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Design of section for manufacturing of parts of type "flange" - diploma


Diploma in engineering technology. With explanatory note, manufacturing process. Subject of the diploma project: Design of the section for manufacturing of parts of the "flange" type Special part: Improvement of the technological process of machining the cover of the upper gearbox TPM pulling-correct machine MNLES-1 and MNLES-2 in the conditions of CJSC "MRK"

Project's Content

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icon 0253 Контрольная.doc
icon ТП Титул Бойцов.doc
icon Сборочный чертеж к крышке.bak
icon Сборочный чертеж к крышке.cdw
icon Спецификация.bak
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Чертеж.bak
icon Чертеж.cdw
icon Калибр-А2 ф52 Н9.bak
icon Калибр-А2 ф52 Н9.cdw
icon скоба 80е8 А2.bak
icon скоба 80е8 А2.cdw
icon кондуктор скальчатый.bak
icon кондуктор скальчатый.cdw
icon Спецификация на кондуктор.cdw
icon Чертеж1.bak
icon А1 план.bak
icon А1 план.cdw
icon для контроля радиального биения А2.bak
icon для контроля радиального биения А2.cdw
icon приспособление индикат.doc
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icon Спецификация на контр. приспособление.cdw
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icon Резец с коромыслом, сверло 11, шпон. фреза 10, заготовка.bak
icon Резец с коромыслом, сверло 11, шпон. фреза 10, заготовка.frw
icon Загрузка оборудования на 3 станка А2.bak
icon Загрузка оборудования на 3 станка А2.cdw
icon Эскизы № 2 на А2.bak
icon Эскизы № 2 на А2.cdw
icon Эскизы №1 на А1.bak
icon Эскизы №1 на А1.frw
icon Эскизы №2 на А1.bak
icon Эскизы №2 на А1.frw
icon Клино-рычажное приспособление А1.bak
icon Клино-рычажное приспособление А1.cdw
icon Спецификация на клино-рычажное.bak
icon Спецификация на клино-рычажное.cdw
icon ЭКОНОМИКА_А1 Бойцов.frw

Additional information




1.1. Analysis of Typical Process

1.1.1 Part purpose, design and operating conditions

1.1.2 Substantiation of material selection for part manufacturing

1.1.3 Definition of production type

1.1.4 Determination of part lot quantity

1.1.5 Selection of workpiece and method of its production

1.1.6 Definition of interoperative allowances, tolerances and dimensions of the workpiece Determination of interoperative allowances, tolerances and dimensions of workpiece during processing of length L = 25IT14 (-0.52) mm Determination of interoperative allowances, tolerances and dimensions of workpiece during processing of Ø155 h14 length (-1.0)

1.1.7 Equipment selection

1.2 Process Development

1.2.1 Technological justification of the process

1.2.2 Processing route

1.2.3 Definition of cutting modes Calculation of cutting mode at external turning of Ø155 h14 mm surface Calculation of cutting mode for hole drilling 11 mm Calculation of cutting modes for 10 mm wide slot milling

1.2.4 Calculation of technical time norm

1.2.5 Determination of required quantity of equipment and its loading


2.1. Cutting Tool Calculation and Design

2.1.1 Calculation and design of turning cutter for external turning of 155 mm diameter surface

2.1.2 Calculation and design of a spiral drill with a conical shank for drilling a hole with a diameter of 11 mm

2.1.3 Calculation and Design of End Key Cutter

2.2 Selection, design and calculation of a rock conductor for drilling four holes with a diameter of 11 mm

2.2.1 Selection, design and calculation of clamp for keyway milling with width of 14 mm

2.3 Calculation and design of controls

2.3.1 Calculation and design of the plug gauge for hole control Ø

2.3.2 Selection, design and calculation of caliber-clamp control device for neck inspection with diameter Ø80e

2.3.3 Design of a device equipped with an indicator for monitoring radial run-out of a surface with a diameter of 80e

2.3.4 Design of test device for monitoring of end run-out


3.1 Area sizing and equipment layout

3.2 Product Quality Management

3.3 Organization of Tool Facilities

3.4 Organization of equipment repair in the area

3.5 Organization of products transportation in the area

3.6 Organization of technical control


4.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors in the designed area

4.2 Protection against hazardous and harmful factors

4.3 Environmental Protection

4.3.1 Apparatus for cleaning non-toxic or non-explosive gases from dust

4.3.2 Treatment of industrial and domestic effluents

4.4 Emergency Prevention and Response

4.4.1 Automatic fire extinguishing plants


5.1 Economic justification of the project

5.2 Organizational and legal form of the enterprise

5.3 Project Financial Evaluation

5.3.1. Calculation of MK CJSC workshop mechanical section production program

5.3.2. Organization of labor and wages at the site

5.3.3 Calculation of product cost change

5.3.4 Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators and evaluation of the effectiveness of the decisions taken in the draft

List of sources used



Mechanical engineering is the most important industry. The growth and improvement of production of various products is directly ensured by the development of mechanical engineering, since its products - machines of various purposes - are supplied to all industries. Engineering, which supplies new equipment to all branches of the national economy, determines the technical progress of the country and has a decisive influence on the creation of the material base of the new society. In this regard, its development has always been given great importance .

The engineering industry is faced with the tasks of improving technological processes, inventing and studying new production methods, further developing and introducing integrated mechanization and automation of production processes based on the achievements of science and technology, which ensure the highest labor productivity with the proper quality and lowest cost of production.

For cutting processing, which is still leading in forming processes, it becomes important to increase processing speeds, the use of new types of tools and devices, new progressive equipment, as well as increase wear resistance, hardness of the tool and the use of new progressive tool materials.

Increased requirements for the quality of machine parts make it necessary to find new high-performance surface treatment methods that ensure the manufacture of the part in accordance with the requirements.

The purpose of this diploma project is to develop the technological process of machining the cover of the TPM upper reduction gear of the MNLZ1 and MNLZ2 pulling machine in the conditions of RMK CJSC.

1. Technology Section

1.1. Analysis of Typical Process

In a special part of the project, the development of the technological process of machining the cover of the upper gearbox TPM (pulsating mechanism) MNLZ1 under the conditions of CRMO2 CJSC MRK was carried out.

Part refers to bodies of revolution.

The main bases of the part are: the end face of the part, external and internal cylindrical surfaces []. The same surfaces are accepted as process bases: the end face of the part, external and internal cylindrical surfaces.

1.1.1 Part purpose, design and operating conditions

The cover (drawing 1) is a part of the drive mechanism of TPM reduction gear (pulling mechanism) of MNLZ1 (drawing 2). It serves to fix the bearing of the drive shaft.

According to the design, the part is a body of rotation with a central hole and slots on the end surface, as well as holes for attachment to the gear box housing.

The part operates under static conditions, low dynamic loads.

1.1.5 Selection of workpiece and method of its production

The selection of the workpiece is based on the condition that the shape and dimensions of the workpiece should be as close as possible to the shape and dimensions of the finished product. The economic effect arises due to a decrease in the cost of manufacturing the product, a decrease in the amount of equipment, devices, tools, labor costs for machine tools, transportation, etc. When the dimensions of the workpiece approach the dimensions of the product, the production of the workpiece becomes more difficult and expensive. It is very important to determine the optimal shape and dimensions of the workpiece, at which there is a reduction in production waste (such as chips) and at the same time the cost of producing the workpiece does not require a large cost [1].

In the manufacture of blanks of the cover type, various methods are used: forging, rolling, hot and cold stamping, casting, etc. When selecting the type of workpiece (casting, stamping, rolled stock, etc.), the following factors are taken into account:

1. The shape of the part

2. part dimensions;

3. part weight;

4. material;

5. scale of production;

6. dimensions of machining allowances;

7. dimension accuracy.

When choosing the method of obtaining the workpiece, the following considerations should be taken into account [1]:

1. Shaped parts subjected to impact loads and tensile and bending actions should be manufactured by forging or stamping.

2. High stress shaped parts are suitably made of steel castings.

3. For parts working mainly on bending, stretching and torsion at a significant difference in cross sections, blanks in the form of forging and stamping are used.

4. Billets from rolled stock are used for parts in the configuration approaching any type of rolled stock.

Considering all the above factors, we choose the type of workpiece - normal accuracy rolled stock (drawing 3). The advantages of this type of workpiece in our case are in the close approximation of its dimensions and parameters to the dimensions of the finished part. Rolled stock allows to obtain sufficiently high quality of metal with improved plasticity characteristics [1].

1.1.6 Definition of interoperative allowances, tolerances and dimensions of the workpiece

Allowance for machining of workpiece surfaces can be determined by experimental-statistical method or on the basis of calculation-analytical method. The experimental statistical method assigns allowances regardless of the procurement processing process, so they are usually overestimated. Analytical method [4] is based on analysis of production errors arising under specific conditions of workpiece processing, determination of values of elements that make up allowance, and their summation. Reference and calculation data are summarized in a table (see Table 1.3; 1.4; 1.5).

We find the allowance value by the method of differentiated calculation for the elements that make up the allowance. This method provides for calculation of allowances for all sequential technological transitions of processing of this surface of their summation part to determine the total allowance for surface processing and calculation of intermediate dimensions and dimensions of the initial workpiece. The calculated value is the minimum processing allowance, sufficient to eliminate processing errors and defects of the surface layer obtained at the previous transition at this transition, as well as to compensate for errors arising at the performed transition.

2.3.3 Design of an accessory equipped with an indicator for monitoring the radial run-out of the surface with a diameter of 80e8

In accordance with the technical requirements for the surface of 80e8 mm, requirements are made for the perpendicular surface of the end, which should not exceed 0.1 mm relative to the base surface. This requirement is checked against the inspection activity. Control is carried out by the indicator of hour ICh10 type.

The indicator device consists of a watch type indicator, a plate and a rack. End face perpendicular check is performed by means of indicator installed in rack by turning of part fixed in lathe cartridge. The plate is installed on the machine bed.

2.3.4 Design of test device for monitoring of end run-out

Lever-mechanical instruments are designed to control linear dimensions and deviations of the shape and arrangement of surfaces. These instruments are mainly used for relative measurements.

Reading indicators: an integer number of millimeters is counted by the arrow of the speed indicator on a small scale. Hundredths of millimeters are counted by an arrow on a large scale. When the measuring rod is raised (straight stroke), the readings are read by the external digits of the large scale (clockwise increase). At lowering of measuring rod (reverse stroke) readings are read by internal digits of large scale (increase counterclockwise).

Check of teeth beating: deviation is determined by difference of indicators readings at repeated measurements in different heights of teeth recesses along the cutting circle.

When monitoring this part, it is installed on the mandrel..

A typical tool is used - a tripod with an indicator head. Before measurement, the measuring tip is brought normal to the measured surface into the tooth cavity and the large arrow is set to "0," then we measure from other depressions. The deviation of the arrow must not exceed 5 divisions, which corresponds to a value of 0.05 millimeters.

Drawings content

icon Сборочный чертеж к крышке.cdw

Сборочный чертеж к крышке.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw


icon Чертеж.cdw


icon Калибр-А2 ф52 Н9.cdw

Калибр-А2 ф52 Н9.cdw

icon скоба 80е8 А2.cdw

скоба 80е8 А2.cdw

icon кондуктор скальчатый.cdw

кондуктор скальчатый.cdw

icon Спецификация на кондуктор.cdw

Спецификация на кондуктор.cdw

icon А1 план.cdw

А1 план.cdw

icon для контроля радиального биения А2.cdw

для контроля радиального биения А2.cdw

icon Спецификация на контр. приспособление.cdw

Спецификация на контр. приспособление.cdw

icon Чертеж-контр-А2.cdw (торц биение).cdw

Чертеж-контр-А2.cdw (торц биение).cdw

icon Резец с коромыслом, сверло 11, шпон. фреза 10, заготовка.frw

Резец с коромыслом, сверло 11, шпон. фреза 10, заготовка.frw

icon Загрузка оборудования на 3 станка А2.cdw

Загрузка оборудования на 3 станка А2.cdw

icon Эскизы № 2 на А2.cdw

Эскизы № 2  на А2.cdw

icon Эскизы №1 на А1.frw

Эскизы №1 на А1.frw

icon Эскизы №2 на А1.frw

Эскизы №2 на А1.frw

icon Клино-рычажное приспособление А1.cdw

Клино-рычажное приспособление А1.cdw

icon Спецификация на клино-рычажное.cdw

Спецификация на клино-рычажное.cdw

icon ЭКОНОМИКА_А1 Бойцов.frw

ЭКОНОМИКА_А1 Бойцов.frw