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Calculation of the main parameters of the "Machine with rotary sealing mechanism" with the design of the turning mechanism

  • Added: 16.01.2023
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The purpose of the course project is to calculate the forming shaking machine with a turn. For an analogue in the design of the elements of the sieve, the forming shaking machine with the rotation of half-forms 265MZ was adopted. / Composition: 3 sheets drawings (Shaking Forming Machine (SAT), Movement
shaking (SB)) + PZ (44 pages).
Introduction    3
1 Literature review    5
1.1 Shaking forming    process 5
1.2 Classification of shaking molding mechanisms    7
1.2.1 Classification by type of    drive 7
1.2.2 Classification by the nature of the work process    8
1.2.3 Shock    absorption classification 10
1.2.4 Classification by type of air distribution    13
1.3 Nature of the sealing effect on the molding mixture    17
1.3.1 Kinetics of inertial forces at the impact of the shaking table    17
1.3.2 Sealing of the forming mixture by shaking    21
1.3.3 Compressive stress distribution along the height of the form    22
1.3.4 Sealing quality of the forming mixture when shaken    24
1.3.5 Empirical shaking equations    25
2 Description of the shaking molding machine    28
2.1 Characteristics of the shaking molding machine    28
2.2 Features of the process of compaction of the mixture in the manufacture of moulds    30
3 Calculation of the basic design parameters of the rotary mechanism of the shaking molding machine    33
3.1 Determination of weight parameters    33
3.2 Determination of the main design parameters of the shaking mechanism    34
3.3. Defining Basic Parameters    37
3.4. Foundation Calculation    38
Conclusion    42
References    43
Annexes and specifications    44
Shaking machines are used mainly for the manufacture of molds in high rims. Compaction of the mixture occurs due to shaking, which occurs when the table of the machine with the plate fixed on it and the rim on the bed of the machine hits it. The table of the machine under the action of compressed air entering the cylinder of the machine rises to a height of 30 ... 100 mm and then under the influence of gravity falls, hitting the bed. In this case, the mixture is compacted. The seal depends on the power of the impact and the number of impacts (usually 30... 50 per minute). On machines of this type, it is possible to produce sandy-clay forms weighing from 100 kg to 40 tons, the productivity of the machines is up to 15 large forms per hour.
On shaking machines, the compaction of the molding mixture in the opok occurs unevenly: the lower layers are denser, the upper ones are less. To eliminate this drawback, shaking machines are used with additional pressing of the upper layers of the mold. In this case, the density distribution of the mixture is more even.
Shaking molding machines are considered universal, as they are used to shake half-forms weighing from 100 kg to 40 tons.

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