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Design of internal cold water supply and sewerage systems of 6-storey 2-section residential building - coursework

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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The work presents: general plan, yard sewer profile, typical floor plan, sewer, section, axonometry (sewer), axonometry (water supply), explanatory note.

Project's Content

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Additional information



Design of internal water supply of the building

Selecting an Internal Water Supply System and Scheme

Determination of water flow rate in sections of water supply network

Hydraulic calculation of cold water supply network

Selection of water meters

Determining the required head in the network

Internal sewer design

Selection of sewage system and diagram

Calculation of internal sewage system

Yard sewage system

Design of yard sewage network

Calculation of yard sewage network

Determination of initial deepening of yard sewage network

Yard sewage network profile


Bibliographic list



In the course project, it is necessary to design internal cold water supply and sewerage systems of a 6-storey 2-section residential building.

The apartment building is equipped with water supply, sewerage, gas water heater with the total water consumption rate of the highest water consumption = 250 l/day. persons. The total number of apartments is 36, with a total number of residents U = 180 people.

Each apartment has the following sanitary devices:

1. Cast iron enameled bath 1500650 mm with separate mixer, GOST 1829796.

2. Enameled steel wash 500600 mm with bottle plastic siphon, GOST 2369594.

3. Plate toilet with low flush tank and oblique extension, GOST 3049396.

4. Semi-circular ceramic washbasin 550420 mm with bottle plastic siphon, GOST 3049396.

Total number of devices N = 144 pcs. The remaining indicators are given in the initial data.

Source Data

1. The floor plan of the building and plot plan of the site are attached.

2. The number of floors is 6.

3. Floor height - 2.8 m.

4. The thickness of the floor is 0.3 m.

5. Basement height - 2.3 m.

6. Floor elevation 1 floor - 1.2 m above ground elevation, (+ 0.000).

7. The number of inhabitants in the apartment is 5 people.

8. Total water consumption = 250 l/day. per 1 person. with gas water heaters.

Characteristics of external water supply at the point of input connection

1. Guaranteed head - 34 m.

2. The diameter of the street water supply is 150 mm.

3. Elevation of the ground surface - according to the general plan.

4. The depth of the water supply is 2.2 m.

5. Ground freezing depth - 1.7 m.

Characteristics of external sewage system at the point of connection of the yard network

1. The diameter of the street sewage system is 400 mm.

2. Marking of the ground surface at the pit of street sewage - according to the general plan.

3. Street sewage well tray elevation - 3.7 m below elevation


Selection of internal sewage system and diagram

The building accepts domestic sewage (K1) for removal of contaminated water from washes, washbasins, baths, toilets installed in apartments (N = 144 devices).

The sewerage system consists of sanitary devices, hydraulic gates (siphons), an internal network and a yard sewerage network.

Washes and washbasins are equipped with plastic bottle siphons, a bath - a plastic siphon with release and overflow.

The internal sewer network is designed from cast-iron sewer pipes and shaped parts, GOST 6942.13098. The building accepted 8 risers, combined in 2 issues.

The diameter of the riser 100mm is structurally adopted, since toilet bowls are connected to it, the diameter of which is 100mm.

Risers are mounted in sanitary cabins next to the toilet.

The base of the risers is located 0.2 m below the basement floor.

The diameter of the outlet to which the risers are connected is 100 mm

On the riser, at a height of 1 m from the floor, revisions are installed on the first, third and sixth floors.

Cleaners are installed at outlets and discharge pipelines where clogging is possible.

The building has a flat roof. Therefore, the exhaust part of the riser is brought out 0.3 m above the roof.

The diameter of the exhaust part is equal to the diameter of the riser (100 mm).

Yard sewage system

Design of yard sewage network

Outlets K11, K1-2 from the basement of the building (through holes in the foundation 300 x 300 mm) are connected to the yard sewage network. Holes in the foundation after laying the outlets are sealed with greasy mint clay co crushed stone .

The pipelines of the yard sewage network are laid at a distance of 4 m from the foundation and parallel to the building.

Waste water is discharged by gravity in the shortest direction to the control well, and then to the street sewage collector.

The main elements of the network are pipelines and structures. Yard sewage network is adopted from ceramic bell pipes d = 150 mm, GOST 28682.

Wells 1, 2 are installed at the points of connection of two outlets from the building. To control the quality of wastewater discharged into the city sewage system and the device of the drop at the end of the yard network at a distance of 2 m from the boundary of the site (red building line), a control well 4 is installed deep.

At the point of connection of the yard sewerage network to the street, well 5 is arranged. The elevations of the ground, tray and diameter of the street sewage network are given in the initial data.

Calculation of yard sewage network

On the yard sewage network, the design direction of waste water movement is indicated, from the dictating well 1 to the well of the city sewage network 5.

At each design section of the yard network, the waste water flow rate is determined depending on the number of waste water receivers N, pcs, coefficient α and probability of the Ptot devices by formula (8).

The calculation is summarized in Table 4.

Hydraulic calculation of the yard sewage network consists in determination of diameters of pipelines d, mm, in design areas, grades i, speeds of waste water V, m/s, and filling in pipes h/d by design flow rates.

At each site, non-burnability conditions are determined. Due to insufficient flow rate of waste water through pipes d = 150 m, these conditions are not met. Therefore, the sections of the yard sewage network will be recalculated, and for pipes d = 150 m the slope of 0.010 (promilyas 10 o/o) is assumed; speed V = 0.806 m/s.

Yard sewage network profile

The profile of the yard sewage network is built on the scale M 1:100 vertically and 1:500 horizontally

Design areas, length l, m, ground elevations Zp.z., m, at node points are determined by the general plan

Pipe tray elevation, slope i, m, diameter d, mm are taken from Table 4.

Drawings content

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