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Course project - TSU 4 boiler DE-10-14-GM

  • Added: 22.04.2012
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Complete set of drawings and documentation for coursework.

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Heat generating plants - a set of devices and mechanisms for the production of thermal energy in the form of water vapor, hot water or heated steam. Heat energy produced by humans from primary sources (organic and nuclear fuel, solar and geothermal energy, fuel and thermal waste from industrial industries) is mainly used to generate electric energy at thermal power plants, for the technological needs of industrial enterprises, for heating hot water supply to residential and public buildings. Moreover, about 80% of energy is produced due to the combustion of organic fuels, the reserves of which are exhausted, their reserve on Earth is estimated (at the previous consumption rates) for 200300 years (more solid fuel). The cost of energy is constantly growing. In this regard, the Republic of Moldova, like many other countries of the world, has established the prerogatives of its energy development. The main point is the economical and rational use of all fuel and energy resources in all sectors of the national economy, since Moldova practically does not have its own natural reserves of organic and nuclear fuel, energy is imported for the national economy of the country (more than 90%), which spends more than 55% of the annual budget of the republic. The active energy-saving policy, which is set by the main directions of energy development of the Republic of Moldova in all parts of the economy, is being carried out to the extent of existing capabilities: energy systems are transferred from liquid to gaseous fuel (which, among other things, reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and improves the environmental situation in the republic; there is a decentralization of heat supply in district centers and the use of boiler houses of low capacity, due to the current state of most networks, reduces heat losses when delivered to the consumer; plants that consume production waste for heat generation are being introduced; in the face of prevailing traditional energy prices. The introduction of heat-generating plants on solar, geothermal and other unconventional energy for today can bring economic benefits. Complexes of devices that produce thermal energy and deliver it to the consumer in the form of water vapor, hot water and heated air are called heat supply systems. Depending on the capacity of the systems and the number of consumers receiving thermal energy from them, heat supply systems are divided into centralized and decentralized.

Centralized - if the unit capacity of the included TSU is equal to or more than 58 MW. If less than 58 MW, the system is called


In centralized heat supply systems, energy is produced either in powerful combined plants producing both thermal and electrical energy (thermal power plants - CHP), or in large plants producing only thermal energy, called district thermal stations or boiler houses.

In decentralized heat supply systems, thermal energy is produced by heat generators with a capacity of 1-10 MW. These systems also include apartment heating systems equipped with gas boilers with a capacity of 5-25 kW.

Characteristics of DE boilers with steam capacity of 10 14 t/h

Gas-oil vertical-water-tube steam boilers of DE type with steam capacity of 4; 10; 16; 25 t/h are designed for the generation of saturated or poorly saved steam, which goes to the technological needs of industrial enterprises, to heating, ventilation, hot water supply systems. Steam pressure - 1.4 MPa.

The main components: front, side and rear screens, forming a combustion chamber; upper and lower drums; convective beam.

Boiler furnace chamber is arranged at its side from convective bundle formed by vertical pipes unfolded in upper and lower drums. The width of the furnace chamber along the axes of the side screens of the pipes is the same for all boilers - 1790 mm. The depth of the boiler's combustion chamber depends on its steam performance (1930-6960 ).

The tubes of the partition and the steam side screen, which also forms the furnace chamber under and ceiling, are introduced directly into the upper and lower drums d = 1000 mm. For repair of drums in front and rear bottoms there installed are laser locks. Ends of rear screen pipes are welded to upper and lower manifolds d = 159 * 6 mm.

Boiler front screen pipes with D = 4; 6.5; 10 t/h welded to collectors d = 159 * 6 mm; with D = 16; 25 t/h - flared in the upper and lower drums .

The furnace chamber is separated from the convective bundle by a blind membrane wall of pipes welded between them by attachments. Combustion products from the combustion chamber are directed through a window located on the left side to the convective heating surface. For boilers with a steam capacity of 4 to 10 t/h, the convective part is divided into two by a longitudinal partition. Combustion products in the convective gas duct are first directed from the rear wall of the boiler to the front wall, and then, turning 180 in the opposite direction. Combustion products are withdrawn from the side of the rear wall through a window, to which a gas duct is connected, directing them to the water economizer .

The combustion products in the convective part wash the heating surface in one stroke, moving from the rear wall to the front wall. The return of combustion products to the rear wall of the boiler is carried out through a gas duct located above the furnace chamber with the output of combustion products up, which contributes to the convenient placement of the economizer .

All DE series boilers have stage evaporation. Part of pipes of convective bundle is separated into the second stage of evaporation. Common lowering link of all circuits of the first stage of evaporation are the last pipes of convective bundle. The lower pipes of the second stage are extended beyond the gas duct.

In the upper part of the front wall there are two safety explosive valves (one - furnace chamber, the other - convective gas duct).

In the water space of the upper drum there is a feed pipe and a pipe for introducing phosphates into the steam volume of the separation device.

In the lower drum there are devices for steam heating of water in the drum during melting; continuous blowdown pipe; branch pipe for water lowering.

GM burners are installed on boilers of this type. The DE series boilers have a high degree of factory readiness, which increases the efficiency of their installation .

The disadvantages of the boiler include slightly increased aerodynamic resistances and energy consumption for thrust, increased contamination of convective beams when operating on liquid fuel .

Standard cast iron economizers from VTI pipes are used as tail surfaces of boiler heating.

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