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Calculation of electric bridge crane trolley with lifting capacity of 10 t.


Calculation of electric bridge crane trolley with lifting capacity of 10 t.

Drawings in COMPASS environment with specifications:

  1. Trolley;
  2. Lifting mechanism;
  3. Movement mechanism.

Explanatory note in the Microsoft Office Word 2016 environment, all formulas are manually entered through the equation editor (makes it possible to edit them, with the same version of the word).

Tyumen, TIU, IT, 2020

Project's Content

icon Тележка спец.spw
icon Тележка.cdw
icon Механизм передвижения спец.spw
icon Механизм передвижения.cdw
icon Механизм подъёма.cdw
icon Механизм подъёма спец.spw
icon ПЗ.docx

Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Calculation of lifting mechanism

2.1. Hook suspension selection

2.2. Definition of polyspast multiplicity

2.3. Rope Selection

2.4. Calculation of upper blocks

2.5. Drum calculation

2.6. Electric motor selection

2.7. Select Transmission

2.8. Selection of couplings

2.9 Brake selection

3. Calculation of movement mechanism

3.1. Select kinematic scheme

3.2. Determination of static load on wheels

3.3. Wheel selection

3.4. Determination of resistance to trolley movement

3.5. Electric motor selection

3.6. Select Transmission

3.7. Brake selection

3.8 Selection of couplings

4. Construction of bridge crane trolley

4.1. Determination of weights and coordinates of centers of gravity

4.2. Determination of load on running wheels

5. Check calculations of mechanisms

5.1. Check of engine starting reliability of lifting mechanism

5.2. Check of motor of trolley movement mechanism for acceleration time

5.3. Check of running wheels for contact stresses of rim and rail

5.4. Check of trolley for absence of slip during movement


List of literature used


Lifting and transportation machines with essential equipment

for mechanization of works in all branches of the national economy:

in industry, construction, transport, agricultural production. Used to move people on short routes

in vertical, horizontal, and inclined directions.

Modern in-line process and automated lines, inter-farm and intra-farm transport, loading and unloading operations at warehouses and transshipment points are organically associated with the use of various types of lifting vehicles and mechanisms that ensure the continuity and rhythmicity of production processes. Therefore, the use of this equipment largely determines the efficiency of modern production, and the level of mechanization of technical production determines the degree of perfection and productivity of the enterprise. With modern production intensity, it is impossible to ensure its steady rhythm without coordinated and trouble-free operation of means of transporting raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products at all stages of processing and storage. One of the types of lifting vehicles is bridge cranes.

A bridge crane is a lifting machine moving along rails at a distance from the ground (floor)

and providing movement of the load in three mutually perpendicular directions. Bridge cranes are one of the most common means of mechanization of various industries, loading and unloading and warehousing. Moving along the above-ground tracks, they do not occupy the useful area of ​ ​ the workshop or warehouse, providing

at the same time, servicing almost any of their points.

Bridge crane represents rigid metal frame consisting of two span beams and two end beams of box section. Service platforms are located along span beams. The crane moves along the workshop or working platform along crane tracks laid on crane beams or columns. Lifting and movement of loads in transverse direction is performed by movable trolley installed on crane bridge. Trolley consists of welded frame

with cargo lifting and movement mechanisms. Lifting mechanisms of different types of cranes are fundamentally the same and consist of

from electric motor, brake, reduction gear, drum and polyspast. Electric motor is connected with reduction gear by means of toothed couplings

and drive shafts.


In this work, an electric bridge crane trolley with a lifting capacity of 10 tons was calculated and designed.

As the design and design data showed, the selected nodes

and the trolley mechanisms of the electric bridge crane comply with the rules

and the norms of Rosgortekhnadzor and ensure the fulfillment of the main provisions of the technical assignment.

The design of the trolley is designed taking into account the specifics of the operation of the mechanism and the requirements for the strength, reliability and durability of these products.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the designed trolley of the electric bridge crane meets the necessary performance criteria and ensures that the requirements of the specification are met.

Drawings content

icon Тележка спец.spw

Тележка спец.spw

icon Тележка.cdw


icon Механизм передвижения спец.spw

Механизм передвижения спец.spw

icon Механизм передвижения.cdw

Механизм передвижения.cdw

icon Механизм подъёма.cdw

Механизм подъёма.cdw

icon Механизм подъёма спец.spw

Механизм подъёма спец.spw