechanisms and for adjustment and repair work in order to ensure reliable, trouble-free operation of the equipment before the next maintenance. Scope of TO2, except for works included in TO1, includes thorough check of condition of all units and units with their partial disassembly. At the time of TO-2 the machine is removed from operation. Work is performed by personnel working using equipment at maintenance posts.
Seasonal maintenance (CO) is necessary to prepare the machine for the transition from the autumn-winter to the spring-summer period of operation and vice versa. JI includes all types of TO-2 works and works ensuring timely preparation for the upcoming season (change of operating materials in accordance with the upcoming season, performance of special adjustment works). CO work is usually combined with Maintenance No. 2.
During the operation of machines, the technical state of its elements changes due to wear, loss of mechanical strength, disruption of adjustments and fits, corrosion and other reasons, and this can lead to a complete or partial loss of operability of individual elements that cause the need for ongoing repairs. The main content of maintenance operations is the repair of faults and damages detected during operation or maintenance by performing operations related to partial or complete disassembly of individual units and assemblies and their replacement, in case of their loss of operability. Routine repair is an integral part of the scheduled maintenance system, therefore it is designed to maintain the operability of the machines during their operation.
The organization of production should ensure the effective use of labor, means, spare parts, materials, production base and production team of the enterprise.
In the field of organization of production, ATP and their higher-level road transport organizations develop and improve the structure and technological process of production, organization and remuneration, accounting, analysis and planning of production, production management, develop and implement measures to increase the efficiency of production and quality of work. All these sections of the work on improving the organization of production are directly interconnected in production. Therefore, their study and improvement is carried out in the relationship that they have in the existing enterprise. The volume and content of work performed at work is significantly changing due to changes in the average daily mileage, "age" and operating conditions of cars. In order to carry out the existing scope of work, production must have the necessary reserves and the appropriate organization of production. Production is organized so that maintenance and repair of cars is carried out at a strictly established time and with high quality [1].
Methods of automotive maintenance process organization.
In the practice of ATP, two methods of organizing the technological process of maintenance of cars are used: at universal and specialized posts.
When servicing at universal posts, the entire amount of work of this type of maintenance is carried out at one post, except for cleaning and washing operations of the car, which are carried out at individual posts during any organization of the maintenance process. With this method of service organization, mainly dead end parallel posts are used. The car enters the post in front, and the exit from the post in reverse. Universal travel posts are usually used only for maintenance of car trains and harvesting.
At each universal post, it is possible to perform a different amount of work, which allows you to simultaneously service different types of cars and perform related ongoing repairs. This is the main advantage of this service method. The main disadvantages of the dead end position of the posts are the loss of time and air pollution by exhaust gases during the maneuvering of the car when it is installed at the post and leaving the post.
When organizing labor using the method of specialized teams , the posts of the flow lines specialize in the types of work, and at the aggregate section organization of labor - in the units and systems of the car.
The movement of cars along the line posts is usually carried out using a batch conveyor at a speed of 1015 m/min. TO-1 tractor cars are produced in coupling with trailers and semi-trailers on flow lines at universal travel posts, and TO-2 trains are also produced here. On many ATPs, tractor cars pass TO-2 separately on flow lines with universal posts, and trailers in an independent zone with travel posts.
One of the possible options for organizing maintenance of cars at specialized posts is the so-called operational call method, when the scope of work of TO-2 is also distributed among several specialized posts, but the posts are dead end and usually specialize in units, for example: 1st post - front and rear axle and brake system; The 2nd post - the transmission, coupling, cardan transfer, a reducer; 3rd post - engine. At the same time, cars are serviced at independent posts, when they are usually installed on their own.
The organization of services according to this method allows you to specialize posts, equipment of posts and workers. However, the need to move cars from post to post causes time loss and gas pollution of the premises. To eliminate these shortcomings, workers, not cars, move around the posts on some ATPs. At the same time, at each post, the entire scope of maintenance work of the car is carried out and they are universal, and workers specialize in the units and systems of the car [2].
Choice of the method of organization of the maintenance process of cars.
The organization of the maintenance process depends mainly on the production program (number of cars), the structure of the fleet, the consistency of content and the labor intensity of the work. It also depends on the period of time spent on maintenance, the labour intensity of maintenance and the mode of operation of cars on the line. For example, even for a large ATP serving international transportation, due to time uncertainty, the return of cars from the line may not be feasible to organize maintenance on the stream. In-line maintenance is usually advisable if a large number of cars of the same type are available on the ATP, with a constant volume and labor intensity of work. With a small production program, different types of cars, different operating conditions, different operation modes of cars that do not ensure uninterrupted operation of the production line and so on, it is more advisable to use the service method at universal posts.
Organization of labor of workers at car maintenance posts. Design of labor organization of workers.
The level of organization of workers in car maintenance posts has a significant impact on the efficiency of working time and the quality of rolling stock maintenance.
The organization of labor should ensure: maximum productivity of workers; high quality of work execution; equal load of each worker; maximum capacity of posts and lines; convenient execution of all operations by each executor without mutual interference; equal downtime of the car at each station of the line.
The organization of labor of workers at maintenance posts depends on the program of work, the adopted method of organization of labor and the technological process of production. Labor organization projects are developed by research organizations and road transport enterprises
The system of remuneration and labor incentives has a great influence on all indicators of production work. It is selected and approved on the ATP. At the same time, the applied systems and experience of advanced enterprises are analyzed. A piecemeal payment system stimulates an increase in the need for repair, the creation of a queue of cars awaiting repair, and this contradicts the tasks and specifics of production.
Therefore, a temporary wage system is more often used with monitoring and stimulating the implementation of production standards by each worker [3].
The Operational Technology Cards contain a list and a time rule for maintenance operations. This list is drawn up in a certain technological sequence (control inspection operations, control, fastening and adjustment operations, etc.) or sequentially by car units (engine, clutch, gearbox, etc.). On the basis of the operational technology map, the list and labor intensity of all operations are distributed among all workers at the universal post.
When distributing the work to the posts, the lines achieve the best technological sequence of the work and the most specialization and mechanization of the posts. The content and labor intensity of the work are distributed among the workers so that their load is the most uniform, the number of transitions for performing work from the top and bottom of the car is minimal, so that part of the work can be performed simultaneously by two workers, the loss of working time was minimal and the workers did not interfere with each other in the production process. The difference between the time of work at the post by the various workers should be minimal. This depends on the loss of working time and the duration of the car's downtime at the post, which is determined by the time the work is performed by the busiest worker.
Each worker knows what operations he must perform on each car. Cars, which according to the plan must undergo maintenance, come (at the direction of the production manager) to the posts, and each worker performs the operations assigned to him [4].
Work on car TR is carried out at posts and in production departments.
At the posts, work is performed directly on the car, and in the production departments parts, units and units, disassembly, adjustment and fastening works are repaired. They account for approximately 4050% of the total TP car work. Minor maintenance repairs are carried out at TO-1 and TO-2 and when providing technical assistance to cars on the line. The main scope of work is performed in the maintenance area of ATP in interschange time and with the removal of the car from service. The more repairs are made in the inter-shift time, the less car downtime and better production works [5].
TP of cars is carried out by two methods: individual and aggregate.
With an individual repair method, faulty units, devices, units are removed from the car, repaired and installed again on the same car. With this repair method, the units are not impersonated, and the downtime of the car in repair is determined by the duration of repair of the most labor-intensive unit.
In the absence of anonymity, the responsibility and interest of drivers for the safety of cars increases, the service life increases and the costs of repairing units are reduced. However, with an individual repair method, the car can be idle for a long time in repair. Therefore, this method is used when a simple car does not affect the implementation of the transportation plan and the simple of other faulty cars in anticipation of the release of the post, as well as in the absence of spare units and units.
The essence of the aggregate repair method consists in replacing the faulty units, devices and units with serviceable ones - new or previously repaired and located in the revolving fund of the enterprise. The main advantage of this method is the reduction of the car downtime in repair, which is determined only by the time necessary to replace the units and assemblies.. The reduction of downtime in repair leads to an increase in technical readiness and use of the fleet, and therefore an increase in its productivity and a decrease in the cost of transportation. To perform the repair by the aggregate method, a non-decreasing fund of revolving units and units is created at ATP, satisfying at least the daily need of the enterprise. This fund is created both from the receipt of new units and from suitable units from decommissioned cars.
However, the aggregate method should be used in the case of economic expediency, otherwise you can not only get the necessary technical and economic effect, but also have unjustified losses. The economic efficiency of the aggregate method of T.P. cars depends on the correctness of its application in specific conditions [6].
The program of ATP works on maintenance and repair of rolling stock is divided into works performed at posts and various production departments. These departments specialize in the types of work or units and systems of the car. Depending on the work program, they are sometimes called workshops, sites or departments.
In the production departments, parts, devices, units and assemblies removed from cars are repaired. These works account for about 50% of the volume of work on T.R. cars.
The main task of all these divisions is timely provision of maintenance and repair areas with the necessary parts, units, instruments and units. The required number of workers in each department is determined by the actual labor intensity of the work performed. If it is impossible or impractical to perform repairs directly at the post, the part, device, unit or unit is removed from the car and, together with the control pass, sent for repair to the appropriate production department.
The quality of maintenance and repair is laid in the process of work and is evaluated by direct control and during the operation of cars on the line. The main objective indicator of the quality of work is the duration of failure-free operation of cars on the line after maintenance and repair. The quality of maintenance and repair has a decisive impact on the level of costs and downtime of cars and on the safety of rolling stock. The organization of effective quality control of T.O. and T.R. cars is a complex task due to the specifics of the work of this production.
Monitoring their full implementation is time-consuming. For example, complete control of the quality and scope of maintenance of cars takes up to 50% of the time of the performers, since with such control it is necessary to significantly repeat the work of the performers. In addition, the quality of many works is objectively assessed only by observations during their production, and not after execution. Such observations are particularly labour-intensive and cannot be carried out in sufficient quantities.
Quality control of work performed on the car is carried out directly at the car maintenance and repair posts, at the posts and diagnostic lines and at the FTP. The quality of repair of units and assemblies removed from cars is usually controlled directly in the corresponding production areas [7].
1.5 Justification of thesis project topic and its task
An analysis of ATP's production activities showed that most of its divisions operate in accordance with standard process diagrams.
Ensuring the operable condition of the vehicle fleet of the enterprise and opening orders for repair and maintenance work on cooperation for enterprises that do not have their own repair base depends directly on the quality of maintenance and its cost.
Based on the analysis of literary sources and production activities of ATP, the tasks that must be solved in the diploma project are justified:
• justification of ATP maintenance and repair program
• determination of labour intensity by zones and areas
• Calculate manpower requirements
• develop ways to improve TOl and T02 technology
• Develop measures to improve working conditions
• develop a device to improve the technology for pressing bushings, bending metal
• Provide economic justification for implementation of proposed measures.
2.16.4. Safety requirements
A permanently fixed worker, trained and skilled in the work shall be allowed for operation.
When you start working on this device, you need to understand the device and its principle of operation, as well as the rules of operation when working on hydraulic high-pressure devices.
Do not operate on the device hydraulic cylinder that is not tested for overpressure. Non-compliance with the operating mode leads to a failure of the press, while the manufacturer does not compensate for damage.
2.16.5 Maintenance
Perform an external inspection of the technical condition of the device each time before the start and end of operation. Fluid leakage through high pressure hose connections is not permitted.
Maintenance shall be performed 1 times a month. It is necessary to inspect hidden parts of the installation, check the fasteners of the mechanisms.
2.16.6 Storage Rules
Store the press in dry ventilated room at temperature not lower than 5 ° С and relative humidity not more than 80%.
The press storage room shall be insulated from the ingress of vapors or gases of aggressive substances.
Change preservation grease every six months. The unit purchased in cold time shall be kept at room temperature for at least 4 hours in order to avoid failure of hydraulic equipment.
Economic part
This diploma project provides for the modernization of the maintenance area at "ATP -." Maintenance is a set of operations on: maintenance of rolling stock in operable condition and proper form; ensuring reliability, economical operation, traffic safety, environmental protection; reduction of deterioration intensity of parameters of technical condition, failures and faults, as well as detection of them for timely elimination. Maintenance is a preventive measure that is enforced as planned.
The rolling stock of ATP has 152 trucks. Process redevelopment with installation of main and auxiliary equipment is carried out to upgrade the maintenance area in ATP. The quantity and nomenclature of equipment is justified in the main part of the diploma project.
The cost-effectiveness of the project is estimated by the level of planned profit and profitability of car maintenance. This takes into account the overall investment in maintenance area upgrades and ongoing maintenance costs.
In this diploma project, the following were developed:
1. Technical design of the enterprise
2. Maintenance Area Working Design
3. Solving a Design Problem
6. Occupational Safety Section
7. Economic part
In the technical design, the following were performed: calculation of the production program, distribution of annual volumes of work by production zones, departments and workshops, calculation of the number of maintenance and TP zones, calculation of the areas of departments and the entire production building of ATP. Production building drawing is completed.
In the working design of the maintenance area, labor intensity was distributed according to the types of work, the equipment table was presented, the area was calculated and the maintenance area drawing was made.
The number of actions for the entire fleet of cars per year: ETO - 42614, TOl - 1786, T02 - 760.
The daily program on THAT: ETO - 140, T01 - 9, T02 - 3.
Labor intensity by types of maintenance for the year: ETO - 14764 people - h, TOl - 4804 people - h, T0280147 people-h.
The number of employees in maintenance zones will be: ETO - 8 people, TOl - 3 people, T02 - 4 people.
Post takt: ETO - 1 min, TOl - 54 min, TO2 - 168 min.
In the economic part, the efficiency of introducing additional equipment is justified by technical and economic indicators, and a payback period of two years is calculated.
The labor protection section describes measures to improve working conditions, the need for lighting and ventilation of the maintenance area premises is calculated.


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