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Club House Apartment Heating Project

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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The draft presents the sections of the GOS, the GSV and the explanatory note. For heating and GVA, Vaillant boilers of 24 kW are used. Format - Compass V13. According to the project, a gas supply system was installed and commissioned.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General part

2. Gas supply system

2.1. External gas supply

2.1.1. Gas Pipeline Protection Area

2.2. Internal gas supply

2.2.1 Gas metering unit

2.3. Gas Pipeline Tests

2.4. Installation of gas supply system

2.5. Hydraulic calculation of gas supply system

3. Health and safety measures

1. Common part.

When developing a gas supply project for a residential building at the address: 4th per. Blagodatny, s/t "Kozhevnik1," sec.4 in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Ulyanovsk, the following materials were used:

- Specification No. 96 dated January 24, 2013 issued by Gazprom Gas Distribution Ulyanovsk branch in Ulyanovsk

- SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems";

- SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes."

- SP 411082004 "Apartment heating of residential buildings with heat generators with gas fuel."

This section of the project provides for the design of an external gas pipeline of a four-story apartment building.

The designed building is made of the following structures:

- brick walls;

- reinforced concrete slabs;

- internal brick partitions.

In accordance with SNiP 230199, the site for the construction of a residential building and a laid external gas pipeline belongs to climatic area II, characterized by:

- design winter temperature of external air (coldest five-day week) - 31 wasps;

- standard value of wind pressure 0.30 kPa;

- normative value of snow cover 240 kPa;

- in the thickness of the ice wall, the site belongs to area II.

Climatic area IIB.

Stage - project documentation.

2. Gas supply system

2.1. External gas supply.

Connection of the designed above-ground low-pressure gas pipeline Du65 is made to the existing above-ground low-pressure gas pipeline Du100 mm, P = 3000 Pa, laid along the 4th lane Blagodatny.

After tie-in it is provided to install shutoff device - Dou65 ball valve.

After tie-in, the designed low-pressure gas pipeline is laid above ground along the support at an altitude of 2.2 m from the ground level, and along the facades of the gasified building. The protected area of the designed above-ground gas pipeline is the territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters from each side of the gas pipeline.

Means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, their power supply facilities and electric drive at this facility are not provided.

Connections of steel pipes shall be made only on welding, flange and coupling connections are allowed only in places of installation of shutoff valves and gas equipment.

The above-ground gasket gas pipeline is an electric welded steel pipe according to GOST 1070491 of steel Vst3sp2 according to GOST 380 Du65 - 20 m., And the water and gas pipe according to GOST 326275 - 30 m.

The designed above-ground gas pipeline and supports are isolated by GF 024 primer and PF115 enamel in two layers in conventional color as per GOST 1420269 .

2.1.1. Gas pipeline security area.

To ensure safety and prevent accidents and accidents, the following protection zones are installed for gas distribution networks:

- along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

- for above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from the trees to the pipeline must be not less than the height of the trees during the entire life of the gas pipeline.

Land plots located in the protection zones of gas distribution networks are not seized from their owners and can be used by them taking into account the restrictions established by the "Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks" and imposed on land plots in the established manner.

When performing work in the protection zone of the gas pipeline, be guided by the "Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks," approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.11.2000 No. 878.

2.2. Internal gas supply.

Consumers of natural gas in a residential building are:

- double-circuit wall heat generators designed to cover heat loads of heating systems (Q = 4.227 kW) and HVA (Q = 20 kW). We accept the boiler type Vaillant 24.

- four-block gas plates PG4 for food preparation.

The designed residential building houses 9 apartments. The consumption of natural gas for food preparation, heating and GVA (taking into account concurrency factors) is 15.09 m3/h.

The natural gas pressure at the inlet to the consumers is 2000 Pa.

The passage of gas pipelines through the building structures of the building is carried out in casings. Ball cranes are provided for disconnection of risers outside the building.

The consumption of gas is taken into account in the apartment, for which the G4 gas grade counter is provided in each apartment. To shut off the gas supply in the event of a fire, each apartment is provided with the installation of heat-intake valves KTZ. Also, to prevent gas contamination of the room with methane, a system for individual control of gas content of SIKZ is provided. When set limits of CH4 content are reached, natural gas supply to gas-consuming equipment is cut off by electromagnetic valve.

Before each gas device there is an installation of disconnecting valves - KSH D15 for the gas plate, and KSH D20 - for the heat generator.

The installed Vaillant 24 boilers have a built-in smoke pump for forced removal of flue gases.

The kitchen room has natural ventilation, as well as smoke ducts for supplying air for gas combustion in the boiler (fire resistance rating of air ducts is 0.5 m) and exhaust of combustion products. Smoke ducts have cleaning holes located in the basement of a residential building.

Internal gas pipelines shall be painted with oil paint twice.

2.2.1. Gas metering unit

To account for gas consumption, a counter of the type: RLG4 is installed.

The purpose of the meter is to take into account the working volume of gas (natural, propane butane, inert gases) in individual houses, at small enterprises, in public utilities.

Distinctive features:

• Modern design and compact design

• Low noise and low pressure loss

• High measurement accuracy and high sensitivity

• Insensitivity to contamination and high corrosion resistance

• High reliability

Main characteristics:

• Range of measured costs:

RL-G4 from 0.1 m3/h to 6 m3/h .

• Measurement error:

+/-3% in the range of Qmin to 0.1 Qmax;

+/-2% in the range of 0.1 Qmax to Qmax inclusive.

• Tuning temperature + 200C;

• Maximum operating pressure:

50 kPa.

• Operating temperature range:

working medium from minus 25 0С to plus 50 0С;

environment from minus 25 0С to plus 50 0С.

• Service life is not less than 20 years.

• test interval of 8 years.

The type of climatic version of the counter is UHL2 as per GOST 15150.

Natural gas consumption (at installed capacity) is 4.02 m3/h. Minimum gas consumption (operation of one gas plate burner) is 0.4 m3/h. With this in mind, the MAX/MIN ratio is 10.05. The required accuracy in measuring the flow rate of the gas consumed is ensured, since it is within the allowable measurement range of the meter.

The counter is designed for placement and operation in explosive areas of all classes according to PUE ("Rules for electrical installations"), in which mixtures of gases and vapors with air, classified as IIA and IIB groups T1T4 as per GOST 12.1.011, are possible.

The counter is non-mountable under operating conditions of the article. Repair is carried out in the conditions of the manufacturer, or by an organization authorized by the manufacturer.

The meter shall be installed in accordance with the factory operating manual

Installation, commissioning, maintenance and verification of the meter shall be carried out by organizations authorized to perform these works. The technical personnel servicing the meter must carefully study the documentation attached to the meter before starting work with the meter.

When working with the meter, general safety rules and safety rules in the gas industry must be observed.

All works on installation and removal of the meter must be performed in case there is no excess gas pressure in the pipeline .

2.3. Gas pipeline test.

External and internal gas pipelines completed by construction should be tested for air tightness.

Before the start of testing, the above-ground gas pipeline completed by construction is purged. Blowing is performed by compressed air coming from receiver or from high-performance compressor units. Blowing is carried out by high-speed air flow (1520 m/s). Blowdown is considered complete when a stream of uncontaminated air exits the blowdown nozzle.

Cleaning of internal gas pipelines cavity is performed by cleaning of each pipe before installation.

Steel gas pipeline test standards shall be adopted in accordance with SP 62.13330.2011.

For testing of external gas pipelines it is necessary to adopt pressure gauges of accuracy class 0.15; 0,4; 0,6. V-shaped liquid pressure gauges (water filled) shall be used for testing of internal gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.01 MPa.

2.4. Installation of gas supply system.

Installation, testing, commissioning shall be carried out by specialized installation organizations in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," SP 62.133302011 and current regulatory documents. Before the start of work, the project must be agreed with the PTO of the Ulyanovskgorgaz branch of Gazprom Gas Distribution Ulyanovsk LLC.

2.5. Hydraulic calculation of gas pipelines

Hydraulic calculation of gas pipelines is performed using the software system "Hydrosystem 2.76." The calculation of the external gas pipeline and the risers of the residential building was carried out taking into account the factors of simultaneous use of gas devices (Table 5 SP 421012003)

The results of calculations are given in the annexes.

3. Health and safety measures.

Labor protection during operation of gas networks and gas consuming facilities is carried out in accordance with the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

Activities for design, construction, expansion, reconstruction, modernization, preservation and elimination and also production, installation, adjustment, service and repair, applied in the systems of gas distribution and gas consumption of technical devices, are regulated also by the "General rules of industrial safety for the organizations which are carrying out activity in the field of industrial safety", approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 18.10.2002, No. 61A registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 28.11.2002, reg.No. 3968.

During construction it is necessary to follow SNiP 12032001, SNiP 12042002 "Labor Safety in Construction" and "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903. Welding, insulation and other construction and installation works during the construction of gas supply systems shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions on health and safety for those working in specialized construction and installation organizations.

During the operation of the gas farm, it is necessary to organize control over the serviceable state of gas networks and gas equipment, tools, devices, as well as the presence of safety devices and individual means that ensure safe working conditions. Prevent the operation of gas supply systems, as well as the performance of any kind of repair gas hazardous work, if the further performance of the work involves a danger to the life of the workers.

In accordance with SNiP II3576 *, a room with independent heat sources installed belongs to category "D."

During operation of heat sources the following hazards may occur:

- occurrence of fires in kitchen premises;

- increase of water temperature in heat source above permissible value;

- electric shock;

- obtaining thermal burns in contact with equipment or pipelines having a high temperature of the medium;

- gas content of the room with natural gas with its subsequent explosion;

The complex or single effect of all the listed factors does not lead to social risk.

The distance between the equipment is accepted in accordance with the current regulatory documents and recommendations of the equipment manufacturers. The equipment used has certificates of conformity and permission to use. Heat source automation and safety devices provide the set temperature and pressure in the pipelines. Automatic control of the gas-throttle device provides disconnection of gas supply at deviations from established regulations of heat source operation.

Gasket of gas pipelines is accepted as open. Vertical and horizontal distances between engineering communications are taken in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

In rooms with heat sources, natural plenum ventilation is provided without taking into account the air supplied for fuel combustion. Exhaust ventilation is natural.

Automation of the operation of the heat source and auxiliary equipment, as well as the engineering and technical measures provided by the project, ensure the safety of people when using the equipment.

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