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Course design area of body repair and painting

  • Added: 14.04.2021
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This course design contains a DBE, a drawing of the painting area of ​ ​ cars, as well as a specification

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1 Introduction

Currently, the development of PTB lags behind the growth rate of the fleet of cars. The outstripping growth in the number of cars has led to the fact that on average in the country the AU has a supply of production areas of 5065%. Posts for maintenance and maintenance 60-70% of the standard, and the level of equipment of production by means of mechanization of maintenance and maintenance processes does not exceed 30%. Such situation leads to considerable idle times of cars waiting of TO and TP and, as a result, to increase in costs of their maintenance in good repair.

However, it should be borne in mind that the establishment of a developed PTB requires large investments through a comprehensive feasibility study.

Along with the development of public road transport, the number of individual cars is growing every year. The increase in the fleet of cars is also significantly ahead of the growth of PTB, which therefore does not fully provide the need for maintenance and repair services. Maintaining the fleet of these cars in a technically serviceable condition requires further improvement and development of the production and technical base of auto maintenance - maintenance stations (STO), parking lots and other enterprises.

The construction of new ones, the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing road transport enterprises should meet the modern requirements of scientific and technological progress and the conditions for the transition of the economy to market relations. For passenger cars of the population, as well as for the rolling stock of road transport enterprises, a planned-preventive maintenance and repair system is used. The fundamental foundations of which, taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of individual cars and the rights of the owner, are set forth in the "Regulation on the Maintenance and Repair of Passenger Cars Owned by Citizens." To ensure its operability from the moment of production to the end of its service life, our task is to extend the life of the car as long as possible.

Feasibility study

By the end of 2005, the fleet of cars in the Russian Federation exceeded 24.5 million. This forecast was given by specialists from the LadaOnline analytics department, focusing on changes in traffic police data over the past 4 years, as well as the current rates of car sales this year. Now the saturation of cars per 1000 population is 180 cars. The largest share in this fleet was small and middle class cars.

The growth of the car fleet raises a number of acute issues, the main of which are: the development of the production and technical base for maintenance, repair and storage of cars; production and marketing of spare parts; traffic safety and environmental protection; improvement and expansion of road network .

Mass motorization has led to the need to overcome the shortcomings that most manifest themselves in large cities of foreign countries. These include: reduced average speed, difficulties in finding a parking spot, air pollution by exhaust gases, increased traffic noise, an increase in the number of traffic accidents.

Mainly cars are concentrated in cities and suburban zones. In the whole country, approximately 80% of cars are located in cities with a population of more than 40 thousand inhabitants and adjacent areas. The largest concentration of cars is in the large administrative and industrial centers of the country.

One of the factors characterizing the intensity of the operation of cars is the average annual mileage. The increase in car mileage is a significant number of owners engaged in the transportation of the population and small goods, as well as individual and cooperative activities.

In addition, the operation of private vehicles is also characterized by long stays in a garless storage environment, lower professional qualifications of drivers and irregular maintenance, repair and control of the technical condition of the car, uneven car runs to car service enterprises, partial maintenance and maintenance of the "self-service" method without adequate quality assurance and control of work.

When opening the STOA, it is especially worth focusing on the following issues:

- high-quality repair and maintenance of the car;

- providing the largest number of car repair and maintenance services;

- reduction of car repair and maintenance time;

- cheaper services.

All this is necessary to attract the largest number of customers and stable profitability of STOA. Moreover, high-quality and inexpensive service reduces the costs of advertising the enterprise, since these factors are already self-promotion, which is transmitted from the motorist to the motorist and contributes to the constant workload of the car maintenance station.

Another important factor in the profitability of STOA's work is the availability of the most advanced equipment from the point of view of scientific and technological progress.

As a rule, such a comprehensive service is widely changing in developed countries, and in our country it is in its infancy.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that cars requiring the most and therefore more expensive repairs are usually not able to move independently. Therefore, the STOA must be equipped with means of transportation and evacuation of cars.

As practice shows, one of the factors is the increase in the number of customers who require serious car repair, such mutually beneficial cooperation with the traffic police and the rescue service (provision of parking to damaged cars, tools and equipment necessary in emergency cases, etc.).

According to this, the STOA should be located near a busy highway, have good access roads, communications and reliable communications.

An important circumstance of the need to open STOA in small settlements is that STOA are usually located in large cities, and the client loses a lot of time to get to them, so he prefers to use services, usually of insufficient quality, private workshops.

In addition, the advantages of this STOA will be:

- passing near the Moscow-Ufa highway;

- good access;

- large asphalt areas intended for parking;

- availability of domestic premises equipped with resting places and showers;

All this proves that the development and placement in these conditions of STOA for 15 posts is a profitable investment and a highly profitable enterprise with excellent prospects.

A full range of car repair and maintenance services will ensure a constant influx of customers. In addition, this will be ensured by the constant growth of the fleet of cars.

It is also possible to service the client himself with the provision of all services from food to rest, which is an important factor in attracting non-resident customers.

The projected STOA will serve promising domestic cars of VAZ brands

Process calculation one hundred

The structure and tasks of technological calculation of maintenance stations are similar to that of motor transport enterprises.

A distinctive feature of the technological calculation of service stations from the calculation of ATP is that car rides at the workshop for all types of work are probabilistic in nature. At ATP, such works include only TR, and UOs, TO-1 and TO-2 are dated in accordance with the production program. In the process calculation of the service station, the production program by types of technical impacts is not determined, but is accepted in accordance with the specified capacity of the service station.

For urban CTS, the production program is characterized by the number of fully serviced cars per year, that is, cars that carry out the entire range of work at the station to maintain them in a technically serviceable condition during the year.

The production program of service stations is the main indicator for calculating the annual work, on the basis of which the number of workers, the number of posts and car seats for maintenance, TR and storage, the area of ​ ​ production, warehouse, administrative-household and other premises are determined.

Source Data:

The initial data for the calculation are data obtained from the regional statistical office in the city of Vladimir, as well as forecasts from specialists of the LadaOnline analytics department.

population: 338 thousand people.

average annual mileage of serviced cars (for city stations): 17 thousand km;

number of cars of the VAZ family serviced by STOA: 2197pc.

service station operation mode: 305 days per year, 1.5 shifts.

All other input data are received in accordance with TFMS for city maintenance stations.

2.4. Calculation of STOA areas

According to its functional purpose, the STO area is divided into three main groups: production storage, for storing cars and administrative and household.

The production and storage facilities include maintenance and maintenance zones, production areas, warehouses, as well as technical rooms of power and sanitary services and devices (compressor, transformer and ventilation).

The area of ​ ​ administrative premises includes: sanitary premises, catering, cultural services, management, premises for training and public premises.

The storage areas include parking areas of cars that have been serviced or are waiting for it. As a rule, parking lots of past maintenance and TR cars are made covered.

The area of maintenance and maintenance is signed in two ways:

- on specific indicators at the station from feasibility study and selection of space-planning solution;

-graphic construction at the stage of zone planning solution development.

STR Process Layout

Basic requirements.

The main requirements to be taken into account in the development of the workshop are:

location of the main areas and areas of the enterprise in accordance with the process diagram in one building without dividing the enterprise into small premises;

stage development of the STO, providing for its expansion without significant restructuring and disruption of functioning;

Providing convenience to clients by appropriate location of the premises they use.

The layout of the enterprise and the organization of the technical process is based on a single functional scheme: cars staying at the workshop for maintenance and repair go through the harvesting work section and go further to the acceptance, diagnosis, maintenance and maintenance areas.

In addition, STRs should be located in industrial and communal storage areas, as well as on highways, streets and roads when observing established regulatory gaps.

In addition to the main station building and sewage treatment facilities, open parking is usually provided for vehicles awaiting maintenance and parking of finished cars, which are preferably arranged closed (under a canopy).

Process layout of the production building.

An analysis of the placement of work posts when using a column grid showed that the most rational span for a STO is 18 m (at a step of 12 m) of a reinforced concrete structure, so in this case the best placement of posts is possible, as well as the ability to maneuver, which significantly saves the time of transition of the car from one post to another and therefore reduced maintenance and repair time. In addition, the use of a column grid with a pitch of 12 m will reduce the cost of construction by (45%) compared to similar buildings with a pitch of 6 m.

The rarer arrangement ensures efficient placement of process equipment, as a result of which the efficiency of use of production areas is increased by 710%.

The premises of the service station include premises for receiving and issuing cars, production and storage rooms, customer premises, sales of spare parts and automotive accessories. At the service station, the main room is the maintenance and repair area, which by the nature of the production process is associated with all production areas. Near the acceptance and issuance area there is an office and cash desk, where a work order is issued and settlement with the customer (customer) is made.

The blocking of all the main premises in one building store, maintenance and repair area of ​ ​ cars, spare parts warehouse is accepted taking into account the most rational movement and intersection.

3.1 Manufacturing Site Design

Technological development of the area of repair and painting of bodies.

Body and painting sections serve to maintain the working condition of the car body.

The assembled (repaired) bodies are painted on a special painting area. This section is geographically located so that the body repair in the workshop was a complete cycle and included painting operations provided for by the technological process as final. In addition, the position of the painting section next to the body work section is caused by the need to protect metal surfaces from corrosion during waiting, the desire to simplify transport links and the final painting of the assembled body.

The painting section is located in a one-story building near the outer wall with window openings. This arrangement of the painting area simplifies the arrangement of communication systems. All doors of the painting area shall open towards the exit of the building. The painting area is equipped with fire extinguishing equipment. Low-pressure steam heating in it. The room in which painting works are carried out must meet certain requirements:

the height of the room shall be not less than 4.2m;

floor covering shall be made of concrete, it shall be gasoline resistant;

The walls of the room and ceiling shall be painted;

valves for electric lighting lamps shall be sealed and explosion-proof;

electric switches and breakers shall be installed in closed cabinets outside the painting room;

electric motors and choppers must be made in explosion-proof design;

the room shall be equipped with exhaust ventilation.

Supply ventilation is not allowed to be installed, since the volume of heated air by local ventilation per hour does not exceed three volumes of the area room.

According to the total illumination by conventional electric bulbs, the illumination of the section is at least 75lx.

The room of the painting area is equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the current standards. It is equipped with one carbon dioxide fire extinguisher of the grade OU2, OU-5, OU8, two light chemical fire extinguishers, boxes with sand with a capacity of at least 0, 5 m, a blade, a nightmare (asbestos coating) 1.5 * 1, 5 m.

The body section belongs to the group of "hot shops" and are located in a common block of rooms, so as to be connected to the main zone of maintenance and maintenance, as well as to the painting section to simplify transport operations and their deeper interaction. On the site, special posts are provided for performing work directly on the car.

It is allowed to separate body work posts from maintenance and maintenance rooms with a partition made of non-combustible materials with a height of at least 4 m to ensure the passage of lifting vehicles. This section should be located from the leeward side. The main requirements for the layout are fulfilled similar to the painting area, which are given above.

General process of sections.

After the car has passed the areas of harvesting and acceptance, where the volume of work and their cost have already been approximately determined, it is sent to the areas of body and painting work.

The following types of technological impacts are carried out in the body work area:

straightening by mechanical action (straightening, drawing) in cold state or using local heating;

repair by cutting the destroyed part of the part with manufacture of a repair insert and its adjustment in place;

repair using used parts, or blocks of such parts, or part of the part to replace the damaged area from the rejected emergency bodies;

repair by replacing the damaged part or part block with spare parts from the manufacturer's nomenclature;

welding of body elements depending on structure of assembly, which is made in joint, overlapping or using intermediate insert.

The following types of process operations are performed in the painting area:

application of anti-corrosion coatings;

painting with removal of the old layer;

painting; painting of individual parts


In accordance with the assignment, a set of issues was considered, including the feasibility study of the dealership design, technological calculation, the pre-sales preparation process, the selection of technological equipment and the evaluation of the DC's performance.

The pre-sales preparation post has been worked out in detail. For him, an accurate calculation of the occupied area was made, a list of technological equipment was determined, power engineering was calculated, the degree of mechanization of the work was determined.

In the process of training in the specialty 23.02.03 - "Maintenance and repair of road transport," in the discipline MDC 02.01. Management of the performance team, theme 02.01.01. Organization of STOA activities, the following competencies have been mastered:

- general cultural competencies: OK1, OK-2, OK3, OK-4, OK5, OK-6, OK7, OK-8, OK9;

- professional competencies: PK2.1, PK2.2, PK2.3.

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