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Coursework, low-rise building

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Coursework, low-rise building, explanatory note and 2 DWG sheets

Project's Content

icon Архитектура1.dwg
icon Архитектура2.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка к курсовой работе.doc

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Source Data

3. Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area

4. Required parameters of the designed building

5. Characteristics of the functional process of the building

6. Space Planning Solution

7. Architectural and structural solutions

8. Exterior decoration

9. Interior decoration

External Wall Heat Engineering Calculation

List of used literature


Architectural and construction activities involve huge material costs, the reduction of which is achieved by rational volume - planning solutions of buildings, correct choice of materials, facilitation of structures, improvement of construction methods. In architecture, it is economical that what takes into account the perspective contains the potential for development.

The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.

The intensive development of construction equipment is accompanied by the introduction of industrial construction methods, new construction and structural systems. Recently, in connection with the transition of the country to a market economy, a large number of fundamentally new building materials have appeared in terms of constructive and decorative indicators. Meanwhile, due to increased competition among manufacturers in the construction materials market, there is an inevitable reduction in their cost, improvement in quality and assortment.

All these changes, taking into account that the cost of building materials accounts for more than 50% of the cost of building a civil building, increasingly allow people with medium income to build high-quality individual residential buildings.

The proposed design on the design features and type of materials used meets the requirements of most families, counting on relatively inexpensive and high-quality individual housing, having architectural expressiveness, differing from civilian buildings of mass construction in a more convenient layout taking into account more stringent functional requirements.

Source Data

A two-story single-apartment apartment building with a 4-room apartment in two levels is located in the city of Kursk.

Structural system - wall.

The structural diagram is longitudinal.

The foundation is tape, concrete monolithic.

External walls - brickwork, made of silicate brick, three-layer structure.

Floors - beam on reinforced concrete beams.

The staircase is wooden on the aunts.

The roof is gable.

Roofing - wavy cement fiber sheets.

The soils of the base are heaving.

Groundwater level - below the surface of the earth by 5 m.

Ground freezing depth - 1 m.

Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area

The city of Kursk is the administrative center of the Kursk region. The population of the city during the census in 1985 was 420 thousand inhabitants. The climate is temperate continental. The average January temperatures are about 8 ° C, July 19 ° C. The average rainfall is about 500 mm per year. The average humidity of the coldest month is about 87%, and the warmest is 53%. Snow cover averages 100 kg/m2 from mid-November to mid-April.

Air temperature of the coldest days - security 0.92 - 30˚C; security 0.98- 32˚C.

The air temperature of the coldest five-day period with a security of 0.92 - 26˚C; security 0.98- 29˚C.

The depth of freezing of soils is 1 m.

In the Kursk region, the production of building materials is carried out (limestone, rubble stone are mined). Near Kursk there are residential engineering plants.

Characteristics of the functional process of the building

The main functional requirements for the designed building are the creation of favorable conditions for all types of life activities. These conditions are quite fully fulfilled in this building. On the ground floor there are rooms: kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom for guests, spacious hall and bathroom. The rooms are located in accordance with the functional processes taking place in the house. On the second floor there are rooms for relaxation and quiet individual work, as well as 2 bathrooms.

The interconnection of the premises with each other is ensured in accordance with their life processes. All rooms of the building can be divided into a day activity area and a recreation area.

Exterior decoration

The exterior decoration of the building is designed with natural stone, such as granite and basalt. External finishing meets all technical parameters, it protects the wall from ingress of moisture, water, and also protects against external influences

Drawings content

icon Архитектура1.dwg

icon Архитектура2.dwg