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Course project on architecture - Design of architectural structures

  • Added: 27.02.2022
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Course project on architecture

Project's Content

icon Kursovaya_po_arkhitekture.doc
icon Проект1пп - План кровли.dwg
icon Проект1пп - План типового этажа.dwg
icon Проект1пп - План фундамента.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1 - фрагмент 3.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение кррыша.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение окно.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение пол 1 этажа.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Фасад - Северный.dwg
icon Проект1пп - Фасад - Южный.dwg

Additional information



Design Input

Physical and geographical characteristics of the construction area

Physical and climatic characteristics of the construction area

Physical and technical characteristics of base soils

Geological section

Heat Engineering Calculation

Building Responsibility Class

Architectural, construction and structural part

Architectural and planning solution

Building Element Constructions

Main materials and their design characteristics

Bill of Materials and Schedules

Engineering equipment

Technical and economic indicators

1. Introduction

Architecture is one of the most important branches of creative creative activity of mankind, the results of which - residential, public, industrial buildings and engineering structures, as well as their complexes and cities in general with all types of improvement - serve to satisfy the urgent material needs of people and their aesthetic needs. Works of architecture must fully correspond to their practical purpose, be technically perfect, convenient to operate and artistically expressive.

The requirements for architecture vary depending on changes in the material conditions of society. The level of development of production forces, the method of production of material goods and the ensuing social system have a significant impact on the content and forms of architecture. Therefore, each era corresponds to its own, historically conditioned architecture, characterized by special style features.

Architecture as a creative creative activity covers design and construction related to various branches of the construction industry, science, technology and art.

Bringing into line the three principles of architecture - science, technology and artistic mastery - requires the architect in his creative activity a scientific method of thinking, that is, the ability to see, feel and understand the multiple in interaction, to show this in a single concrete and express it in an appropriate specific harmonic composition.

The difference between the art of architecture and other types of art (painting, sculpture, music, etc.) is that architecture affects human consciousness not only ideologically, but primarily materially, changing the reality surrounding it.

Convenience, strength, economy and beauty are the most important requirements for architectural buildings, structures and their complexes. The implementation of these requirements into architectural works is the main criterion of Social needs, which are served by architecture, versatile and numerous. They are historically conditioned and subordinate to the laws of the development of society.

Architecture develops in accordance with the material conditions and ideology of a particular social formation. Due to socio-economic conditionality, architecture has its own features and features, characteristic of each given structure of society, realistic architecture.

Engineering equipment

Water supply - domestic, design head at the base of the riser 17 m.

Sewerage - household in the city network.

Heating - central water, single-tube system with radiators.

Ventilation is natural.

Hot water supply - from the external network, design head at the base of the riser 18 m.

Gas supply - from the outside to the cookers.

Power supply - from external network, voltage 220/380 V.

Lighting - filament lamps.

Communication device - radio broadcasting network, telephone terminals, collective antennas, doorphone.

Drawings content

icon Проект1пп - План кровли.dwg

Проект1пп - План кровли.dwg

icon Проект1пп - План типового этажа.dwg

Проект1пп - План типового этажа.dwg

icon Проект1пп - План фундамента.dwg

Проект1пп - План фундамента.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1 - фрагмент 3.dwg

Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1 - фрагмент 3.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1.dwg

Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение 1.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение кррыша.dwg

Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение кррыша.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение окно.dwg

Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение окно.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение пол 1 этажа.dwg

Проект1пп - Разрез - Сечение пол 1 этажа.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Фасад - Северный.dwg

Проект1пп - Фасад - Северный.dwg

icon Проект1пп - Фасад - Южный.dwg

Проект1пп - Фасад - Южный.dwg
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