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Complex technical re-equipment and reconstruction of 220 kV APS Vladimirovka

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Design documentation for the organization of communication channels at the 220 kV substation

Project's Content

icon 01 Структурная схема организации ВЧ каналов связи.dwg
icon 02 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Трубная.dwg
icon 03 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Газовая.dwg
icon 04 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Харабали.dwg
icon 05 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Баскунчак.dwg
icon 06 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка -Советская.dwg
icon 07 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Капустин Яр.dwg
icon 08 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Пироговка.dwg
icon 09 Электропитание.dwg
icon 10.1 План выноса с площадки-окончание.dwg
icon 10.2 План выноса с площадки-начало.dwg
icon 5281-14-1 Прил.1 ТЗ.pdf
icon матрица потоков 5281-141 лист 8.xls
icon 00 Обложка.doc
icon 01 Титул.doc
icon 02 Содержание_.doc
icon 03-05 Состав проекта_.doc
icon 06 Запись ГИПа_.doc
icon 07 ПЗ_.doc

Additional information


5281-14/1-SP Project composition

5281-14/1-DBE Explanatory note


5281-14/1 Annex 1 Terms of Reference


5281-14/1 Sheet 1 Communication Structure Diagram

5281-14/1 Sheet 2 Diagram of organization of HF communication channels, RP and AP via VL 220 kV IR Vladimirovka-PS Trubnaya

5281-14/1 Sheet 3 Diagram of organization of HF communication channels, RP and AP via VL 220 kV IR Vladimirovka-PS Gazovaya

5281-14/1 Sheet 4 Diagram of organization of HF communication channels, RP and AP via VL 220 kV IR Vladimirovka-PS Kharabali

5281-14/1 Sheet 5 Diagram of organization of HF communication channels, RP and PA via 110 kV VL of Vladimir-PS IR V. Baskunchak

5281-14/1 Sheet 6 Diagram of HF communication channels organization via 110 kV AC of Vladimirovka-PS Sovetskaya

5281-14/1 Sheet 7 Diagram of HF communication channels organization via 110 kV AC of Vladimirovka-PS Kapustin Yar

5281-14/1 Sheet 8 Diagram of HF communication channels organization via 110 kV AC of Vladimirovka-PS Pirogovka

5281-14/1 sheet 9 Power supply diagram of communication equipment

5281-14/1 Sheet 10.1,10.2 Layout Plan of New PS with Telecom Cable Extension 1:

5281-14/1 Sheet 11 Information flow matrix PS Vladimirovka

1. general information.

This volume covers the main issues of communication channels organization. The general principles and used organizational and technical solutions for the creation of communication systems for the transfer of corporate and technological information are also outlined.

The following network capabilities are considered:

- organization of dispatching and technological telephone communication network;

- transmission of telemetry information and signals of telemetry measurements;

- transmission of RPA and AP commands;

- data transmission over LAN;

The designed communication facilities include:

- Complex of intra-object communication, including:

• intra-facility structured cable network, cross-country equipment;

• digital PBX with dispatch switch, dispatch call recorder, control system, subscriber equipment with connection to public communication network;

• loudspeaker radio search for premises and open areas;

• laying of communication cables in the substation area between all buildings.

- HF communication.

- VOSP equipment for PS.

- Provision of infrastructure.

When developing technical solutions for the construction of VOLP, the general principles for the construction of the Unified Electric Power Communications Network (ESSE) were taken into account.

2. analysis of existing energy communication networks in the construction region with 220 kV of energy.

PS 220 kV Vladimirovka, located in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region. The existing communication network is built on the basis of the organization of management and operation of PS Vladimirovka Volga-Donskoy PMES FOAO FGC UES.

Means of communication at the 220 kV Vladimirovka PS provide operational diplomatic communication of this energy facility.

Internal communication of PS 220 kV Vladimirovka is absent.

At the substation, the TM512 telemechanics device, mo-dem TgFm2/1 and the EDTS66 control switch for 30 numbers are installed.

The telephone network of the Volga-Don PMES is built on the basis of the digital telephone exchange Meridian-1 (manufactured by NORTEL Telekom, Austria). All PBXs are connected to each other by connecting lines of various types (or by digital flows E1 - by RRL or OLS; or 4-wire tones - HF communication via power lines; or by cables - by sealing method or by physical copper vapors.

1. In the Office of VDPMES (central communication node, Volgograd), 61 options of the above-mentioned PBX with a capacity of 240 numbers are installed. Internal numbering from 2300 to 2540. Of these, 200 numbers (2300 to 2499) have access to the public communication network (PSTN) with assigned city numbering from 742300 to 742499. For the signal transmission medium, the VOLS up to GATS72/74 is used, which passes in the city cable sewage system. The optical locator system is compressed by the HSA25 transmission system (4x2Mbit/s). GATS 72/74 communication protocol - EDSS1, channel synchronization - from GATS. The PBX has a guaranteed power supply for about two hours.

2. The 11 option of the Meridian-1 PBX with a capacity of 208 numbers is installed on the PSHAS "Balashovskaya" (r.p. Novonikolaevsky, Volgograd Region). Internal numbering 3000 to 3199 and 3901 to 3908. Of these, 200 numbers (from 3000 to 3099 and from 3100 to 3199) have access to PSTN with assigned city numbering from 67500 to 67599 and from 67300 to 67399. For the environment of signaling the communication line (KSPP4h1h1.2 type) to PATC6 of genitive is used. New Nikolaev. The communication line is condensed with the system of OGM30 broadcast (1x2Mbit/s). Communication protocol with GATS 72/74 - EDSS1, channel synchronization - from PATS. The PBX has a guaranteed power supply for about two hours.

3. At the 500kV Volga, Trubnaya, Frolovskaya, Yuzhnaya, Astrakhan substations, 11 options of the Meridian-1 PBX with a capacity of 48 numbers were installed. Internal numbering 32xx (Volga), 33xx (Trubnaya), 34xx (Frolovskaya), 35xx (South), 3xx (Astrakhan). There is no direct output to local PSTN data of PBX. Communication with the PSTN is carried out through direct city numbers from the GATS (RTS) through a 2-wire connection. All PBXs have guaranteed power for about two hours.

4. At 220kV substations located in the service area of ​ ​ the Volga-Don PMES (22 PS in the Volgograd region and 10 PS in the Astrakhan region), telephone exchanges are almost nowhere installed. On the same substations where PBXs are available (ATSK50/200), there are no exits to the PSTN from them. Communication with PSTN is carried out directly from the city telephones installed at the dispatcher and/or in other departments.

3. fibre-optic transmission line.

During the reconstruction of IR Vladimirovka, the construction of a fibre-optic transmission line (FBL) using a self-supporting fibre-optic cable (VOC) along the VL is planned, along the following route :

- from PS 220 kV Vladimirovka - Trubnaya by VL 220 kV Vladimirovka2 (133.1 km).

The total length of the VOLP is 133.1 km.

Throughout OLP, it is proposed to use a self-supporting VOC (OXN) with a number of fibers of 24 (8 fibers - according to the recommendation of MCET G.655, 16 fibers - according to the recommendation of MCET G.652).

Calculation of attenuation of OLP sections is made according to the formula:

A = Ap x L + N x Am + 2 x Ak + Azap,


A (dB) - attenuation in the area "from connector to connector";

Ap (dB/km) - linear attenuation in fiber. For fibers used in trunk cables, 0.22 dB/km for a wavelength of 1550 nm;

L (km) - length of VOC in the amplifying section;

N - number of pass-through couplings in the MCF section;

Am (dB) - maximum permissible attenuation in pass-through couplings at places of fibre welding of two cables is assumed to be equal to 0.05 dB;

Ak (dB) - attenuation in terminal crosses and connectors of terminal cords is accepted equal to 0.5 dB;

Azap (dB) - process attenuation margin equal to 3 dB.

4. digital information transmission system.

In accordance with the specifications of the Center's MEAs, based on the solved tasks and the OLP information load, taking into account the predicted volume of communication channels for the future, it is proposed to organize a high-speed digital information transmission system (CSPI) of the STM1 transport level on the 220 kV Vladimirovka - PS 220 kV Trubnaya section of the PS. The CSPI was developed taking into account the transfer of technological information, information of the automated process control system (APCS), the automated system for accounting and control of electricity consumption (ASKUE), corporate information of FGC UES OJSC and RAO UES of Russia. Access to the US OJSC "Southern Telecommunications Company" is decided by including the PS Vladimirovka in the already existing VOLS system of the Volga-Don PMES. Hardware construction of CSID is defined by the following tasks:

provision of the reconstructed 220 kV Vladimirovka PS and other power facilities associated with it with a single technological process, reliable external operational dispatch and technological telephone communication;

transmission of telemetry information for various purposes;

creation of a unified information system for automation of internal business activities, which will allow to create a single network of document flow, a centralized system of internal databases and other applied information systems;

in the future, interoperability of traffic with UTC and other operators.

The use of Ethernet and 2Mbit/s G.703 modules is provided for the organization of high-speed channels of the unified corporate network in the CSPI transport equipment.

The access multiplexers to be designed must have the following user service interfaces:

STM1 155 Mbps tributary interface;

E1 (2 Mbit/s G.703), with the possibility of cross-switching of 64 kBit/s flows, trunks for operational dispatch and technological communication between power facilities;

4-wire analog channels;

V.24/V.28, V.35 data links;

special interfaces for transmission of RP and AP commands;

modules with interfaces for Ethernet networks (10 BaseT) with routing capability.

STM1 access multiplexers are provided on the following subjects:

PS 220 kV Vladimirovka;

IR 220 kV Pipe.

Fast recovery of the designed CSPI is ensured by the chosen communication scheme with redundancy of network sections according to the 1 + 1 scheme, which consists in protection of fibers and optical transceiver boards of STM1 access equipment.

STM equipment provides for the following independent types of re-protection:

redundancy of multiplex sections;

redundancy of equipment units.

The STM equipment provides for protection of CSID NEs with the following protection cards:

STM1 aggregate board;

control board;

power supply unit.

Protection switching equipment shall provide two modes of operation: with and without return. Mode selection is provided by means of control system.

The control and monitoring system of the designed CSPI shall be part of the unified network management system SDH MEAs of the Center.

The monitoring and control system shall:

Network element management and configuration

monitoring the state of network elements, fixing faults, recording alarm states;

quality control of CSPI functioning (reliability, presence or absence of input signal, loss of synchronization, power supply);

network access management;

configuration, cross-switching, and command monitoring.

For the maintenance of the equipment, the organization of service communication channels between the nodes of the designed CSPI is provided.

Service communication channels are organized using an IPphone, which is connected through the service interface 10BaseT.

At least two service channels shall be provided:


of the precinct, between the points at which the path input/output is carried out.

All CSPI equipment provides built-in devices for maintenance, measurement, monitoring and indication of the system state during operation and troubleshooting, and provides interaction with the network service system.

The necessary measuring equipment is provided for operational maintenance and repair of CSPI equipment.

5. system of clock network synchronization (tss).

The clock network synchronization system (TCC) of the designed DSPI is built on the principle of forced hierarchical synchronization, in which the synchronization of equipment having an internal generator of a network element (GSE) is carried out by a clock signal received from a generator with higher stability and frequency setting accuracy (Rek. ISET G.813).

The TSS system has the following requirements:

The TSS system and its associated synchronization networks should ensure the reliable operation of digital networks with the indicators prescribed by the MSET, including for possible "slippages";

availability of the main and standby clock signal;

2.048 MHz or 2.048 Mbps external timing sources

Parameters and characteristics of network element generators (GSEs) in multiplexers shall comply with ETSI 3004625 and MSET Recommendation G.813 for option 1, according to which the maximum time interval error and deviation of the time interval of the output signal T4 shall not exceed the specified limits;

Multiplexers should be able to recover clock frequency in two 2048 kbit/s information sequences using built-in devices that perform the function of clock signal converter - retiming;

in the headers of the line signals STM1 generated by the multiplexer, information on the quality of the used synchronization source (MSOH byte S1) should be transmitted;

The clock quality shall comply with ITU-T Recommendations G.811 and G.812.

The source of the main clock signal is the signal received from the TCC network of the Southern Telecommunications Company OJSC (ATS74) point of connection of the DM in Volgograd. The source of the backup clock signal is the signal received from the Volgograd Energy OJSC network.

Leased channels.

Under the terms of economic activity, the designed 220 kV PS Vladimirovka belongs to the Volga-Don PMES. Currently, the 220 kV IR Vladimirovka does not have leased communication channels with other facilities, with the exception of entering the Center's MEAs through the Volga-Don PMES, which has 6 leased communication channels.

6. systems for organization of communication channels, DN and DN

This project provides for the organization of HF communication channels by

Power lines (the "last mile" to the Volga-Don PMES is broadcast on the existing RRL or VOLS):

VL 220 kV PS Baskunchak - PS Vladimirovka - PS Trubnaya - HP PMES;

VL 220 kV IR Vladimirovka - IR Pipe - HP PMES.

High-frequency communication is organized by 220 kV HV and is intended for transmission of voice, data and telemechanics signals. Transmission is carried out on dedicated high-frequency communication channels. HF communication channels equipment is designed for round-the-clock operation in closed heated rooms.

HF channels of FP and AP are arranged according to the following HF:

- VL 220 kV Vladimirovka1;

- VL 220 kV Vladimirovka2;

- 220 kV Harabali VL;

- VL 220 kV Vladimir Gazovaya;

- 110 kV VL No. 704;

- 110 kV VL No. 740;

- 110 kV VL No. 703;

-HL 110 kV No. 741.

Via the newly organized RF channels of RP and AP via VL 110220 kV, transmission of RP and AP commands is provided.


Proposed for implementation internal communication complex

PS 220 kV Vladimirovka includes:

Digital PBX with 40 subscriber numbers with dispatch switch function and DECT minicell communication system;

Operational display, selector and loudspeaker radio communication system;

Audio recorder for recording dispatch conversations;

A complex of intra-object communication cables, including a structured cable system (SCS) in the OMP building.

8. organization of line-operation communication for servicing oats of 220 sq.

Operational-visiting brigades going for preventive and repair restoration work are provided with permanent radio communication in the VHF range (in case the object is in the reach of the radio network). Communication can be both simplex and duplex. Stationary, mobile and wearable radio stations are proposed for the organization of linear-operational communication.

Radio stations of various manufacturers have additional capabilities:

- automatic answer to the call;

- installation of speech masker;

- automatic scanning;

- pre-dialing of subscriber numbers;

- installation of boards for operation in trunking systems;

- implementation of the military standard MIL810/C/D/E.

If necessary, the possibility of acquiring satellite communication terminals and cellular telephones is being considered for the organization of LES.

VHF radio communication is organized as follows:

On the territory of the substation, at the maximum possible distance (but at least 30 meters) from the switching and power equipment, a tower 30 meters high with transceiver antennas installed on it is located.

In the room or in the thermoboxing having volume not less than 0.5 cubic meters with the heater, the fan and the thermorelay the transceiver with the operating module of remote control, the block of power supply of stationary radio station is placed.

The authorized dispatcher or other responsible personnel, using a fixed or wearable radio station, shall communicate with the foreman (or any of the members of the brigade) who is in a car equipped with a radio station or has a wearable radio station, using a DTMF tone set (each radio station has its own code) or pronouncing special call signs on the air. These call signs are assigned to each radio station at its registration (obtaining permission to operate) and are communicated to the user each time the radio station is issued.

Radio communication can also be used for communication within the brigade (foreman - with members of the brigade; brigade members - among themselves).

Estimated range of radio communication is estimated by empirical formula D (km) = 4.12x, where h1 is height of transmitting antenna suspension in meters; h2 is the height of the receiving antenna suspension in meters. Taking into account the height of the antenna suspension of the stationary radio station equal to 31m and the car 2m, the range of confident reception is up to 30km.

9. power supply of equipment.

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is designed to perform a number of functions related to the power supply of telecommunication equipment and should provide:

reliable redundancy of power supply of all designed, as well as existing equipment in case of failures of the auxiliary network of the facility in accordance with the requirements on the part of consumers of group A, which do not allow interruption of supply voltage ~ 220V;

"hot" replacement of battery modules and other main UPS units without interruptions in power supply to consumers.

In case of loss of AC external mains voltage, UPS shall provide continuous operation time of all connected equipment for at least 2 hours.

UPS shall have a control and alarm panel, which allows to receive information about the system status, as well as to conduct remote monitoring.

DSPI equipment shall be supplied from DC source with grounded plus and rated voltage 48V at changes in the range from 38.4 to 56.6V.

UPS shall be designed for operation from AC source with voltage of 380/220V +/- 20%, frequency of 50 Hz (from 47.5 to 51.0) and with non-linear distortion factor of not more than 10%.

In all cases of underestimation or loss of voltage of the primary source, the system must restore the specified parameters after the appearance of voltage without personnel intervention.

Drawings content

icon 01 Структурная схема организации ВЧ каналов связи.dwg

01 Структурная схема организации ВЧ каналов связи.dwg

icon 02 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Трубная.dwg

02 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Трубная.dwg

icon 03 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Газовая.dwg

03 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220  Владимировка - Газовая.dwg

icon 04 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220 Владимировка - Харабали.dwg

04 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 220  Владимировка - Харабали.dwg

icon 05 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Баскунчак.dwg

05 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Баскунчак.dwg

icon 06 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка -Советская.dwg

06 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка -Советская.dwg

icon 07 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Капустин Яр.dwg

07 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Капустин Яр.dwg

icon 08 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Пироговка.dwg

08 Схема организации ВЧ каналов по ВЛ 110 Владимировка - Пироговка.dwg

icon 09 Электропитание.dwg

09 Электропитание.dwg

icon 10.1 План выноса с площадки-окончание.dwg

10.1 План выноса с площадки-окончание.dwg

icon 10.2 План выноса с площадки-начало.dwg

10.2 План выноса с площадки-начало.dwg
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