Calculation and selection of elements of electrical equipment of electric drive of Gomelagroenergoservice machines - diploma
- Added: 01.07.2014
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Project's Content
Распечатка 1.doc
Распечатка 1.docx
2.6 НАГРУЗКИ1.xls
3.1 Организация монтажа электрооборудования системы электроснабжения.doc
3.3 Организация ремонта электрооборудования системы электроснабжения.doc
3.4 Организация ремонта электрооборудования системы электроснабжения.doc
Распечатка 3.doc
5.1 Организация работы по охране труда на предприятии и на рабочем месте.doc
5.2 Мероприятия по технике безопасности при монтаже электрооборудования участка.doc
5.3 Организационные и технические мероприятия при эксплуатации электрооборудования.doc
5.4 Противопожарная безопасность.doc
Распечатка 5.doc
6.1 Мероприятия по охране окружающей среды.doc
6.2 Мероприятия по рациональному использованию электрической энергии.doc
Распечатка 6.doc
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4.6 Технико-экономические показатели проекта.doc
q4.1.Годовой расчёт трудоёмкости.doc
q4.2Численности персонала энергохозяйства цеха.doc
q4.3 Расчет годового фонда оплаты труда персонала энергохозя.doc
q4.3 Таблица.doc
q4.4 Расчет платы энергосистеме за потребляемую электроэнерг.doc
q4.5 Составление сметы затрат на электрооборудование, материа.doc
Исходные данные.doc
2.11 недок.docx
Карпов_выбор проводов и кабелей.djvu
Выбор аппаратуры, защит и кабелей в сетях 04 кв.djvu
В помощь студентам-электрикам.URL
Additional information
Source Data
1. General part
1.1 Justification of thesis project topic
1.2 Short Production Technology
1.3 Characteristics of electric power consumers and determination of power supply reliability category
1.4 Technical justification of power supply circuit variant selection
2. Design part
2.1 Calculation of electrical loads of the workshop (section)
2.2 Diagram of the supply network of the workshop (section)
2.3 Calculation of reactive power compensating device power
2.4 Selection of type and power of KTP transformers. (Selection of BRU type)
2.5 Calculation of parameters and selection of protection devices of distribution network
2.6 Calculation of distribution network, selection of wires (cables)
2.7 Calculation of power supply network and selection of electrical equipment of FFP (RTL)
2.8 Calculation of strands section and selection of FFP supply cable
2.9 Calculation of grounding device
2.10 Lightning protection of the shop building (structures)
2.11 Purpose and technical characteristics of the machine (mechanism)
2.12 Detailed description of operation of machine control circuit (mechanism)
2.13 Power calculation and selection of drive motor
2.14 Selection of electrical control and protection devices
2.15 Technical justification of changes to the diagram
3. Process Part
3.1 Arrangement of electrical equipment installation of power supply system
3.2 Organization of operation of electrical equipment of the workshop (section)
3.3 Organization of electrical equipment repair of power supply system
4. Economic part
4.1 Electrical Maintenance and Maintenance System and Scheduling
4.2 Determination of the number of employees of the electrical service
4.3 Calculation of the salary fund of employees of the electrical service
4.4 Calculation of power system fee for consumed electricity
4.5 Preparation of cost estimates for electrical equipment, materials and installation
4.6 Technical and economic indicators of the project
5. Occupational safety and electrical safety
5.1 Organization of work on labor protection at the enterprise and at the workplace
5.2 Safety measures during installation of electrical equipment of the workshop (section)
5.3 Organizational and technical measures during operation of electrical equipment
5.4 Fire Safety
6. Environmental protection and energy conservation
6.1 Environmental protection measures
6.2 Measures for rational use of electric energy
Energy of our country provides electricity supply to the national economy and household needs of various consumers of electric energy. The main consumers are industrial enterprises, agriculture, municipal needs. But most of all electricity is spent on the technological processes of enterprises. With the help of electric energy, millions of machines and mechanisms are driven, rooms are illuminated, process processes are automatically controlled, etc.
Techno-economic aspects are important in the design of power supply. Energy resources should be saved by switching to energy-saving production technologies, improving energy equipment, reconstructing obsolete equipment, reducing all types of energy losses and increasing the level of use of secondary energy resources. Overstatement of expected loads leads to an increase in construction costs, an overrun of conductor material and an unjustified increase in the power of transformers and other equipment. Underestimation can lead to a decrease in the capacity of the electric network, to excess power losses, overheating of wires, cables and transformers, and, therefore, to a reduction in their service life.
Also, one of the urgent tasks of the power supply is to ensure its reliability, since a sudden, sometimes even very short-term termination of the power supply can lead to large losses in production. But improving reliability is associated with an increase in the cost of the power supply system, therefore, it should be considered an important task to determine the optimal reliability indicators, to choose the most reliable power supply structure.
Another important task is to ensure the required quality of electricity. Poor quality of electricity leads, among other undesirable phenomena, to an increase in power losses both in electric receivers and in the network. Measuring the quality of electricity has become important. The quality of electricity is determined by the set of its characteristics, at which the receivers can operate normally and perform the functions laid down in them. The quality of electricity greatly affects the process of industrial production and the quality of products produced, the consumption of electricity and depends on the supply power plant and on consumers who reduce the quality of electricity.
Power losses in transformers, motors, wiring and other equipment are inevitable, which is related to the principle of operation of these electrical installations. However, through energy-saving measures, losses should be minimized.
1.1 Justification of thesis project topic
Gomelagroenergoservice is an enterprise that is engaged in the installation of electrical equipment, the installation of electrical wiring in residential and general buildings. The company is also engaged in the installation and installation of plumbing equipment, and on the balance sheet of the enterprise there is a workshop for the repair of agricultural equipment, temporarily transferred to Rechitsaagrotehservice.
Gomelagroenergoservice has its own electrical laboratory, which makes physical measurements in the area of accreditation (insulation resistance measurement, circuit check, pheasant check, lightning rod resistance and lightning protection measurement).
Gomelagroenergoservice performed a number of works in the rural area, including prefabricated residential buildings, livestock farms, agro-industrial complexes, dairy and commodity farms.
At the moment, the enterprise has a significant amount of mentally and physically obsolete equipment that requires replacement. However, the company does not have sufficient funds to completely replace all obsolete electrical equipment.
One of the solutions to this problem is a partial or complete change of the power supply system, taking into account the minimum costs, since a well-designed power supply system will allow the enterprise to work in greater force with lower costs.
The disclosure of the project topic will require the full range of knowledge gained during the training.
1.2.Performance of the enterprise process
The designed repair shop includes the following rooms:
- tractor diagnostics and maintenance area;
- agricultural machinery maintenance area;
- forge-welding section;
- mechanical section;
- mechanical section;
- blacksmith press section;
- parking for tractors
In the sector of maintenance and repair of tractors, combines and other agricultural machines, inter-exchange storage and maintenance of the operating one is carried out; ongoing repair of tractors, combines and other complex equipment, repair of energy equipment and equipment of livestock farms of the entire farm; repair of simple agricultural machines operated at the central estate. For inter-office storage, the sector includes parking lots and sites for parking units with tracked wheel tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment. For the period of possible short-term (up to 10 days) replacement on the traction unit of one trailed (mounted) agricultural machine with another, a temporary parking area for agricultural machines is provided. Parking rooms and site sizes are designed for simultaneous installation of machines and units in the most strenuous period of field work. In addition, platforms for tractors and other agricultural machines awaiting repair and out of repair are provided for equipment coming from other compartments or from the engine yard.
Maintenance and repair is carried out in the central repair shop (CMM), repair of power equipment in a specialized point.
Residential premises for CMM personnel and the point are located in these buildings.
In the sector of storage, maintenance, repair and operation of road transport, inter-exchange storage, maintenance and maintenance of cars and their trailers are carried out.
The following works are performed in the engine yard:
- short-term and long-term storage of equipment and units and parts removed from it, requiring warehouse storage;
- machines are maintained during storage, during storage and during removal from storage;
- picking of machines into units and their adjustment (setting);
- acceptance, assembly, testing, running-in and preliminary adjustment of new machines entering the farm;
- disassembly of decommissioned tractors, combines and other complex agricultural machines.
Short-term and long-term storage is provided in open areas and closed parking lots. Self-propelled corn harvesters, fodder harvesters, root harvesters and partially grain harvesters, as well as fertilizer and pesticide application machines are stored in closed parking lots.
Storage of units and assemblies removed from machines requiring warehouse storage is carried out in the warehouse of the machine yard.
Cleaning and washing works are carried out in the cleaning and washing sector. Drying of machines after washing with compressed air, removal of parts, units and assemblies from the machines that require closed or warehouse storage (except for the machines that affect self-propulsion, which are removed after the self-propelled machine arrives at the storage site), restoration of damaged paint coatings, preservation of machines and other maintenance work in preparation for storage of machines and units removed from them are carried out at the preservation station of the machine yard. Installation of machines on supports, maintenance during storage and during removal from storage are carried out at the places of storage of machines. Battery maintenance during storage is performed in the warehouse of the machine yard.
Picking of machines into units and their adjustment, as well as acceptance, assembly, testing and preliminary adjustment of new machines, disassembly of decommissioned machines are carried out on the site for loading and unloading of equipment equipped with a rack, canopy and crane with lifting capacity of 3.2t. Disassembling decommissioned machines in the absence of precipitation and the need for lifting mechanisms can be carried out at sites for storing these machines. At the same time, parts removed from decommissioned cars that are suitable for repairing other cars, as well as those to be restored, are handed over to the warehouse. Parts of the machines, unsuitable for further use, accumulate on the waste site.
For the service of the engine yard, household premises are provided in the warehouse.
1.3. Characteristics of electric power consumers and definition of power supply category
A power supply system is a set of electrical installations designed to provide consumers with electric energy. In turn, electrical installations mean a set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (in place with the structures and premises in which they are installed) designed for the production, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution of electric energy and its conversion into other types of energy.
Power supply systems of industrial enterprises are created to provide power supply to industrial electric receivers, which include electric motors of various machines and mechanisms, electric furnaces, electrolysis, electric welding and lighting plants, etc.
Select System and Lighting Types
The task of lighting the room and the workplaces located in it can be solved by means of a device or general lighting, or combined lighting, i.e. a combination of general and local lighting.
General lighting is called lighting, the lamps of which illuminate the entire area of the room, both occupied by equipment and workplaces, and auxiliary, local - lighting designed only for a certain workplace and not creating the necessary lighting even in the areas adjacent to it.
The installation of local lighting alone is prohibited by regulations because it is almost always necessary to illuminate not only the immediate work area, but also the areas adjacent to it.
Lighting that works normally in spaces or in open spaces is called working. In many cases, an emergency shutdown of this lighting for one reason or another can cause undesirable, if not unacceptable, consequences, and there is a need, in addition to working lighting, to also have emergency (to continue work) or evacuation.
Emergency lighting can be used to temporarily continue work or to evacuate people during an emergency shutdown of working lighting. Emergency lighting for safe evacuation is provided in the premises, with more than 50 people working in places dangerous for passage.
In connection with the above, for all production rooms of the designed workshop we accept the device of general uniform working lighting.
2.2 Drawing up of power supply diagram and selection of lighting panels
2.2.1 Selection of power supplies.
It is important to select a power supply to ensure the required lighting quality. In most industrial enterprises, power supply to lighting plants is carried out from transformers common to power and lighting loads with a secondary voltage of 023/0.4kV. It is not recommended to connect the electric lighting network to transformers, to which electric receivers are connected, which can degrade the voltage quality indicators. In justified cases, lighting plants can receive electricity from individual TPs.
In our case, due to the insignificant power load of the designed workshop, we intend to supply power and lighting electric receivers from the BRU, powered in turn by the nearest TP along the 0.4kV cable line.
2.2.2 Determination of locations of lighting boards and lighting network route.
The lighting network consists of supply and group lines. The supply lines are the mains from the power supply (transformer substation or building entry) to the group boards. Group lines are sections of the network from group boards to lamps.
The supply lighting network is in most cases two-stage. The first stage includes the lines connecting the AAGB with the lighting boards, and the second stage includes the lines from the AAGB to the lighting boxes. The use of SW is explained by the limited number of circuit breakers in the switchboards of the switchgear and their large nominal currents. We accept a two-stage supply network for general uniform lighting for installation, and we connect the group lines of the main production room to the SW in view of their high power, using three-phase circuit breakers with the distribution of lamps evenly over the phases in the order of AVSSVA....
2.2.3 Selection of type of lighting boards, grade of wires and cables and method of their laying.
We accept to installation guards the SO 3121 lighting group series,
for SW - distribution point of the PR 85 - In1 series of the production and implementation company Innosat.
To power the SW, we use AVVG cables laid along elements of building structures open on trays.
To supply lighting fixtures in the production rooms, we use AVVG cables laid in cable channels, to supply lighting fixtures in the rooms we use AVVG cables laid along the wall in cable channels.
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