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Car Diagnostic Site Project


This course design provides a drawing for diagnosing the undercarriage as well as an explanatory note

Project's Content

icon 1 титул.doc
icon АННОТАЦИ1.docx
icon Бланк зад. на кур.Вамк.docx
icon Пояснительная записка (1).docx
icon Участок диагностики ходовой части.cdw
icon Пояснительная записка (1).docx

Additional information




Project Feasibility Study

Process calculation

Calculation of annual scope of work

Calculation of the number of posts, storage vehicles, waiting vehicles

Calculation of the number of production workers

Calculation of STOA areas

Calculation of running gear diagnostics section

Space Area Calculation

Project Feasibility Study


List of sources used

Job for Course Project

Project Theme:

Design Car Diagnostic Area

city STOA

1. Source Data

The number of cars serviced by STOA is 1,500 units.

The average annual mileage of serviced cars is 17,000 km.

The station operates 365 days a year, 2 shifts each .

The shift duration is 5.7 hours.

Number of working days per year: 365 days;

Climatic conditions: temperate climate;

2. Scope of work

2.1. Contents of the explanatory note (list of issues to be elaborated)

1. Feasibility study.

2. Process calculation.

2.1. Graphic Material List (with required drawings)

1. 1Sheet Diagnostic Site Layout


In this final qualification work, in accordance with the task, the design of the maintenance station for passenger cars of the VAZ family was carried out with the development of the maintenance and repair area.

Technological and economic calculations were carried out according to the joint method.

Feasibility of implementation confirmed by techno-economic

our justification. Measures for the organization of labor protection have been developed.

The work consists of an introduction, sections, a list of sources used (30 items). The amount of work is... sheets (including 27 tables).


Currently, the country's vehicle fleet is being replenished with new vehicles using alternative fuels, the structure of rolling stock is being improved, the size of the diesel fleet is increasing, and the number of heavy-duty and passenger vehicles is growing.

However, the industry incurs high resource costs for maintaining vehicles in a technically sound condition that ensures an efficient transport process. Thus, the complication of the design of cars, as a rule, leads to an increase in the volume of maintenance and repair work, to an increase in the cost of ensuring operability.

The increase in the number of vehicles on the roads of the country leads to pollution of the environment by exhaust gases, and the decrease in the toxicity of exhaust gases is largely ensured by the serviceability of the power supply and ignition system and the level of maintenance technology, tools and methods for diagnosing these systems .

With the increase in speeds and traffic intensity, the requirements for the reliability of motor vehicles increase, since faulty cars are the source of road accidents.

The level of technical readiness of vehicles, the amount of one-time and current material costs for their maintenance is significantly influenced by the design methods of new road transport facilities, as well as the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.

Drawings content

icon Участок диагностики ходовой части.cdw

Участок диагностики ходовой части.cdw