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Designing Structures for a Multi-Storey Frame Building

  • Added: 25.05.2021
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Design and calculation of the reinforced concrete frame of the building in Tyumen city with the following initial data:

The width of the building in the axes of the external walls is 18.9 m

The length of the building in the axes of the external walls is 64 m

Column grid 6.3 x 6.4

Floor height 3.3

Number of floors 6

Concrete compression strength class B30

A400 fittings class

Standard floor load 250 kg/m2

Standard soil resistance Rn = 2.2 kg/cm2


1 Design Assignment

2 Design of prefabricated beam interstage floor

2.1 Layout of the structural diagram of the prefabricated floor

2.2 Calculation and design of prefabricated floor girder

2.2.1 Initial data and loads

2.2.2 Determination of forces in the girder

2.2.3 Calculation of resistance of normal cross-sections of the crossbar to action

bending moment

2.2.4 Calculation of strength of inclined cross-sections of the crossbar for action

transverse forces

2.2.5 Construction of an epure of girder materials

3 1st Floor Column Calculation and Design

3.1 Determination of loads and forces in the column

3.2 Column strength calculation

4 Calculation and design of the foundation for the column

4.1 Sizing the Foundation Floor

4.2 Determination of foundation height

4.3 Calculation of foundation for push-through

4.4 Determination of reinforcement area of foundation floor

5 Calculation of the first floor of the structural wall in axes A/3

5.1 Determination of loads and forces acting on the window

5.2 Calculation of slab strength

List of literature

The project contains an explanatory note with corresponding calculations of 29 sheets and drawings are executed in the program AutoCad 5 sheets

Project's Content

icon курсовая чертеж.dwg
icon пояснительная записка.docx
icon чертежи.pdf
icon Пояснительная записка.pdf

Additional information



1 Design Assignment

2 Design of prefabricated beam interstage floor

2.1 Layout of the structural diagram of the prefabricated floor

2.2 Calculation and design of prefabricated floor girder

2.2.1 Initial data and loads

2.2.2 Determination of forces in the girder

2.2.3 Calculation of resistance of normal cross-sections of the crossbar to action

bending moment

2.2.4 Calculation of strength of inclined cross-sections of the crossbar for action

transverse forces

2.2.5 Construction of an epure of girder materials

3 1st Floor Column Calculation and Design

3.1 Determination of loads and forces in the column

3.2 Column strength calculation

4 Calculation and design of the foundation for the column

4.1 Sizing the Foundation Floor

4.2 Determination of foundation height

4.3 Calculation of foundation for push-through

4.4 Determination of reinforcement area of foundation floor

5 Calculation of the first floor of the structural wall in axes A/

5.1 Determination of loads and forces acting on the window

5.2 Calculation of slab strength

Drawings content

icon курсовая чертеж.dwg

курсовая чертеж.dwg

icon чертежи.pdf

icon Пояснительная записка.pdf