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DDZ-700 double-roll disco-toothed crusher - DBE, drawings


Coursework-disco-toothed crusher with drawings

Project's Content

icon 028 - Дробилка двухвалковая дискозубчатая ДДЗ-700.bak
icon 028 - Дробилка двухвалковая дискозубчатая ДДЗ-700.dwg
icon вал 3д.dwg
icon курсовая.doc
icon содержание-.doc
icon спецификация 1-ый лист.doc
icon спецификация 2-ой лист.doc
icon шкив и вал.dwg

Additional information



1. Purpose and scope of two-roll disk-toothed crusher DDZ

2. Technical characteristics of two-roll disk-toothed crusher


3. Classification and Operating Principle

4. Material selection for manufacturing parts

List of used literature



Design - a process consisting in converting the original description of an object into a final description based on the performance of a complex of research, design and design works.

The design result is a complete set of documentation containing sufficient information for the manufacture of the object or the implementation of the process.

The design of complex equipment is impossible today without computer-aided design systems, since in the modern world the main requirements are to reduce the time and cost of design, reuse the accumulated information in the design of new equipment, etc.

Design automation refers to the way the project development process is carried out when the design procedures and operations are carried out by the product designer in close cooperation with the computer.

This course is based on the most common graphics packages - AutoCAD and SolidWorks.

The use of these graphics packages allows you to significantly simplify and accelerate the design process, as well as significantly reduce the likelihood of errors.

In this course work, the above-mentioned graphic packages are used to design a two-roll disk-toothed crusher DDZ700, its assembly and parts.

1. Purpose and scope of DDZ-700 double-roll disk-toothed crusher

Roll crushers apply to thin, small, average and large crushing of rocks and other materials of various hardness, briquetting of materials, removal from clay of stony inclusions, in particular, to crushing of marl, marble, coal, construction waste, salts and slags, to crushing of viscous and damp materials (chalk, clay, plaster).

Depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the crushed material and the technological purpose of the crushing product, rolls with different working surfaces are used: smooth, corrugated, toothed or ribbed.

To crush clays having solid inclusions in the form of stones and other foreign objects with the extraction of rocky inclusions, stone disintegrating rollers SM22, SM-150, etc. are used.

For preliminary grinding of wet clay and other materials of medium strength, smooth rollers DVG2M, DVG-3M, SM12B are used.

Grinding and partial rubbing of clay mass is carried out on hole rollers CM927.

The manufacture of clay briquettes takes place using briquette rollers.

To crush plastic clays and other soft materials, as well as rocks of medium strength, two-roll toothed crushers are used to crush materials that have increased humidity and are prone to sticking. The continuous movement of the crushing surfaces prevents the rolls from being soaked.

Two-roll disk-toothed crusher DDZ700 is used for large crushing of rocks, clay materials, as well as for large and medium crushing of coals, anthracites and combustible shale with the inclusion of associated rocks. The strength of the material to be crushed shall not exceed 60 MPa. The crushing plant can easily carry and operate at an ambient temperature of 40˚ to 40˚S.

4. Material selection for manufacturing parts

The goal is to match the material for the part, taking into account the properties, working conditions and structures, the nature of the loads and stresses.

It is possible to select a material for making a shaft and a pulley.

It is advisable to make the shaft in two ways: to obtain a shaft from a rod and to obtain a shaft from forging.

It is better to make this shaft from a stamped blank on KGShP. Accuracy class 9. For the manufacture of the shaft, the following steel grades can be distinguished: steel 35, steel 45X, steel 18XGT.

Steel 35 is used for parts of low strength experiencing low stresses, so it is not suitable because it does not meet the operating conditions of this shaft.

Steel 45 is used for parts operating under low dynamic loads, while mechanical treatment of the part is possible only when the workpiece is heated.

Since the shaft is in constant dynamic load, therefore, it requires a steel of high surface hardness and wear resistance, which is 18ChT steel.

The surface is brought to a roughness of 1.25Ra, since a bearing with a fit H7/k6 is pressed onto this surface, providing good centering, without requiring significant efforts for assembly and disassembly.

The pulley may be formed by stamping or casting. The advantage of the stamped blank from casting is that small allowances, the absence of internal cracks, gate shells, and low surface roughness are possible.

Consequently, the pulley will be stamped with 3OL steel to withstand high dynamic loads and is fitted with an H8/h8 fit which allows easy assembly. Treatment of the inner surface for fitting on the shaft will be carried out to surface roughness 1.25Ra.

Drawings content

icon 028 - Дробилка двухвалковая дискозубчатая ДДЗ-700.dwg

028 - Дробилка двухвалковая дискозубчатая ДДЗ-700.dwg

icon вал 3д.dwg

вал 3д.dwg

icon шкив и вал.dwg

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