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Complete design of built-in boiler room - arrangement of equipment and pipelines.

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Complete draft, all sections-AGCS, ATM, GSV, DBE, TM, EM

Project's Content

icon 01-OD-AGSV.doc
icon 02-SX-AV-gas.dwg
icon 03-co-ch1.dwg
icon 04-Sx-prinBUKG.dwg
icon 05-VN2.dwg
icon 06-pl.dwg
icon schm-KIP.dwg
icon Shtamp_KIP.dwg
icon sp-AGSV.doc
icon 02-sx-av.dwg
icon 03-Sx-pit.dwg
icon 04-Sig.dwg
icon 05-TC.dwg
icon 06-uirq.dwg
icon 07-nasos.dwg
icon 08-kotel.dwg
icon 09-kuv.dwg
icon 10-VN.dwg
icon 11.dwg
icon 12-pl.dwg
icon schm-ATM.dwg
icon Shtamp-ATM.dwg
icon Состав проекта.doc
icon plan.dwg
icon sh,sp,od.dwg
icon PZ6.doc
icon RN-ribolov.xls
icon содержание 1.doc
icon Состав проекта.doc
icon Титул.doc
icon cхема_спец.dwg
icon ОД.dwg
icon план.dwg
icon Разрезы.dwg
icon 01-OD-em.dwg
icon 02-pr-odl.bak
icon 02-pr-odl.dwg
icon 02-SX-AV-gas.dwg
icon 03-PL-EL.dwg
icon 04-PL-OSV.dwg
icon 05-SX-URAVN-2.dwg
icon 06-PL-zazem.dwg
icon schm-EM.dwg
icon Shtamp-EM.bak
icon Shtamp-EM.dwg
icon sp-EM.doc

Additional information



1. Boiler Room Passport

2. General Information

3. Regulatory documents

4. Architectural and construction solutions

5. Thermal mechanical solutions

6. Gas supply

7. Heating and ventilation

8. Water supply and sewerage

9. Automation & Instrumentation

10. Electrical equipment and electrical lighting

11. Civil defence engineering and emergency prevention

12. Boiler House Energy Balances and Energy Characteristics

13. Technical and economic indicators of the boiler house

14. Measures to ensure accident-free operation of the boiler house


1. Design License ______________________

2. Specification for Boiler House Design

3. Vissman Witoplex Boiler Certificate of Conformity -

4. Permit to use boilers

5. Teplotex technical data for APV heat exchangers

6. Certificate of conformity for "RS 70t.c" and "RS 28t.c" -H burners from "Riello"

7. Permission of Rostekhnadzor to use burners

8. Certificate of Conformity Thermal Intake Valves

9. Permission of Rostekhnadzor for thermo-intake valves

10. Certificate of conformity for HV series solenoid valves

11. Rostekhnadzor permit for HV series valves

12. Certificate of conformity for gas filters of FN series

13. Permission for use of gas filters of FN series

14. Steel Ball Locking Cranes Certificate of Conformity

15. Calculation of electrical loads


1. Thermal mechanical solutions -TM sheets 1-

2. Gas supply. Internals - GSV sheets 1-

3. Automation of thermal and mechanical part -ATM sheets 1-

4. Automation of internal gas supply - AGCS sheets 1-

5. Power electrical equipment and power supply - EM sheets 1-

2. Common part.

2.1. Summary of the boiler house being designed.

In this project, the main technical solutions of an automated gas boiler house with a thermal capacity of 758kW have been developed. In terms of reliability of heat and power supply, the boiler house belongs to category II. The boiler room is located on the 1st floor in a room measuring 5050 x 7920 (mm). Height of boiler room 2.4 (m). The boiler room in accordance with SNiP in the category of production for explosive, explosion and fire hazard belongs to category "D," in terms of the fire resistance of the building to category II. Main fuel - gas. Reserve and emergency fuel, in accordance with the design assignment, is not provided. Solutions for laying the external gas pipeline are given in an independent project. Boiler room area 44.2m2, construction volume 106m3.

Window openings are used as easy-to-throw structures.

The project provides that the operation of the boiler room is fully automated and does not require the constant presence of duty personnel, and therefore the section "Organization of workplaces" is not developed by the project.

The project also provides that the installation of the boiler house will be carried out by a specialized installation organization equipped with the necessary rigging equipment, instruments and tools necessary for installation and commissioning. The operation of the boiler house is provided by a specialized organization with a license and repair farm. This organization, based on the data of passports received with the equipment, should draw up schedules for the implementation of the PPR, developed measures to ensure the safety of operation, posted posters and safety signs.

2.2. Purpose of boiler house construction.

The purpose of the boiler house construction is to provide thermal energy (in the form of hot water) to the heating and ventilation systems and WCS of the premises of the industrial site. In accordance with the Specification for the development of the boiler house working design, the total load (heat capacity) of the boiler house is determined in the amount of 758kW (taking into account auxiliary needs and thermal losses).

2.3. Basis for project development.

This project is executed on the basis of the Design Agreement and in accordance with the Technical Assignment for the Execution of the Boiler House Detailed Design (Appendix No. 2). The legal justification for the development of the project is the State Design License.

Technical solutions adopted in the project are not subject to patent cleanliness check (SNiP 110194). There are no deviations from the current standards in the project.

The process of construction and installation work should be supervised by the author, technical and state (inspections of FSPN, UGPS, Ministry of Energy, etc.).

2.4. Climatic data and microclimate of premises.

In accordance with the assignment and norms of SNiP 230199 and II3576 *, the following design parameters have been adopted for the designed system:

• external air temperature - minus of 26 wasps;

• air temperature in the boiler hall - plus 12 wasps;

• number of operating hours of the systems per day - 24 hours/day;

• heating period duration - 220 days;

• temperature condition of heat carriers of heating systems - 9070 wasps;

• temperature condition of heat carriers of ventilation systems - 9070 wasps;

• for relative elevation 0.000 level of clean floor of the designed boiler room is accepted;

In the boiler room, the required parameters are provided in accordance with their purpose and the requirements of SNiP. Solutions for boiler room ventilation are given in section "Heating and ventilation"

2.5. Heat consumers. Heat loads.

Consumers of thermal energy generated by the boiler house in accordance with the Terms of Reference determined:

a) heating system - 273kW;

b) ventilation system - 350kW;

c) WAN system - 100kW;

d) own needs of boiler house and heat loss - 35kW;

The total thermal load of thermal energy consumers (excluding losses in the thermal networks of the facility and the boiler room's auxiliary needs) is 723kW, and taking into account losses in the networks and auxiliary needs of the boiler room (4.5%) 758kW.

The boiler house's own needs (heating) were solved due to heat losses from the surface of boilers and pipelines.

3. Regulatory documents.

The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

1. Construction Norms and Regulations of II0195 "The Instruction about an Order of Development, Coordination, a Statement and Structure of the Project Documentation on Construction of Buildings and Constructions";

2. SNiP II3576 * "Boiler units. Design Standards "Rev. No. 1;

3. SNiP 41022003 "Heat networks. Design Standards ";

4. SNiP 230197 "Construction climatology and geophysics";

5. SNiP 210197 "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

6. SNiP 23032003 "Noise Protection";

7. SNiP 2.04.1286 "Strength calculation of steel pipelines";

8. SNiP 41032003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines";

9. SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";

10. SNiP 41012003 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

11. SN 17475 "Instruction on design of power supply of industrial enterprises";

12. SN 35777 "Instructions for designing power and lighting electrical equipment of industrial enterprises";

13. SNiP 3.01.0487 Acceptance for Operation of Completed Construction Facilities;

14. SNiP 120496 "Acceptance and commissioning of completed construction facilities. Basic Provisions ";

15. SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices";

16. SNiP 3.05.0785 "Automation Systems";

17. GOST 21.40283 "Anti-corrosion protection of gas ducts and pipelines";

18. Russian GOSGORTEKHNADZOR Management Materials Collection;

19. Collection of fire safety standards of industrial enterprises design;

20. GOST 751282 Manual on methods of quality control of welded pipelines performed in construction;

21. GOST 1420269 Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification painting.

22. PUE "Rules of electrical installations devices";

23. GOST 954493 "Pipeline isolation valves. Seal tightness standards ";

24. RDS 1023193 * GOST R certification system in construction;

25. Construction design documentation system;

26. PPB0193 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";

27. SNiP IIIG.10.467 "Thermal power equipment. Rules for installation works ";

28. GOST 21.10197 Basic Requirements for Design and Detailed Design Documentation;

29. GOST 38094 "Ordinary quality carbon steel";

30. GOST 1070491 "Steel electric welded straight-joint pipes. Variety ";

31. GOST 873475 "Seamless cold-deformed steel pipes. Variety ";

32. GOST 873278 "Steel seamless hot-deformed pipes. Variety ";

33. GOST 326275 "Steel water and gas pipes. Specifications ";

34. GOST 105088 "High-grade, calibrated rolled stock with special surface finish from carbon quality structural steel. General Specifications ";

35. GOST 1518086 "Flat elastic gaskets. Basic parameters and dimensions ";

36. GOST 48180 "Paronite and gaskets from it. Specifications ";

37. GOST 591570 "Hexagonal nuts of accuracy class V. Design and dimensions"; as well as other standards of design and performance of construction and installation works.

4. Architectural and construction solutions.

The equipment of the built-in boiler room is located on the 1st floor of the allocated area of ​ ​ the existing two-story building.

Boiler house enclosing structures - non-combustible and steam-gas-tight fire partitions of the 1st type and fire ceilings of the 3rd type (SP 411042000 item 4.5).

The category of the boiler house by explosion and fire hazard is "D," by the degree of fire resistance II.

Heat transfer resistance coefficients of external walls, windows and doors shall correspond to the effective SNiP.

Boiler room equipment load:

concentrated - 2 boilers of 1500 kg and 600 kg.

distributed - 200 kg/m2

Lightweight structures - windows in the outer wall with opening to the outside, glass glazing is not thicker than 3 mm. The area of the window openings is not less than 0.03m2 per 1m3 of the boiler room, which is 3.2 m2.

At least 1200mm wide doorway shall be filled with insulated, metal cloth.

Floor structure - concrete provided coating. Paint the walls with water emulsion paint. Provide waterproofing of the floor with flange height of 100mm.

In the ceilings above the boiler room, provide holes and lay casings:

for passing chimneys 500mm and 600mm;

for installation of deflector 350mm;

The location of the holes is indicated on sheet N3.

The boiler room shall be equipped with ø100mm ladder with connection to the facility sewage system.

For fire extinguishing, 2 fire cranes connected to the object fire extinguishing system are provided.

It is envisaged to use an object lightning protection system and an external grounding circuit.

It is necessary to bring water supply networks to the boiler room to make up heat supply systems with a flow rate of 0.07m3/day.

Provide power supply to the boiler room according to reliability category II.

Drawings content

icon 02-SX-AV-gas.dwg


icon 03-co-ch1.dwg


icon 04-Sx-prinBUKG.dwg


icon 05-VN2.dwg


icon 06-pl.dwg


icon 02-sx-av.dwg


icon 03-Sx-pit.dwg


icon 04-Sig.dwg


icon 05-TC.dwg


icon 06-uirq.dwg


icon 07-nasos.dwg


icon 08-kotel.dwg


icon 09-kuv.dwg


icon 10-VN.dwg


icon 11.dwg


icon 12-pl.dwg


icon plan.dwg


icon sh,sp,od.dwg


icon cхема_спец.dwg


icon ОД.dwg


icon план.dwg


icon Разрезы.dwg


icon 01-OD-em.dwg


icon 02-pr-odl.dwg


icon 02-SX-AV-gas.dwg


icon 03-PL-EL.dwg


icon 04-PL-OSV.dwg


icon 05-SX-URAVN-2.dwg


icon 06-PL-zazem.dwg


icon Shtamp-EM.dwg


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