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Thesis project. analysis of devices for diagnostics and verification of tachographs is carried out, and a new developed device for testing and diagnostics of the tachograph and sensor will also be analyzed. The technology of operation on this device will be shown.

Project's Content

icon 0 ВВЕДЕНИЕ + готово.docx
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icon Список использованной литературы готов.doc
icon ТЭО готово.doc

Additional information




1 Feasibility study of thesis project topic

History and brief description of LLC "Tachograph-Service"

Workshop Performance Analysis

Analysis of tachograph failures

1.4 Problems, goals and objectives of the diploma project

2 Workshop Process Calculation

2.1 Calculation of annual scope of work by types

2.2 Determination of annual scope of auxiliary works

2.3 Calculation of the number of production personnel

2.4 Determination of composition and calculation of space areas

2.5 Development of planning solutions

3 Process Part

3.1 Organization of works in RUS service center

3.2 Installation of tachograph on the vehicle

3.3 Tachograph Setup

3.4 Tachograph Diagnostics

3.5 Tachograph Repair

4 Design part

4.1 Analysis of devices for diagnostics and maintenance of tachographs

4.2 Development of devices for checking and diagnostics of tachographs and sensors

4.3 Technology of tachograph check for SCP

5 Life Safety

5.1 Characterization and analysis (identification) of potential

hazards and hazards arising from the organization of the workshop

for maintenance of tachographs on the basis of LLC "Tachograph-Service"

5.2 Complex measures of actual development and reflection

BZD in the diploma project

5.3 Development of priority issue. Calculation of grounding element


6 Economic evaluation of design solutions

6.1 Calculation of income from the activities of LLC "Tachograph - Service"

6.2 Service Cost Planning

for LLC "Tachograph - Service"

6.3 Determination of Tax Payments and Profits

6.4 Evaluation of techno-economic parameters of the post as per

equipment diagnostics and repair

6.5 Determination of value of tax payments and profit of post

equipment diagnostics and repair

6.6 Calculation of break-even point of the station for equipment diagnostics and repair

6.7 Assessment of the impact of design solutions on economic

result of LLC "Tachograph - Service"





Over the past decade, the country's car fleet has been constantly growing. In this regard, the number of accidents on the roads of Russia, and with it human casualties, is increasing. So in 2008, over 35 thousand deaths were recorded as a result of accidents, and this figure is steadily growing. Moreover, not only drivers and passengers of personal cars are killed, but passengers of public transport, for whose drivers the responsibility for the lives of people is much higher. The state faces a problem - the problem of road safety, which becomes only sharper from year to year.

These circumstances force state structures to take measures to eliminate this problem by introducing amendments to the points of the SDA, SPC, CPC, GPC and other regulatory and technical documents.

An analysis of the causes of road accidents shows that the level of road safety primarily depends on the compliance of drivers with optimal driving and rest time standards, as well as safe speed modes. In order to improve road safety in international transport, the UNECE Inland Transport Committee has developed provisions for the age and qualifications of drivers, working and rest time standards for drivers and effective monitoring of their performance by means of on-board control devices. All these provisions were enshrined in the "European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport" (AETR), to which our country acceded in 1978. According to the current version of the AETR, from April 24, 1995, the mandatory use of control devices (tachographs) on vehicles participating in the international transport of passengers and goods is provided. The AETR defines the technical requirements for the design, installation, sealing and inspection of control devices, as well as the requirements for registration sheets and their control.

However, the introduction of any device requires its appropriate service in the country or region. In Omsk, there is Tachografservice LLC, founded in 1996 as the MET 098 center. Since 2010, it has been the RUS 006 service center under the RUSTAHONETA license, which produces all types of tachograph services.

The service center RUS 006 has high potential and great prospects, but the production areas require modernization. The purpose of this diploma project is to develop an installation for checking and diagnosing sensors and tachographs. To do this, you need to analyze all existing plants and design this device based on the analysis. This will reduce the total costs of the enterprise, reduce labor intensity, increase productivity, improve the quality of work performed.


A feasibility study was carried out to determine the feasibility of implementing a tachograph service centre on route M 51. It showed that it is advisable to create a service center that installs, configures, diagnoses and repairs tachographs of both local and transit transport. An analysis of applications was carried out on the basis of which the number of applications for 2011 was predicted.

In the process calculation of the workshop, the production areas of the enterprise, the number of technologically necessary workers, the distribution of the scope of work by posts were calculated. In addition, a car skating platform was designed on which tachographs installed on cars of both domestic and imported production will be adjusted.

In the process part, the organization of work in the service center RUS 006 was described. Technologies for tuning, installing, repairing and diagnosing tachographic equipment were worked out.

In the design part, the most common devices for checking and diagnosing tachographs were analyzed. An installation was developed to check and diagnose tachographs and sensors of all types.

In the section of life safety, a set of measures was developed to ensure labor safety at the SPTA. This set of developed measures ensures safety for personnel, client and unauthorized persons.

In the economic part of the diploma project, as a result of the event, an economic assessment of design solutions was made, the calculation showed that the designed enterprise is cost-effective, economically feasible for implementation, in addition, it has a short payback period.

Drawings content

icon Анализ конструкций.cdw

Анализ конструкций.cdw

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блок схема.cdw

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Генеральный план СЦ А1.cdw

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график 2.cdw

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сборочный чертёж.cdw

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спецификация 1.cdw

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спецификация 2.cdw

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