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Course Design - Reinforcement Steel Cutting Machine


The course project contains: pages, figures, sources and 2 illustrated materials of A1 format. Keywords: Reinforcement cutting machine, reinforcement cutting, reinforcement steel, machine power calculation, knife drive shaft calculation. The purpose of the course project was to develop a machine for cutting reinforcement steel of the St3 brand and a diameter of Ø40 mm. In the process, a machine for cutting reinforcement steel was designed, an engine for cutting was chosen, the power parameters of the machine were calculated and the knife drive shaft was calculated. Methods for occupational and environmental protection have also been developed .

Project's Content

icon VO.dwg
icon VO.frw
icon VO2.dwg
icon VO2.frw
icon записка.doc
icon Спецификация1.doc
icon Спецификация2.doc

Additional information



Purpose, Design Description

and the process

Kinematic calculation and

defining basic parameters

Determination of drive power

and engine selection

Definition of power parameters

Calculation of knife drive shaft

Safety measures

List of used literature

Project Description

The course project contains: pages, figures, sources and 2 illustrated materials of A1 format.

Keywords: Reinforcement cutting machine, reinforcement cutting, reinforcement steel, machine power calculation, knife drive shaft calculation.

The purpose of the course project was to develop a machine for cutting reinforcement steel of the St3 brand and a diameter of Ø40 mm.

In the process, a machine for cutting reinforcement steel was designed, an engine for cutting was chosen, the power parameters of the machine were calculated and the knife drive shaft was calculated. Methods for occupational and environmental protection have also been developed.


This course project will describe the material on the methods of cutting metals, namely cutting reinforcement steel. The calculation of the reinforcement cutting machine will also be carried out.

Currently, metal cutting is becoming increasingly important. This is primarily due to the increase in production volumes that conventional manual cutting cannot cope with, as well as due to the significant development of electronics and automation, due to which the production of CNC machines for figurative cutting of parts and blanks does not present technical complexity and the payback of this equipment lies within 0.5-1 year. The production of CNC machines greatly facilitated the work of the cutter, increased the productivity and accuracy of the manufacture of the part (billet), due to which the role of metal cutting in the procurement production increased.

For cutting reinforcement steel with a diameter of up to 40 mm classes AI... AIII, drive machines SMZH172A, S-229A, SMZH133A, SMZh-322A, NB633, NV-5222, alligator type H2228, as well as hand scissors 12NPZH2a. For steel with a diameter of up to 70 mm, a C445M machine is used.

Reinforcement steel with a diameter of more than 70 mm is cut by acetylene-oxygen cutting, as well as gasoline or kerosene cutting. To increase productivity, it is fashionable to simultaneously cut several rods, taking into account the diameter of the reinforcement and the power of the machine.

When harvesting rods with a diameter of 14 mm or more, when cutting them, waste appears on drive shears. In order to save metal, these sections are welded into a braze, followed by cutting into rods of the required length.

Drawings content

icon VO.dwg


icon VO.frw

icon VO2.dwg
