Branch of OAOGgroup Ilim in Bratsk. Replacement of crane structures in axes E-I. 52-91

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Additional information
I. General part ___________________________________________ sheet
II. Preparatory work _______________________________ sheet
III. Production _____________________________________ Sheet
Construction plan _________________________________________ sheet
Process diagrams __________________________________ sheet
IV. Work Schedule ___________________ Sheet
V. Schedule of arrival of building structures, products and
materials ____________________________________________ sheet
VI. Schedule of work personnel requirements ____________________ sheet
VII Construction Machine Demand Schedule ______________ Sheet
VIII. List of Equipment, Mechanisms and Cargo Grippers
accessories ________________________________________ sheet
Sling diagrams ____________________________________ sheet
IX. Table of Masses and Dimensions of Units ______________ Sheet
X. Bolted mounting connections without controlled
tension according to (SNiP 3.03.01-87) ____________________ sheet
XI. Requirements for acceptance inspection of crane cranes
beams as per (SNiP 3.03.01-87) _________________________ sheet
XII Lifting Winch Requirements ________ Sheet
XIII. Occupational Safety Measures ___________________________ Sheet
XIV Fire Safety ________________________________ Sheet
XV. Normative and technical literature __________________ sheet
General part
1.1. This PPM provides for replacement of crane beams in axes
"E-I," 5291 according to the project 1610BRT2412,241303 KM 1, developed by CJSC "KhGI PS."
1.2. All works shall be performed in accordance with the instructions of SNiP Z.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures," SP 53101991 "Manufacturing and quality control of steel building structures," SniP 12032001 "Labor safety in construction" - Part 1. "General requirements," SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction." Part 2. "Construction production."
1.3. Material of crane beams-steel of C345 grades, brake structures - steel of C255 grades.
1.4. Factory connections - welded, mounting - on high-strength bolts, strength bolts B and mounting welding.
1.5. Welds shall be accepted as per Table 38 * SniP 112381 * "Steel structures. Design Standards. " Electrodes for welding of under-crane beams and structures welded to them from steel of S255type E50A as per GOST 946775 *.
1.6. Bolts of accuracy class B as per GOST 779870, strength class 6.6 as per GOST 1759.487.Bolts must be marked and marked. It is mandatory to install two nuts or a spring washer on bolts. Lowest force for attachment of elements Q = 3.0 tf.
1.7. For the period of work all steel structures shall be fixed against stability loss. During installation, the main structures shall be fixed only after careful reconciliation and straightening.
1.8. After installation of the structures, restore the damaged anticorrosion coating.
1.9. Crane beams are welded, I-beam section. The weight of one beam is 4.0 t. The beams are installed on existing railway columns, on embedded and anchor bolts mounted at the elevation of 20.500. Brake structures are attached to the embedded structures existing on the columns at the level of their top.
II. Preparatory work
2.1 Customer:
2.1.1. Assign a person responsible for control of installation works.
2.1.2. Provide the necessary materials according to the contract.
2.1.3. Select power supply points.
2.1.4. To ensure the possibility of passing vehicles.
2.1.5. De-energize, disconnect, transfer or remove communications entering the repair area (electrical cables, wires, electrical buses, crane trolleys, gas and air ducts, etc.).
2.2 Prommontazh LLC:
2.2.1. By order of responsible persons, for safety, HSE issues in the customer's territory.
2.2.2. Provide workers with personal protective equipment.
2.2.3. Bring to the facility the necessary tools, electrical welding and gas cutting equipment, load grabbing devices, electric winches, manual lever winches, branch units, mounted mounting cradles, inventory scaffolding, inventory stairs.
2.2.4. Tighten safety rope for attachment of carbines of safety belts during operation at altitude.
2.2.5. To mount and detach el. winches to hang the block for replacement of subcrane beams in axes of "EI", 5291 it agrees ( No. PM110701 fig.).
2.2.6. Protect the work area. Display warning signs.
The process diagram was developed to replace the crane beams of the bleaching treatment shop CP2 in axes 5291 in rows E, I.
Perform operations by lifting method with the help of winches and branch units.
Before commencing work, the following must be done:
• Make room for laying of crane beams;
• install crane beams into the installation area - with bridge crane, crane BK1000B;
• move the bridge crane outside the danger zone, disconnect trolleys within the danger zone, install temporary dead ends on its border;
• release the crane beams from communications and disconnect them.
• Install inventory metal ladders for lowering to beams from the balcony platform;
• At a height of 1.2 m from the upper belt of the beam, tighten the safety cable (diameter 10mm) by binding it along the columns. Tensioning shall be performed by means of turnbuckles.
Replace crane beams in the following sequence:
• install hoisting winches;
• attach mounting blocks on the lower belts of the trusses, pro-starting the ropes around the rafter trusses units (perform the work from the bridge crane platform in advance);
• disconnect the rail butt assemblies and remove them;
• perform slinging of the removed beam and tighten the winch slings;
• disconnect the crane beams from each other and disconnect them from the columns;
• lift the beam with winches by 100mm to check the reliability of the sling, and lower it to the storage place;
• perform reinforcement of the column head, with the installation of the support table, check and pour concrete of M200 grade;
• attach the beam to the anchors after alignment of the beam.
• install the newly mounted beam, tighten the winch slings and check the reliability of the sling;
• lift and lay the beam on the columns, pulling it up with hand winches;
• remove and attach the beam in the design position (perform operations with the help of adjusted dynamometer keys, specially trained personnel). The tension force is indicated in the design;
• upset the beam.
During works removal of beams shall be ahead of installation by span.
Replacement of beams is carried out from inventory metal scaffolding. Sling of under-crane beams is carried out using two two-branch slings.
Cut the units of removed beams by injection cutters. Dismantled crane beams are removed by BK1000B tower crane.
Replacement of crane beams shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the drawings of cipher 1610BRT2412,241303KM1, complying with the requirements of the "Guidelines for the organization of construction production in the conditions of reconstruction of industrial enterprises, buildings of structures," SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures," SNiP iP 1203002001, "
X. Mounting connections on bolts without controlled tension (as per SNiP 3.03.0187)
1. When assembling joints, the holes in the structure parts must be aligned and the parts fixed against displacement by assembly plugs (at least two), and the packages are tightly bolted. In connections with two holes assembly plug is installed in one of them.
2. In the assembled package, the bolts of the specified diameter in the design must pass through 100% of the holes. It is allowed to clean 20% of the holes with a drill, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the hole specified in the drawings. At the same time, blackness (mismatch of holes in adjacent parts of the assembled package) up to 1 mm - in 50% of holes, up to 1.5 mm - in 10% of holes is allowed in connections with the operation of bolts on the cut and connected elements for crushing. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, with the permission of the design organization, the holes should be drilled into the nearest larger diameter with the installation of a bolt of the corresponding diameter. In connections with the operation of the bolts for tension, as well as in connections where the bolts are installed structurally, the blackness should not exceed the difference in diameters of the hole and the bolt.
3. It is prohibited to use bolts and nuts that do not have the manufacturer's mark and marking indicating the strength class.
4. No more than two round washers (GOST 11371 - 78) shall be installed under the nuts of the bolts. Installation of the same washer under the bolt head is allowed. If necessary, install oblique washers (GOST 10906 - 78). The thread of the bolts shall not enter the interior of the hole more than half the thickness of the extreme element of the package on the nut side.
5. Solutions to prevent self-screwing of nuts - installation of spring washer (GOST 6402-70) or lock nuts - must be specified in working drawings. The use of spring washers is not allowed at oval holes, at the difference in diameters of the hole and bolt more than 3 mm, as well as at joint installation with a round washer (GOST 11371-78). Do not lock nuts by locking bolt threads or welding them to bolt rod.
6. Nuts and lock nuts must be tightened until they fail from the middle of connection to its edges.
7. The heads and nuts of bolts, including foundation ones, must contact the planes of washers or element-elements of structures tightly (without clearances) after brakes, and the bolt rod must protrude from the nut by at least 3 mm.
8. The tightness of the assembled bag shall be checked by a 0.3 mm thick probe which, within the area limited by the washer, shall not extend between the assembled parts to a depth greater than 20 mm.
9. The quality of tightening of the permanent bolts should be checked by quenching them with a hammer weighing 0.4 kg, while the bolts should not be displaced.
XII. Requirements for handling hoisting winches
For safe performance of works by lifting mechanisms it is necessary to appoint the responsible person for safe performance of works by lifting mechanisms by the order of the enterprise.
According to PB 1038200. Lifting mechanisms shall be installed in such a way that, when lifting the cargo, it is not necessary to push it first at the inclined position of the cargo ropes and it is possible to move the cargo raised at least 500 mm higher than the equipment, stacks of goods, boards of rolling stock, etc.
• Persons not directly related to the work performed shall not be allowed at the place of cargo movement;
• winches may be allowed to move loads whose weight does not exceed the passport carrying capacity. During operation, the winch must not violate the requirements set out in its certificate and operating manual.
• If it is necessary to inspect, repair, adjust the mechanisms, electrical equipment of the winch, inspect and repair the steel structures, the chopper of the inlet device shall be disconnected;
• Cargo shall not be moved when people are under it. The rafter may be located near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is raised to a height of not more than 1 m from the level of the platform;
• cargo slinging shall be performed in accordance with slinging diagrams. Slings corresponding to the weight and nature of the load to be lifted shall be used to sling the load intended for lifting, taking into account the number of branches and their inclination angle;
• general-purpose slings shall be selected so that the angle between their branches does not exceed 90 °;
• When selecting removable load-gripping devices (SGZP), be guided by GOST 2557382 *, and have a passport for SGPZ.
• Slings shall have a firmly attached tag indicating the number, carrying capacity and date of the test. In addition to special process data, the container shall have its purpose, number, own weight and carrying capacity. Safe operation of containers is performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.01082. Container capacity must exclude the possibility of crane reloading.
• Access to the work area shall be closed for unauthorized persons not directly related to disassembly and dismantling of structures.
• Prohibition signs defining approaches to workplaces are installed in the work area.
• It is not allowed to perform work on disassembly of structures simultaneously in several tiers along one vertical line.
• Lifting and movement of cargo by several winches is allowed in individual cases. Such work shall be carried out in accordance with the design or the Job Instruction, which shall contain slinging and cargo transfer diagrams indicating the sequence of operations, the position of the cargo ropes, and shall contain instructions on the safe movement of the cargo.
• When lifting and moving the load by several winches, the load on each winch shall not exceed the lifting capacity of the winch. Work on the movement of cargo by several winches should be carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe operation of winches.
• For slinging of structures, the person responsible for the safe operation of the crane checks the condition of each structure and the possibility of its slinging in accordance with the scheme adopted in the PPRK and gives a solution to its slinging.
• To verify that the winch structure to be moved does not have links, pinches and fasteners with other structures, it is necessary to move it slightly from place with the help of mounting breakers and lift it on each side or angle by several centimeters. This operation is performed in the built-up state of the load at low tension of the ropes of the load-gripping device.
• When moving, the structure at the beginning rises to a height of 200-300 mm to determine the reliability of the crane brakes and the correctness of the structure slinging, after which further movement is carried out.
• If necessary, the structure to be moved can be held back from rotation and accidental turning; The structure shall be supported by means of braces, as a rule, by short distances and height (up to the distance from the remaining existing structures by at least 1 m).
• It is permitted to lower the goods to be moved only to a place intended for this purpose, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the goods to be installed is excluded. Linings of appropriate strength must be pre-laid at the place of installation of the load so that the slings can be easily and without damage removed from under the load. It is not allowed to install the cargo in places not intended for this. The cargo should be laid and disassembled evenly, without disturbing the dimensions installed for storing the cargo and without cluttering the passages.
• When lifting cargo installed near a wall, column, stack or other equipment, it shall not be allowed to find people (including a rafter) between the lifting load and the specified parts of the building or equipment; this requirement must also be met when the load is lowered and moved.

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