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Completion of the construction of block C of the administrative part of the laboratory building of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology RASHN - APS


Stage I of APS and EPSS sections of 6-storey administrative building with basement

Project's Content

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icon АПС.ПЗ.doc
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icon ОП.ПЗ.doc
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Additional information

Fire alert

The design documentation of the fire warning and evacuation management system (EPSS) was developed on the basis of the technical conditions and drawings issued by the "Customer" to the extent provided for by the "Regulation on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content," approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 16, 2008 N ° 87.

This project has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory and technical documents:

- Federal Law of 22.07.2008 N ° 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

- SP 5.13130.2009 Amendment 1 "Code of Rules. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations ";

- SP 3.13130.2009 "Code of Rules. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements ";

- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";

- SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

- GOST 12.1.00491 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements ";

- GOST 12.1.03081 "SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding, grounding ";

- GOST 12.4.00983 "SSBT. Fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Main species. Accommodation and maintenance ";

- NPB 882001 "Fire fighting and alarm units. Design Codes and Regulations ";

- "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE), seventh edition;

To implement the adopted design solutions, equipment and materials corresponding to the latest achievements of domestic science and production are used. All equipment and materials used for the implementation of this project are certified accordingly.

Main technical decisions made in the project.

The reconstructed building of unit "C" is equipped with a fire warning and evacuation system and evacuation control system of the 3rd type, i.e. voice and light warning.

For the voice warning system, a complex of equipment of the Inter-M type with a capacity of 480 W is used, installed in the security room on the 1st floor in a 19-inch cabinet. The network of the speech notification is carried out by the cable of KPSEngFRLS brand 1х2х1.0 laid in a gofroshlanga of Ø of 16 mm behind a false ceiling and, partially, on the walls in a cable channels. SWS-03 wall sound speakers and CS03 ceiling speakers are installed on all floors of the building. The voice announcement network is zoned (8 zones in total). The total power of the voice warning network is 429W. To alert and control the evacuation of mobile populations, the installation of light-and-sound alerts "Fire" is provided.

For the light notification on escape routes the light "BlikS12" annunciators zipityvayemy from two RIP12 power supplies are installed. Actuation of light annunciators is performed automatically from the relay unit С 2000SP1, provided in the part "Automatic fire alarm." The network of the light notification is carried out also, as well as network of the speech notification by the cable of KPSEngFRLS brand 1х2х1.0 laid in a gofroshlanga of Ø of 16 mm behind a false ceiling and, partially, on the walls in a cable - channels .

Power supply and protective grounding.

According to the degree of reliability of the power supply, the automatic fire alarm system is a category I consumer and must be provided with electricity from two independent mutually redundant power sources, and its power supply interruption in case of power supply failure from one of the power sources can be allowed only for the time of automatic power recovery.

To ensure uninterrupted power supply, the ESDS equipment includes redundant secondary power supply sources equipped with storage batteries with corresponding tanks. According to factory manufacturers, the battery capacity is sufficient to ensure the system's operability for 24 hours in standby mode and 3 hours in "Fire" mode. The project provides for the use of redundant power supplies "RIP12" with 12V, 7A * h batteries and boxes with 12V, 17A * h batteries to power the central equipment.

The power supplies shall be grounded using the common contour of the existing ground. Connection to grounding is performed on ~ 380/220V 50Hz power supply boards via the third wire of the instrument power supply cable.

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to failure of insulation, are subject to grounding (earthing).

Protective grounding (ground) resistance must be not more than 4 ohms.

Protective grounding (grounding) of electrical equipment should be performed in accordance with the requirements of PUE, "Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) during Operation of Electrical Installations" (MPPBE) SNiP 3.05.06., GOST 12.1.030 and technical documentation of devices used as part of the unit .

Electrical equipment must meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.013., GOST and MPPBEE on the method of protecting a person from electric shock.

Drawings content

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