Clutch Design
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Clutch clutch
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Изометрическая проекция с разрезом плости ху.cdw
Изометрическая проекция с разрезом плости ху.jpg
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Additional information
1. Introduction
2. CAD Software
to perform a course project....
3. CAD materials for execution
of the course design drawings.........
4. Part Design Calculations
MS for strength.......
5. Conclusion...
6. List of used literature......
1. Introduction
Machine and machine system design is a multi-stage dynamic process. This process is creative, multifaceted and quite laborious. As a rule, the design of machines, including lifting, transport, construction and road machines and equipment, is carried out by a large team of various specialists using numerous calculation, experimental, heuristic methods and techniques.
The requirements for the quality of projects and the timing of their implementation are increasingly stringent as the complexity of the designed facilities increases and the importance of their functions increases. It is impossible to satisfy these requirements with the help of a simple increase in the number of designers, since the possibility of parallel design work is limited and the number of engineering and technical workers in the design organizations of the country cannot be significantly increased. The problem can be solved on the basis of design automation - a wide application of computer technology.
The purpose of design automation is to improve the quality, reduce material costs, reduce the design time and eliminate the tendency to increase the number of engineering and technical workers involved in design, increase their productivity.
CAD contains seven types of software (GOST 23501.079): mathematical (MO), linguistic (LO), information (IO), software (software), technical (maintenance), methodological (MeO), organizational (GO). Of all types of software, the software occupies a special place, since the main share of costs in the development of CAD falls on software.
The purpose of this work is to get acquainted with the field of application in practice with some types of software tools for automating the design of tractor assemblies and transmission mechanisms, to study methods for constructing 3D models and 2D drawings into a compass. Evaluate the efficiency and usability of computer technologies in mechanical engineering in order to further use them and improve the acquired skills. Since today there is a rapid development and application of computer technologies in such industries as aircraft industry, automotive industry, architecture, construction, and other sectors of the national economy. In mechanical engineering, computer technologies are used for design and technological work, including technological preparation of production. With the help of computer technologies, drawings are developed, three-dimensional modeling of the product and the assembly process is carried out, auxiliary tooling is designed, for example, stamps and presses, process documentation and control programs (NC) for numerical control machines (CNC) are compiled.
In this course design, a gearbox with synchronizers in the 2D system and specifically, the primary shaft of the cotton tractor gearbox is designed.
CAD Materials for Drawing Execution
To Create a Drawing Workpiece
Many 3D part models are created to obtain design documentation (for example, work drawings of parts) or other flat images (for example, a part catalog).
To create a workpiece for the current part, from the File menu, click Create Workpiece for Drawing....
Select views. In this option group, you can select the projections in which you want to create the part image and customize their parameters.
Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, and Isometric) and all user-defined orientations in the model.
If you want to display the part in all orientations, check Select All Views.
Active view. You can customize the display options for each selected view individually. To do this, select the view name in the list by placing the cursor on it. In the Active View option group, enter or select a scale from the list for the view, specify how invisible lines are displayed (delete, do not delete, or conventionally), and turn on (or turn off) the display of transition lines (Show Transition Lines option).
Fields between views. If you pass an image of multiple views to a drawing, the options for that group become available. In the X box, enter the horizontal distance (in millimeters) between the overall rectangles of the adjacent views, and in the Y box, the vertical distance (in millimeters) between the overall rectangles of the adjacent views. The specified distances are measured "by paper," without taking into account the scale of the views.
Sections/Sections. Use this option group to specify section and section parameters in a part drawing.
To specify the position of the cut plane, you must enable the creation of a view in which the plane can be displayed as a section line (or section).
Add. In the list of views that you want to create, select the one on which you can display the desired section line (or section line).
Click Add. The system enters section/section line construction mode. When you specify a section/section line, the drawing settings dialog is displayed, and the newly created section/section line symbol appears in the section/section line list.
Image type. To specify which type of image the cut plane should form, select the desired line in the section/section line symbol list and select the Section or Section option.
Hatch settings. To specify section or section hatch parameters, select the desired line in the section/section line symbol list and specify a hatch pitch, angle, and style.
The layout of the sheet will be selected so that all views are placed on it completely.
If the views are the same scale, they will be placed in the drawing based on the projection links.
Save the resulting drawing, place the necessary dimensions and process symbols on it, draw up the document.
Measurements and calculation of MCC
In COMPAS3D, it is possible to measure various geometric characteristics, as well as calculate the mass inertia characteristics of the part (volume, mass, coordinates of the center of gravity, axial and centrifugal moments of inertia, direction of the main axes of inertia).
Immediately after the measurement command is called, a dialog appears on the screen, allowing you to receive and record information about the measurements made. Specify the objects for the dimensions that you want to display in the dialog .
You can make several measurements without leaving the command. The system will remember and display all the values of these measurements in the dialog. You can save the measurements to a text file by clicking the Record...
Calculate Part MCC command
Allows you to calculate the mass alignment characteristics of an existing part.
The calculation of the MCC is carried out in the global coordinate system of the part.
The calculation uses the density value of the part material. To change the part material, from the Setup menu, click Current Part Parameters, and in the Part Properties dialog box that appears, select the material from the list.
Editing a Part
The presence of parametric links and constraints in the model naturally imprints the principles of its editing.
In COMPAS3D, you can change the parameters of any model element (sketch, operation, reference axis, or plane) at any time. After setting new parameter values, the model is rebuilt to match them. This saves all existing links in it.
After editing an element that occupies any place in the construction hierarchy, you do not need to re-define the sequence of subelements and their parameters. All this information is stored in the model and does not break down when you edit individual parts of it.
You can edit the model in COMPAS3D in a variety of ways.
Editing a Sketch
You must specify a sketch before you can use the sketch edit command. Then choose Edit Sketch from the context menu. The system enters sketch edit mode.
Placing a Sketch on a Plane
To move and/or rotate a sketch on a plane, select it in the Drawing Tree and choose Place Sketch from the context menu.
Use this command to move the sketch coordinate system on its plane.
When you access the command, the Object Parameter Bar displays fields where you want to specify the new coordinate system position of the selected sketch and the rotation angle of the new coordinate system position relative to the current position .
To change the sketch plane
To place a sketch on another plane, select it in the Sketch Tree and choose Edit Plane from the context menu.
Use this command to move the sketch to a different plane or planar face.
After you specify a plane or planar face, the sketch is moved to it; the sketch coordinate system is aligned with the coordinate system of the selected plane or face.
Editing Part Parameters
The shape and dimensions of the element determine not only the shape and dimensions of the contour in the corresponding sketch, but also the parameters of the mass operation (for example, the depth of the extrusion or the angle of rotation of the contour in the sketch). Some features (for example, reference planes and axes) have no sketches at all and are completely determined by the parameters specified in the sketch command .
To change these parameters, select an item in the Build Tree or part window. From the context menu, click Edit Feature.
If you want to edit a mass element, you can select any face, edge, or vertex in the part window and choose Edit Source Element.
The system enters the execution mode of the command used to build the selected item.
Change the construction order
A convenient (albeit infrequently used) method of editing is to "drag" objects directly in the Construction Tree. With it, you can quickly change the order of the build.
Delete an object
You can remove any object (mass element, sketch, reference axis, or plane, and so on) from the model by selecting it in the Sketch Tree and selecting it from the context menu. Delete or press < Delete >.
Note that you cannot undo the deletion of an object in a part document.
Exclusion from calculations
To exclude an element from calculations, select it in the Build Tree and choose Element Properties from the context menu, or select a face or edge of a mass element in the part window, and then click Source Element Properties from the context menu.
In the dialog that appears on the screen, select the option. Exclude from calculations.
Computer modeling is a necessary tool for creating modern technical objects. An increasing number of objects and phenomena are becoming objects of computer simulation. It was introduced into almost all areas of engineering. A significant proportion of enterprises use spatial modeling technology, for some it is the main tool for the development of design documentation and - often - technological processes. It is natural to move to the next level - computer analysis and design.
In a dynamic CAD market, knowledge of the basics of 3D modeling, parameterization, and drawing in a CAD system is essential for a design engineer. In any design organization, in any enterprise and in a higher educational institution over the past few years, great attention has been paid to the preparation of calculations, drawings and documentation using personal computers. A technician, in addition to knowledge in his field, must have excellent skills in computer-aided design, easily, accurately, and most importantly, quickly solve tasks in a graphic editor or in a calculation system, without which his enterprise (and therefore himself) is doomed to be crushed by tough market competition.
A very important point affecting the quality of the engineer's work is the choice of the modeling environment. Among the many engineering systems for 3D modeling available today, there are actually not many that, with the convenience of the interface, ease and ease of mastering, would have a wide functionality and at the same time had an affordable price. One such system is COMPAS3D.
In this course work, the history of CAD for mechanical engineering was described, and 3D drawings in the COMPAS3D system were developed, as well as appropriate strength calculations were made.
Изометрическая проекция с разрезом плости ху.cdw
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