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Exchange rate Development and selection of mechanized cargo processing scheme

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Course project in the discipline "Integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations (in railway transport)" on the topic "Development and selection of a mechanized cargo processing scheme."

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by discipline

"Integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations (in railway transport)"

on the topic of

"Development and selection of mechanized cargo processing scheme"

Define Estimated Workloads

1.1 Selection of rolling stock type for cargo transportation

1.1.1 Selection of railway rolling stock

According to the assignment, medium-duty containers with a gross mass of 5 tons are accepted for transport, they can be transported on platforms and in gondola cars. In the course design for cargo transportation, we accept a 4axial car for medium-duty containers based on a gondola car, model 13H001, in accordance with [9]. The main parameters of the selected type of car are given in Table 1.1. Main characteristics of container of UUK5 type are given in Table 1.2.

The scheme of the gondola car of model 13H001 with its main dimensional characteristics

1.1.2 Selection of road rolling stock

For transportation of medium-duty containers, we select the KamAZ53212 on-board car with a lifting capacity of 10 tons, the main parameters of which are given in Table 1.3.

1.2 Determination of technical norm of rolling stock loading

1.3 Development of process diagram of integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations

In accordance with the task, medium-duty containers arrive at the railway station. At the same time, the cargo processing at the departure station is carried out both using the warehouse and according to the direct version "car car," bypassing the station warehouse. In the course design, transshipment through the station warehouse is accepted 80%, the rest of the cargo - 20% is overloaded according to the direct version of "car car." Process diagram of cargo processing is shown

Direct Benefits:

• high reliability of the transport and cargo complex, which is provided by the safety system of the PRM reservation;

• High processing capacity of railway and road freight fronts, which are limited only by the processing capacity of PRM;

• possibility of cargo movement over the shortest distance;

• there is no need for the territory for storage facilities and expenses related to the construction of the transport and storage complex;

• reduction of cargo losses during transportation;

• The contingent is reduced;

• reduced time on RLP.

Disadvantages in the direct version:

• It is difficult to organize such technology;

• A coordinated approach of cars to cars is required.

1.5 Conclusions

For the transportation of this cargo, we accept a 4axis car for medium-capacity containers based on a gondola car, model 13N001. The technical norm for loading the car, which is 18 tons, is calculated. According to the developed technological scheme, 20% of the cargo flow is processed according to the variant "car car" and 80% - according to the "car mobile block" scheme. The estimated daily carriage traffic and cargo flows are equal to 60 wagons and 1080 tons, respectively. 864 tons of cargo per day are delivered to the storage warehouse, 1944 tons per day are processed using mechanisms.

Development of valves diagrams

2.1 Storage type selection for cargo storage

Warehouses are a complex of production buildings, engineering structures, lifting and transportation machines located at the intersection of several transport networks and designed for short-term storage of cargo and its transshipment from one mode of transport to another. By the type of cargo to be stored, warehouses are divided into universal and specialized. The choice of the storage type and its equipment depends on the size and nature of the cargo flow, the range and timing of delivery, the type of rolling stock, the size of the necessary capital investments, the amount of operating costs, the presence of communication routes, as well as technological features of production. Therefore, when creating a warehouse, a deep analysis of the structural scheme of cargo flows, their intensity, ways of moving at all stages from the sender of raw materials to the recipient of the finished product, storage and processing conditions (loading, unloading, stacking, weighing, sorting, picking lots, etc.) of goods is required.

To store containers, we will choose an open area with asphalt concrete pavement. Drainage ditches are arranged on the sides of the sites to divert rainwater and meltwater. The sites are given a slope of 0.02 ‰ from the middle at the edges. Cuvettes are made with a longitudinal slope of 0.001 ‰ and are included in the common drainage network. Special attention should be paid to ensuring rainwater and meltwater runoff in order to avoid moisture ingress into containers and damage to cargo.

Railway tracks, road passes should be arranged so that they provide the least movement of containers.

2.2 Selection of handling mechanisms for container processing

According to the first version, containers will be reloaded by a double-cantilever gantry crane of type 9720000, the main parameters of which are given in Table 2.1, and according to the second version - a bridge crane with a span of 16 m, the parameters of which are given in Table 2.2

2.3 Selection of load grippers

Cranes shall be provided with manipulator automatic strokes of TsNIIHIIT design for filling, rebuilding and reloading of medium-capacity containers, in accordance with

Autostrop consists of frame 4 with carriages 3 moving in opposite directions. On transverse beams of carriages there are holders 2 with gripping hooks 1. Carriages move from drive 5 with power of 2.5 kW.

In order to accelerate the filling of the container, the vehicle is provided with a mechanism 6 including a retractable rod with hinged visors 7, which automatically occupy one of two fixed positions corresponding to the size of the container.

The autostrop is equipped with automatic locking, which prevents lifting of the incorrectly built container, as well as actuation of the drive when the container is lifted. Duration of container build-up, excluding aiming 2.5 seconds. The weight of an auto strope without a rotary mechanism is 422 kg.

Universal rotary head with hydraulic damper providing suppression of torsional oscillations on flexible rope suspension is used for rotation of autotrop with load around vertical axis. Remote control of the autostrop from the crane operator's cab.

2.4. Development of versions of CMAPRR schemes

Arrangement diagrams of containers at equipment of platforms with goat and bridge cranes are given in Figures 2.2 and 2.3 respectively.

The procedure for the selected flow chart is as follows:

• moving the crane to the place of container reloading;

• moving the crane trolley to the place of cargo grabbing, lowering the auto strope;

• filling the container;

• lifting of load-gripping device with load;

• transportation of the container to the warehouse or to the place of unloading;

• lowering the autostrop with the container;

• Rebuilding the container.

2.5 Conclusions

An open area was selected to store containers. Container reloading operations will be carried out by a gantry double-horse crane 9720000 and a bridge crane with a span of 16 meters. As a load-gripping device, the manipulators of the design of TsNIIHIIT were adopted. The developed diagram of CMAPRR for goat crane is shown in Figure 2.2, and for bridge crane - in Figure 2.3.

Define Warehouse Parameters

The initial data for determining the parameters (capacity, length, width, height, dimensions of acceptance tracks and loading and unloading fronts) of the warehouse are:

• dimensions of cargo flows;

• dimensions of cargo areas of transported goods;

• Type of the chosen mechanism for the transport of goods.

Storage sites can be defined using two methods:

1. By the method of permissible loads;

2. By the method of elementary sites.

The storage area calculated by the allowable load method is 2684.

3.2 Calculation of warehouse parameters by elementary sites

To accurately calculate the parameters of warehouses (sites), it is necessary to perform a diagram of cargo placement on elementary sites, determine their parameters, and then general parameters of warehouses (sites).

Let us give the calculation for the goat crane 9720000 .

3.3 Conclusions

This chapter of the course design defines the main parameters of the site according to two methods: for permissible load and for elementary sites. As a result of the calculation according to the method of permissible loads, the required area of ​ ​ the site is 2684. On the basis of a more accurate calculation according to the method of elementary platforms, the following values ​ ​ of the main parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the versions were obtained: according to the first version, during the operation of the goat crane, the length is 162, the width is 9, the area is 1458; according to the second version, when operating a bridge crane, the length is 154, the width is, and the area is.

Calculation of the number of loading and unloading machines and mechanisms (pr)

1. Calculation of PRM performance

The most important indicator of any KMAPRR scheme is the performance of the selected type of loading and unloading machines. Theoretical, technical and operational performance varies.

Theoretical capacity is the amount of load that can move the mechanism in 1 hour of continuous operation under optimal conditions and nominal (design) load.

Technical capacity is the amount of cargo moved by the mechanism in 1 hour of continuous operation, but taking into account the actual weight of the load moved by the machine.

Operational capacity - the amount of specifically overloaded cargo during one hour of work or shift, taking into account interruptions in the operation of the machine.

Technical performance for medium-duty containers

Graphs of one cycle of RLP operation for the first and second variants without coincidence of operations are given in Figure 4.1, with alignment - in Figure 4.2.

As a result of calculations for processing of this volume of cargo according to the first version, 2 goat cranes are required, according to the second version - 2 bridge cranes.

4.6 Verification calculations

After determining all the necessary parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the variants, it is necessary to perform check calculations based on the results, which make a final conclusion about the values ​ ​ accepted for design for the CMAPRR schemes.

The site length is checked against the work front by the following calculation:

4.7 Conclusions

In this chapter of the course design, the PRM performance was calculated according to the considered versions of the CMAPRR schemes, the replacement operating capacity, calculated on the basis of the built schedules of the operating cycles of the mechanisms, amounted to 445.2 tons for the goat crane, 580.7 tons for the bridge crane.

The required number of RRM was determined according to two conditions: ensuring the fulfillment of the specified volume of work and the structure of the repair cycle, ensuring the processing capacity of the cargo front. As a result of calculations according to the first condition, it is necessary to process two goat cranes or one bridge crane, according to the second condition, two cranes.

The number of car feed-retracts to the cargo point is determined, which is 6 for the goat and 5 for the bridge.

The length of the front from the side of vehicles is 93.6 m.

Based on the comparison of the obtained site lengths according to the versions, they are accepted for design: according to the first version, the site length is 164 m, according to the second - 192 m. The performed verification calculations showed the correctness of certain parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the versions.

Selecting a Parameter Diagram Option

Two main groups of indicators are taken into account when choosing the best of several options considered for the CMAPRR schemes: value (techno-economic) and natural. Cost indicators include full and unit capital investments by options, annual operating costs, annual costs quoted. Natural indicators include: productivity of workers engaged in cargo processing; level of mechanization and automation of handling operations; simple rolling stock under cargo operations; energy intensity and metal intensity of performance of works on variants, as well as other indicators.

5.1 Calculation of technical and economic indicators of variants of KMAPRR schemes

5.1.1 Definition of Capital Investments

Capital investments are the cost of funds for the purchase of the necessary number of RBMs, cargo collectors, means of control and automation of the work of RBMs, the construction of warehouses (sites), garages, auxiliary and administrative premises, the cost of building railway crane tracks and overpasses, the creation of a network of power supply, lighting, water supply and more.

Total capital investments according to the i-th variant are determined

Total repair costs according to the first version 4347.9 c.e., according to the second version 3302 c.e.

The annual cost of quick-wear equipment includes the cost of replacing load-handling devices, slings, ropes, chains, etc. These costs are accepted as a certain percentage of capital investments in PRM:

R = 0.1 • Kprm (5.12)

where Kprm is the cost of PRM.

For the first option of processing with a goat crane:

R = 0.1 • 10000 = 1000 u.e

For the second version of processing with a bridge crane:

R = 0.1 • 7100 = 710 u.e

Thus, the total annual operating costs for the first crane treatment option will be E = 27789.9 cu.

The total annual operating costs for the second version of crane processing will be E = 19790.5ue.

In terms of operating costs, the second option is more preferable.

Unit operating costs or cost of processing 1t

5.1.3 Determine payback period and costs

When creating CMAPRR schemes, both capital investments are required for the construction of warehouses, infrastructure, the acquisition of PRM, and operating costs for the operation of these elements.

In the case when two versions of technical solutions are compared, the choice of the best of them can be made by calculating the payback period. Payback period - the period of time during which additional capital investments under the option are paid off by saving operating costs.

5.2 Calculation of natural indicators of KMAPRR schemes

In the case when the considered technical solutions have close values ​ ​ of the annual reduced costs, the natural indicators of the KMAPRR schemes are calculated and the final choice is made by comparing not only the value, but also the natural indicators.

The level of RLP mechanization is the ratio of the amount of processed cargo by a mechanized method for a certain time (usually per year) to the total volume of cargo processing for the same time:

5.3 Conclusions

The following results were obtained as a result of technical and economic calculations according to the versions of the KMAPRR schemes: the total capital investments are according to the first version 80616 u.e., according to the second - 100996 u.e., the total annual operating expenses according to the first version 27789.9 u.e., according to the second -19790.5 u.e., the annual reduced costs according to the first version 39882.3 u.e., according to the second - 34939.9 u.e.

After comparing the calculated values and natural values, the second version with the use of a bridge crane for processing with lower annual costs is accepted for design.

Diagram of CMAPRR for processing containers is given in Appendix A.

Occupational safety and safety during handling

Persons who have reached the age of 18 years and who have passed the established tests in knowledge of the production instructions and the PRM of the commission headed by the chief engineer of the loading and unloading distance, with the mandatory participation of a representative of the technical supervision bodies, as well as who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as suitable for this work, are allowed to manage and service them.

Engineers and technicians are obliged to systematically conduct conversations and practically teach the rules and methods of work in the PWM of persons engaged in these works.

The premises shall contain medical protective equipment and telephone communication with the medical unit. Persons working for RBP are obliged to strictly observe personal safety, work in workwear, use checked equipment.

Lifting machines, replaceable load-grabbing devices shall be manufactured in full compliance with the Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting cranes.

The main provisions for the operation and maintenance of loading and unloading machines are set out in the Regulations on Safety and Industrial Sanitation in the Performance of Loading and Unloading Operations in Railway Transport. High productivity and reliability of loading and unloading machines and devices are ensured by their proper operation; Heads of organizations are responsible for proper organization of operation and maintenance of loading and unloading machines (devices) in serviceability. For the technical condition of the machine (device) and for the correct operation, responsibility is borne by the person directly working on the machine entrusted to him, as well as engineering and technical personnel, who are entrusted with the supervision of loading and unloading machines.

Machines supplied by the manufacturer in ready form are accepted for operation by a commission of engineering and technical personnel, which checks the completeness and serviceability of the machine, replacement equipment, spare parts, tools and technical documentation. In case of detection of damages, insufficiency, absence of replaceable equipment, tools or part, it is made an act, which is presented to the manufacturer within the specified time frame. Loading and unloading machines installed at the place of their work are tested before commissioning to check the serviceability of the machine and meet its design assignment.

The act of acceptance tests serves as the main technical document determining the readiness of machines (devices) for their commissioning.

Car cranes, cars and other road self-propelled vehicles are subject to registration with the State Traffic Inspectorate (GAI) in order to obtain a state license plate.

The instructions for installation and operation of the machine indicate the frequency of inspection and lubrication of units and metal structures, brake adjustment; tolerances for wear of critical parts; possible mechanical damages of steel structures and methods of their elimination; frequency of checking of load-carrying capacity limiters and movements, as well as instructions on the safety of maintenance and operation of the machine, drawn up taking into account its design. The instructions for the container crane, grab or magnet shall specify the conditions for the use of the container grip (auto strope, spreader), grab and magnet.

To check the readiness of the fleet of loading and unloading machines for work in winter conditions, the Ministry of Railways established the rules for conducting an annual commission inspection of loading and unloading machines. Drivers of truck cranes and forklifts are required to have a driver's certificate from the traffic police. Persons working on loading and unloading machines are required to comply strictly with safety precautions.

When vehicles transported or moving by self-propelled vehicles on the roadway are stopped for a long time, they must be protected by red flags during the day, and red lamps at night. If the stop causes blocking of the passage, then the fences are installed at a distance of 80 m in both directions. Operations for loading or unloading of wagons can be performed only when all control devices, brakes and crane signals are in good condition, the working area is sufficiently illuminated and its full and convenient viewing from the crane cabin is possible. If the working area inside the car bodies is not viewed from the crane cockpit, as well as in case of poor visibility, the working area must be allocated to send signals to the crane driver.

When the crane unloads cargo from the car bodies and pulls it to the car, the working cable (cable) of the crane must not deviate from the vertical .

When the crane moves cargo or load-gripping element without load near the car, the distance between them and the car body must be at least 0.5 m both vertically and horizontally.

It is not allowed to swing the loads and impact them, a spreader, a lifting electromagnet, various special load-gripping equipment, both with and without cargo on the sides and floor of the platforms, skin, upper lining, hatch covers and other elements of bodies and frames of gondola cars.

When loading and unloading cars with a crane with a lifting electromagnet, the following requirements must be observed:

- do not lift the load captured by the magnetic plate above the car body by more than 0.5 m in order to avoid damage to the car in the event of a fall in the case of a sudden cessation of electricity supply;

- when transporting the load raised by the magnetic plate, do not carry it over the cars;

- to avoid skewing and tearing off the load, place the center of the electromagnet or the middle of the cross-arm with several electromagnets above the center of gravity of the captured load;

- when loading scrap metal, rolls and other similar loads, switch off the electromagnetic plate at a height of not more than 0.5 m from the car floor or from the surface of the load laid in the body. Ingots, billets, beams and other metal loads shall be laid in the car body during loading without dropping;

- do not disconnect the electromagnet when lowering the magnetic plate on the weight in the car.

During loading, the containers shall be smoothly lowered to the floor of the car or the corresponding linings.

It is forbidden to load containers into the car and unload them with a crane from the car when they deviate from the vertical position.


For the transportation of this cargo, a 4axial car for medium-capacity containers based on a gondola car, model 13H001, was adopted. The technical norm for loading the car, which is 18 tons, is calculated. According to the developed technological scheme, 10% of the cargo flow is processed according to the "car car" option and 90% according to the "car car" scheme. Estimated daily wagon traffic and cargo flows are equal to 167 wagons and 3006 tons, respectively. 2705.4 tons of cargo per day are delivered to the storage warehouse, 5711.4 tons per day are processed using mechanisms.

An open area was selected to store containers. Container reloading operations will be carried out by the KDE253 railway crane and the MKA16 automobile boom crane. Rope slings were adopted as a load-gripping device. The developed diagram of CMAPRR for the railway crane is shown in figure 2.2, and for the automobile - in figure 2.3.

The main parameters of the site were determined according to two methods: for permissible load and for elementary sites. As a result of the calculation according to the method of permissible loads, the required area of ​ ​ the site is 8404. Based on a more accurate calculation according to the method of elementary sites, the following values ​ ​ of the main parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the options were obtained: according to the first version, during the operation of the railway crane, the length is 941, the width is 6, the area is 5646; according to the second version, when operating an automobile crane, the length is 941, the width is, and the area is.

The required number of RRM was determined according to two conditions: ensuring the fulfillment of the specified volume of work and the structure of the repair cycle, ensuring the processing capacity of the cargo front. As a result of calculations according to the first condition, it is necessary to process a given volume of cargo of 11 railway cranes or 20 automobile cranes, according to the second condition of 12 and 21 cranes, respectively.

The number of car feed-retracts to the cargo point is determined, which is 6 feed-retracts for goat and 5 feed-retracts for bridge cranes.

The length of the front from the side of vehicles is 93.6 m.

The verification calculations showed the correctness of certain parameters of the CMAPRR schemes according to the options.

The following results were obtained as a result of technical and economic calculations according to the versions of the KMAPRR schemes: the total capital investments are made according to the first version 738061 u.e., according to the second - 895651u.e., the total annual operating expenses according to the first version 370180 u.e., according to the second - 113274 u.e., the annual costs given according to the first version 517792 u.e., according to the second - 131604 u.e.

After comparing the calculated values and natural values, the first version with the use of a railway crane for processing with lower annual costs is accepted for design.


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