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Coupling MAZ-5336021

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Coupling MAZ-5336021

Project's Content

icon сцепление МАЗ-533602.doc
icon MAZ-533602-221_FL.txt
icon YaMZ-236P182.txt
icon YaMZ236NE2.txt
icon сцепление МАЗ-533602.mcd
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icon сцепление МАЗ-533602.frw

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Analysis of truck clutch structures

3. Select clutch design parameters

3.1. Source Data

3.2. Select dimensions of friction straps of the driven disk

3.3. Select Push Springs Parameters

3.4. Selection of torsional damper parameters

4. Calculation of clutch performance indicators

5. Conclusion

6. List of used literature

1 Introduction

A clutch is a transmission mechanism that transmits engine torque and allows you to briefly disconnect the engine from the transmission and connect them smoothly again. Disconnection from the engine facilitates the change of stages in the gearbox. Smooth engagement eliminates a sharp increase in torque in the transmission.

Clutch classification:

1) according to the method of torque transmission, the clutch is divided into friction, hydraulic and electromagnetic.

2) according to the control method, clutches with forced control driven by the driver, with an amplifier and without an amplifier, as well as clutch with automatic control are distinguished.

3) according to the method of creating pressure on the pressure disk, friction clutches are divided into spring (with cylindrical, conical and diaphragm springs), semi-centrifugal (pressure is created simultaneously by springs and centrifugal forces) and centrifugal (pressure is created by centrifugal force or spring force). By location of pressure springs - on peripheral and central ones.

4) in the shape of the friction surfaces of the clutch there are disc, cone and drum. Disk drives - by the number of slave disks are classified into one-, two-, and multi-disk disks.

5) by type of drive - for mechanical, hydraulic and automatic clutches.

Currently, the most widespread in cars are constantly closed single, two-disc friction clutches with mechanical compression of disks using springs. These clutches meet their requirements quite fully, are easy to manufacture and operate and are not expensive.

Friction clutches transmit torque due to friction forces generated between driving and driven parts of clutch when pressed against each other. Friction pairs made in the form of discs operate in the absence of lubricant. The pressure force is generated by peripheral coil springs or a central spring. The normal state of the clutch is closed (clutch on). Short-term release of clutch is performed by means of clutch drive by pressing on control pedal. The nature of the coupling between the driving and driven clutch parts allows them to slip relative to each other at a torque value above a certain certain value. The clutch operates under conditions of partial slippage and transmission of constantly changing torques. Slips are caused by disabling and switching on the clutch when touching the car from the spot, shifting gears and braking the car, as well as overloads in the transmission when driving off-road and emergency braking. Skidding leads to significant heating of the clutch parts and their intense wear.

The clutch design shall provide a number of requirements:

- ensuring transmission of maximum torque from the engine to the transmission;

- ensuring smooth actuation;

- cleanliness and completeness of shutdown;

- reliable operation during heating, especially intensive during gear shifting in heavy operating conditions, high wear resistance of friction pairs;

- provision of possibility of reduction of dynamic loads in transmission, especially in case of sharp engagement of clutch, minimum masses and moment of inertia of driven clutch elements;

- the possibility of using drives that reduce the driver's forces when the clutch is switched on and off;

- suppression of high-frequency oscillations caused by engine operation.

- high durability, workability, small dimensions (length).

Drawings content

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