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Design of a section for the repair of diesel engine fuel equipment at ATP


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Project's Content

icon Спецификация к чертежу 2.cdw
icon Чертеж 3 - форсунка топливная.cdw
icon Спецификация к чертежу 3.cdw
icon Чертеж 1 - участок агрегатный.cdw
icon СОДЕРЖАНИ1.docx
icon Чертеж 2 -стендя испытания форсунок.cdw
icon Диплом.docx
icon Чертеж 4 - карта неисправностей.cdw
icon Ведомость.cdw

Additional information



Main part

Design of diesel fuel equipment repair area


1 Technical justification of the project

1.1 Calculation of initial project standards

1.2 Correction of maintenance periodicity


1.3 Selection and calculation of inter-repair mileage standards, km

1.4 Selection and calculation of factors for adjustment of norms

labor inputs

1.5 Calculation of labour intensity

1.6 Calculation of car downtime during both overhaul and overhaul

1.7 Calculation of relative operating factors of the post

1.8 Calculation of annual mileage and quantity per year

2 Feasibility study

2.1 Calculation of labour intensity

2.2 Determination of minimum number of working posts

2.3 Calculation of the minimum production area of the post

2.4 Selection and name of equipment, instruments, tools and

accessories to the designed post

2.5 Purpose of nozzle test bench

2.5.1 Purpose of the bench

2.5.2 Bench Arrangement

2.5.3 Scope of the device

2.5.4 Operation principle of nozzle tester

2.5.5 Diesel injector performance indicators

2.5.6 Signs of nozzle malfunction

2.5.7 Signs of diesel engine malfunction

2.6 Workplace Work Organization

3 Occupational safety and safety

3.1 Safety requirements when performing the main types of works

3.2 Lighting of the site

3.3 Site Safety

3.4 Fire safety

3.5 Production sanitation

3.6 Fire safety of electrical section

4 Economic justification of the project

4.1 Calculation of the number of employees in the workshop of an automobile enterprise

4.2 Calculation of the value of fixed assets

4.3 Payroll Calculation

4.4 Shop expenses

4.5 Calculation of cost of repair works


List of sources used


Annex A. Certificate project statement

Appendix B. Specification

Appendix B. Specification


In 1890, the German engineer and inventor Rudolf Diesel developed the theory of an "economical thermal engine," which, due to the strong compression in the cylinders, significantly improves its efficiency. Since that time, diesel engines have firmly entered the design of trucks, as well as buses. Thanks to the fleet of commercial equipment, the possibility of developing automobile enterprises began to take seven-mile steps. The basis of automotive industry is formed the plants which are releasing and trucks, buses, specialized bodies and superstructures, trailers and semi-trailers, military automotive vehicles, units, knots and spare parts to them, autotractor electric equipment and automobile electronics, processing equipment, the equipment and the tool.

Currently, the development of Japanese automotive engineering is gaining momentum. In this regard, the volume of repair work is also increasing. Therefore, the constant improvement of the organization and technology of overhaul of cars, improving the quality and reducing the cost of products are the most important, priority tasks of car repair production.

The national economic significance of auto repair production is determined not only by its scale. The repair of cars allows you to extend their service life, which ensures an increase in the fleet of rolling stock of the country's road transport.

The improvement of repair production efficiency can be achieved as a result of the improvement of all stages of the production process of car repair, the use of new, especially energy-saving, technologies for the wide use of composite, synthetic, polymer and other promising materials.

Rectification of faults during the current repair of the car in auto farms is carried out by simple repair operations related to partial or complete disassembly of the car units and assemblies or replacement of units requiring overhaul.

The current repair of the unit or assembly consists in the replacement or repair of worn or damaged parts, except for basic ones.

Car repair is carried out by one of two methods:



With an individual repair method, faulty units are removed from the car, repaired and installed again on the same car. With this repair method, the units are not impersonated, and the downtime of the car is determined by the duration of repair of the most labor-intensive unit.

With the individual method, there is a significant duration of car downtime in repair, as a result of which this method is used only in extreme cases when there is no stock of replacement units in the car farm.

The aggregate method of repairing cars consists in replacing faulty units with serviceable ones, previously repaired or new ones from the revolving fund. The unit (unit) is replaced in the case when it takes more time to repair faults directly on the car than to replace it, and when repairs cannot be carried out at interchange time. The faulty unit removed from the car is repaired, after which it goes to the revolving fund.

The main advantage of the aggregate method is the reduction of the car downtime in repair, which is determined only by the time required to replace one or more faulty units or assemblies. The reduction in repair downtime leads to an increase in the technical readiness factor of the fleet, and therefore an increase in its productivity and a decrease in the cost of transportation. Therefore, the Regulation on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport provides, as a rule, an aggregate method of repairing cars.

In order to perform the repair by the aggregate method, it is necessary to have an infinite revolving aggregate fund that satisfies the daily need of the auto farm. This fund is created both from the receipt of new units and suitable units from decommissioned cars.

The scope of repairs performed in the automotive industry under the aggregate method includes the current repair of the car, including the replacement and ongoing repair of the main units.

Faulty units requiring major repairs are sent to repair enterprises.

Repair in auto-operating enterprises can be organized on the basis of the use of finished spare parts, partial production and restoration of worn out parts and delivery of units and mechanisms for repair to the side. The repair of the car and units, as indicated earlier, is carried out exclusively according to need.

The need for the current repair can be established:

during the operation of the vehicle and the subsequent application of the driver;

when the vehicle is inspected by the duty mechanic at the control post upon returning the vehicle from the line;

at the first or second maintenance of cars - mechanic or foreman.

The need for overhaul of a car that has passed the established mileage is determined by a special commission chaired by the chief engineer; the composition of the commission is approved by the head of the auto farm.

Faulty units, units and devices removed from the car are transferred (through an intermediate warehouse) to the corresponding production areas, where they are exchanged for serviceable ones. The site manager determines the nature and scope of repairs.

The units are handed over for overhaul in accordance with the current specifications for cars and units being handed over for repair. Units are accepted from overhaul after their testing on stands in accordance with specifications for cars and units accepted from repair. Consideration of the topic of this diploma project is carried out using the example of cars of the Japanese manufacturer HINO.

Relevance of the topic: since the diesel nozzle repair site is an integral part of the auto enterprise. It is necessary to fully investigate the issues related to this type of operations, which are carried out by highly qualified specialists.

The main task of the diploma project is: the development of a section for the repair of nozzles on HINO cars with the selection of equipment and the development of a troubleshooting map.

The purpose of the diploma project is: Design of a section for the repair of diesel engine fuel equipment at ATP.

Production sanitation

The territory of the diagnostic station or enterprise on the territory of which it is located must be adjacent to the public road or to the passage or connected to them by roads. It must have a fence at least 2 m high and be illuminated at night. If necessary, at the entrance gate, the warning inscription "Watch out for the car" and the traffic pattern in the territory illuminated at night are installed. The gate is equipped with open position retainers and locks. To pass people to the territory in the immediate vicinity of the gate, it is necessary to arrange a wicket (door).

The territory shall be kept clean and orderly. Garbage, industrial waste must be removed in a timely manner to specially designated places.

The territory is equipped with drains and drains, the hatches of which must be closed. In order to reduce dust and noise, free areas of the territory are landscaped.

Vehicles and footpaths shall be marked on the territory, and road signs shall be installed along the passageways in accordance with the Traffic Regulations. Driveways and passages must be removed from dirt and garbage, watered in summer, and cleaned of snow in winter and sprinkled with sand or slag in case of icing.

Access roads, driveways for vehicles, passageways for people should have a hard cover. Their intersections with ditches, trenches and railroad tracks shall be covered by slats and bridges. Footpaths shall have a hard pavement, a width of at least 1 m and the smallest number of intersections with driveways.

Trenches and pits shall be fenced in the area for safety purposes. In the territory and in the industrial premises, special places for smoking should be allocated.

Not allowed:

· clutter roads, driveways to fire water bodies, hydrants, places of fire equipment, equipment and electrical fire alarm;

· Install cars in the premises and in open parking lots in an amount exceeding the norm, as well as violate the established method of their placement;

· clutter the spare gate both inside and outside;

· arrange car parking in the area of the high-voltage power transmission line without coordination with the organization operating the line.

At the external entrance to the production and auxiliary rooms, devices for cleaning shoes from dirt should be installed.

The production room shall ensure safe and rational performance of all technological operations with full compliance with sanitary and hygienic working conditions. It must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, sand, buckets, etc.), fire alarms, automatic fire protection equipment in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.

Floors in the production room should be even and strong, have a coating with a non-slipping surface, convenient for cleaning.

The gates to the production room can be opened and closed mechanically, including with automatic control, if they are not designed to evacuate people. The flap gate must open to the outside.

Lifting gates shall be equipped with catchers (retainers) ensuring that the gates are kept in the lifted position when the cables are removed or the lifting and lowering mechanism is damaged.

The external gates of the premises shall be equipped with devices for fixing them in the open position, and at the entrance to the main production premises they shall be equipped with a thermal curtain.

Entrances must not have thresholds and protrusions. Entry slope shall not exceed 5%.

The microclimate of the production room has a great influence on the operability of the staff of the diagnostic station. The main factors characterizing the microclimate are temperature, humidity and indoor air pressure. Limit values of these parameters are set in accordance with sanitary standards according to GOST 12.1.00588.


In the diploma project on the topic: "Design of a section for the repair of diesel engine fuel equipment at ATP" using the example of commercial vehicles of the HINO brand. During the diploma project, a repair section with selected profile equipment was designed, and the main indicators and funds were calculated.

During the project implementation, the objectives and objectives of the project were considered:

The main task of the diploma project is: the development of a section for the repair of nozzles on HINO cars with the selection of equipment and the development of a troubleshooting map.

The purpose of the diploma project is: Design of a section for the repair of diesel engine fuel equipment at ATP.

For uninterrupted operation of the diesel engine power supply system, its maintenance and repair should be carried out in a timely manner. The quality of these works depends directly on the qualifications of specialists and the state of the equipment.

The use of modern equipment for the maintenance and repair of cars facilitates and accelerates many production processes, but requires service personnel to learn a certain range of knowledge and skills: the construction of the car, the main technological processes of maintenance and repair, the ability to use modern instrumentation, tools and devices, as well as constantly improve their skills.

Well-organized maintenance, timely elimination of malfunctions in units and systems of the car, with highly qualified performance of work, allow to increase the durability of cars, reduce their downtime, increase the duration of inter-repair runs, which ultimately significantly reduces unproductive costs and increases the profitability of motor vehicles.

In the process of maintenance and repair of cars, one of the main production divisions that affect the technical readiness, reliability and efficiency of the rolling stock is the fuel equipment repair site.

In the first section, the technical justification of the project is given: the norms of overhaul mileage, average values ​ ​ of overhaul mileage, labor intensity for conducting TO1, TO-2 and current repairs, car downtime during maintenance and maintenance, annual mileage and number of maintenance per year are calculated. The annual mileage of all cars for the year was km. 2296650. The second section defines the minimum number of workers in the department. The area of ​ ​ the compartment is 135m2. The labor intensity of the work at the post, taking into account the correction per 1000 km, was 2.8 people/h. One specialist is required to complete this scope of work. The average monthly salary in the region, which amounted to 32,550 rubles, is also calculated. Expenses for the year 3026840.7 rubles were calculated. Equipment was selected for the electrical department and a detailed description was given. He also considered measures for health, safety and fire safety during electrical work .

In the economic part of the diploma project, the costs of materials and components, salary costs, expenses and the cost of repair work were calculated. The cost of repair work for 1000 km of mileage is 1318 rubles.

Thus, I believe that the goals and objectives of graduate design have been fulfilled.

Drawings content

icon Спецификация к чертежу 2.cdw

Спецификация к чертежу 2.cdw

icon Чертеж 3 - форсунка топливная.cdw

Чертеж 3 - форсунка топливная.cdw

icon Спецификация к чертежу 3.cdw

Спецификация к чертежу 3.cdw

icon Чертеж 1 - участок агрегатный.cdw

Чертеж 1 - участок агрегатный.cdw

icon Чертеж 2 -стендя испытания форсунок.cdw

Чертеж 2 -стендя испытания форсунок.cdw

icon Чертеж 4 - карта неисправностей.cdw

Чертеж 4 - карта неисправностей.cdw

icon Ведомость.cdw
