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Development of a construction master plan for the reconstruction of an engineering structure

  • Added: 09.02.2022
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Course project on the discipline of construction organization project

  • explanatory note(there are errors, the formulas are not all painted)
  • drawing
  • accompanying presentation

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. General part

1.1 Purpose of construction master plan

1.2 Types and content of construction master plan

2. Practical part

2.1 Placement of machines and mechanisms on the construction master plan

2.2 Calculation and design of warehouses

2.3 Calculation and design of temporary buildings and structures

2.4 Calculation and design of temporary water supply

2.5 Calculation and design of temporary power supply

2.6 Technical and economic indicators

3. Requirements for occupational safety, fire safety and

preservation of the environment during the development of construction

Master Plan


List of used literature


Construction is one of the main branches of the national economy of the country, providing an expanded reproduction of production capacities and fixed assets for the entire national economy. Construction products as an industry are new or reconstructed buildings and structures of various functional purposes prepared for commissioning and adopted in accordance with the established procedure.

In accordance with the current legislation, the design documentation includes the construction organization project, which is developed as an independent part of the design documentation and in which the organizational conditions for the construction are most reflected. The solutions laid down in the project of the construction organization have a direct impact on the cost of construction of facilities, the timing of construction, the quality and safety of the designed facilities for users, the environment and the population

Organizational design of construction is regulated by SNiP 1201-2004 "Organization of construction." These rules and regulations are of a advisory nature and establish for voluntary application the general rules for the conduct of construction, established in practice and determined by the current legislation. However, the regulatory provisions of this document acquire the status of mandatory if the construction contract concluded by the construction participants in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation refers to the application of these building codes and regulations in the construction of a particular facility.

The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological

solutions for the achievement of the final result - commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and within the established time frame. The construction organization design should be developed taking into account the application of progressive forms and methods of organization, planning and construction management.

During the course project, I had the following goal - to study the construction master plan for the construction of an engineering structure.

The tasks before me were as follows:

Calculate storage area

study the purpose of the construction master plan

learn to perform calculations of temporary water and energy supply

learn how to design technical and economic indicators

The object of research is the construction master plan for the construction of an engineering structure.

General part

1.1 Purpose of construction master plan

Construction Master Plan (SGP) is a construction site plan, on which for the technological stage under consideration (in this project - the stage of construction of the above-ground part of the building) the main and auxiliary machines and mechanisms used, temporary facilities necessary for the construction period, including: warehouses for material and technical resources, residential premises, engineering communications, etc.

The design of construction master plans is carried out on the basis of conditions under which the length of temporary communications and ways of moving materials and structures within the construction site would be minimal, but at the same time sufficient for uninterrupted construction and installation work. When placing temporary domestic and administrative buildings on the GWP, it is necessary to strive to minimize the path of work from these buildings to jobs.

The initial data used in the development of the site-wide SGP are: data from technical and economic surveys, data on the supply of construction with the necessary material resources, a master plan for development in the horizons with the application of existing buildings, structures, communications, as well as a construction schedule.

When developing the object SGP, the requirements arising from the technology of individual types of work are additionally taken into account. Calendar plans during the development of the SGP are necessary to identify the possibility of using the permanent facilities under construction during the construction period; calculation of storage areas based on the need for structures, parts and materials for the period for which the SGP is drawn up and the level of production and technological configuration provided for this construction; determining the number of workers employed at the construction site, according to which the areas, types and locations of mobile (inventory) buildings, the need for housing and social facilities are calculated.

According to the data of technical and economic surveys, rational transport links between the construction site and quarries, production enterprises, railway stations and berths, material and technical warehouses, as well as with the area of ​ ​ resettlement of builders are determined. When designing site-wide and object-wide SGPs, the following basic conditions shall be observed.

1. All designed buildings and structures of an industrial enterprise, microdistrict or urban planning complex shall have dimensions and main axes. In the future, roads, engineering communications, places of arrangement of construction machines and mobile (inventory) buildings are tied to a reference point installed in the foundation in the form of a metal pin, or the nearest point of the state geodetic network (GHS).

2. Temporary buildings should be located in areas that are not subject to further development by permanent facilities, while respecting fire safety standards and requirements.

3. Safety and fire safety requirements shall be taken into account when designing SGPs by proper placement of mobile (inventory) administrative, sanitary, public buildings and warehouses on the construction site in compliance with established distances; arrangement of necessary passageways and passageways; provision, in special cases, at the request of the state fire supervision, of the necessary premises for the placement of fire protection, equipment and devices.

The type of fire protection, its number and equipment is established by an interdepartmental commission, the members of which are representatives of the State Fire Supervision, the customer and the general contractor. When performing construction and installation work at existing enterprises, fire protection is usually carried out by the fire department serving the industrial enterprise.

The SGP shall be provided with places for smoking and fire extinguishers, fire fighting equipment and fire stations, as well as fire hydrant installations. Fire hydrants, as a rule, are located on a permanent domestic and drinking water supply with a diameter of at least 200 mm. According to fire safety standards, hydrants are installed at a distance of up to 100 m from each other. This is necessary to ensure that fire extinguishing at any site of the construction site is ensured by the supply of water from at least two hydrants. Hydrants shall be located at a distance of not more than 50 m and not less than 5.0 m from the walls of buildings under construction and 2.0 - 5.0 m from the roadside. Fire fighting measures shall be developed in accordance with SNiP 2.01.0285 * Fire fighting standards .

At the entrance to the construction site, a traffic scheme should be established, and on the sides of roads and driveways - clearly visible road signs regulating the procedure for the movement of vehicles. The speed of vehicles near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h in straight sections and 5 km/h in turns.

The illumination of the territory and workplaces shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of the electrical lighting design instruction of the construction site (MN 81-80). The SGP shall indicate the zones of high-voltage power transmission lines, where the operation of cranes is not allowed.

Construction sites in populated areas should be protected by continuous fences with a device in places of movement of people of protective visors and sidewalks.

Labor safety issues when compiling the SGP are resolved in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032012 "Labor Safety in Construction."

4. Construction of temporary buildings shall be minimal. To do this, we install mobile wagons for living on the site

5. The movement distances of construction loads within the construction site, as well as the number of transshipments, shall be minimal. Based on this, it is necessary to rationally place warehouses, stationary and mobile mechanized installations, sites for the preliminary assembly of structures and process equipment.

6. The length of temporary sewage, water and power supply networks, as well as temporary roads should be minimal. At the same time, we should strive to use permanent networks for the construction needs laid out in the preparatory period. Temporary roads should, as a rule, be laid along and off the routes of permanent roads only if the entrances to temporary warehouses or directly to the objects under construction do not coincide with the routes of permanent roads. The coverage of the roadway of temporary on-site roads should ensure the possibility of transportation in any weather and at any time of the year. Depending on traffic intensity and ground conditions, temporary roads can be covered with gravel, slag or other local cheap materials, as well as prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, which, after completion of construction, can be used for the same purposes on other construction sites or serve as the basis for permanent roads.

Two-way roads shall have a width of 6.0 m, and with one-way traffic - 3.5 m. When using vehicles with a lifting capacity of more than 25 tons on the construction site, the width of the carriageway should be at least 8 m. On sections of roads, where one-way traffic is organized, platforms with a width of at least 3.5 m and a length of 12-19 m are arranged for crossing with oncoming transport. The radius of rounding of temporary roads must be at least 12 m.

In order to choose the most rational solution to the GWP, it is necessary to consider several options, comparing them among themselves according to the following main technical and economic indicators:

1) the value of the coefficient characterizing the use of alienated territories. This value is obtained by dividing the total area by SGP by the area of ​ ​ the territory alienated for the construction of permanent buildings and structures ;

2) | the cost of on-site transportation of main construction goods and the convenience of vehicles (the smallest number of dead ends, transport crossings, etc.);

3) the cost of temporary buildings, the length and cost of communications, provided that the construction works are properly maintained, as well as the construction of construction routes outside the area of ​ ​ existing workshops during the expansion and reconstruction of enterprises ;

4) labor costs for the organization of the entire temporary farm on the construction site.

1.2 Types and content of construction master plan

There are two types of building master plans

1. Construction plot plan of the construction site, on which designed and existing buildings and structures are applied, areas for placement on them mobile (inventory) buildings, permanent and temporary roads and railways for the delivery of equipment, structures, materials, installation places of tower and boom self-propelled cranes, stationary and temporary mechanized installations, as well as engineering networks, sources providing the construction site with electricity, steam, hot and cold water.

2. Construction master plan of a separate facility, on which there are designed and existing buildings and structures, mobile (inventory) buildings, permanent and temporary transport routes, pedestrian crossings, engineering communications, tower and boom self-propelled cranes, as well as sites for the preliminary assembly of structures and technological equipment, warehouses necessary for the construction of this facility.


When carrying out construction work at large facilities, changes can occur not only to one structure, but also to a whole complex of structures that are located on the adjacent territory.

In this exchange rate project, calculations of the construction master plan were made, namely:

- placement of machines and mechanisms (selected crane grade according to technical parameters: lifting capacity, hook lifting height and boom departure);

- calculation and design of warehouses (calculated the total area of warehouses);

- calculation and design of temporary buildings and structures (determined by the formula the total number of personnel at the construction site);

- calculation and design of temporary water supply (determined the total water consumption at the construction site);

- calculation and design of temporary power supply (according to the formula we found the power of the network);

Directly, on the construction master plan, we, using calculations, located the structure itself, temporary buildings and structures, warehouses, roads, water supply and electricity.

Learned to calculate technical and economic indicators.

Drawings content

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