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Bucket Conveyor Design

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Design of 1K62 machine speed box (with overhaul. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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icon Записка Сазонов.docx
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Additional information



2. Kinematic calculation of the main motion drive

2.1 Determine the geometric series index

2.2 We compose structural formulas

2.3 Structural Grid Analysis

2.4 Construction of structural schedules

2.5 Plotting Rotation Numbers

2.6 Development of kinematic diagram

2.7 Calculation of gear numbers of drive gears

2.7.1 Calculation of the first quad unit:

3. Dynamic calculation of the main motion drive

3.1 Calculation of torques

3.2 Calculation of V-belt transmission

3.3 Gearbox Module Calculation

4. Determination of main wheel diameters

5. Preliminary Shaft Calculation

6. Calculation of splined joints

7. Refined Shaft Calculation

8. Calculation of shaft bearing supports

9. Shaft Strength and Endurance Calculation

10. Design of spindle assemblies on rolling bearings


List of sources used


Modern mechanical engineering is impossible to imagine without metal cutting machines. Machines are the basis of all mechanical engineering, they perform most of all possible operations. The range of machines currently in existence is huge, machines are used from the simplest drilling machines that can process the workpiece in only one direction to the most modern processing centers that can process the workpiece in any direction and any position.

One of the most common and relatively inexpensive machines of our time is the milling group. The machine described in this work is representative of horizontal milling machines, which is universal. This machine allows to process external simple and shaped surfaces, cut straight and screw grooves.

The purpose of this course project is to acquire and consolidate the acquired knowledge in the design work. All this is carried out on the basis of the design of the drive of the main movement of the machine. As a result, you need to get a correctly designed set of design documentation containing drawings of the developed drive, specifications, calculation of parameters necessary for the development of the drive.


In operation, the drive of the main movement of the vertical-milling machine 1A616 was designed with 16 rotation speeds. The number of teeth and modules of group gears was calculated, and the parameters of V-belt gear were also calculated. A spindle assembly, a pinion chain was also designed and the design of the gearshift mechanism was chosen. All parameters were calculated and tested on the computer using the "Desing" program. Thus, it can be said that since all the obtained parameters satisfy the specified conditions, it can be proposed to use this drive of the main movement in practice.

Drawings content

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