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Construction of a new power supply network during the construction of individual residential houses in the Samal microdistrict 10 quarter of Kandyagash Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region

  • Added: 26.09.2022
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External power supply networks of the working project "Construction of a new power supply network in the construction of individual residential buildings in the Samal microdistrict 10 quarter of Kandyagash mugalzhar district of Aktobe region" are made on the basis of:

1) TU No. 297/418t dated 02.10.2018. issued by Energosystem LLP

2) design assignments issued by the customer;

3) plan of detailed planning of the territory

According to the technical specifications for the connection of e-mail. capacities for power supply for the design of the facility: "Construction of a new power supply network for the construction of individual residential houses in the Samal microdistrict 10 quarter of Kandyagash, Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region":

  Permitted power consumption - 1995 kW, voltage 10 kV.

  Category by reliability - III

Design decisions were made in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Rules for the installation of electrical installations SN RK 4.04-07-2013 - Electrical devices.;

This section of the project resolves the issue of external power supply of individual residential buildings on the territory of the development of the microdistrict. Samal 10 quarter, as well as outdoor utilitarian lighting of this neighborhood.

Installation of vacuum circuit breakers complete with OPN and relay protection in the ZRU-10kV PS-110/10kV "Promzona"

Installation of one distribution point with a voltage of 10 kV in the relative center of loads, with the installation of 7 outgoing cells (of which 4 are backup, 3 are involved).  

Supply of power from the ZRU-10kV PS-110/10kV "Promzona" to the distribution point with a voltage of 10 kV in the center of the loads of the microdistrict. Samal 10 quarter.

The cable line from ZRU-10 kV PS-110/10kV "Promzona" to RP-10kV "Samal-10" is made by a cable of the brand ASBl-10 with a cross-section of 3x120mm2, at the ends of the cable terminal heat-shrinkable couplings of external design type 10KnTp-3-70/120-SL-nb are installed, for connecting the cable in the interval - a connecting heat-shrinkable coupling of type 10STp-3-70/120-SL-sab is used. The turning radius of the cable is not less than 10 diameters. The cable is laid in a trench, at a depth of 0.7 meters, on a sandy base with a signal tape coating of the cable, while the signal tape must cover the cable with a margin of 50 mm to the sides of the cable. The cable is laid in the trench with a "snake" to avoid mechanical forces to stretch the cable. Backfilling of the trench is carried out with tamping, shallow sifted earth. When passing the infrastructure (road), horizontal directional drilling is carried out with a pipe HDPE PE 100 SDR 21 - 110x5.3 technical, at the intersection with the projected (in the future) roads - in the trench in the case - pipe HDPE PE 100 SDR 21 - 110x5.3 technical.

Installation of transformer substations of KTPG-10/0.4 160 kVA type.

Cable lines from RP to transformer substations are made with a cable of the ASBl-10 brand with a cross-section of 3x70mm2, at the ends of the cable terminal cable heat-shrinkable couplings of external design type 10KnTp-3-70/120-SL-NB are installed, if it is necessary to connect the cable in the gap between transformer substations - a thermally shrinkable coupling of type 10STp-3-70/120-SL-sab is used. The turning radius of the cable is not less than 10 diameters. The cable is laid in a trench, at a depth of 0.7 meters, on a sandy base with a signal tape coating of the cable, while the signal tape must cover the cable with a margin of 50 mm to the sides of the cable. The cable is laid in the trench with a "snake" to avoid mechanical forces to stretch the cable. Backfilling of the trench is carried out with tamping, shallow sifted earth. At the intersection with the projected roads (in the future) - in the trench in the case - hdpe pipe PE 100 SDR 21 - 110x5.3 technical.

As foundations for transformer substations and a distribution point, foundation blocks of the FBS type are used with installation on the prepared soil (with the removal of the upper layer of the earth, pouring a crushed stone base with a thickness of 100 mm with tamping). Round steel ∅16 mm - as vertical electrodes, and steel circle steel ∅12 mm as horizontal earthing devices are used as grounding devices of transformer substations and distribution point. The conductor is laid at a depth of 0.7 from ground level. The connection of the horizontal and vertical electrode is performed by welding, with a weld length of at least 5 diameters of the vertical electrode. After installation, measure the resistance of the grounding device, which should not exceed 10 ohms at any time of the year. If the resistance value does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to increase the number of electrodes. Trenches for the grounding device should be covered with homogeneous soil that does not contain stones, rubble and construction debris. Backfilling should be carried out with the ramming of the soil.

From substations to the first 0.4 kV power supply pole, an AVBShv cable with a cross-section of 4x70 mm, 2x25 mm is used, at the ends of the 4x70 cable terminal heat-shrinkable couplings of the 1KnTp-4-70/120-SL-NB type are installed. At the ends of the 2x25 cable, cable lugs of the CPTAU 25 type are installed. The turning radius of the cable is not less than 10 diameters. The cable is laid in a trench, at a depth of 0.7 meters, on a sandy base with a signal tape coating of the cable, while the signal tape must cover the cable with a margin of 50 mm to the sides of the cable. The cable is laid in the trench with a "snake" to avoid mechanical forces to stretch the cable. Backfilling of the trench is carried out with tamping, shallow sifted earth.  At the intersection with the projected roads - in the trench in the case (in the future) - HDPE pipe PE 100 SDR 21 - 110x5.3 technical. Lifting the cable to the support is carried out with a coating of the site at the base with a steel corner. length 2 meters cross-section 80x6mm. fastening of the corner to the support is carried out with the F 207 tape and the NC 20 fastener (2 sets). Fastening of the cable is carried out with a bandage BIC 15.50 with its fastening to the support is made by tape F 207 and fastener NC 20 (3 sets).. For each line, during the transition from CL to overhead line, a voltage limiter OP 600/28 is installed (ed. at each pole). Installation of luminaires is carried out on a bracket of type "Willow" and a clamp of type X 15. Connection to the main is carried out by a branch clamp P4, charging cable - VVG2x1.5mm2 with installation in the phase core of the fuse housing PF4 with fuse FG106 at a nominal value of 6A.

Adapters are installed on all end supports to connect the C481 portable ground and the P645 clamp. The end sealing of the CIP wires is carried out with CE 25.150 caps with mounting to the support using BIC 15.50. The PSP 25/120 is used as the support clamp of the backbone. RPA 425/50 is used as an anchor tensioner: for wires with a cross-section of 4x50mm2, 4x50 + 2x25mm2, RPA 425/50 is used.

Luminaires are adopted LED, brand BRP102 LED110/740 Malaga LED of Signify.

The project adopts the re-grounding of the working zero conductor (VLI-0.4 kV). The zero working conductor is connected to the grounding outlet (standard, on the supports CB95, CB105) of the support using the branch clamp P71 (from the wire of the CIP grade to the wire of grade A), and with the help of a plate clamp CD35, the wire of grade A is connected to the grounding outlet (round steel). Thus, the grounding of the working zero on each support is performed. At the same time, a full-fledged grounding is equipped on the supports VLI-0.4 every 200 m and on all end supports (which supports - see the plan (marked with a grounding sign), as well as a list of supports) grounding is performed according to the standard series 3.407-150, according to the sheet ES01, according to the type of grounding Type 4.  


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Самал-10 ЭС от 09.05 ревЧЕРТЕЖИ.dwg

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