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Design 4 ton truck with special clutch design development - diploma


Project theme 'Design a 4 ton truck with special design design clutch.'

Project's Content

icon 1 Общий вид Спецификация.spw
icon 2 Спецификация Привод.spw
icon 3 Спецификация Муфта в сборе.spw
icon 4 Диск ведомый.spw
icon 5 Цилиндр главный.spw
icon 6 Муфта выключения сцепления.spw
icon 7 цилиндр привода.spw
icon 8 Картер.spw
icon 1 Общий вид Спецификация.bmp
icon 1 Общий вид Спецификация1.bmp
icon 2 Спецификация Привод(1).bmp
icon 3 Спецификация Муфта в сборе(1).bmp
icon 3 Спецификация Муфта в сборе(2).bmp
icon 4 Диск ведомый.bmp
icon 5 Цилиндр главный.bmp
icon 6 Муфта выключения сцепления.bmp
icon 7 цилиндр привода.bmp
icon 8 Картер.bmp
icon МОЙ ПАТЕНТ.doc
icon 1 Главный вид автомобиля Газ 3309+.dwg
icon 10 Технология+.dwg
icon 2 Литературно-патентный обзор+.dwg
icon 3 Привод сцепления 2+.dwg
icon 4 Муфта в сборе+.dwg
icon 5 Вед диск, гл. цил.+.dwg
icon 6 Картер, муфта+.dwg
icon 7 Пружина цилиндр+.dwg
icon 8 Прижим диск, рычаг+.dwg
icon 9 Деталировка диплом+.dwg

Additional information




1 Car concept

1.1 Design Overview and Technical Data Analysis

analogue car

1.2 Required Characteristics and Performance

analogue car

2. Clutch of the car

2.1 Functions, requirements, classification and applicability

clutch clutches

2.2. Clutch Structures

2.3 Analysis and evaluation of different clutch designs

3 Clutch design and adjustments

4 Truck clutch design and calculation

with lifting capacity of 4.5 tons

4.1 Initial clutch design data

4.2 Selection of main dimensions and parameters of the driven disk

4.3 Calculation of dimensions and parameters of diaphragm compression spring

4.4 Calculation of pressure disc

4.5 Calculation of the hub of the driven disk

4.6 Calculation of torsional damper springs

4.7 Calculation of clutch drive

4.8 Clutch slip operation

5 Development of the machining process of the hub of the driven disk

5.1 Description of the service purpose of the part

5.2 Selection of procurement method

5.3 Workability of part design

5.4 Development of the part manufacturing process route

5.5 Calculation of allowances

5.6 Calculation of cutting modes

6 Economic part

6.1 Labor Plan

6.2 Mechanic's Payroll Planning

6.3 Calculation of social contributions

6.4 Spare Parts and Materials Costs

6.5 List of selected equipment

6.6 Calculation of depreciation charges

6.7 Calculation of Service Costs

6.7.1 Heating Fuel Costs

6.7.2 Calculation of energy costs

6.7.3 Calculation of Water Supply Costs

6.8 Cost Plan

7 Occupational safety

7.1 General organizational measures for labor protection

7.2 Calculation of engine vibration isolation

8 Nature and environmental protection

8.1 Impact of road transport on the environment

8.2 Measures to reduce harmful effects

vehicles for the environment


List of literature



In this diploma project, based on a review of literary and patent sources and analysis of existing clutch designs, the problems and ways to solve the topic of thesis at the current stage are determined. Calculation of methods defines components of clutch; rational technologies of driven disk hub production have been developed. In the structural part of the work, the necessary modernization and changes in the design of the clutch device are justified.

To determine the effectiveness of the proposed measures, an economic calculation was made, which made it possible to determine the annual economic calculation in the amount.


The automotive industry is one of the leading branches of mechanical engineering. Its main task is to improve and develop road transport. Over 80 per cent of cargo is delivered by road. This primarily applies to the transportation of agricultural products, where up to 40% of the total fleet is employed. In the mining industry, more than 45% of all cargoes from quarries are transported by road. In forestry, trucks are also used to transport wood.

Trucks are of great importance for the country's defense, providing both transport and the configuration of many types of mobile weapons. They are also used in emergency situations.

An important factor in increasing productivity is the high resource of cars in road conditions typical of agriculture.

1.1 Design overview and analysis of vehicle technical data - analogue

In accordance with the task, a GAZ-3309 all-wheel drive truck is selected from the set of cars produced. This vehicle in terms of load capacity belongs to the middle class, for driving on public roads, with a MMZ D245.7 diesel engine, with a pre-start heater, driving bridges with conical differentials, spring suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers on the front wheels, with a hydraulic steering amplifier, with a double cockpit located behind the engine, a platform with hinged side and rear.

The layout of this car allows for good access to the engine, simplicity of the design of the clutch and gearbox, the location of the driver and passengers in the zone of reduced vibration load. However, the base and length of the car were increased, the front visibility was worsened.

Such cars are widely used in European countries in public utilities, construction and the army.

4.1 Initial clutch design data

To calculate and design the clutch, we specify the necessary initial data.

The necessary initial data for calculation is engine torque Me = 413 Nm.

5.1 Description of the service purpose of the part

Design of clutch mechanism comprises cover (support disk) fixed on flywheel, a pressure disk connected to the support disk by tangential plates, a driven disk with a hub attached thereto; mounted between the pressure disk and the flywheel, a diaphragm spring mounted on the support disk with preliminary interference with respect to the pressure disk; a coupling plate with a hub attached thereto, provided with radially divergent lobes and disposed between the diaphragm spring and the pressure disc; Note here that said binding plate is connected by its lobes ends with support disc.

The main function of the hub of the driven disk is the transmission of torque from the internal engine to the semi-axes of variable transmissions associated with the gearbox and further to the wheels of the car

Hub of driven disk is made in form of disk with splined hole. Splines are straight.

The hub is widely used in mechanisms mainly for transmitting torque to the shafts on which it is seated by means of a key or spline joint.

The operating conditions of this product are high-speed mode with large short-term overloads. To avoid overheating and jamming, this article operates in an oil medium.

After treatment, the splines are ground and turned, and also subjected to heat treatment.

Material for a detail we accept "GOST 376686 A35 Steel" for details with a high durability, with a firm durable surface at rather strong and viscous core working at big speeds and average pressure.

5.2 Selection of procurement method

The blank for the hub is selected in the form of a stamping with a punched hole, obtained on stamping hammers with allowances of 3-4 mm. Accuracy of blanks obtained on punching hammers corresponds to class 9. Stamping slopes: external to 3˚, and internal to 7˚. In a stamping blank, the metal structure is more uniform, so that the part is stronger. Metal is better used in forming and its consumption is reduced. The production process of stamping is faster compared to other methods of producing blanks, requires a less skilled labor force and its cost is much lower.

Hot volumetric stamping can be carried out on hammers, horizontal forging machines (MCC), stamping presses and forging rollers. Hammer stamping is used in mass production and mass production. The preform of the desired configuration is mostly obtained by sequential processing in several streams made in the same die.

Increased efficiency of equipment and reduced labour intensity of forming process with small weight of blanks is achieved due to sequential forming. The workpiece is pre-processed on rolling machines or forging machines, and then on hammers in multi-piece dies. Accuracy for stamping blanks is determined by GOST 750555.

5.3 Workability of part design

The part for which the machining process is being developed is the hub. When analyzing the processability of this part, we can note the following:

- It is interconnected: it is part of assembly units.

- Part design has standard and unified structural elements.

- Manufactured from a standard workpiece produced in a rational way.

- Dimensions and surfaces of the part have optimal degree of accuracy and roughness.

- Physicochemical properties of the material correspond to the requirements of manufacturing technology.

- The design of the part provides the possibility of using standard and standard technological processes of its manufacture.

In general, the design of the part is rated: good.

One of the factors that significantly affects the nature of technological processes is the processability of the design of the product and its corresponding parts.

When designing a part, it is necessary to meet not only the operational requirements, but also the requirements of the most rational and economical manufacture of the product. This is the principle of processability of the design.

The less labor and cost of manufacturing the product, the more technologically it is. Thus, the main criterion for evaluating the processability of the design is the labor intensity and cost of the product.

The process design of the part shall include:

a) the widest possible use of the part;

b) creating a part of the most rational shape with easily accessible surfaces for processing and sufficient rigidity in order to reduce the labor intensity and cost of machining the part (the necessary rigidity of the part allows it to be processed on machines with the most productive cutting modes);

c) the presence of convenient basing surfaces on the part or the ability to create auxiliary (technological) bases in the form of bosses, belts, etc.

d) the most rational method of obtaining a workpiece for a part (forging) with dimensions and shapes as close as possible to the finished part, i.e. providing the highest material utilization factor and the least labor input for machining;

The processability of the workpiece design should not only take into account the maximum rationalization of machining, but also the simplification of the manufacturing processes of the workpiece itself.

Since gears are very common parts in the automobile and tractor industry, we develop a mass type of production in which, with a sufficiently large number of identical products, they are manufactured by continuously performing the same constantly repeating operations at workplaces. We need to reduce production costs as much as possible and harmonize operations to increase production speed and efficiency.

Impact of road transport on the environment

The issue of environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources is one of the most pressing among global human problems.

ATPs, especially the cars they operate, also contribute to environmental pollution. Road transport poisons air with harmful emissions of exhaust gases, contaminates territories with fuel and lubricants, and is a source of increased noise and electromagnetic radiation. Also, significant land resources are consumed under the territory of the ATP. The overall pattern of road pollution is now, according to many experts, depressing and continuing to deteriorate.

The level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by road transport is 3540% of all pollution, which is about 22 million tons per year.

The main cause of air pollution - exhaust gases of automobile engines containing more than 200 names of harmful substances and compounds (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, lead compounds, etc.) can be given a clear example: only one serviceable truck with a carburetor engine releases up to 810 tons of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere during the year. Motor vehicles using leaded gasoline emit more than 4,000 tons of lead compounds harmful to human health every year.

Not only the air environment is poisoned, but also water resources. The main contaminants are petroleum products, tetraethyl lead, organic solvents and galvanic discharges, mud deposits, corrosion products, etc. ATP discharges more than 3.4 million m3 of untreated waste water into reservoirs.

Road transport is the main source of urban noise. Noise in 60% of the population causes various painful reactions.

Let us list the main reasons for this disadvantage.

First of all, unsatisfactory organization of technical operation of rolling stock. Very often at ATP, the periodicity of maintenance of cars is violated, routine work is not fully carried out, insufficient control over the state of fuel equipment of cars, unsustainable use of operational materials, etc.

The technical level of road transport equipment is also insufficient. A significant proportion of new vehicles do not meet modern toxicity requirements, and manufacturers do not guarantee compliance with toxicity standards during operation. The problems of neutralization of exhaust gases, the dieselization of cars, the use of electronic control of ignition and fuel supply systems are being slowly solved.

Insufficient range and poor quality of automotive fuel and especially lubricants. When leaded gasoline is burned, more than half of the lead is released into the atmosphere with exhaust gases. The composition and quality of fuel does not meet modern requirements, and sometimes standards. Kazakhstan's system of standardization and standardization of environmental parameters of the car is inferior to European systems. There are no GOST on toxicity for vehicles running on gaseous fuel.

The problem of processing, incineration and disposal of oil waste and sediments from treatment facilities is acute. ATPs remove such waste almost anywhere, which accordingly leads to pollution of soil, groundwater, reservoirs, etc.

Therefore, the main task facing ATP is to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and improve treatment facilities.

8.2 Measures to reduce the harmful impact of vehicles on the environment

ATP shall ensure compliance with standards, GOST for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in spent gases. Special attention should be paid to wastewater treatment. Reduction of toxicity and aerosol emissions at all stages of maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

In the garage of the designed enterprise to reduce the harmful impact of rolling stock on the environment, it is proposed to introduce the following measures:

- timely and high-quality adjustment of the engine power supply system and exhaust gas release by introducing additional diagnostic equipment;

- drain spent liquids, oils, acids into special tanks for their subsequent disposal at special plants.

- development of treatment facilities at the car washing station, which give a high degree of water purification, which will allow it to be sent back to the washing;

- greening of the enterprise territory.


Based on the analysis of the selected design of the clutch with diaphragm spring carried out in the diploma project, the following main conclusions can be drawn that this design and its parameters fully meet the requirements for clutch clutches of a truck with a lifting capacity of 4.5 tons. Also, this design allows to reduce the axial dimension, much improved processability and easier centering of the hub of the binding plate, which confirms the obvious advantage over the same type of existing and previously discussed structures of various types of clutches. The reliable operation of the clutch depends on a number of factors, such as proper operation and timely maintenance.

In general, the developed project can be recommended for implementation in production .

Drawings content

icon 1 Общий вид Спецификация.spw

1 Общий вид Спецификация.spw

icon 2 Спецификация Привод.spw

2 Спецификация  Привод.spw

icon 3 Спецификация Муфта в сборе.spw

3 Спецификация Муфта в сборе.spw

icon 4 Диск ведомый.spw

4  Диск ведомый.spw

icon 5 Цилиндр главный.spw

5  Цилиндр главный.spw

icon 6 Муфта выключения сцепления.spw

6 Муфта выключения сцепления.spw

icon 7 цилиндр привода.spw

7  цилиндр привода.spw

icon 8 Картер.spw

8 Картер.spw

icon 1 Главный вид автомобиля Газ 3309+.dwg

icon 10 Технология+.dwg

icon 2 Литературно-патентный обзор+.dwg

icon 3 Привод сцепления 2+.dwg

icon 4 Муфта в сборе+.dwg

icon 5 Вед диск, гл. цил.+.dwg

icon 6 Картер, муфта+.dwg

icon 7 Пружина цилиндр+.dwg

icon 8 Прижим диск, рычаг+.dwg

icon 9 Деталировка диплом+.dwg