Design of the heating and ventilation system of the beauty salon in Krasnoyarsk

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Explanatory note - 145 sheets, 9 drawings in AutoCad.
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1. Design Object Input
1.1. Outside air design parameters
1.2. Design parameters of internal air
2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures
2.1. Calculation of GSOS
2.2. Calculation of thermal protective properties of external walls
2.3. Calculation of thermal protective properties of the slab
2.4. Calculation of heat-shielding properties of floor above unheated basement
2.5. Calculation of heat-shielding properties of the floor on the second floor
2.6. Calculation of heat-shielding properties of light openings
2.7. Calculation of heat-shielding properties of door openings
3. Thermal mode of rooms
3.1. Calculation of heat losses in rooms
3.2. Calculating Heat Inputs to Spaces
3.2.1. Heat inputs from artificial lighting sources
3.2.2. Heat emissions from solar radiation through light openings
3.2.3. Heat emissions from solar radiation through the coating
3.2.4. Heat inputs, moisture inputs from people
3.3. Thermal balance of rooms
4. Selection of fundamental solutions for heating and ventilation
5. Heating
5.1. Thermal Calculation of Heating Appliances
5.2. Hydraulic calculation of heating system
5.3. Selection and pre-adjustment of temperature controllers
5.4. Selection and preconfiguration of balancing valves
6. Ventilation
6.1. Air parameters in ventilation process
6.2. Construction of ventilation processes on I-d diagram
6.3. Calculation of air exchange in rooms
6.4. Air Balance Sheet
6.5. Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems
6.6. Selection and calculation of ventilation equipment
7. Energy saving in heating and ventilation systems
8. Economy
8.1. Economics in TG systems
8.2. Calculation of local cost estimate for installation of heating and ventilation systems
8.3. Technical and economic indicators
8.4. Calculation of operating costs
9. Organization, planning, construction production management
9.1. Preparation of work execution schedule and labour movement schedule
9.2. Vehicle quantity calculation
9.3. Calculation of the area of the acquired warehouses
9.4. Calculation of construction volumes of temporary buildings
9.5. Calculation of construction site demand for water, electricity and heat
9.6. Calculation of electrical loads on internal lighting
9.7. Technical and economic indicators of the work execution project
10. Technology of assembly and procurement and construction works
10.1. Preparatory works before installation of ventilation systems
10.2. Preparatory works before installation of heating systems
10.3. Ventilation system installation sequence
10.4. Duct Installation Sequence
10.5. Testing and commissioning of ventilation systems
10.6. Testing and commissioning of heating systems
11. Automation
11.1. Automation Functionality
11.2. Application and composition of ventilation automation panels
11.3. Classification of ventilation chamber automation schemes
11.4. Description of the ventilation chamber automation diagram
11.5. Description of schematic diagram of common control circuits of plenum ventilation chambers
11.6. Operation of the circuit at starting of the plenum chamber
List of sources used
Appendix A. Technical characteristics of heating and ventilation equipment
Due to the rapid development and expansion of thermal power equipment and its installation methods, modern specialists, as well as designers, have great prospects and opportunities for their implementation in our country.
The development of heating and ventilation systems is one of the components that determine the effective and rational use of resources.
Heating systems are a set of technical elements designed to receive, transfer and transfer to all heated rooms the amount of heat necessary to maintain the temperature at a given level. Heating systems are divided into local and central.
Heat transfer in heating systems is carried out by heat carrier - liquid medium (water) or gaseous medium (steam, air, gas). Depending on the type of coolant, heating systems are divided into water, steam, air and gas.
To maintain the required internal air temperature, buildings are equipped with heating plants. Creating and maintaining thermal comfort in the premises of residential buildings is their main task.
The state of the air in the rooms in the cold season is determined by the action of not only heating, but also ventilation.
Ventilation systems are a set of technical elements designed to maintain a favorable state of the air environment in the premises in accordance with its normalized characteristics.
Heating and ventilation are designed to maintain in the premises, in addition to the necessary temperature, certain humidity, mobility, pressure, gas composition and air purity. In many industrial and civilian buildings, heating and ventilation are inseparable, they jointly create the required sanitary and hygienic conditions, which helps to reduce the number of diseases of people, improve their well-being, increase productivity and improve the quality of products.
The relevance of the project is determined by the great interest in modern heat supply systems, the prospects for the development of this industry in the framework of increasing the efficiency, environmental friendliness and economy of heating and ventilation plants .
The purpose of this diploma project is to develop and design the heating and ventilation systems of the Atlanta TD building.
The object of the study is the heating and ventilation systems of the building.
In order to achieve the indicated goal in the diploma project, it is necessary to solve the following problems:
- tracing of the heating and ventilation system on the basement and floor plan, construction of an axonometric diagram of the heating and ventilation system, arrangement of sanitary devices and shutoff valves;
- determination of thermal mode of the building, thermal and hydraulic calculation of the heating system;
- design of ventilation system;
- calculation of technical and economic indicators of the project;
- development of measures for organization, planning and management of construction production;
- selection of technology of installation and construction works;
- design of automation system.
Thesis consists of: introduction, eleven chapters, conclusion, bibliographic list and annexes.
In the course of preparatory work, scientific literature and regulatory legal acts in the field of thermal power engineering were used.
1. Design Object Input
Purpose of the building - public
Location - Krasnoyarsk
Characteristics of external enclosures structures:
- hollow brick brown;
- Rockwool light boots insulation;
- inner surface of walls - brick.
Floor above unheated basement:
- interlayer and filling of joints from cement-sand mortar of M150 - 15 grade;
- bracing from cement-sand mortar M150 - 20;
- 3 layers of isolo I - DB GOST 1029679 on hot bitumen mastic MBKG55 GOST 288980;
- bracing from M150 cement-sand mortar along the slope with reinforcement mesh ;
- expanded clay spilled with cement - sand mortar for 30 mm;
- insulation - mineral wool boards wrapped with polyethylene film;
- vapor insulation - 1 layer of perhamine;
- l.b. plate.
Floor on other floors:
- coating - commercial linoleum "Tarkett";
- layer of fast-growing mastic on water-resistant binders;
- bracing from cement-sand mortar along the slope of AWS with mesh;
- sound insulation - mineral wool slabs;
- vapor insulation - 1 layer of perhamine;
- l.b. plate.
Ceiling floor:
- g. plate;
- vapor insulation layer (1 layer of perhamine);
- heat insulation - mineral wool slabs "Techno light";
- bracing from cement-sand mortar along the slope of AWS with mesh;
- 3 layers of ruberoid.
Doors: by SNiP
Heat supply source: from existing heating network
Coolant parameters: t1 = 95 ° С, t2 = 70 ° С
Heating system: by SNiP
Number of floors - 2
1.1. Outside air design parameters
Design parameters of outdoor air are accepted according to SNiP 23 − 02 − 2003 [1] for the city of Krasnoyarsk
1.2. Design parameters of internal air
Design parameters of internal air for various categories of rooms are determined in accordance with GOST 30494-96.
2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures
2.1 Calculation of GSOS
Minimum values of heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures of buildings are taken in accordance with the indicator called degrees of heating period (Dd)
3.3 Thermal balance of rooms
When determining the thermal capacity of heating systems of residential and public buildings, it is necessary to take into account
a) heat loss through external enclosing structures;
b) heat flow rate for heating of outdoor air infiltrating into the room, which is not compensated by heated plenum air;
c) heat loss through internal enclosing structures, if the temperature difference in adjacent rooms is equal to 3 ° C or more;
d) heat flow entering rooms and kitchens (household heat).
4. Selection of fundamental solutions for heating and ventilation
For heating of public buildings and structures, as a rule, central water heating is used. In the construction area in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where the Atlanta trading house is located, the source of coolant is the central boiler room, which provides the temperature of the coolant (water) in the supply line 95 0C, in the reverse - 70 0C.
The building of the trading house has a basement that is not heated , and there is no attic. An individual heat station is located in the basement, in a separate room equipped with an iron door, to prevent unauthorized persons from entering there.
For uniform heating of heating devices, the most distant from the heat point, the heating system takes two horizontal pipe, with dead end movement of the coolant. The scheme of connection to the heating network is independent with pump inducement.
Lines and risers of the heating system are made of steel water and gas pipes (GOST 326275 *) of various diameters.
Mains are laid along the basement using insulation. The lines are laid with a slope of 0.003m by 1.m. The slope is performed to empty the system. Risers are laid openly. In corner rooms, if possible, the riser is installed in the corner formed by external walls. Shutoff and drain valves are installed on the risers of the double-tube system, within the basement.
Ball valves are used as shutoff valves, test valves are used as drain valves, and test valves are used for emptying the heating system.
Valves are installed on mains, in places of branches, designed to disconnect the heating system branch in case of emergency. In addition, drainage devices are located on the highways at the lower points of the system.
When the system is filled with water, air is discharged through air outlet devices (Mayevsky cranes) screwed into the plugs of the upper heating devices of the riser. To compensate for thermal elongation of the risers at the points of connection to the supply line, their bends are made. Compensation for thermal elongation of the lines is carried out by their natural bends.
Steel radiators PURMO COMTACT are used as heating devices. The height of heating devices is accepted as 500 mm. Radiators are unpretentious, practically do not protrude beyond the window sill.
According to/4/, the instruments are preferably located under the light openings, without niches, at the surface of the outer walls. Offset of instrument axes relative to light opening axis is possible. For uniform heating of the room, instruments are installed under each light opening.
All radiators are equipped with an automatic air outlet valve, an RTDN type connection element (Danfoss), which includes: outlet, control valve, connection pipe and distribution part; RTD (Danfoss) thermostatic element as well as RLV (Danfoss) radiator type shut-off valve.
Connection of heating devices - lateral one-way.
Diameter of supply to heating devices is 15 mm.
Coolant is supplied to the device from top to bottom.
Ventilation of the premises, in accordance with the requirements of SanPin and SNiP, is designed plenum - exhaust with mechanical and, in part, natural inducement of air movement. Air exchange ratios in the rooms are adopted in accordance with the requirements of the norms.
Separate exhaust ventilation systems are provided for sanitary units, showers, banquet halls, production shops and rooms for storing harvesting equipment, clothing and shoe cleaning rooms.
In part of the premises with a significant accumulation of people, plenum ventilation with a mechanical impulse is designed. Exhaust ventilation for these rooms is natural and mechanical.
Ventilation is arranged in the production part:
- artificial plenum in all workshops, storerooms and cleaning rooms;
- natural exhaust for all rooms;
- artificial exhaust for latrines and showers.
All air ducts located in rooms with an increased degree of fire hazard are isolated by mineral wool mats 60 mm thick with plastering them with cement sand mortar along a metal mesh 20 mm thick, which gives them a fire resistance rating of at least E30. Air ducts laid in other rooms are made of galvanized steel 1 mm thick and plastered with cement sand mortar 50 mm thick.
Color painting of air ducts is made in accordance with architectural solutions.
The design provides for automatic shutdown of all ventilation systems in case of fire, upon the signal of fire sensors.
5. Heating
5.1 Thermal calculation of heating devices
The thermal calculation of the heating system consists in determining the surface area of heating devices.
The surface of heating of heating devices in two-pipe heating systems calculates taking into account heat carrier temperature on an entrance to each tvkh device, wasps, the number of the heat carrier passing through the Gpr device, kg/h, and sizes of thermal load of the Qpr device, W.
5.2 Hydraulic calculation of heating system
The purpose of the hydraulic calculation of the heating system is to select the diameters of its sections so that the available pressure is sufficient to overcome all the resistance forces along the movement of the coolant .
Hydraulic calculation of diameters of sections of the main circulation ring and diameters of the secondary ring, as well as linkage with the main ring, is performed in the diploma design. Diameters of the remaining sections of the system are determined by permissible speed and thermal load .
As the design ring for the pump horizontal double-tube system with dead end movement of the heat carrier, we accept the ring passing through the most loaded and remote upper heating device.
Horizontal branches are connected to the main circulation ring for room routing.
5.3 Selection and pre-adjustment of temperature controllers
To control the microclimate parameters in each room, Danfoss RTD automatic heat controllers are used
Radiator temperature controller is a direct action automatic controller designed to maintain the air temperature in the room at a given level by changing the heat transfer of the local heating device installed in it of the building's water heating system.
The "Danfoss" RTD type temperature controller is a combination of two parts: a control valve and an automatic thermostatic element.
The control valve is mounted on the pipeline supplying water to the heating device, and a thermostatic element is installed on the valve.
The temperature control device is shown in Figure 5.2.
The main device of the thermostatic element is a bellows, which provides proportional control. Thermoelement sensor senses change of ambient air temperature. The bellows and sensor are filled with easily evaporating liquid and its vapors. The adjusted pressure in the bellows corresponds to its charging temperature. This pressure is balanced by the compression force of the tuning spring. As the air temperature around the sensor increases, part of the liquid evaporates and the vapor pressure in the bellows increases. In this case, the bellows is stretched, moving the valve cone towards the closing of the hole for the coolant flow into the heating device until an equilibrium between the spring force and the vapor pressure is reached. When the air temperature decreases, the vapors condense, the pressure in the bellows decreases, which leads to its reduction and movement of the valve cone towards the opening to a position at which the system equilibrium is again established. The vapour filling will always condense in the coldest part of the sensor, usually farthest from the valve body. Therefore, the radiator temperature controller will always respond to changes in room temperature without feeling the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline. However, when the air around the valve is still heated by the heat supplied by the pipeline, the sensor can detect a higher temperature than in the room. Therefore, in order to avoid this effect, it is recommended to set the thermostatic elements in a generally horizontal position. Otherwise, thermal elements with a remote sensor shall be used.
RTD series radiator temperature control valves are divided into two types: RTDN (for double-tube heating pump systems) and RTDG (for single-tube pumping and double-tube gravity systems).
We accept temperature controllers with RTDN valves for installation.
RTDN valve (Fig. 5.3) - increased hydraulic resistance with preliminary installation of the capacity limit. Valves come with a nominal diameter of 10 to 25 mm. The RTDN valves are nickel coated and come with a red protection cap.
The preconfiguration device (Figure 5.4) is a throttling cylinder connected to the rotary bit. The different positions of the bit and cylinder correspond to certain values of the flow capacity of the temperature regulator valve. Digital indexes of tuning element positions are indicated on crown. Adjustment indices shall be determined during hydraulic calculation of the heating system and set against drilling on the valve body during installation works. Setup is done without any tool
5.4 Selection and preconfiguration of balancing valves
Balancing valves are required for hydraulic balancing (linking) of individual rings of the heating system and stabilization of its dynamic operation modes.
Balancing valves are divided into manual (MSVC, MSV-F, USVI and MSVI), which are used instead of adjusting diaphragms, and automatic, which maintain a constant pressure difference in the risers of double-tube heating systems (ASVP/ASVM, ASVP-V (PV VP) single flow rate.
We accept automatic balancing valves of ASVP type with ASVM valve (Fig. 5.5) for installation.
They are installed on risers or horizontal branches of double-tube heating systems in order to stabilize the differential pressure in them at the level that is required for optimal operation of automatic radiator temperature controllers.
The ASVP valve is a constant differential pressure regulator, to the control membrane of which a positive pulse is supplied through a pulse tube 1.5 m long from the supply riser of the system and a negative pulse from the return riser through the internal channels of the valve. The pulse tube is connected to the supply riser via the ASVM shut-off valve.
6. Ventilation
6.1 Air parameters in ventilation process
According to SNiP 41012003, the design parameters of outdoor air for the cold period of the year are accepted by parameter B, and in warm - by parameter A
6.2 Construction of ventilation processes on I-d diagram
In rooms with heat and moisture emissions, air exchange is determined by Iddiagram. The calculation of air exchanges in the rooms is reduced to the construction of processes for changing the air parameters in the room.
In the project, we conditionally accept that the heating system fully compensates for the heat losses that will occur in the room. The arrival of hazards is taken into account for three periods of the year: cold, transitional and warm.
6.4 Drawing Up Air Balance
In any room in which there is a ventilation system, the air flow rate is balanced, that is, the amount of supply and removal air is equal. At the same time, if only plenum ventilation operates in the room, air removal occurs in an unorganized way.
If only exhaust ventilation is provided, the air supply to the room is unorganized, that is, due to infiltration, through slots and leaks, due to overflow from neighboring rooms, but at the same time a balance is always maintained at which the mass flow rate of the removed air, kg/h, is equal to the mass flow rate of supply air, kg/h.
6.6 Selection and calculation of ventilation equipment
Selection of calorifers
To maintain the temperature in the working zone during the winter period, it is necessary to supply heated air to the premises where the permanent maintenance personnel are located. For this, an plenum system is provided. This system allows you to create the conditions required by sanitary standards in the workplace. The air supplied by this system is heated in the heater unit.
Steel plate heaters are designed to heat air with the maximum permissible content of chemically aggressive substances according to GOST 12.1005-88, with a dust content of not more than 0.15 mg/m3 and not containing sticky substances and fibrous materials, in air heating systems and in drying plants. Operating pressure of the heat carrier has to be no more than 1.2 MPas, temperature is not higher than +150 wasps.
Let's select a heater for the plenum system P1.
The amount of heated air is 2887.7 m3/h.
Set the coolant mass speed ϑ = 8 kg/( m2s)
Selection of fans
For ventilation systems we select channel fans.
Channel fans - designed for installation directly into the ventilation network (duct part) of round and rectangular section. Fans of this type are installed on a single shaft with an electric motor in a single housing using vibration insulating gaskets and, as a rule, are equipped with built-in automatic control devices.
Due to small dimensions, channel fans can be installed directly in the air duct network, embedded in channel air ventilation systems and hidden behind the ceiling or in special vertical cabinets. The main advantages of the channel fan are its compactness at high air consumption.
Selection of fan for exhaust system B1 is performed
Deflectors are designed to increase traction due to the pressure created by the wind in natural ventilation systems. They are made of sheet steel, installed on exhaust shafts and protect the outlet holes of pipes from rain and snow. Deflectors are made in ten numbers, with a diameter of 150-1250 mm and are delivered in assembled form.
Places of connection of ventilation deflectors have normalized dimensions set by SNiP 41012003. Ventilation deflectors are installed on the surface exceeding the level of the skate on the roof by a certain distance - 1.52 m.
7. Energy saving in heating and ventilation systems
The concept of "Energy Conservation" is understood to mean the implementation of scientific, legal, production, organizational, economic and technical measures that are aimed at the efficient and economical use of fuel and energy resources in order to attract sources of renewable energy into the economic turnover. The constant increase in demand for energy resources, the increase in tariffs for them, the reduction in natural resources - all this makes energy conservation important and attaches special importance to it. In addition, energy conservation is an important task in preserving a variety of natural resources.
The most pressing in this period is energy conservation in everyday life, as well as in the field of housing and communal services.
Heating and ventilation systems for public and industrial buildings are the largest consumers of thermal energy. Therefore, the improvement of these systems is of paramount importance for improving the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing the cost of energy for creating comfortable parameters in them.
Measures for energy saving in heating and ventilation systems can be conditionally divided into four groups:
1. Organization of energy use accounting and control.
2. Space planning, construction and construction measures for energy saving.
3. Technical measures of energy saving: improvement of engineering systems and their elements (local and central heat supply, water supply, heating, hot water supply (HWS), ventilation, air conditioning);
4. Energy saving through utilization of natural heat and cold, use of secondary energy resources, reduction of heat losses.
Energy accounting and monitoring
Arrangement of instrument accounting of heat energy and coolant consumption allows to detect actual heat energy consumption, which may differ from the design thermal load of buildings and structures. This difference according to the data obtained as a result of operation of heat supply systems equipped with heat consumption metering units can be up to 30% of planned (design) indicators. Excess of planned heat consumption, as a rule, is associated with deteriorated characteristics of enclosing structures. In the absence of instrument accounting, heat supply organizations often use a system of tariffs and specific standards for heating and WAN with reducing factors, which leads to an excess of the amount of thermal energy for which the consumer pays.
Space planning, construction and construction measures for energy saving
Volume planning, construction and structural measures for energy saving are associated with a decrease in heat losses and heat supply. Their specific implementation may be related to:
- choosing the orientation of the building relative to the light;
- selection of building shape in plan and vertical, use of sunscreen devices;
- Reduced energy consumption for artificial lighting;
- choice of degree and nature of glazing.
In general, these measures are envisaged at the stage of building design.
Technical measures for energy saving:
- improvement of engineering systems and heaters: local and central heat supply, water supply, heating, hot water supply (HWS), ventilation, air conditioning;
Energy saving due to improvement of engineering systems and their elements.
This group of energy conservation activities includes, for example:
- refinement of design conditions (selection of design temperatures of external and internal air, correct selection of the required amount of fresh air);
- reduction of infiltration (creation of overpressure, air curtains, etc.);
- reduction of losses (insulation of pipelines and air ducts, reduction of hydraulic and aerodynamic losses, elimination of coolant leaks, increase of equipment efficiency);
- use of preheating and cooling of heat carriers;
- automation of heat supply and air preparation processes;
- qualitative and quantitative regulation.
When designing, installing and operating the heating and ventilation systems of the building in question, it is possible to achieve their energy efficiency by performing a number of measures
For efficient operation of air heating heaters, the heat transfer surface (steam, compressed air, etc.) should be cleaned periodically. The heat transfer coefficient depends on the purity of the heat exchange surfaces.
In rooms with low air temperature, which is determined by production conditions, with a small number of employees, autonomous air heating should be used with air supply only to the working zone.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the insulation of windows and doors. Low density and lack of insulation lead to an increase in heat consumption for heating up to 60%.
Installation of a heat-reflecting film (heat shield) in the inter-frame space of the window will save up to 10% of the thermal energy for heating the building.
Switching the heating system to standby mode during off-hours, holidays and weekends will save 1015% in relation to the heat supply of the building.
Reducing the internal temperature in residential buildings at night will save 23% in relation to the heat supply of the building.
Removal of deposits (scale) from the walls of boilers and heat exchangers will reduce heat consumption by 30% or more.
Restoration of thermal insulation on the pipelines of heating systems and GVA will reduce heat losses by 79% of total heat consumption.
The use of temperature controllers in heating systems will save about 15% of the total cost of thermal energy.
The installation of the reflector, which is a heat insulating gasket made of a heat reflecting layer between the heating device and the wall, will save 23% of total consumption.
Replace tubular heat exchangers with plate heat exchangers and use energy-efficient, cost-effective heating, which will save 1020% of heat.
8. Economy
8.1 Economics in TG systems
In all specialized economic entities (regardless of ownership forms) generating and transporting energy resources, heat supply and ventilation systems in modern conditions, there are great changes in the forms and methods of organizing and managing enterprises (organizations, their associations), pricing and financing, taxation, material and technical support and determining the effectiveness of investment construction projects.
The economics of TG systems aims to carry out feasibility studies, to select and justify the economic efficiency of engineering decisions made, to apply economic methods of influencing performers (workers and specialists) in order to increase the effectiveness of the development of TG systems in modern conditions.
The main tasks of this section are:
- determination of cost-effectiveness of design solutions under specified conditions with determination of the area of economically acceptable parameters of each of comparable options;
- Development and implementation of energy-saving technologies;
- reduction of cost of construction and installation works due to reduction of terms of their execution and application of progressive technologies;
- reduction of costs for operation of TGV systems;
- improvement of the economic mechanism of organizations and enterprises carrying out the construction and operation of TGV systems in a market economy, etc.
8.2 Calculation of local estimate for installation of heating and ventilation systems
The composition and procedure for the development of estimate documentation is regulated by the methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Estimated cost of construction - costs associated with the construction of new facilities, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing facilities.
The estimated cost is the basis for determining the amount of capital investments, for opening construction financing, creating contractual prices for construction products, making settlements between the customer and the contractor for the completed volumes of work, paying for the costs of acquiring equipment and delivering it, as well as reimbursing other costs from the funds provided for in the consolidated estimate.
Estimated cost of construction and installation works is determined on the basis of Form 4 of local estimate.
The cost of construction and installation works in the local estimate as part of the estimated documentation is given in two price levels:
- in the base level determined on the basis of the current estimated norms and prices of 2011;
- in the current level (I quarter of 2012) on the basis of prices established at the time of preparation of estimates or projected for the construction period.
The contract price sheet for construction and installation works is based on the local estimate for these types of works. Contract price (firm) includes:
- estimated cost of construction and installation works;
- other costs related to the contractor's activities.
The standards of overhead costs and estimated profit are determined as a percentage of the wage fund (POT) of workers, builders and machine operators.
When drawing up local estimates for calculating the estimated cost of construction and installation work for the heating and ventilation system, open and closed unit rates were used, accepted at the corresponding collections of territorial unit rates (TEP).
Initial data for the development of local estimates for the installation of the heating system of the cultural and health center
9. Organization, planning, construction production management
9.1 Preparation of work execution schedule and labour movement schedule
A schedule is a document that lists all types of work in their process sequence, the timing of each type of work with mutual connection, and the total construction time of the facility.
On the basis of the calendar plan, the need for labor, construction mechanisms and transport is identified.
The schedule is drawn up in accordance with SNiP "Organization of Construction Production." The construction schedule is developed in order to establish the composition and objects of construction and installation work at the facility, the order, sequence and timing of each work.
In this diploma project, when performing sanitary and technical work on the installation of the heating and ventilation system, a combined method of performing work is used. This method allows you to combine individual construction and installation works in the production of sanitary and technical systems as much as possible, which significantly reduces the construction time when performing work with a permanent team of performers. The use of the in-line method, which is an advanced method of performing work, is impossible due to the small amount of work on the installation of systems and the homogeneity of all production processes.
Technology of installation and construction works
10.1 Preparatory works before installation of ventilation systems
The construction of ventilation systems includes a complex set of organizational measures and technological processes.
With modern construction rates and methods, the design and installation of ventilation requires careful preparation. To this end, special subdivisions for the preparation of installation works are created in the installation organizations.
The initial stages of preparation for ventilation installation are detailed familiarization with the working design of the specified ventilation systems and the development of a work design, an installation design for the transfer of ventilation blanks to the plant.
Preparatory works include the development and conclusion of contracts for the construction of ventilation systems, engineering preparation of production, preparation of the facility for installation.
Installation of industrial ventilation systems begins with the fact that the installation team receives technical documentation: floor plans of the building with external sections and the arrangement of ventilation systems applied to them, working drawings of individual units and systems, methods of installation of equipment and controls, attachment parts. All drawings shall indicate equipment types and grades, dimensions and shapes of ducts, their location in relation to construction structures. The mandatory document is the work execution project - PDP, or a short process note.
It is necessary that by the beginning of installation of ventilation units, the main construction work at the installation site is completed.
When installing ventilation systems, it is necessary to strictly observe the design instructions, not violate the building structures of the building. The slightest deviations from the project must be agreed with the project organization.
The object is considered to be prepared for installation with complete readiness of building structures, on which ventilation equipment is installed and air ducts are laid, as well as readiness of ventilation chamber rooms. By the beginning of equipment installation, the builders must finish the foundations for the equipment. Installation openings shall be left in walls and floors to supply large equipment and air ducts to the installation site. Process equipment shall be installed on site.
Work related to electrical lighting wiring, scaffolding and scaffolding for installation of equipment and air ducts at height shall be completed in the shop prior to installation. The installation site shall be freely accessible
10.2 Preparatory works before installation of heating systems
In accordance with SNiP 3.01.0195 "Organization of Construction Production " before the start of construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the site, the General Contractor is obliged to obtain permission from the Customer to perform installation work in accordance with the established procedure. The basis for the commencement of work may be the Certificate of Inspection of Hidden Works for the Preparation of Premises for Heating Installation. Installation of heating systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, working design, work design and instructions of equipment manufacturers. Replacement of materials and equipment provided by the design is allowed only in agreement with the design organization and the customer.
Installation of the heating system includes preparatory work on grouping, thorough washing with subsequent hydraulic (pneumatic) leak test of heating devices and work on assembly of the system of pipelines supplying and discharging heated water to the devices.
During acceptance of the object for installation, the following shall be checked:
compliance with all SNiPa requirements and current technical specifications ;
availability and correct execution of hidden works certificates;
geometric dimensions and bindings to construction structures of foundations for heating equipment, installation openings;
correct installation of embedded parts;
arrangement of fences of openings, floorings and canopies.
10.3 Ventilation system installation sequence
Installation of ventilation systems - installation, placement and fixation according to the design of ventilation equipment and air duct network.
Before installation, the quality and configuration of the products required for them are checked. Installation at large facilities, as a rule, begins with the installation of air ducts and the installation of plenum chambers and other large equipment. Prior to the beginning of sanitary works, the object is accepted for installation.
Installation of calorifers
Scope of work:
1. Delivery of sections to the installation site at a distance of up to 20 m.
2. Installation of sections .
3.Connection of sections with installation of gaskets, tightening of nuts and level adjustment .
Prior to installation of heaters, their model is checked for compliance with the design and then hydraulic tests are carried out. Calorifers are tested at pressure 2 kgf/cm2 more than operating one, but not more than overpressure equal to 8 kgf/cm2. The test lasts 2-3 minutes during this time, pressure reduction is not allowed. Before installation, calorifers are cleaned of dirt, dust, bent plates are straightened so as not to damage their galvanizing. In plenum chambers, calorifers are usually installed on metal supports made of angular steel. The dimensions of the support depend on the number and method of installation of the heater .
Install the heaters vertically, with the coolant inlet connector located at the top and the coolant outlet connector located at the bottom.
Calorifers are fixed with slings 3SK0,4 and hoist TEL2 is lifted to the support. Slings and braces are removed from the calorifer fixed on the support. Installation of other heaters is performed in the same sequence.
After the heaters are installed, they are tied with pipelines and necessary fittings pre-manufactured in the workshops. Bound calorifers are tested for density and uniformity of heating.
At the end of installation, all holes between the calorifers and the construction structures must be closed so that cold air does not penetrate to the suction nozzle of the fan, bypassing the calorifer. Gaps are sealed with roofing steel and asbestos cardboard.
When installing the heaters in the ventilation chamber, it is necessary on each side of the heaters, i.e. on the inlet and outlet side of the air, to leave a free space not less than 700 mm wide, which is necessary for inspection during operation.
Calorifers are connected to air ducts by passages and flanges with asbestos gaskets. Pipelines are connected to calorifers by means of detachable connections (flanges, threaded connections). Pipelines shall be inclined: for water not less than 3 mm per 1 m of length, for steam and condensate not less than 5 mm per 1 m of length. The slope direction shall provide air removal from the system and water drain via pipelines. Sleeves shall be placed in places of pipelines passage through building structures (walls, floors). Pipelines for steam or water with temperature above 100 ° C passing through burned structures are insulated with sheet asbestos. All pipelines conducting heat carrier to calorifers are covered with thermal insulation.
Installation of fans
Installation of fans is carried out in the following sequence:
- check completeness of supply of fan and its parts, as well as presence of electric motors, enclosing devices, anchor bolts;
- make a revision (customer or installation organization) of fans and electric motors, if they have not passed the pre-installation revision;
- deliver the fan and its parts to the installation site;
- lift and install the fan (if necessary, assembling it) with the help of lifting means on the foundation, platform or brackets; checking correctness of fan installation and fixing it in design position to support structures; checking fan operation.
When installing fans on steel structures, spring vibration isolators are attached to them so that the elements of metal structures coincide in plan with the corresponding elements of the fan frame. This is done so that the position of the vibration isolators can be corrected. Spring vibration isolators are bolted to metal structures using holes in lower plate of vibration isolator using rubber gaskets .
10.4 Duct Installation Sequence
Composition of work
- assembly of parts and air ducts into enlarged units on flanges with gaskets installation and bolts tightening;
- installation of attachment facilities in ready-made holes with cement mortar sealing and its preparation or their fixation to supporting structures with maintenance during electrical tack ;
- lifting and installation of units to the design position and their temporary attachment (if necessary);
- connection of installed unit with previously installed unit on flanges with installation of gaskets and tightening of bolts;
- reconciliation and final consolidation of the system.
Work Sequence
Sets of ventilation units come to the place of installation from the acquired warehouse on cars, forklifts in containers. Units and parts from vehicles are unloaded by cranes. The delivered kits are sorted according to the marking and individual parts are posted to the installation site manually. The way of cargo movement must be cleared of garbage, dirt, excess objects.
For installation of ventilation systems in the walls and floors of the building, the necessary holes must be stopped. If these holes are not there, they need to be punched. It is also necessary to mark and punch the holes so that various fastening means can be installed. These works are carried out from scaffolding, sites and scaffolding.
Inventory sites (UIKM60) - goats with flooring or installation towers are installed in the right places and check their strength and reliability. According to the existing building marks, an auxiliary line parallel to the floor level is applied on the wall at a height of 1.5 m from the level of the clean floor. On this line, the distance between the axes of the holes is laid, starting from the extreme. Using a roulette with a plumb from the level of the clean floor or auxiliary line, the centers of the holes or fasteners according to the project are marked. Then holes of required size are drilled by electric drilling machine.
Suspensions and brackets are attached using the construction and installation pistol SMP3, which clogs fasteners - nail dowels.
The design pitch of the brackets and suspensions should be 4 m if the diameter of the larger side of the rectangular duct is not more than 400 mm, and 3 m if the diameter of the round duct or the size of the larger side is more than 400 mm. If the load at the place where the suspensions are embedded in the slab or in another building structure exceeds the permissible one, then the calculated spacing of the brackets should be reduced.
Installation of horizontal air ducts can be started when walls, ceilings, partitions are plastered in the places of their laying and fixtures and supports are installed.
Before starting the installation, check the completeness and quality of parts and assemblies manufactured in the UZM directly at the installation site on the floor of the air ducts should be assembled in links, the possible value of which is determined by local conditions, the lifting capacity of the winches. This is done in order to conduct as little work as possible at height.
Assembled link of air duct is fixed with inventory slings 3SK0,4 and winches TEL2. During lifting, it is necessary to ensure that the duct does not cling to building structures, equipment, installation towers. To do this, braces are attached to the air duct, by means of which it is held in the desired position during lifting.
Main air ducts are mounted in direction from fan. The correctness of the installation is checked by means of a cord stretched along the flanges, first along the first three parts to be installed, and then along each subsequent one.
Only after alignment and removal of deflections the air duct is gripped with clamps of suspensions and fixed. Clamps must tightly cover the air duct: clearances are not permitted. After the air ducts are fixed on the suspensions, the braces and slings are removed and the correctness of the mounted unit is checked again and curvatures are eliminated with the help of turnbuckles.
Flange connections shall be located outside the building structures and nuts of flange connection bolts on one side. Rubber gaskets between flanges shall fit tightly to the whole plane.
All control devices should be arranged so that they can be easily used.
Vertical ducts are installed by the extension method, if it is impossible to lift the entire duct at once.
The vertical duct against the wall inside the building must be laid in the following sequence: the wall must be plastered and holes in all floors are ready. First, lifting means (winch) are installed. Upper unit is fixed with slings and lifted to height of next unit. Nodes are connected to scaffold. The connected unit is lifted to the height of the next duct element, etc. When all units are raised and connected, they are fixed to the wall with clamps. Upper part of vertical air duct protruding above roof is fixed with braces.
At the end of installation lifting devices are removed.
Deflection of air ducts from vertical must not be more than 2-3 mm per 1 m of height.
10.5 Testing and commissioning of ventilation systems
Air ventilation systems prior to start-up shall undergo pre-start tests and adjustment. Before starting tests, check:
- compliance with the design and correct installation of ventilation equipment ;
- devices of ventilation shafts of channels and installation of air ducts;
- strength of fixtures of ventilation equipment, air ducts and other devices;
- correct installation of louver screens, valves.
The air ventilation unit shall be continuously and properly operated prior to testing during the time determined by the certificate of the equipment under test or by the specifications. Based on the results of tests of ventilation equipment, an act is drawn up.
During the test, the following shall be checked :
- supply of ventilation unit and its compliance with design data;
- volumes of air passing through air dispenser or air intake devices of general exchange ventilation systems and compliance of these volumes with design data;
- volumes of air passing through air intake and air dispensers of local ventilation systems serving process equipment and individual production places;
- resistance to air passage in calorifers, dust collectors, filters, local suction;
- air velocity at the outlet from the plenum openings;
- absence of loopholes in air ducts and other system elements;
- uniformity of calorifer heating.
The following deviations from the design data detected during testing of ventilation systems are allowed:
± 10% - by the flow rate of air (supply) passing through the air distribution and air intake devices of general exchange ventilation systems, provided that the required air overpressure (rarefaction) is provided in the rooms;
± 10% - by the flow rate of air removed through local suction and supplied through branch pipes;
± 10% - by volume of air passing through head sections of ventilation plants.
Acceptance of the installed ventilation plant is carried out by the commission. The commission includes representatives of the customer and the design and installation organization.
During acceptance, it is necessary to check the compliance of the plant with the design, the quality of installation and the effectiveness of its work.
When accepting ventilation units, special attention shall be paid to compliance of equipment with fire safety requirements.
Technical data sheet, repair and operation log and operating manual shall be compiled for each unit during its commissioning.
10.6 Testing and commissioning of heating systems
Installed heating systems shall be tested, installed and brought to such condition that all technical indicators correspond to the design data.
The heating systems shall be accepted in three stages, external inspection, hydrostatic testing and thermal testing.
During external inspection, as-built drawings and compliance of performed works with the approved design, correct assembly and strength of pipes and heating devices attachment, installation of instrumentation, shutoff and control valves, arrangement of drain and air cranes, compliance with slopes are checked.
After external inspection, the test shall be carried out according to the program determined by the heating system and the time of year. For ease of detection of defective places , each system is tested by nodes, and then the whole.
Tests shall be carried out prior to the start of painting operations.
Tests of the water heating system are carried out at disconnected heat exchangers and expansion tanks with a pressure equal to 1.5 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa at the lowest point of the system.
Systems are considered to have passed the tests if within 5 minutes of its being under test pressure the pressure drop does not exceed 0.02 MPA and there are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded joints, valves, heating devices.
Upon delivery of the systems, a set of as-built drawings, all acts of acceptance of hidden works, equipment certificates, acts of hydraulic tests and acts of thermal testing of the systems are provided.
11.1 Automation Functionality
One of the main components of modern ventilation systems is automation equipment and systems. They implement various control functions, which must on the one hand ensure that the required microclimate is maintained in the serviced room, and on the other, that the process equipment operates economically and reliably. The range of control functions performed by automation systems in terms of the number and complexity of implementation is quite wide: from simple switching on - off to centralized control of climatic or all engineering equipment of the building.
Functions of ventilation systems automation:
- maintenance and control of air temperature in the room;
- switching on/off the ventilation system remotely;
- fan operation control;
- circulation pump control;
- monitoring of the condition of heat exchange units (thermostats for protection of electric heaters, protection of the water heater from freezing by air or return water temperature, breaking of the supply fan belt, etc.);
- control of filters contamination degree by means of a display differential pressure gauge;
- protection of the engine from phase loss/break (for three-phase motors), from overload, signalling of transfer belt break;
- adjustment of fan speed (if necessary);
- disconnection of the plenum system in case of emergency situations;
- disconnection of supply system by signals of fire extinguishing system;
- automatic or manual transition to winter/summer mode;
- programmable delay of supply fan actuation;
- programmable delay of exhaust fan shutdown;
- indication of current system parameters;
- user configuration of individual control parameters and system as a whole;
- air flow and humidity control;
- monitoring and control of rotor and plate recuperators, heat pumps, humidifiers/dryers.
11.2 Application and composition of ventilation automation boards
Modern ventilation and air conditioning systems are equipped with automation devices that monitor the working processes of the equipment and simplify the control of climatic equipment.
The control board is the key devices of the automation system, it is in it that the ventilation control system is mounted.
To control the simplest design of the ventilation system, an indicator with a switch is enough, which will allow you to turn on and off the fan. However, if the system is complex and represents a whole ventilation complex, then you can not do without a control system with automation elements. The automation devices of the ventilation system control the air valve, monitor the cleanliness of the filter, include a calorifer when the temperature of the supply air decreases, and much more. For such control systems, thermostats, hygrostats, pressure sensors and other devices monitoring the state of the ventilation system are used as detectors.
Ventilation control boards usually include:
- differential differential pressure sensor;
- isolation and control valves;
- microprocessor controller;
- air valve servo drive;
- temperature sensors;
- thermostat of electric heater overheating;
- thermostat against freezing of water heater.
Automation panels for ventilation system perform the following functions :
- monitoring and control of the working process of devices included in ventilation, air conditioning, heating, fire protection and other equipment;
- monitoring of equipment operability;
- protection of instruments from overheating, incorrect connection of supply voltage, or short circuit;
- control and maintenance of the desired level of air temperature, both at the outlet of the ventilation plant and in the room;
- change of ventilation plant performance both smoothly and stepwise;
- monitoring of air filters (degree of contamination);
- provision of any temporary algorithm of ventilation system control without intervention of maintenance personnel.
11.3 Classification of plenum ventilation chamber automation schemes
Depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the cameras, various automation schemes are used.
Control functions can be divided into two categories. The first combines control functions defined by air processing technology and equipment. The second is additional functions, which are mostly service functions.
The process control functions of ventilation systems are practically unchanged, that is, they are typical and differ mainly in the method of implementation, and therefore in the quality and reliability of operation. Most of these functions are determined by the requirements set for ACS by regulatory documents (SNiP, PUE, GOST and others) [2, 3].
In general, the main process functions of control of the plenum chamber ventilation system can be divided into the following groups:
- monitoring and recording of parameters;
- operational and software management;
- protection and blocking functions;
- regulating functions.
The automation diagrams of the plenum ventilation chamber can be classified according to the following options:
- fully automated plenum ventilation system without the possibility of manual control of automation system elements;
- fully automated plenum ventilation system with the possibility of manual control of automation system elements;
- fully automated plenum ventilation system with the possibility of manual control of automation system elements and circulation pump;
- semi-automated plenum ventilation system.
11.4 Description of the ventilation plenum automation diagram
The automation system performs the following functions:
- protection;
- monitoring;
- regulation;
- measurement;
- control.
Protective functions:
- protection of the fan engine from overheating (when the temperature on the engine increases, the relay contact of the thermostat will give a signal to the control panel about the engine accident);
- calorifer protection against freezing (for air protection it sets a capillary thermostat, which closes the entire section of the air duct and operates at air temperature 5 ° C, closing the relay contact and outputs a signal to the control board; for water protection at the outlet of the pipeline with return water, an overhead thermostat is installed, which operates at a water temperature of 20 ° C, closing the relay contact and outputs a signal to the control board);
Control functions:
- engine operation monitoring (pressure switch, which measures the presence of pressure drop before and after the engine);
- monitoring of filter clogging (pressure switch, which measures pressure drop before and after the filter; in case of relay actuation, its contact transmits a signal to the control board).
Adjustment functions:
- supply air temperature Tff is maintained at the same level during the system operation. The signal from the supply air temperature sensor is transmitted to the input of the PI controller of the controller, which generates a control signal for opening or closing the valve. The temperature is controlled by a control valve.
Measurement functions:
- the automation system processes the signals supplied to the input (Tn.v., Tpr.v., Tobr) according to the specified program and generates control and control signals, as well as displaying the temperature value.
Management functions:
- control of the system is performed in manual mode with the help of buttons and switches located on the control panel behind the panel door and in automatic mode. Start-up of pumps and motors is controlled from the controller at favorable system parameters.
11.5 Description of the schematic diagram of the general control circuits of the plenum ventilation chamber
The circuit diagram of control and regulation provides the following tasks:
Control diagram:
- supply of supply voltage and protection of asynchronous motor of fan;
- switching on the fan motor in local and remote mode;
- alarm of normal operation of the fan;
- manual and automatic control of air flap actuating valve.
Control diagram:
-regulation of indoor air temperature;
- control of valve on process pipeline after calorifer
-protection of air heater against freezing.
The supply voltage to the electric motor from the 380/220 V three-phase network is supplied through the phase circuit: A, B, C, contacts of the KM magnetic starter, coils of the electric heat relay KK. Motor stator windings, N.
The motor is switched on in local mode, the position of switch SA3 "M" occurs when SA1 is pressed. At that voltage is supplied to the coil of the magnetic starter KM via the circuit; phase C, fuse FH, button SA1, switch SA3 magnetic starter coil KM, contact of electrical relay KK, N. Engine stop is performed by pressing button SA1. The SA3 button is locked by the KM magnetic starter contact. (phase C, FH, SA1, KM, KK, N.)
In the remote control mode, selector switch SA3 in the "D" position, actuation of the electric motor is performed by the SA1 button. At that, voltage is supplied to coil KM of magnetic starter via the circuit: phase C, FH, SA5, SA1, SA3, KM, KK, N.
Normal operation alarm is performed by signal lamp HL1, which lights up when the contact of the KM magnetic starter is closed in both local and remote control modes. At this voltage, the signal lamp HL1 is supplied via the circuit: phase C, FH, SA5, SA1, SA3, KM (contact), IM (disconnection), HL1, N.
Control of air damper actuator IM1 in the mode of local control of fan motor SA3 in "M" position is provided manually by buttons SB5 ("open") and SB6 ("close"). At that voltage is supplied to windings of actuator motor via circuit; phase C, FH, SA5, SA1, SA3, SB5 (SB6), motor buttons, K3, N.
In the fan motor remote control mode, the air damper actuator is switched on automatically. When the KM magnetic starter is activated, its contacts are closed in the power supply circuit of the intermediate relay K3 and K4, which by its contacts turns on the actuator. At the same time, voltage is supplied to the actuator motor via the following circuits: phase C, FH, SA3, contact relays K3 and K4, stator windings of the actuator motor, N. Position switches B1 and B2 switch off the actuator motor when the air damper is completely closed.
Alarm of emergency operation is performed by signal lamp HL2, which lights up when contacts of universal switch SA4 are closed in both local and remote control modes. At this voltage, the signal lamp HL2 is supplied via the circuit: phase C, FH, SA5 , SA1, SA3, SA4, HL2, N. The alarm is switched off by pressing the button SB7.
11.6 Operation of the circuit at starting of the plenum chamber
In the process of describing the automation tasks that the functional diagram implements, it includes:
- air damper control
-regulation of supply air temperature by change of heating capacity of the heater;
- automatic heating of the air heater before actuation of the supply fan;
- system monitoring and alarm
- automatic connection of control circuit before actuation of supply fan;
-protection of air heater against freezing.
Control of the air damper is carried out both remotely and automatically.
With the universal switch UP5311C225 (shown in the diagrams as SA2), the control mode can be changed. A button control post PKE 7222U3 (indicated by SB4 on the diagrams) controls the air shutter.
The supply air temperature is controlled by using temperature controllers TI2, which monitors the temperature of the incoming liquid directly to the heater. The air temperature can be controlled from the automation board using the three-position temperature controller PTP304 (indicated by VT in the diagrams).
The calorifer is protected from freezing as follows. Sensor of position temperature regulator TI4, adjusted to 700С, and sensor of position regulator TI3, adjusted to temperature 160С, is installed on the pipeline after the heater. If the temperature of the water after the heater drops to 700C and the incoming air temperature is below 160C, the TUDE4 position temperature controller (indicated by TE3 on the diagrams) will operate, the fan will automatically turn off, the insulated valve installed in the duct will close and the control valve will open. When the fan is disconnected, calorifers are protected from freezing by periodic heating with the help of TUDE4 regulator (TS2 is indicated on the diagrams), which controls the actuator.
Control over the operation of the supply and exhaust systems is carried out by special air flow relays. The system operation alarm is transmitted to the CMS automation board, where the signal lamps HL1, HL2 are installed, the alarm state is signaled by the red lamp (HL2), and the normal operation - by the green lamp (HL1). There is also the KE011 alarm removal button (indicated by SB7 on the diagrams).
Sometimes, with a large thermal inertia of the ventilated room, a significant decrease in the temperature of the supply air is possible, which entails the creation of discomfort conditions in certain areas of the room (wind, a sharp decrease in temperature). To avoid this, a TSP1079 sensor (indicated by TE2 on the diagrams) of the three-position regulator PTR304 (indicated by VT on the diagrams) is installed in the duct downstream of the fan, adjusted to the minimum allowable supply air temperature. If the control valve closes by command, and the supply air temperature drops to the minimum permissible, the PTP-304 regulator operates (VT is indicated on the circuits) and the control signal to the actuator is interrupted.
In this diploma project , the heating and ventilation system of the Atlanta TD public building was designed.
During the graduation project, the following tasks were solved:
- the building heating system is designed;
- the thermal mode of the building has been determined, thermal and hydraulic calculations of the heating system have been carried out ;
plenum and exhaust ventilation system is designed;
technical and economic indicators of the project are calculated.
Heating and ventilation of the building are designed according to the norms. Ventilation and heating systems provide permissible working conditions for personnel and visitors. The decisions taken in the draft are aimed at minimizing the impact of the object on the environment and make it possible to ensure its permissible level.
The design of the building heating system was made using modern regulatory and balancing equipment of domestic production. Ventilation systems are designed in accordance with the requirements for air exchange.
In addition, a scheme for automation of plenum ventilation has been developed, which implements the continuous maintenance of a given temperature with simultaneous control of emergency situations.

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- 13.04.2015