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Design of the technological process of manufacturing parts of the shaft type

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In this course work, the design of the technological process of manufacturing the "Roller" part will be carried out, by calculating and entering data into tables, as well as the stages of processing the workpiece to the final part will be displayed.

When developing the technological process, the following were taken into account: the type of production, properties and features of the processed material, the accuracy of shapes and sizes, roughness, current standards and regulations. 

When performing a number of sections of the project (calculation of allowances, calculation of cutting modes), the Compass-3D software package was used. Graphic material is presented: drawings of parts, blanks, devices, an album of technological maps with operational sketches. 

Project's Content

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1. Theoretical section

1.1. Procurement methods. Choosing a Rational Option

1.2. Basing: classification and characteristics

1.3. The principle of concentration and specialization of operations

1.4. Gearbox Assembly

2. Practical section. Development of the manufacturing process of the "Shaft" part

2.1. Analysis of source data

2.2. Volume of output

2.3. Production Batch

2.4. Production type

2.5. Procurement Selection

2.6. Selection of process bases

2.7. Flowchart of part processing process route

2.8. Calculation of allowances and interoperative dimensions

2.9. Select the machine type, tooling, and tool

2.10. Operation Design




Source Data:

1. To design the manufacturing process of the Shaft part:

1.1. Drawing of Shaft part;

1.2. Production program N = 750 pieces;

1.3. Operating mode - two-shift;

2. Theoretical questions:

2.1. Procurement methods. Choosing a rational option;

2.2. Basing: classification and characterization;

2.3. Classification of the contractor's working time costs;

2.4. Gearbox assembly.


Course work consists of 2 parts. The first part, entitled "Theoretical Section," contains answers to 4 (17, 21, 46, 77) questions from page 2-3 "Tasks for course work."

Second part "Practical section. Development of part manufacturing process "contains 5 tables.

At the end of the course work, a conclusion and a list of literature are presented.


In this coursework, you will design the manufacturing process for the Roller part by calculating and tabulating the workpiece and displaying the workpiece processing steps to the final part.

When developing the process, the following were taken into account: type of production, properties and features of the treated material, accuracy of shapes and sizes, roughness, current standards and standards.

When performing a number of sections of the project (calculation of allowances, calculation of cutting modes), the Compas3D software package was used. Graphic material is presented: drawings of parts, workpieces, accessories, task list with operational sketches .

In this work, skills were developed to independently solve problems in the field of process design, in choosing equipment and a cutting tool for obtaining a suitable part by machining. When drawing up the graphic part of the project and the task list book, the requirements of the ESKD and AETPP were taken into account.

Theoretical section

1. 1. Procurement methods. Choosing a Rational Option

Selection of rational method of procurement (factors affecting production cost of procurement, basic provisions on selection of rational procurement, basic provisions on selection of production method of procurement)

In addition, castings, especially those produced by injection or chill casting, are more likely to have casting stresses and porosity.

On the contrary, by forming a directional structure, the performance of the part can be greatly increased. At the same time, a given surface roughness parameter and dimensional accuracy can be provided in both cases. It follows that when choosing how to obtain a workpiece for these parts, it is first necessary to take into account the main factors (cost and quality requirements), to focus on what is decisive in this particular case.

As another example, large-sized parts of considerable mass may be considered, requiring unique equipment of high capacity for their manufacture. Such parts are suitably welded, for example forged-welded bodies, rotors, shells, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration of the production cycle of each forging, to improve the quality of the metal by using ingots of a smaller mass with less casting defects. However, the metal utilization ratio does not exceed 0.4 and, in addition, the total labor intensity and cost of parts are significantly increased due to additional welding costs.

As can be seen from the above examples, a rational solution in the selection of a workpiece can be found only under the condition of a comprehensive analysis of the impact on the cost of all factors, provided that the method of obtaining the workpiece has a positive effect on the quality of the product.


In this course work, economic and technological calculations were made for the manufacture of the Shaft part, the type of billet was selected (rolled stock - circle, D = 52 mm, L = 176 mm, GZAG = 2.93 kg) based on the comparison of the cost of manufacturing the part, the routing process sheet for the part is designed, the operational dimensions of the most important surfaces are determined, the type of machine, tooling, tool (model 16K40 machine with engine power Ndv = 24 kW is selected. and 6T13 milling machine with engine power Ndv = 11 kW., tooling: rotating center GOST 874275, three-cam self-centering cartridge GOST 267580, driving clamp GOST 257870; tool: turning cutter bent through GOST 1887773, drill 23170017 GOST 1495275, key cutter GOST 914078, micrometer GOST 1088). The operations were designed, control measurements were made using a micrometer and a caliper, the total amount of time for the manufacture of the part (TSTKOBSCH = 29.85 min) and the lot of parts (TPMHO = 507.5 min = 8.46 hours) were found. According to the results of economic calculations, a grade material was chosen - a rod, since it is the most economically profitable.

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