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Design of reinforced concrete structures of multi-storey frame building

  • Added: 18.04.2021
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Course project in the discipline: "Reinforced concrete and stone structures"

Project's Content

icon Расчётная схема.dwg
icon Монолит.doc
icon Ригель.docx
icon Плита.docx
icon Записка.docx
icon Колонна.doc

Additional information



1. General Design Data

2. Assembly Floor Design Layout

3. Multi-Stop Plate Calculation and Design

3.1 Determination of loads and forces

3.2 General data

3.3 Defining Internal Forces

3.4 Calculation of slab by strength of sections normal to longitudinal axis

3.5 Calculation of slab by strength of inclined sections

3.6 Calculation of slab for mounting loads

3.7 Calculation of the plate by operational suitability

3.8 Calculation of crack opening panel

4. Calculation and design of girder

4.1 load collection

4.2 Calculation of cross-bar strength by sections normal to longitudinal axis

4.3 Calculation of cross-bar strength by sections inclined to longitudinal axis

4.4 Construction of girder reinforcement

5. Column Calculation and Design

5.1 Characteristics of concrete and reinforcement

5.2 Selection of symmetrical reinforcement. Cross section strength check

5.3 Column console calculation

6. Calculation of the monolithic version of the building

6.1 Layout of monolithic ribbed slab and selection of the most economical option

6.2 Determination of internal forces in elements of monolithic ribbed floor

6.3 Selection and layout of reinforcement grids and frames in slab part and secondary beam of monolithic ribbed slab

6.4 Calculation of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of the secondary beam of the monolithic ribbed floor


General Design Data

Six-story (changed to three-story) frame, with a full frame, a building without a basement has dimensions in terms of 55, 5x17.1 m and a grid of columns 5, 7x5.55 m. Floor height 3.6 m. Standard value of time load 5.1 kN/m2, private factor for time load. Grodno construction area. Class on a condition of operation of XC4.

Concrete and

reinforcement characteristics

We accept the class of heavy concrete C 30/37 and the class of reinforcement S500 is adopted in the same way as for the girder.

Combination of design forces 1: max M = 57.346 kN· m N = 559.269 kN, and combination 2: max N = 1132.264 kN and moment M = 2.941 kN.

Drawings content

icon Расчётная схема.dwg

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