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Development of a technological process for restoring the tire of a MAZ car


A modern automobile tire is an elastic rubber-cord shell of complex design, mounted on the rim of the wheel, filled with compressed air and designed to ensure reliable transmission of traction and braking forces, the ability of stable straight-line movement, low heating, suitability for operation at any time of the year, low sensitivity to moving through the rails, sufficient resistance to damage to the side walls, high safety and economy.

Tires are used to absorb small shocks and mitigate shocks that occur when the wheels hit road obstacles; they protect the chassis of the car from shock loads and increase the smoothness of the ride. 

Project's Content

icon 8 Список использованных источников.doc
icon 2 Содержание.DOC
icon 4 Пункт 1 Исходные данные.doc
icon 3 Введение.doc
icon Планировка.cdw
icon 5 Пункт 2 Технологическая часть.docx
icon 7 Заключение.doc
icon Универсальный съемник для выпрессовки полуосей _ БККП 010618 300 СБ.cdw
icon Спецификация отделения.doc
icon покрышка.cdw
icon 6 Пункт 3 Конструкторская часть.docx
icon Спецификация приспособления.doc

Additional information



1 Input for Process Design

1.1 Characteristics of the part

1.2 Part Defect Specification

1.3 Defects of the part and their causes

1.4 Technical Requirements for Repaired Part

1.5 Part Lot Size Calculation

2 Process Part

2.1 Repair route

2.2 Selection of rational method of part restoration

2.3 Selection of process bases

2.4 Process diagrams of defects elimination

2.5 Definition of intermediate allowances, tolerances and dimensions

2.6 Part Recovery Process Route

2.7 Selection of equipment and process equipment

2.8 Calculation of processing modes

2.9 Calculation of time standards

2.10 Labor protection during repair works

2.11 Process Documentation

2.12 Calculation of annual scope of work

2.13 Calculation of annual time funds

2.14 Calculation of the number of main production workers

2.15 Site Process Management

2.16 Calculation of process equipment quantity and selection of process equipment

2.17 Area calculation

2.18 Layout of recovery area

3 Design part

3.1 Analysis of existing fixture structures

3.2 Purpose and arrangement of the accessory

3.3 Operation principle of the accessory

3.4 Calculation of accessory

3.5 Substantiation of efficiency of the developed design of the accessory


List of sources used

Appendix A (Set of Process Documents)

Appendix B (Specifications)


In the system of maintenance and repair, an important place belongs to technological, engineering issues in the field of car repair. During operation, due to a number of inevitable reasons (wear, fatigue damage, deformation, etc.), the operability of parts and assemblies of the car is periodically disrupted, so there is an objective need for its restoration.

The creation of the main parts of the car requires the implementation of fairly complex design technology solutions, which is associated with a large cost of labor resources, organic labor in the form of tools and equipment, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Restoration of parts makes it possible to use the preserved consumer cost in the form of residual durability of parts. The restoration of parts is economically justified: about a quarter of the parts of the repair fund are worn out within the permissible limits, and about half can be used after restoration at a cost of 1530% of the price of new parts. The restoration of parts preserves a significant amount of materials, energy, labor, is more environmentally friendly in terms of impact on nature and man.

Restoration of parts is the main source of efficiency of repair production and its basis. According to a number of names of the most important metal-intensive and expensive parts (engine blocks, crankshafts, gearbox crankshafts), the secondary consumption of restored parts is much more than the consumption of new spare parts.

The cost of recovery for most recoverable parts does not exceed 75% of the cost of new parts, and the cost of materials is 15-20 times lower than for their manufacture. The high economic efficiency of enterprises specializing in the restoration of automotive parts ensures their competitiveness in market production.

A special place among car parts, the restoration of which is economically feasible, is occupied by body parts. they are expensive, metal-intensive and largely determine the performance of the unit as a whole. High-quality restoration of car parts will take place using optimal methods and means of production.

The purpose of this course project is to develop a technological process for the restoration of the Maz car tire. During the course design process, it is necessary to solve a number of problems: to give the characteristics of the part and the technical requirements for its defect; analyze the defects of the part and the causes of their occurrence; Review possible recovery options and justify best practices; justify the process route of the part restoration; define modes and normalize process operations; select equipment, cutting and measuring tools, process equipment; develop the part recovery flow sheet; organize the work place for technical support of the process; develop a planning solution, as well as evaluate the repairability of the part and a technical and economic assessment of the restoration process.


In the course of this course project, he designed a tire assembly department for the restoration of automobile tires.

He calculated the annual scope of work, the number of production workers, selected technological equipment, calculated the production area, and compiled a technological map.

He consolidated, improved and supplemented the knowledge and skills gained during training in the organization of production and technology for car maintenance and repair; deepened knowledge on scientific organization of labor and design of motor transport enterprises; Studied best production practices and acquired maintenance skills; learned to select and analyze materials of a technological and design nature.

Drawings content

icon Планировка.cdw


icon Универсальный съемник для выпрессовки полуосей _ БККП 010618 300 СБ.cdw

Универсальный съемник для выпрессовки полуосей _ БККП 010618 300 СБ.cdw

icon покрышка.cdw
