Dairy Mini Plant Project
- Added: 05.05.2014
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The project of a dairy mini-plant with a capacity of 15 tons of processed milk per shift. Drawings + Explanatory Note. Diploma.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Feasibility study of the construction of the enterprise
2. Process Part
2.1. Selection of assortment and methods of its production
2.2. Product Characteristics
2.2.1. Pasteurized milk, fat content 3.2%
2.2.2. Pasteurized protein milk, fat content 1%
2.2.3. Fruit yogurt "Dream," fat content 1%
2.2.4. Kefir "Tallinn," fat content 1%
2.2.5. Sour cream, fat content 10%
2.2.6. Cottage cheese fat content 18%
2.2.7. Cottage cheese pasteurized serum
2.3. Product Settlement
2.3.1. Pasteurized milk 3.2%
2.3.2. Pasteurized protein milk, fat content 1%
2.3.3. Fruit yogurt "Dream," fat content 1%
2.3.4. Kefir "Tallinn," fat content 1%
2.3.5. Sour cream, fat content 10%
2.3.6. Cottage cheese fat content 18%
2.3.7. Cottage cheese pasteurized serum
2.4. Technochemical control
3. Process equipment
3.1. Equipment characteristics
3.2. Design part
4. Automatic Process Control System
5. Energy part
5.1. Steam supply
5.2. Power supply
5.3. Cold supply
5.4. Water supply
5.5. Ventilation
6. Architectural - Building Part
6.1. Area calculation and layout of main and auxiliary spaces
6.2. Manufacturing Room Layout
6.3. Volume-planning solution of the enterprise
6.4. Enterprise Master Plan
7. Organizational - Economic Part
7.1. Economic characteristics of the enterprise
7.2. Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
8. Sanitary and technical part
8.1. Purpose of sanitary treatment
8.2. Water quality requirements
8.3. Detergents
8.4. Disinfection
8.5. Methods and modes of sanitary treatment
9. BJD and Occupational Safety
10. Project safety and environmental cleanliness
List of literature
Currently, the dairy industry is one of the most important among the processing food industries of the national economy.
The formation and development of industry are associated with the development of the scientific foundations of technology. The technology of dairy products is one of the applied branches of knowledge and is based on a number of disciplines: chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, chemistry and milk physics.
The development of the dairy industry of the Russian Federation led to the creation of new plants and factories for the processing of milk into dairy products. The dairy industry ranks third in the total food industry by weight of gross output (14.9 per cent).
The development of the dairy industry in our country is increasingly striving for the technology of obtaining new dairy products. Nowadays, dairy industry specialists should know and be able to explain the nature of biochemical processes occurring during the production and storage of dairy products, correctly choose technological modes of milk processing and processing, develop measures to prevent the occurrence of dairy product defects, etc. The implementation of the Food Program of Russia also largely depends on them. Together with other employees of the food industry, they are working to further improve the nutritional structure of Russian people by increasing their consumption of milk and dairy products. Milk and dairy products should become essential foods for people of all ages.
The economic development of the dairy industry is connected with the need to maintain the export of domestic products .
These can be both export subsidies and commodity intervention at the domestic level, as well as widespread advertising about the benefits of dairy products, which will increase its consumption. Growth in milk processing and production of dairy products can be achieved mainly as a result of improved use of production capacities, the introduction of advanced technology, mechanization and automation of production processes. Solving new big problems requires improving the organization of production, improving the activities of industrial enterprises and management bodies. It is necessary to make better use of production reserves, ensure sustainable growth in labor productivity and increase production without additional labor.
In the Oryol region, mainly agriculture and animal husbandry prevail, which is the basis for the raw material base of the dairy industry, so the construction of a mini plant with a capacity of 15 tons of processed milk per shift, located in the Sverdlovsk district, is advisable. The choice of the place for the construction of the proposed enterprise is connected both with the correspondence of its population with the plant's capacity and with the raw material base, which fully provides the plant's capacity .
The mini plant is a fully mechanized and automated enterprise. Located 40 kilometers from the city with compliance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements. The construction is expedient due to the fact that milk production is increasing every year.
The dairy plant will supply whey formed during the production of cottage cheese to the economy of the region for feeding young people. It is also planned to build a whey processing workshop to provide waste-free production technology.
Selection of assortment and methods of its production
Our country produces a wide range of milk, differing in heat treatment, in chemical composition, with the introduction or addition of fillers.
In this work, pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3.2% will be considered. Pasteurized cow's milk of this fat content is produced from fat or milk solids normalized by weight and heat treated under certain temperature conditions and cooled.
Protein milk is milk with a high content of dry defatted substances produced from milk normalized by weight fraction of fat and dry defatted substances. Protein milk is produced with a weight fraction of fat of 1% and 2.5%.
Yoghurt is a sour milk drink produced from pasteurized fat and milk solids normalized by weight with or without the addition of sugar, fruit and berry fillers, flavors, vitamin C, stabilizers, vegetable protein and fermented starter, prepared on pure cultures of lactic streptococci of thermophilic races and Bulgarian stick. Develop several types of yogurt: sweet, plodovoyagodny, fruit and berry with vitamin C, fruit and berry diabetic.
Yogurt "Dream" is produced only by a thermostatic method, because the introduced fruit-berry fillers in the product ripen in the thermostat chamber.
Kefir is a product of mixed milk and alcohol fermentation.
Kefir is the only sour milk drink produced in industry on natural symbiotic starter-fungi.
Kefir "Tallinn" with a mass fraction of fat of 1% is better produced by a reservoir method, in which the necessary mixing of the clot brings the product closer in consistency to aulic kefir. In the production of kefir, homogenization of milk is mandatory.
Sour cream is produced by fermenting pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria followed by maturation of the produced clot. Sour cream of 10% fat content is produced by both thermostatic and reservoir methods. But a more economical method is reservoir. And at this enterprise sour cream is produced in this way.
cottage cheese is made of pasteurized and normalized whole and defatted milk and buttermilk by way of fermentation with starter prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria using rennet enzyme or without it, pepsin or calcium chloride solution and subsequent removal of part of whey.
Cottage cheese is produced in a traditional and separate way. When producing cottage cheese, 18% use a separate method, but due to the small amount of milk processing, it is best to use the traditional method. Subsequently, parts of serum are separated from clot by means of ligamentous or lavsan sacs .
Pasteurized milk, fat content 3.2%
To produce pasteurized milk with 3.2% fat by weight, the following raw materials are used:
- cow's milk, as per GOST 1326470, not lower than grade II;
- cream from cow's milk with a mass fraction of fat no more than 30% and acidity no more than 17 about T;
- defatted cow's milk with acidity not exceeding 19 ° T;
- whole cow's milk, spray drying, extra class as per GOST 449587;
- drinking water as per GOST 287482 (for restoration of dry dairy products)
According to organoleptic indicators, pasteurized cow's milk must meet the following requirements:
appearance and consistency: homogeneous liquid without sediment, for milk with a mass fraction of fat of 3.2% - without settling cream;
taste and smell: clean without extraneous, not characteristic of fresh milk flavors and smells.
For milk produced using dry or condensed dairy products - sweet flavor;
color: white with a slightly yellowish tint.
In terms of physicochemical parameters, pasteurized milk must meet the following requirements and standards:
- weight fraction of fat 3.2%;
- density, not less than 1027 kg/m3;
- acidity, no more than 20 about T;
- purity degree not lower than I group;
- temperature of no more than 8 about Page.
The process of pasteurized milk production consists of the following operations: cleaning, homogenization, pasteurization, cooling, bottling, packaging, labeling.
Milk and other raw materials are taken in terms of weight and quality by the established OTC (laboratory) of the enterprise. Milk spent by quality is normalized by weight fraction of fat in production of pasteurized milk. Milk by fat is normalized by separating part of milk in separators - cream separators, in order to select cream or defatted milk.
Milk normalized by fat and dry substances is fed for heating and cleaned on centrifugal milk cleaners. The pre-purified milk is homogenized at a pressure of (12.4 ± 2.5) MPa and a temperature of 4570 ° C. After homogenization, the milk is pasteurized at a pasteurization-cooling plant, which provides a temperature of (76 ± 2) ° C with an exposure of 20 seconds.
Pasteurized cow's milk is cooled to (6 ± 2) C and sent for bottling and closure or to an intermediate tank in which pasteurized milk is allowed to be stored for no more than 6 hours.
After bottling and sealing pasteurized cooled to (6 ± 2) C milk, the technological process is considered completed and the product is ready for implementation.
Bottling, packaging, marking of pasteurized cow's milk is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current standard. Packagings and packaging materials used for bottling and packaging pasteurized cow's milk shall comply with applicable standards or process conditions. The closure bottles or bags of the product, if necessary, are cooled in the chamber to a temperature of not more than 8 ° C.
Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at a temperature of (4 ± 2) C for no more than 36 hours from the moment of completion of the technological process in accordance with the current standards for especially perishable products, including at the enterprise for no more than 18 hours.
Fruit yogurt "Dream," fat content 1%
The following raw materials and basic materials shall be used for fruit yogurt production:
- cow's milk, prepared not lower than grade 2 as per GOST 1326470, acidity not more than 19 ° T, density not less than 1.028 g/cm3
- defatted milk with acidity not more than 20 ° T, density not more than 1.030 g/cm3
- cow's milk cream with weight fraction of fat not more than 30% and acidity not more than 16 ° T
- whole cow milk, dry spray drying as per GOST 4495-75
- dry defatted spray drying cow's milk as per GOST 10970-74
- drinking water as per GOST 2874-82
- sugar sand as per GOST 21-78
- refined sugar sand as per GOST 22-78
- starter prepared on the basis of thermophilic lactic streptococcus as per TU 1002027896591 in accordance with the process instruction for production of bacterial starters, yeast and culture testers
- food flavors and dyes permitted by the bodies of Gossanepidnadzor.
The process of production of yogurt by thermostat method consists of the following operations: acceptance and preparation of raw materials, normalization by fat and dry substances, cleaning, homogenization of the mixture, pasteurization and cooling of the mixture, introduction of fruit-berry fillers, fermentation, bottling, packing, labeling, fermentation and cooling .
Milk is normalized by weight fraction of fat and dry substances. By fat, milk is normalized by adding whole milk or cream to defatted milk. Milk is normalized for solids by adding milk powder, which is restored in accordance with the current regulatory documentation. In addition, dry normalization is carried out by evaporation of pasteurized and homogenized milk at a temperature of 5560 ° C.
During production of yogurt, normalized milk is heated to 43 ± 2 ° C, sugar is added, which is previously dissolved in part of normalized milk at the same temperature in accordance with 1:4. The mixture is purified on dairy cleaners, homogenized at a pressure of 15 ± 2.5 MPa and a temperature of 45 - 85 ° C. Homogenization at pasteurization temperature is allowed. Prepared stabiliser, flavouring agent and colouring agent are introduced into mixture. The purified and homogenized mixture is pasteurized at 92 ± 2 ° C with maintenance of 2-8 min or at 87 ± 2 ° C with maintenance of 10 15 min and cooled to the fermentation temperature of 40 ± 2 ° C. The amount of added starter is 3-5% of the volume of the fermented mixture. If symbiotic starter is used, then it is added in an amount of 1-3% starter to the reservoir for fermented milk products with the stirrer included. After filling the tank, the whole mixture was further stirred for 15 minutes .
The clot was cooled for 1030 minutes and stirred to obtain a uniform consistency.
The clot cooled to 1620 ° C is directed to bottling. After bottling, the product is sent to a thermostat chamber with a temperature of 40 ± 2 ° C for fermentation for 3-4 h depending on the activity of the starter. After completion of the digestion, the product is transported to a cooling chamber for cooling to 6 ° C. Storage time at 6 ° С is not more than 4 days from the moment of process termination.
Чертеж 511.cdw
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