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Design outdoor advertising structures for the beauty salon advertising company "Be brighter"


Design outdoor advertising structures for the beauty salon advertising company "Be brighter"

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1. Design of outdoor advertising

1.1 Situation analysis

1.2 Outdoor Advertising Design Options

2. Design of Ground Advertising Plant

2.1 Loads and impacts

2.2 Calculation of advertising structure

2.3 Calculation of structure foundation and connection of elements

2.4 Selection and justification of lighting design

3. Design of advertising installation on the roof of the building

3.1 Calculation of advertising structure

3.2 Calculation of connections and fasteners

3.3 Selection and justification of lighting design

4. Advertising Branding Design

4.1 Loads and Impacts

4.2 Calculation of advertising structure

4.3 Calculation of units and fasteners

5. Linking Advertising Structures to Location Architecture

5.1Model of advertising structure, decoration of fixtures, foundation and reverse side

5.2 Documents for design of outdoor advertising equipment. Calculation of registration fees

Conclusion......... 53 List of sources used



In this course work, the advertising company of the beauty salon "Be Brighter" is carried out.

 The first section of the course project is situational analysis, which summarizes all available information about the product, company, competitive environment, industry and consumers. It includes :

Product and Company Research. In this point of the course project, the distinctive characteristics of the product, the specifics of its use, packaging, quality, price, nomenclature, brand image, distribution, positioning and life cycle are given.

Research on consumers and stakeholders. Identify the main groups of stakeholders to whom the campaign should be addressed.

Market analysis. The section aims to find the best markets for the product by identifying the characteristics of the best potential consumers.

Competitive analysis. It includes tracking the activities of competitors (direct and indirect), while taking into account their market share, product characteristics, production of new products, positioning strategies and choice of goals, current and past advertising strategies, media costs and a schedule for the release of advertising.

Industry analysis. The item reflects trends in the development of the industry.

Market situation analysis. Reflects changes in the market situation that may positively or negatively affect the current advertising campaign.

The following three sections calculate advertising designs. The calculations determine the required dimensions and types of profiles from which the structure is made, the necessary diameters of the mounting elements and the parameters of the welded joints. The designed structure is also checked for resistance to wind, snow, and ice loads. 

In the last section of the note, an economic calculation of the fee for placing each of the elements of outdoor advertising is carried out.

Design of outdoor advertising

1 Situation analysis  Service and Company Research

The enterprise that we will analyze in this course work is the beauty salon "Be Brighter." The salon is located in the Leninsky district of Minsk at the address: st. Sverdlova, 26. When choosing the location of the salon, important points were taken into account, such as passability, the proximity of institutions, a shopping center, which is visited by a large number of people.

The beautifully decorated facade of the salon and a bright sign, attracting passers-by especially in the dark, since the letters are made of neons. The room that occupies the salon is conveniently planned. Workplaces are equipped with a set of equipment, tools, devices that meet the requirements of safety, industrial sanitation and aesthetics. The customers of the salon are residents of nearby houses and employees of offices. The prices of the salon are aimed at customers with medium income. The salon provides services at a high level .

The main activity of the beauty salon is the provision of services. This salon operates in six directions:

- hairdressing services;

pedicure, manicure;

- nail building;

-cosmetological services;

- massage;


The purpose of the salon is to attract new and retain existing customers, provide quality services and maximize profit.

The mission is "to help customers, to reveal their individuality and the beauty of each client. We achieve this with the help of the highest professionalism of staff, the use of modern hardware methods and cosmetological innovations at the level of world standards. "

The tasks of the beauty salon "Be Brighter":

- attracting potential customers;

- provision of quality services;

- improvement of personnel qualification;

-be the first among competitors.

 2 Consumer and Stakeholder Research

Consumer Research Data Consolidated

1.1.3 Market Analysis

The main share of potential consumers is in Minsk. When buying a service, consumers focus primarily on a convenient location in relation to home or work, as well as a fairly low cost. The best potential consumers are young girls, women who want to change their hairstyle, cut their hair, make a manicure, pedicure, nail build-up, visit a beautician, solarium or masseur.

The use of the service is high, however, it is possible to use other brands.

1.1.4 Competitive Analysis

There are many beauty salons throughout Minsk, offering similar services, and are direct competitors of the beauty salon "Be Brighter." However, the most powerful competitors are fitness clubs located in the same area as the beauty salon "Be Brighter" - Leninsky district. Such competitors are the salon-hairdresser "Tatyana," the beauty salon "Wella Professionals," the beauty salon "Mirostil." Salon-hairdresser "Tatyana" offers all types of hairdressing services, manyukur, pedicure, solarium. Beauty salon "Wella Professionals" offers hairdresser services for women and men, manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Beauty salon "Mirostil" offers a full range of services in order to look perfect: hairdressing services, cosmetology, depilation, manicure, pedicure, SPAcare.

When choosing a beauty salon in the Leninsky district, all these beauty salons will be considered, but the great advantage of the beauty salon "Be Brighter" is the greater variety of services offered to interesting girls and women. Here they will be able to realize any hairstyle, help with advice and simply raise the mood.

1.1.5 Industry Analysis

In our opinion, the demand for beauty salon services, especially for basic ones such as haircut and hair care, remains constant at any time. This is due to the fact that most beauty salon services are difficult to repeat at home. And this means that a person will be forced to go to the salon or hairdresser to get the services he needs, which he cannot perform on his own. Beauty salon services are cheaper than unlimited Internet or a new cell phone, which means they will be abandoned in the last place. 

In modern society, the appearance of a person is of great importance. Active and successful young entrepreneurs of the 90s begin to grow and age every year, but try to stay in business and the professional environment as long as possible. Age requirements for employment in the professional environment are shifting upward. But such requirements as energy, enthusiasm, readiness to give all the best remain unchanged.

For professional growth and success in personal or social life, it is very important to have a youthful, well-groomed look that speaks of a person's success, energy and position in society. It is no coincidence that in recent years in Russia there has been a growing demand for such services as rejuvenating and recreational procedures and plastic operations .

You should not discount the influence of television and mass glossy culture on society. Not only women, but also men pay attention to their and someone else's appearance, try to look in accordance with modern ideas about beauty and external decency. For many modern urban women, spending on beauty salon treatments has become the same planned and basic spending of the family budget as spending on food, utility bills, and transportation.

1.1.6 Market Analysis

For the successful functioning of the salon in the market, it is necessary to formulate development strategies, which are based on a thorough analysis of the external environment and its position in it. Evaluation of the external environment of the organization is a prerequisite for developing a strategy. Often, external conditions change so unexpectedly that all preliminary plans are violated. The environment can be so unstable that the very development of long-term plans and strategies becomes meaningless.

One of the most important elements of any market theory is the concept of competition, which undoubtedly deserves special consideration in the field of beauty industry.

Competition is rivalry in any field between individuals interested in achieving the same goal, in particular, between beauty salons - for customers and a large share of profit.

In Minsk, it has now become a very fashionable thing to open beauty salons. There are more and more competitors in the beauty industry. In this regard, it is necessary to be ready for competition, to analyze competing salons. After all, without understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your beauty salon, it is impossible to identify a competitive advantage - any highlight or exclusive service that gives superiority to competitive salons. By thoroughly studying competitors and finding out the needs of potential customers, you can begin to create a unique trading offer, thanks to which you can occupy a free niche in the beauty industry market. 

Selection and justification of lighting design

If we are talking about billboards, then the most convenient and economical way to make the information available on them visually available is by outdoor lighting of advertising with directional light spotlights. With the competent selection and arrangement of lighting devices, the backlight makes the advertising design well readable.

The correctly executed illumination should be bright enough to provide clarity of visual perception and readability of the information flow. It should also have a good color rendering and produce a uniform distribution of light over the illuminated area. The whole appearance of the illuminated advertising object should harmonize with the surrounding space, be spectacular and aesthetically pleasant.

Billboards are usually illuminated by metal-halogen spotlights of low power (150, 250 or 400 volts). They give bright, moderately scattered light of the white spectrum, having good color performance. In addition to metal-halogen, LED spotlights are successfully used in lighting billboards.

In this course project, I select Camelion LFL20CW C09 LED spotlights.

Specifications: - Light source LED array - Power consumption 20 W - Luminous flux 1800 Lm - Angle of light beam 120 ° - AC input voltage 100 - 240 V - Protection class IP65 - Color temperature 6500 K - Service life 50,000 hours - Operating temperature from 20 to +50 gr. - Overall dimensions 180 x 140 x 95 mm

Reliable LED spotlight designed for use in open spaces (streets, yards, parking lots), for lighting the facades of buildings, warehouses and industrial premises, advertising facilities. The spotlight protection class allows you to use it in difficult conditions (dusty and wet). Strong aluminum housing and high vibration resistance, low power consumption and long life make the LED spotlight an excellent modern alternative to spotlights with halogen and gas discharge lamps.

LEDs have a much longer life, so they may be preferable, especially considering that replacing burnt light sources with advertising design requires the involvement of specialists and the associated additional costs.

LEDs are distinguished by strength, resistance to any adverse weather effects. They have a very small weight and miniature dimensions. Another important advantage is the control of LED lighting is easily programmable.

Design of advertising installation on the roof of the building

Calculation of advertising design

The diagram of the roof advertising installation is presented

The installation is symmetrical and includes part No. 1 and part No. 2 connected by rods A1A2, B1B2, C1C2, D1D2. The numeric index in the node names indicates belonging to parts of the design. The design is fixed on a roof by means of attachment units in points of A1, A2, B1, B2. The lighting box with lighting equipment is indicated by a C1 D1 D2C2 rectangle. In the structure of 10 rods: A1C1, A2C2, A1B1, A2B2, C1B1, C2B2, A1A2, B1B2, C1C2, D1D2. When calculating forces for convenience, we use calculation schemes based on the profile projection of the roof installation.

Selection and justification of lighting design

Fluorescent lamps were widely used in light advertising. The advantages of fluorescent lamps are:  

Significantly greater light output (a fluorescent lamp of 20 W gives illumination as an incandescent lamp of 100 W) and higher efficiency;

Variety of shades of light;

Scattered light;

Long service life (2000... 20,000 hours).

For internal lighting of the box installed on the roof, we select fluorescent lamps.

Luminescent are called low-pressure gas discharge bulbs. In them, ultraviolet radiation (absolutely invisible to the human eye) arises as a result of gas discharge, which is converted into visible light by a phosphor coating. 

The fluorescent lamp is a cylindrical tube with electrodes, where mercury vapors are pumped. When exposed to electric discharge, mercury vapors begin to emit ultraviolet rays, causing the phosphor applied to the walls of the tube to emit visible light.

 The fluorescent lamp is capable of providing uniform soft light, which is difficult to control due to the large radiation surface. Fluorescent lamps in shape can be linear, annular, U- shaped, as well as compact. The diameter of the lamp tube is typically indicated in eight parts of an inch (e.g., T5 = 5/8 = 15.87 millimeters). But in the catalog of lamps, the diameter is most often indicated in millimeters - for example, 16 millimeters for T5 lamps. Most fluorescent lamps meet the international standard.

 Today, the industry produces more than 100 different types of lamps of this type of general purpose. The most common are lamps whose power is 15, 20, 30 W for a voltage of 127 V, as well as 40, 80 and 125 W for a voltage of 220 V. The average length of service of the lamp is about 10 thousand hours.

The advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent lamps, as well as their physical characteristics, directly depend on the level of ambient temperature, which is due to the temperature pressure of the mercury vapors in the lamp. If the temperature of the flask wall is about + 40 C, then the lamp reaches the highest possible light recoil.

 The main advantages of fluorescent lamps are such as very high light yield, which can reach 75 lm/W, long service life, for standard lamps reaching up to 10 thousand hours. Many consumers choose this type of lamp because of the ability to have light sources of different spectral composition with the best color rendering. In some cases, relatively low brightness is also a merit, which does not blind the eyes much.

From the disadvantages, one can distinguish the limited unit power of the lamp at large sizes for such power, the relative complexity of the connection, the lack of the ability to supply the lamp with direct current. The fluorescent lamp and its characteristics are quite dependent on the ambient temperature level. So, for an ordinary fluorescent lamp, the most optimal ambient temperature is the range from + 18 to + 25 C. If there is a temperature deviation from this indicator, the optimal luminous flux, the luminous yield of the lamp is significantly reduced. Moreover, when a temperature below + 10 C is noted in the room, ignition of the lamp is not guaranteed at all. Therefore, fluorescent lamps are used only where their operation is justified and involves obtaining an effect that cannot be created using other types of lamps.

Calculation of units and fasteners

To ensure the required amount of tension of the bracing cables, special devices are used in the structure - talreps.

Talrep is a special technical device that is used in installation, construction and other work. By means of a talrep the weak point of steel ropes, cables, cables, the countries, etc. stretches and chosen. Simply put, the tension control is performed with the help of the talrep. The use of talrep in rigging operations is especially common when it is necessary to provide the necessary tension for steel ropes, which are used to attach transported or mounted equipment or other heavy cargo. Initially, talrep was invented and used to connect metal and wooden structures of various types.

The principle of the talrep is as follows. In fact, it is a coupling (a design of two screws), on which opposite threads are applied. Screws are screwed into a specially designed ring or elongated structure with threaded holes. The end of the screw is made in the form of a ring or hook, to which the cable is connected. After that, the structure rotates, the screws move to its center, which causes tension of the cable.

The use of talrep is necessary when a high tension force is required. It is noteworthy that talrep is used both for completely seemingly small tasks (for example, tension of strings for gardins or curtains) and for serious construction solutions. At almost any construction site, you can notice talreps weighing several tens of kilograms.

Like the bulk of the rigging elements and devices, the talrep is in most cases made of strong steel treated with zinc using the galvanic method. This ensures the structure is resistant to weather conditions, other harmful external influences, and reliably protects the talrep from corrosion.

5.2 Documents for registration of outdoor advertising equipment and calculation of fees for registration

The following documents are required to issue a technical passport for outdoor advertising:

- a sketch of the means of outdoor advertising in connection with a specific architectural and planning situation at the place of its placement, indicating the size and presence of illumination on a paper medium of A4 format in color;

- three photographs of the location of the means of outdoor advertising measuring 9x13 cm, made in color;

- a letter or other document on the consent of the owner of the place of placement of the means of outdoor advertising or a person authorized by the owner to the placement of the means of outdoor advertising - if the place of placement of the means of outdoor advertising is in republican or private ownership, except when the owner and the advertiser are one person;

- a document confirming payments for issuing a passport of outdoor advertising equipment.

We will calculate the fee for the use of the advertising structure presented by the over-roof installation on Golubev St. 


This work was devoted to the advertising company of the beauty salon "Be Brighter."

In the first section of the course project, a situation analysis was carried out.

In the next three sections, advertising designs were calculated. During the calculations, the necessary dimensions and types of profiles from which the structure is made, the necessary diameters of the mounting elements and the parameters of the welded joints were determined. The designed structure was also tested for resistance to wind, snow, and ice loads. 

In the last section of the note, an economic calculation was made for the placement of each of the elements of outdoor advertising.

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