Design of automatic water fire extinguishing system

- Added: 03.08.2014
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Additional information
I. Introduction
1. Basis for development
2. Purpose of development
3. Brief description of the protected object
II. Major part
1. Process Part
1.1. Water Fire Fighting Sprinkler Unit
1.2. Internal Fire Water Supply (FP)
1.3. Fire fighting pump station (HC)
2. Electrical part
2.1. Composition of ATC electrical equipment
2.2. Algorithm of ATC operation
3. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines
3.1 Calculation procedure
3.2 Hydraulic calculation
3.3 Calculation of ACM actuation time
4. Determination of parameters of booster pumps
5. Construction and installation works
I. Introduction
1. Basis for development
The project was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:
- SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations ";
- SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures";
- SP 10.13130.2009 "Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements ";
- SP 8.13130.2009 "External fire-fighting water supply sources.
Fire safety requirements ";
- Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008 N 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"
2. Purpose of development
The purpose of the development is to create a water fire extinguishing plant (UVP) as a separate functional element of a total set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at preventing the impact on people of dangerous fire factors and limiting material damage from it.
The design scope of this volume includes:
- fire fighting pump station;
- sprinkler installation of water fire extinguishing;
- internal fire-fighting water supply.
3. Brief description of the protected object
At elev. 3.100 in axes of "ED/1213" the pump station of fire extinguishing provided according to item 5.10.10 of the joint venture 5.13130.2009 separate exit outside is placed.
The facility is supplied via two pipelines DN150, in which guaranteed free head H = 24 m is provided.
II. Major part
1. Process Part
1.1. Water Fire Fighting Sprinkler Unit
A sprinkler air installation is accepted for design to protect all rooms of the building except for the rooms:
a) with wet processes (bathrooms, cooling chambers, washing rooms, etc.);
b) ventilation chambers (plenum and exhaust), pump water supply, boiler and other rooms for engineering equipment of the building, in which there are no combustible materials;
c) electric shields;
d) categories B4 and D on fire hazard;
e) staircases.
SUVPT water supply is provided from the fire fighting pump station, which provides the necessary pressure and water flow rates.
The organizational and functional structure of SUVPT is designed as follows:
1) protection of the underground parking is carried out by a separate sprinkler section with fulfillment of the condition of non-exceeding the total number of sprinkler sprinklers in section 800 pcs.;
2) sprinkler section pipelines are circular.
The required pressure in the system pipelines in standby mode is provided by a compressor installed in the room of the fire fighting pump station and operating in automatic mode.
One feed pipeline (riser) is withdrawn from the pump room from the control unit, which serves to supply fire extinguishing agent (water) to the ring feed pipeline and further to distribution pipelines, through which water is supplied directly to the sprinklers.
Design irrigation intensity is accepted as standard (I = 0.12 l/s • m2) in accordance with Table 5.1 of SP 513130.2009 as for the premises of the 2nd group according to Annex B, SP 513130.2009
Sprinkler sprinklers with outlet diameter d = 12 mm, efficiency factor k = 0.47 and thermal lock actuation temperature t = 570С are used as sprinklers providing design irrigation intensity.
To supply water to sprinkler sprinklers, a network of pipelines consisting of:
- main supply pipelines-risers (157 × 3.5), which supply water from the control unit to the ring pipelines of the sprinkler section;
- annular supply pipelines (108 × 3.5), to which distribution pipelines are connected;
- distribution pipelines (25 × 2), on which sprinklers are installed.
In the necessary places, an additional jumper with a 89 × 2.8 pipe and dead ends of supply pipelines are designed. Flushing flange blankings are installed in end faces of dead end pipelines.
Diameters of feed and distribution pipelines are made by design decision and specified by calculation.
Sprinklers are placed taking into account the configuration of the rooms, the irrigation map, the restrictions according to Table 5.1 of SP 5.13130.2009 of the maximum distance L = 4 m between sprinkler sprinklers and is carried out taking into account the structural features of the building, mainly along the grid with a spacing of 3 × 3 m.
1.2. Internal Fire Water Supply (FP)
To ensure the possibility of extinguishing the fire in the initial stage of its development and in accordance with regulatory requirements, the project makes a decision on the installation of a fire water pipeline with the following parameters:
- 2 jets × 2.5 l/s in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of Table 2, SP 10.13130.2009, as for a building with a volume of 0.5 to 5 thousand m3.
At clarification as per Table 3, SP 10.13130.2009, as well as taking into account the requirements of item 4.1.8 of the specified norms, fire cranes d = 50 mm are selected, hoses with a diameter of 51 mm and a length of 20 m and fire barrels with a nozzle diameter of 16 mm, fire jet capacity is 2.6 l/s, the required pressure at the fire crane is 0.10 MPa and the height of the compact part of the jet is 6 m. Fire cranes are installed at a height of 1.35 m above the floor of the rooms and are located in certified cabinets SHPK310, which have holes for ventilation, adapted for their sealing and visual inspection without opening. Cases are completed with the rubberized sleeves and manual fire trunks and also powder the OP5z fire extinguisher.
1.3. Fire fighting pump station (HC)
In the pump station (the room in axes of "ED/1213" on otm 3.100) installation of two (working N-1 and reserve N-2) povysitelny pumps and the komressor supporting necessary pressure in a system is projected. Pump outlets are connected through check valves and manual shut-off valves to annular collecting manifold, on which sprinkler air control unit is installed. The output of the compressor is connected to the control unit, which provides the necessary pressure in the system in standby mode. To connect the ATP to the mobile fire equipment, a pipeline with two 80 mm diameter branch pipes with check valves, shut-off valves and standard connecting fire heads is removed from the header. The height of installation of connecting fire heads is 1.2... 1.4 m.
2. Electrical part
2.1. Composition of ATC electrical equipment
To control the operation of the water fire extinguishing unit, as well as to expand the functional capabilities of the ATC, the fire control device (CP) is selected as the main unit of the unit. 10 "Sprut2. The device is designed to receive information from 20 loops and control 10 devices. Control algorithms and tactics are set directly from the keyboard on the front panel of the control panel. CPs allow translation of control signals from one CP/PCM to another via RS485 interface. For switching of power loads according to CP commands, the use of the "Sprut2" switching equipment cabinet is designed, designed for the corresponding one. Terminal devices that output signals about the state of ATC are electrical contact pressure gauges (ECM - PS1... PS5), as well as pressure annunciators (PA1, PA2) complete with control units.
2.2. Algorithm of ATC operation
During ATC operation in standby mode, the compressor pressure switch automatically switches on and off the pump, maintaining the pressure in the membrane tank in the range from 2.5 to 3 kgf/m2 .
In case of fire and temperature increase in the fire zone above 570, the heat locks (flasks) of sprinkler sprinklers are destroyed and contacts of the corresponding ECM are closed due to pressure drop in the supply pipeline of the sprinkler section to the threshold value of 2.0 kgf/m2. Signal from ECM, which is transmitted to CP to the operating pump start input, with programmed time delay t = 30 s initiates the ShAQ control output, which by its power contacts turns on N-1 pump. By the time of start-up of N-1, the section control unit will operate (maximum passport time - 11 s) and the N-1 start signal will be duplicated by the contacts of its SDU. If "Setting to mode" signal does not appear at the control input of BUNS within 10 s after N-1 start signal output, CP will issue a command to disconnect N-1 and start N-2. The operating pump will supply the estimated amount of water for fire fighting.
5. Construction and installation works
Installation of SUVPT pipelines shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of para 5.7 of SP 5.13130.2009.
Attachment of pipelines to the structural structures of the building is designed using DKC and HILTI valves.
Pipe wiring is performed in the spaces between suspended ceilings and interstage floors with attachment of supply pipelines by standard pipe cantilever and anchor suspension supports, and distribution pipelines - by anchor suspension supports. Pipe passes through walls and slabs are made when piercing through holes at the required points and sealing sleeves from sections of pipes of larger diameter into them.
Before installation, all pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and rust. After installation and subsequent grinding of welds from the scale, the pipes shall be degreased and covered in one layer with primer paint, along which two layers of green oil paint are superimposed (TPMS works).
Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009 with observance of standard distances from floors and ceilings. Fulfillment of PTB requirements during works performance is mandatory.
Чертежи_в 2007 Акаде.dwg

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