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DESIGN OF SPEED BOX FOR LATHE Initial data Machine: lathe precision Minimum rpm nmin = 100 rpm Maximum rpm nmax = 6000 rpm Speed number: Zn = 12 Dmax = 150 mm Ne = 15 kW Work content: Introduction 1. Definition of basic kinematic parameters 2. Development of kinematic diagram and structural diagram of speed box 3. Preliminary calculation of box 4. Cutting modes. Power. Selection of electric motor 5. Calculation of gears 6. Kinematic circuit 7. Calculation of V-belt transmission 8. Select bearings 9. Lubrication system 10. Bibliographic list

Project's Content

icon Развертка9.cdw
icon Спецификация9.spw
icon схема9_1.frw
icon Узел шпинделя и обе его опоры.cdw
icon 9 Курсовой МРС.doc

Additional information



Source Data


Definition of basic kinematic parameters

Development of kinematic diagram and structural diagram of speed box

Box Preliminary Calculation

Cutting modes. Power. Electric motor selection

Calculation of gears

Kinematic diagram

Calculation of V-belt transmission

Selecting Bearings

9. Lubrication system

10. Bibliographic list

Source Data

Variant No. 9

Lathe: precision lathe

Minimum rpm nmin = 100 rpm

Maximum rpm nmax = 6000 rpm

Number of speeds: Zn = 12

Dmax = 150 mm

Ne = 15 kW

Task: Design speed box for lathe.


Mechanical engineering has a leading role among other sectors of the economy, since machines perform the main production processes. Therefore, the technical level of many industries largely determines the level of development of engineering.

The progress made in the development of billet production technology and the increase in the technical level of foundry, forge-press and welding equipment continuously reduces the amount of mechanical processing. However, the importance of metal cutting machines in modern machine building does not only not decrease, but on the contrary, increases, since the processing processes on machines have become much more complicated. Improving operational and quality indicators, reducing the time of development and implementation of new machines, improving their reliability and durability are the main tasks of machine builders. One of the areas of solving these problems is improving the design training of students of higher technical educational institutions. A large opportunity for improving the work of designers is provided by the use of computers, which allows you to optimize designs, automate a significant part of the design process. The course project is an important stage in the design training of a mechanical engineer in a number of technical specialties. Work on the project requires application and contributes to the consolidation of knowledge gained in the study of such general technical disciplines as the technology of structural materials, material resistance, the theory of mechanisms and machines, machine parts, as well as special disciplines: cutting theory, metal cutting tool, mechanical engineering technology and the course "Metal Cutting Machines," which is the basis of the project.

During the implementation of this project, the student for the first time meets the need to comprehensively solve the problem of developing the main unit of a modern technological machine, taking into account the satisfaction of various requirements.

Drawings content

icon Развертка9.cdw


icon Спецификация9.spw


icon схема9_1.frw


icon Узел шпинделя и обе его опоры.cdw

Узел шпинделя и обе его опоры.cdw
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