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Technological process of manufacturing the part "Hub"

  • Added: 14.03.2022
  • Size: 1 MB
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The course project on the topic "Technological process of manufacturing a part "Hub" on the subject of the basis of mechanical engineering technology is made on 30 pages, includes 8 tables, 8 figures, 5 literary sources, specification. The graphic part of the project consists of 4 sheets:

  1. Detail – Hub (A3 format)
  2. Technological process (A2 format)
  3. Technological adjustment (A2 format)
  4. Technological device – Scaled conductor (A2 format).

Project's Content

icon ПЗ отм.docx
icon Лист 4 А2.cdw
icon Тех процесс А2.cdw
icon Лист 3 А2.cdw
icon Ступица А3.cdw

Additional information



1. Analysis of source data

1.1 Description of production type

1.2 Analysis of service purpose of the article

1.2.1 Service purpose of worm gear box

1.2.2 Part Service Assignment

1.2.3 Analysis of part material

1.3 Part processability analysis

1.4 Technical Specifications Analysis

2. Process Design

2.1 Processing Plan

2.2 Processing diagram

2.3 Graph of linear dimensions

2.4 Tolerance and minimum allowance components

2.5 Calculation of linear process dimensions

2.6 Output

3. Process Operation Design

3.1 Calculation of cutting modes

3.2 Equipment selection

3.3 Definition of time standards

4. Process Appliance Design

4.1 Selection of accessory

4.2 Calculation of fixing force

List of sources used



The course project on the topic "Technological process of manufacturing the" Hub "part on the subject of the basis of mechanical engineering technology is made on 30 pages, includes 8 tables, 8 drawings, 5 literary sources, specification. The graphic part of the project consists of 4 sheets:

Part - Hub (A3 format)

Process plan (A2 format)

Process adjustment (A2 format)

Process accessory - Rock conductor (A2 frame).


This course design presents the development of the manufacturing and processing process of the Hub part.

For development, they determined the type of production, conducted an analysis of the utility purpose of the part, an analysis of the processability of the part design, and chose the method for obtaining the part workpiece .

Then they designed the machining process, selected machines, made a dimensional analysis. Then, for the drill operation, the cutting modes were calculated, the drilling machine model, tool and tool setup were selected.


The course project analyzed the design of the Stupitsa part, its service purpose and the purpose of the unit in which it is installed, also developed the technological process, basing schemes for various operations, and calculated linear dimensions according to the methodology developed at the Department of Engineering Technology by B. S. Mordvinov. The necessary accuracy of design dimensions is ensured.

At operation No. 20 "Drilling," adjustment was designed, equipment and cutting modes were selected. The fixture was designed for clamping force.

Drawings content

icon Лист 4 А2.cdw

Лист 4 А2.cdw

icon Тех процесс А2.cdw

Тех процесс А2.cdw

icon Лист 3 А2.cdw

Лист 3 А2.cdw

icon Ступица А3.cdw

Ступица А3.cdw

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