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Calculation of parameters and operating modes of main working elements of SK-5 combine harvester


Coursework on agricultural machinery. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 1 ТГТУ. 110341.033.bak
icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 1 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw
icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 2 ТГТУ. 110341.033.bak
icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 2 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw
icon List_zadania_TGTU_703541_001_DE-ZD.doc
icon Конверт ТГТУ. 190601.010 ТЭ-К.doc
icon ТГТУ 110341.033 ИУЛ.doc
icon ТГТУ.110341.033 ТЭ-ПЗ.docm
icon ТГТУ.110341.033 ТЭ-ТЛ.docm
icon Титульный лист.doc

Additional information


1 Job Execution Procedure

1.1 Calculation of engine performance indicators

1.2 Calculation of cutting apparatus performance indicators

1.3 Calculation of threshing apparatus

1.4 Determination of straw main parameters

1.5 Determination of basic parameters will solve

1.6 Calculation of fan

1.7 Determination of balance of power of SC- combine


List of used literature


1. Calculated parameters of the engine, cutting apparatus, drum correspond to the parameters of the produced combines SK 5.

2. The calculated length of the straw truck is more than the length of the produced straw trucks in the combines SK 6 4.39 (2.56) m.

3. The calculated area will be smaller than in the produced combines 1.45 (2.73) m ^ 2.

4. In order to ghost the straw and sieve parameters, it is necessary to reduce the crank radius to r = 50 mm.

5. You can increase the area of ​ ​ lattices by increasing the supply.

Drawings content

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 1 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw

Электронный чертеж общего вида 1 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида 2 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw

Электронный чертеж общего вида 2 ТГТУ. 110341.033.cdw

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