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Individual residential building at the address: Leningradskoy region, Vsevolozhsky district, the village of Sverdlov - Power supply of a residential building


External Power Supply and Internal Electrical Equipment of Private Residential Building: - General Data-PP-Network Calculations-Earthing Calculations-External Power Supply Diagram (done with reference) - Single Line Equipment Layout Plan Specification

Project's Content

icon 1Этаж.cdw
icon 2Этаж.cdw
icon Ведомость1.doc
icon ведомость2.cdw
icon Защита3_2.cdw
icon Молниезащита.cdw
icon однол.cdw
icon Потенциал_домики_1.cdw
icon поясн. записка.doc
icon Расч_земля.cdw
icon Расч_молния.cdw
icon Расчет Л1.cdw
icon Расчет Л2.cdw
icon Расчет_Л1_2.cdw
icon Расчет_Л3.cdw
icon Специф_нач.cdw
icon Специф_прод.cdw
icon Схема снабжения.cdw
icon Таблица_расчетов.cdw
icon Титул_СтройПромПроект.doc
icon Условные.cdw

Additional information

1. general data

Working design of power supply of a residential building at the address: Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsky Rn. Sverdlova, Mkrn 1, ul. Dachnaya, d. 9a, developed on the basis of Technical Conditions No. OD096955/12077E/09 dated 02.03.2010 issued by Lenenergo OJSC and technical assignment for design No. 30 dated 04.03.10.

Power supply category - III;

The permitted connected power is 9 kVA.

Input - three-phase - 0.38 kV. The power distribution system for consumers is three-phase with a dead-grounded neutral. Four wire lines before input (TNC system) and five wire lines after, (TNCS). TNCS electrical networks are grounded to the main grounding bus in accordance with the requirements of PUE, GOST R 50571.1096, GOST R 50571.22200, GOST R 50571.22200.

The project was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation:

PUE 7 ed. "Electrical Installation Rules";

GOST R 50571 "Electrical installations of buildings";

SNiP 3050685 "Electrical Installations";

SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting";

RD 34.20.18594 "Instructions for the design of urban electrical networks" with changes and additions from 99 to 99.

CO-153-34.21.1222003 "Instruction on the structure of lightning protection of buildings, constructions and industrial communications"

2. design solutions

The design of internal electrical networks has been developed to the extent and in accordance with the design assignment and provides for:

Branch from 0.4 kV VL to PZR panel on the support;

• Installation of PZR board with switching device on support No. 1;

• Installation of SW with protection switching device;

• Installation of DGP consisting of a section with metering unit and outgoing group lines;

DCU diagram provides:

• Power supply to consumers according to the third category of reliability of power supply;

• Internal lighting and electrical equipment;

• Lightning protection and grounding of the building.

PZR board is installed on support No.1. PZR 2-3-3-16A is selected as protective unloading (disconnection) device based on calculation of connected load current of the consumer (13,5A).

Tap of input from the board PZR to IB (input board) established on a building wall is made by a wire of the SIP2A brand with a section of 4х16 mm2.

A cable line with a length of 2.5 m, a 5x10 mm2 IWG cable in a corrugated pipe, in accordance with PUE, SNiP, is laid from the input panel (IWB 3f/16A) installed on the building wall at a height of not less than 5 m to the distribution and metering panel (IWB). Attachment is performed by overhead brackets along the building wall.

Pass the lead-in cable through the wall in the protective insert. After laying the cable, the gap in the pipe is closed by easily pierced non-combustible material.

The distribution board (DCU) is installed on the wall in the room of the 1st floor, at a height of 1.7 m from the floor.

Voltage of lighting network 220V/50Hz, voltage on lamps - 220V, sockets - 220V.

The electric lighting network is made with a cable with copper cores of NYM type with a section of 3x1.5 mm2, the power network is made with a NYM cable with a section of 3x2.5 mm2.

Socket sockets shall be installed at a height convenient for electrical devices to be connected to them, depending on the purpose of the room and interior design, but not higher than 1 m.

Switches for general lighting lamps shall be installed at a height of up to 1 m from the floor.

Group nets made by open method are fixed with cover brackets in corrugated pipe, hidden method in wall floors, along walls and ceiling in corrugated pipes. Pass through walls and ceiling in protective pipes.

Connect cables of group lines (lighting and sockets) by soldering in plastic junction boxes.

The design of the protective casing of the input circuit breaker provides for the possibility of its sealing.

To perform electric installation work according to PUE, POTRM0162001, Construction Norms and Regulations, GOST P50571.XX9X.

2.1 electric lighting

Rooms are equipped with common working lighting.

Normalized illumination is accepted in accordance with the discharge of visual work performed according to SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting."

Calculation of the lighting plant was carried out by the method of specific power W/m2 of the illuminated area.

Energy-saving lamps and filament lamps are used as light sources.

The number of lighting fixtures in each group is optimized according to technical feasibility, subject to the standards and agreed with the customer.

2.2 protective safety measures

To protect people from electric shock as a result of a leak to the ground, a device for protective disconnection of the RCD with that leakage and 30 mA is installed in the RCU. In the area of RCD operation, the zero operating conductor shall not have connections with grounded elements and zero protective conductor. RCD shall provide reliable switching of load circuits taking into account possible overloads. It is not allowed to use RCD that automatically disconnects consumers from the network in case of disappearance or unacceptable drop in the network voltage. In this case, the RCD must remain operational for a period of not less than 5 seconds. At voltage reduction to 50% of the nominal one.

All metal, normally non-energized, open conducting parts of electrical installations and electrical equipment, including housings of overhead lighting fixtures and stationary electric receivers (electric plates, reboilers, household air conditioners, electric towers, etc.) must be connected to a zero protective conductor. Protective grounding of metal housings of lamps shall be performed by connection to grounding screw of housing of "PE" illuminator of conductor.

Grounding of the luminaire housing by branching from the zero working wire inside the luminaire is prohibited. Metal reflectors of lamps with enclosures made of insulating materials do not need to be grounded. In rooms without increased danger, it is allowed to use suspended lamps that are not equipped with clamps for connecting protective conductors, provided that the hook for their suspension is isolated.

To fill the metal housings of stationary and portable electric receivers, the protective bus of PE is provided in the DCU, to which zero protective conductors of the group network are connected. As zero protective conductors, use special conductors of supply cables with a section equal to phase, starting from DCU.

Protective conductors in group lines supplying general purpose lamps and sockets, zero operating and zero protective pro-drivers are not allowed to be connected under one common clamp.

"PE conductors shall be yellow-green," N "conductors shall be blue.

The distance between parallel laid cables is accepted in accordance with the recommendations of item 2.3.86 of PUE.

Electrical installation works shall be performed in accordance with PUE, PTEEP, POTRM0162001, PPB and SNiP.

3. electricity accounting

1. The accounting of the consumed electric power is carried out by the direct-flow electronic counter of electric energy, the CE 2727 type on current 5 (50) And, 3x220/380B, an accuracy class - 1.0, tariff zones - 2, established in SRU.

2. Circuit breaker (on 16A) installed in SW limits power consumption to 9 kVA.

3. The seal of the state monitor on the meter should not exceed 12 months at the time of admission of the electrical installation to operation.

4. lightning protection

In accordance with the purpose of the building, category III lightning protection is accepted .

A cable lightning receptacle is installed on the roof of the building. Lay current leads along the roof and wall of the building and connect it to the ground.

All metal parts on the roof shall be connected to the grounded circuit. The current collector should be made with round galvanized steel with diameter of 8 mm. All connections of lightning arrester elements shall have a reliable connection.

The lightning protection device design is developed on the basis of SO15334.21.1222003 Instruction on lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications.

For the working drawing of the lightning protection device, refer to sheet 17. Ras-chets - on sheet 10.

5. re-grounding of zero wire at input

Re-grounding of the zero wire is mandatory on all three-phase bushings. The resistance of the grounding device must be no more than 30 ohms, in addition, all metal enclosures of electrical equipment, as well as portable household appliances, must be grounded. For grounding, a protective conductor with a section equal to the section of the phase wire is used.

The earthing circuit shall be arranged as per p. 5.407.154.1. In accordance with the value of soil resistivity = 80 Ohm· m. To perform the installation, three ground electrodes with a length of 2.5 m must be clogged at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the foundation and 2.5 m from each other, to a depth of 0.4 m from the ground surface. Connect the ends of electrodes with strip steel of 4x40 mm section. Lead the grounding conductor to the building wall, to a height of 20 cm.

Resistance of grounding device is measured upon completion of installation works. If the resistance of the grounding circuit exceeds the norm set for this soil, clog the additional electrode.

Refer to sheet 18 for a sketch of the earthing device. Calculations - on sheet 9.

6. organization of operation

1. All used household appliances shall comply with GOST 275700 "Safety of Household and Analog Appliances."

2. When replacing light sources, use rated power not more than the lighting devices specified in the passport data. If this requirement is not met, the lighting device may be damaged (overheating) and ignited.

3. When the RCD is triggered, it is necessary to call a specialist from the power supply organization to determine and eliminate the cause.

4. In case of actuation of protection machines in case of overload, it is necessary to disconnect from the socket of electric receivers and after some time turn on the auto-mat.

5. The owner is forbidden to independently change the electrical circuit, install protective machines of other nominal data without coordination with the power supply organization.

6. The measurement of insulation resistance, the integrity of zero protective protectors and checks of the operability of protective equipment should be carried out within the established time frame by specialists who have a license for the right to this activity.

7. When working with a power tool, use manual machines with double or reinforced insulation.

Drawings content

icon 1Этаж.cdw


icon 2Этаж.cdw


icon ведомость2.cdw


icon Защита3_2.cdw


icon Молниезащита.cdw


icon однол.cdw


icon Потенциал_домики_1.cdw


icon Расч_земля.cdw


icon Расч_молния.cdw


icon Расчет Л1.cdw

Расчет Л1.cdw

icon Расчет Л2.cdw

Расчет Л2.cdw

icon Расчет_Л1_2.cdw


icon Расчет_Л3.cdw


icon Специф_нач.cdw


icon Специф_прод.cdw


icon Схема снабжения.cdw

Схема снабжения.cdw

icon Таблица_расчетов.cdw


icon Условные.cdw


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