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Development and selection of mechanized cargo processing scheme

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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"Integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations (in railway transport)"
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2 development of valves diagrams

2.1 Storage type selection for cargo storage

Warehouses are a complex of production buildings, engineering structures, lifting and transportation machines located at the intersection of several transport networks and designed for short-term storage of cargo and its transshipment from one mode of transport to another. By the type of cargo to be stored, warehouses are divided into universal and specialized. The choice of the storage type and its equipment depends on the size and nature of the cargo flow, the range and timing of delivery, the type of rolling stock, the size of the necessary capital investments, the amount of operating costs, the presence of communication routes, as well as technological features of production. Therefore, when creating a warehouse, a deep analysis of the structural scheme of cargo flows, their intensity, ways of moving at all stages from the sender of raw materials to the recipient of the finished product, storage and processing conditions (loading, unloading, stacking, weighing, sorting, picking lots, etc.) of goods is required.

To store containers, we will choose an open area with asphalt concrete pavement. Drainage ditches are arranged on the sides of the sites to divert rainwater and meltwater. The sites are given a slope of 0.02 ‰ from the middle at the edges. Cuvettes are made with a longitudinal slope of 0.001 ‰ and are included in the common drainage network. Special attention should be paid to ensuring rainwater and meltwater runoff in order to avoid moisture ingress into containers and damage to cargo .

Railway tracks, road passes should be arranged so that they provide the least movement of containers.

2.5 Conclusions

An open area was selected to store containers. Container reloading operations will be carried out by a gantry double-horse crane 9720000 and a bridge crane with a span of 16 meters. As a load-gripping device, the manipulators of the design of TsNIIHIIT were adopted. The developed diagram of CMAPRR for goat crane is shown in Figure 2.2, and for bridge crane - in Figure 2.3.


For the transportation of this cargo, a 4axial car for medium-capacity containers based on a gondola car, model 13H001, was adopted. The technical norm for loading the car, which is 18 tons, is calculated. According to the developed technological scheme, 20% of the cargo flow is processed according to the "car car" option and 80% according to the "car car" scheme. The estimated daily carriage traffic and cargo flows are equal to 60 wagons and 1080 tons, respectively. 864 tons of cargo per day are delivered to the storage warehouse, 1944 tons per day are processed using mechanisms.

An open area was selected to store containers. Container reloading operations will be performed by a goat with two cantilever cranes 9720000 and a bridge crane with a span of 16 meters. As a load-gripping device, the manipulators of the design of TsNIIHIIT were adopted. The developed diagram of CMAPRR for goat crane is shown in Figure 2.2, and for bridge crane - in Figure 2.3.

The main parameters of the site were determined according to two methods: for permissible load and for elementary sites. As a result of the calculation according to the method of permissible loads, the required area of ​ ​ the site is 2684. On the basis of a more accurate calculation according to the method of elementary platforms, the following values ​ ​ of the main parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the versions were obtained: according to the first version, during the operation of the goat crane, the length is 162, the width is 9, the area is 1458; according to the second version, when operating a bridge crane, the length is 154, the width is, the area is

The PRM performance was calculated on the basis of the considered versions of the CMAPRR schemes, the replacement operating capacity, calculated on the basis of the built schedules of the operating cycles of the mechanisms, amounted to 445.2 tons for the goat crane, 580.7 tons for the bridge crane.

The required number of RRM was determined according to two conditions: ensuring the fulfillment of the specified volume of work and the structure of the repair cycle, ensuring the processing capacity of the cargo front. As a result of calculations according to the first condition, it is necessary to process two goat cranes or one bridge crane, according to the second condition, two cranes.

The number of car feed-retracts to the cargo point is determined, which is 6 feed-retracts for goat and 5 feed-retracts for bridge cranes.

The length of the front from the side of vehicles is 93.6 m.

Based on the comparison of the obtained site lengths according to the versions, they are accepted for design: according to the first version, the site length is 164 m, according to the second - 192 m. The performed verification calculations showed the correctness of certain parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the versions.

The following results were obtained as a result of technical and economic calculations according to the versions of the KMAPRR schemes: the total capital investments are 80616 c.e. according to the first version, 100996 c.e. according to the second version, the total annual operating expenses according to the first version are 27789.9 c.e.

according to the second -19790.5 u.e., annual reduced costs according to the first version 39882.3 u.e., according to the second - 34939.9 u.e.

After comparing the calculated values and natural values, the second version with the use of a bridge crane for processing with lower annual costs is accepted for design.

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