Calculation of separator and cylindrical emergency
- Added: 10.06.2015
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Source Data
1 Separator calculation
1.1 Calculation of separator drum
1.2 Calculation of vertical shaft (spindle) of separator
2 Calculation and construction of vessels
2.1 Shell calculation
2.1.1 Calculation of shell supported by stiffening rings
2.2 Bottom Calculation
2.3 Calculation and design of flange connection
2.5 Calculation and design of apparatus supports
Source Data
Initial data for separator calculation:
Inner diameter of drum D = 0.20 m;
Half-solution angle of cover = 30 °;
Rotor mass excentricity e = 2 104 m;
Drum speed n = 8000 rpm;
Liquid density = 1000 kg/m3
Source data for receiver calculation:
Load type - internal pressure;
Internal (external) pressure P = 1.3 106Pa;
Inner diameter of cylindrical shell D = 1.3 m;
Length of cylindrical shell L = 2.5 m;
T wall temperature = 100o;
Bottom type - elleptic;
Weight of the apparatus G∙106 = 3.8 106N;
Permissible stress of foundation material [] f = 0.5 106Pa
Separators are designed to separate components of liquid mixtures (emulsions) according to their density .
Working element of separator is drum rotating at high angular speed. Inside the drum there is a package of thin conical plates that intensify the process of separation of working fluid.
Main part of drum is housing consisting of cylindrical shell and bottom.
The pressure of the liquid in the drum during operation reaches 2 MPa.
In the food and chemical industry, receivers consisting of cylindrical, spherical and other forms of shells are widely used to store liquid gaseous products.
Considering the most important factors affecting the design and strength calculation of the walls, the apparatus of food production can be divided as follows by purpose - for storage and processing, by structural material - steel, cast iron, copper, aluminum; according to the manufacturing method - welded, cast, riveted, soldered, etc.; in shape - cylindrical, spherical, conical, torospheric and combined; according to the load scheme - operating under the influence of internal or external pressure; wall temperature - non-heated, heated or cooled; under conditions of corrosive effect of the medium - operating under conditions of moderate or intense corrosion; by position in space - vertical, horizontal or inclined; according to the method of assembly - detachable or non-detachable; in wall thickness - thin-walled or thick-walled.
These devices are equipped with unified valves, connecting parts and instruments.
1 Fedorov E. A. "Fundamentals of calculation and design of machines and apparatus of food production, calculation of rotary and rotary machines" - Cem.: KemTIPP, 1999.- 44s., il.- (Method. guidance to the course project).
2 Petrov V.I. "Fundamentals of calculation and design of machines and apparatus of food production" - Cem.: KemTIPP, 2002.136s., il.- (Educational and methodological instructions for students of correspondence form).
3 Basis of calculation and design of machines and apparatus of food production: Textbook for bushings in the specialty "Machines and apparatus of food production." -M.: Mechanical engineering, 1983.- 447 p., il.
4 Anuryev V. I. Co-ordinator of the designer-machine-builders. 3 t. T.1.-5 ed., conversion. and additional. - M.: Engineering, 1978.559 p., il.
Ресивер верт элепт.cdw
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