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Heating and ventilation of the shopping center in Bratsk

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Work on "Heating and ventilation of a shopping center in the city of Bratsk." The construction object is a one-story building in the area of ​ ​ trading halls and a two-story building in the area of ​ ​ the administrative complex.

Project's Content

icon 1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon 10. Противопожарные мероприятия.doc
icon 11. Автоматизация.doc
icon 12. БЖД.doc
icon 13. Технология организации СМТ!.doc
icon 14. Управление строительством.doc
icon 15. Экономика строительства.doc
icon 2. Расчетные условия.doc
icon 3. Теплотехнический расчет ограждений.doc
icon 4. Тепловой баланс для проектирования отопления.doc
icon 5. Местная вентиляция.doc
icon 6. Баланс вредных выделений.doc
icon 7. Выбор и обоснование.doc
icon 7.1 Энергетический паспорт.doc
icon 7.2 Эффективность использ. эпергии.doc
icon 8. Проектирование и расчет системы отопления.doc
icon 9. Расчет систем вентиляции.doc
icon 9.2 Расчет вр. устройств.doc
icon 9.3 Аэродинамический расчет.doc
icon 9.4 Подбор вент оборудования.doc
icon acad.err
icon PURMO_подбор радиаторов.xls
icon Аннотация.docx
icon Аэродинамич расч.xls
icon Гидравлический расчет.xls
icon Заключение.docx
icon Объектная смета.doc
icon Планы_схемы ОВ.bak
icon Планы_схемы ОВ.dwg
icon Смета_вентиляция.doc
icon Смета_общестрой.doc
icon Смета_отопление.doc
icon содержание.docx
icon ССР.xls
icon 15. Экономика строительства.doc
icon Объектная смета.doc
icon Смета_вентиляция.doc
icon Смета_общестрой.doc
icon Смета_отопление.doc
icon ССР.xls
icon экономика.bak
icon экономика.dwg

Additional information


In this final qualification work, the heating and ventilation system of the shopping center in Bratsk was calculated.

The project provides thermal calculation of external enclosures, calculation of heat losses of premises, hydraulic calculation of the heating system, thermal calculation of heating devices, aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems, equipment selection, developed issues of technology and organization of installation work, compiled local estimates for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The final qualification work also addresses the issues of noise control arising in ventilation plants.

All sections of the project are executed in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.


Brief description of the object to be designed.

The final qualification work on the topic "Heating and ventilation of a shopping center in the city of Bratsk" was developed on the basis of a task issued by the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation, current building codes and rules and all-Russian technical design standards.

Construction characteristic

The construction object is a one-story building in the area of ​ ​ trading halls and a two-story building in the area of ​ ​ the administrative complex. The building does not have a basement, the floor of the first floor is on the ground with insulation of a strip 0.8 meters wide along the perimeter of the building. The size of the building in axes is 170 m - 92 m. The total height, measured from the level of the clean floor of the first floor to the top of the cover is 9.250 m. The walls of the building are made of silicate brick. External walls - multilayer with insulation from polystyrene foam 90 mm thick. Internal 380 mm thick. Transverse and longitudinal partitions based on the conditions of unification and sound insulation standards are made of small-piece gypsum boards 120 mm thick. Slabs made of reinforced concrete round-empty slabs 280 mm thick. Foundations - prefabricated ribbon for walls. The water drain is internal. Exterior decoration of the building with decorative terrasite plaster. Internal - plaster. Floors - ceramic tiles. Windows - single-chamber glazing in separate bindings (with a hard selective coating). Power supply from external networks.

The source of heat supply is the existing urban heating networks. Heating and ventilation systems are connected to the heat supply source at the heating station located inside the building.

Construction is carried out in the city of Bratsk. The characteristic of the built-up area is a flat area, the level of groundwater passes below the level of the base of the foundation.

Characteristics of the process and emerging hazards

In the trading rooms and premises of the ABC, the main hazards are: excess heat, moisture and the release of carbon dioxide. The following technological equipment is installed in the diner hall: fryer, contact grill, roster. Main hazards: excess heat and moisture. Chargers for loader batteries and breakage machines are installed in the charging room. Main hazards: excess heat, sulfuric acid vapors, hydrogen.

Selection and justification of building heating and ventilation systems

Selection of ventilation and heating systems of the building is carried out in accordance with the general recommendations and requirements set out in SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning," as well as chapters of SNiP 31062009 "Public buildings and structures."

The selected system diagrams shall have a minimum installation cost and shall have maximum energy efficiency. Since these qualities of systems are mutually exclusive, at the stage of selection of diagrams and versions of systems, it is necessary to find the optimal version of the system.

Supply ventilation with natural and mechanical motive is designed in all rooms of the shopping center building. In the dining room, diner and conference room of the ABK air balance is determined from the conditions of assimilation of heat. In rooms and service rooms, air exchange is designed for the minimum outside air flow per person. In all rooms, air exchange is determined by normalized ratios and by calculation. External air intake of plenum systems is performed through louver grilles. The plenum air is cleaned in filters before being supplied to the rooms, and in winter, in addition, it is heated in calorifers.

Vertical air ducts of ventilation systems P3, P4 are made of thin-sheet steel, connected by a tight weld with insulation with phosphate fire-retardant composition according to GOST 2566583. The remaining air ducts are made of sheet steel according to GOST 1491480 cl. "N."

Ventilation equipment in the shopping center is used: in PV1PV4 systems, plenum-exhaust ventilation plants GEA ATPlus with plate recuperators ECOPLAT installed in the vent. camera. The remaining systems are equipped with Systemair roof fans.

All ventilation units are equipped with automatic control systems.

Exhaust systems provide air removal from local suction, the flow rates of which are determined according to technological data, and general exchange exhaust.

Above the automatic doors of the entrance to the trading room, air-heat curtains are designed.

The heating system in the trading rooms is adopted by air, combined with ventilation on the basis of plenum plants PV1PV4. For uninterrupted operation of air heating systems, redundancy is provided: at least two heaters and fan groups for each trading room. Standby heating units in the trading rooms between axes 1-8 and 3036 are started manually during emergency shutdown of the main PV3 or PV4 systems.

An air heating system based on air heating units GEJZER II was adopted for the warehouse. Heating registers are installed in technical rooms.

In ABK rooms, the heating system is a water double-tube horizontal dead end with lower supply to heating units. As heating devices, Henrad Premium steel radiators with an integrated air outlet device and a valve insert for installing a temperature control valve that allows controlling the heat transfer of each heating device are adopted. Heat carrier - hot water with parameters 70-50 C. The source of heat supply is urban heat networks.

The advantages of a double-tube system are: independent thermal modes of heating devices with approximately the same coolant temperature in the devices, the possibility of integrated automatic regulation and use to control the heat transfer of heating devices of valves with a thermostatic element.

Comprehensive automatic regulation includes the following basic principles:

• Regulation in individual heat stations (ITP), ensuring in accordance with the heating schedule the change in the temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system depending on the temperature of the outside air;

• Individual automatic control on each heating device with a thermostat, ensuring maintenance of the room temperature set by the occupant.

The adequate design of the heating system, which complies to the maximum extent with the principles and capabilities of integrated regulation, is a two-pipe heating system - vertical, or as in this case horizontal.

As an implementation of complex automatic regulation in the building, in particular, the rejection of the use of elevator mixing units and the transition to pump heating systems are provided.

In controlled heating systems, when the resistance of heating devices increases (installation of a thermostat), a double-tube heating system turns out to be highly efficient and has increased heat-hydraulic stability (qualitative, not quantitative, control is also used to increase hydraulic stability in the system). These statements correspond to the research results of many domestic specialists and foreign experience, where there are practically no single-tube heating systems.

In modern conditions, the requirements for energy efficiency of the system, the need to independently regulate each heating device, the potential reduction in the surface area of ​ ​ heating devices due to an increase in the temperature difference on them,

simplification of system design due to exclusion of partial removal of heat carrier past heating device, possibility of smooth, rather than relay, regulation increases interest in double-tube heating systems.

The use of thermostats in a two-tube system allows a smooth process of controlling the temperature of the room, which makes it possible to save 1215% of the thermal energy compared to a single-tube system.

The application of the associated coolant movement scheme is due to a more favorable hydraulic mode of the network. The choice of a less metal-intensive circuit with dead end movement of the coolant is unacceptable due to the long length of the circulation rings - more than 200 m (the inability to link the first and last instrument units).

Pipelines are made of Stabi multilayer pipes made of PPR polypropylene (PP Type 3) with aluminum interlayer. Main pipelines, as well as pipelines laid in underground channels, are isolated. As insulation, cylinders made of PAROK PVAE stone wool with a thickness of 20 and 30 mm with aluminum foil are adopted.

Pipelines are laid with slope. The direction and magnitude of the slopes are indicated on the heating system diagrams. Air is removed from the heating system through air discharge valves installed in the upper nipples of the radiators. Cranes are provided at the lower points for emptying the system.

9.4. Calculation and selection of ventilation equipment

The selection of equipment was carried out using computer programs.. Here is a brief description of the systems.

PV1, PV2: - horizontal plenum unit Gea with cross-accurate heat exchanger of 128.196VVVA set consisting of:

- inlet part: air valve, flexible insert (2 pcs.), filter, water heater, fan section;

- exhaust part: filter, fan section with short diffuser, air valve, flexible connection (2 pcs.);

- ECOPLAT heatutilizer: the heat exchanger from aluminum plates with a bypass, the drop catcher;

PV3: - horizontal plenum unit Gea with cross-current heat exchanger of set 096.096VVVA consisting of:

- supply part: air valve, flexible insert (2 pcs.), filter, water heater, fan section;

- exhaust part: filter, silencer, fan section with short diffuser, air valve, flexible connection (2 pcs.);

- ECOPLAT heatutilizer: the heat exchanger from aluminum plates with a bypass, the drop catcher;

- factory automatic control set MATRIX 4700 C4.320.ZC.

PV4: - horizontal plenum unit Gea with cross-current heat exchanger of set 096.064VVVA consisting of:

- supply part: air valve, flexible insert (2 pcs.), filter, water heater, fan section;

- exhaust part: filter, silencer, fan section with short diffuser, air valve, flexible connection (2 pcs.);

- ECOPLAT heatutilizer: the heat exchanger from aluminum plates with a bypass, the drop catcher;

- factory automatic control set MATRIX 4700 C4.320.ZC.

P1: - Gea horizontal housing unit set 096.096VVVA consisting of: air valve, flexible insert (2 pcs.), filter, water heater, fan section with short diffuser, noise absorber and factory automation kit MATRIX 4700 C4.310.ZC.

P2: - Gea horizontal housing unit of set 096.064VVVA consisting of: air valve, flexible insert (2 pcs.), filter, water heater, fan section with short diffuser, noise absorber and factory automation kit MATRIX 4700 C4.210.ZC.

P3: - channel fan KVP 5025 4E1;

- KVR 5025 air flap with 220V servo drive;

- anti-road blinds;

- FPKa 5025 pocket filter;

- KNP 50252 water heater;

- flexible connection, 2 pcs.;

- GPP noise absorber 5025;

- factory automatic control set XBBGD/3T.

P4: - fan channel KVP 6035 4T1;

- KVR 6035 air flap with 220V servo drive;

- anti-road blinds;

- FPKa 6035 pocket filter;

- KNP 60352 water heater;

- flexible connection, 2 pcs.;

- GPP 6035 silencer;

- factory automatic control set XBBGD/3T.

B1: - roof fan DVS499DV;

- roof box-silencer SSD.

B2: - roof fan DVS400E4;

- roof box-silencer SSD.

B3, B5, B7: - roof fan "Systemair" TFER315M;

- roof silencer box "Systemair" SSD.

B4, B10: - roof fan "Systemair" DVS355E4;

- roof silencer box "Systemair" SSD.

B6: - roof fan "Systemair" DVS310EV.

B8: - roof fan "Systemair" TFER315L.

B9: - roof fan "Systemair" TFER125XL;

- roof silencer box "Systemair" SSD.

B11: - channel fan "Systemair" K315L

- quick-release clamp "Systemair" FK, 2 pcs.

B12: - radial explosion-proof fan VP86774B with wheel D = Dnom,

2 pcs. (one standby);

- vibration isolators, 8 pcs.;

- flexible insert, 4 pcs.;

- explosion-proof check valve, 2 pcs.

B13: - radial explosion-proof fan VP86773.15V with wheel D = 1.1Dnom, 2 pcs. (one backup), installed outside the building near the charge;

- vibration isolators, 8 pcs.;

- flexible insert, 4 pcs.;

- explosion-proof check valve, 2 pcs.

B14: - channel radial fan KVP 6030 4E1;

- flexible connection, 2 pcs.;

- GP 6030 silencer;

- inertial blinds VK (closed at non-operating fan).

B15: - channel fan "Systemair" KD315XL1;

- quick-release clamp "Systemair" FK, 2 pcs.;

- silencer;

- inertial blinds VK (check valve), closed at non-operating fan.

Fire prevention and noise control

10.1. Fire fighting measures.

According to fire safety standards NPB 882001 "Fire extinguishing and alarm units. Design Standards and Rules "by the degree of fire hazard of the enterprise are divided into five categories. The shopping center in Bratsk, considered in this diploma project, belongs to category D.

According to the regulations of electrical installations, rooms in which fires and explosive liquids, solid and gaseous substances and materials are stored or formed as a result of the process, and in which fires, fires and explosions can occur from electric ignition sources, are also classified.

To ensure the explosion safety of the designed building, the premises are classified by explosion hazard in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations.

The designed building is dominated by BIIIa class areas.

Fire hazardous spaces are those where combustible substances are used or stored. Fire hazardous rooms according to PUE are divided into 4 classes.

In order to reduce the risk of the occurrence and spread of fires, the rational arrangement of premises is important in terms of the need to ensure the strength and stability of buildings and structures, both in normal conditions and in fire conditions.

The main characteristic determining the ability of buildings and structures to resist the occurrence and spread of fire is the degree of their fire resistance, depending on the fire resistance limit of the main building structures and the fire propagation limit along them. Materials used in this building for decoration of premises are related to burned materials .

The ability of structures in a fire situation to maintain their operational functions is called fire resistance. Fire resistance of structures is characterized by fire resistance limit. Depending on the degree of fire resistance of the main building structures, all buildings and structures are divided into five degrees of fire resistance. The materials used belong to the II degree of fire resistance.

Inside the building, the danger of fire spread in case of fire is limited by the arrangement of fire barriers, which include fire walls, partitions, floors made of non-combustible materials.

Firefighting walls have a fire resistance rating of at least 2.5 hours and are designed taking into account the requirements: to rely on foundations, to be erected to the entire height of a building or structure.

Automatic fire extinguishing is not provided.

To extinguish the local fire source, fire extinguishers of the type: OU3 carbon dioxide (CO2), OU3 (3) 13VU2 carbon dioxide (CO2) are used.

Among other fire prevention measures, fire communication and alarms are also used to facilitate the timely detection and call of fire departments to the fire site, as well as provide control and operational management of those working in the fire.

Important importance in the design and construction of buildings and structures is attached to ensuring conditions for the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire. This is achieved by an evacuation exit device, the number of which is determined in accordance with the distance from the most remote workplace to the nearest evacuation exit, regulated depending on the degree of fire resistance of the building, the volume of the room and the explosion hazard of the production located in it. The number of evacuation exits from buildings, premises and from each floor is accepted according to calculations, but not less than two.

In all cases, the width of the escape route sections shall be at least 1 m. The width of the doors on the escape routes shall be at least 0.8 m, the width of the outer doors of the staircases shall be at least 2 m.

10.2. Fighting noise in the shopping center of Bratsk.

The noise level is a significant criterion for the quality of ventilation systems, which must be taken into account when designing buildings.

The main source of noise of the ventilation plants is the fan.

To reduce sound pressure in the shopping center of Bratsk, the following measures are provided:

• Installation of elements of units and equipment with low noise characteristics;

• Selection of unit operation mode with moderate speed of impeller rotation;

• Selection of the work point in the area with maximum efficiency;

• Connection of fans to the duct system via flexible inserts;

• Installation of fans with A-filter;

• Design of ventilation network at allowable air speeds that do not generate noise in the network;

• Installation of silencers.

The issues of noise control in ventilation systems are discussed in more detail in section 12 of the explanatory note.

Automation of general ventilation systems

Using instruments and automation devices included in the ventilation system control circuit, the tasks of command start-up and shutdown of units, automatic maintenance of the specified operating modes of both individual and several system units are solved. Automation devices and devices monitor and alarm pre-emergency situations, as well as automatic shutdown of equipment in the event of an accident.

Quality of ventilation systems operation is determined by compliance of created microclimate parameters in building premises with their required values and depends on correct selection of both process diagram and elements of automatic control system of this circuit.


Automation of supply and supply plants

Automatic control system of plenum plants provides the following functions:

start and stop of the unit in manual mode;

start and stop of the unit by seven-day timer;

control of supply air temperature according to the specified algorithm;

temperature control of the return coolant;

protection of engines of inflow and exhaust fans by current and state of thermal resistance;

protection of the water heater by the supply air temperature and the temperature of the return coolant;

protection of cross recuperator against freezing;

verification of sensors reliability;

indication of limit contamination of filters.

Automatic control system is made in the form of VCA VentoControl unit installed on control board and temperature sensors in air ducts transporting external and plenum air and in rooms. When regulating the heating capacity of plenum plants, a method of changing the coolant flow rate is used.

The automatic control system of the plenum chamber has two modes of operation: the "WINTER" mode and the "SUMMER" mode, the transition from one mode to another occurs according to the ambient temperature, according to the given transition settings.

Start and stop of the unit are performed in two modes: manual or by seven-day timer. Control mode is selected by "F3" button.

In "STOP" + "WINTER" mode, the controller ensures maintenance of the specified coolant temperature. Coolant temperature is set in the service menu. When switching to "START" mode, the heating process of the heater occurs, that is, the three-way valve is fully opened (and the circulation pump is turned on, if it is in the circuit). Heating ends when the coolant temperature reaches the specified level, after which the supply air blinds begin to open and with the delay specified in the parameters, the engines of the supply and exhaust fans start.

Supply air temperature is maintained by the controller in "START" + "WINTER" mode. When the air temperature downstream the recuperator falls below the level specified in the parameters, the supply fan turns off, the fan turns on when the air temperature downstream the recuperator rises above the level specified in the parameters .

The controller allows correction of the supply air temperature setpoint depending on the outside air temperature.

In case of existence in the scheme of knot of mixture of the circulator, it joins at the ZIMA mode. The calorifer is protected by the plenum air temperature and the temperature of the return coolant.

In "STOP" + "SUMMER" mode, the three-way valve is completely closed, the blinds are closed, the engines are disconnected, the controller is in standby mode.

In "START" + "SUMMER" mode, the three-way valve is completely closed, blinds are opened and the engines of both fans are switched on with the delay specified in the parameters.

The ventilation systems are started and stopped either by the timer intervals specified in the controller menu or by the "F4" button.

In all emergency modes the system sets to "STOP" mode with indication of emergency mode.

When freezing is threatened, the operation of the fans is blocked, the choke valve on the outside air of the plenum line is closed, the three-way valve is fully opened and the circulation pump is turned on (if available). Warning information is indicated on the annunciator. Alarms take precedence.

Selection of control method is performed by turning the selector switch to manual or automatic position, and selection of operation mode by the selector switch by turning it to winter or summer position.

The ON/OFF of the fan motor is indicated by the ON lamp installed on the automation board.

Technology of construction and installation works

During erection of buildings and structures preparation and organization of erection works consist of a number of separate production processes performed in a certain sequence. With industrial methods of sanitary and technical works, the technological production scheme consists of five main stages.

Preparatory stage - study of technical documentation, preparation of the object for measurement (if required), development of work execution.

The replacement stage is the development of installation projects based on the construction drawings of the object or sketches made by measurements of the construction structures of the object. Measurements from nature are made in cases when the object is atypical or construction drawings are absent in full.

The procurement stage is the production of blanks for the installation of sanitary and technical systems according to the installation project or replacement sketches received from the installation control in the form of an order.

Assembly stage - assembly and installation of systems from pre-assembled elements, assemblies and elements prepared in factory conditions.

Delivery stage (final) - check of installed systems in operation, their adjustment and output to design parameters and delivery to the customer.

Very often, in construction practice, the preparatory, replacement and procurement stages are considered as preparatory work and the installation of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems is divided into two stages:

the first - assembly and assembly, most often performed before the start of painting work;

the second - acceptance, performed after preparation of the surface of rooms for the last painting.

The most profitable organization of production processes should include not only compliance with rational operating technology, but also the correct sequence of production operations. The manufacturing processes for creating the structural element of the device are reflected in the document, which in construction is also called the task list.

The technology of sanitary and technical installation works is part of the civil technology, with which it should be closely linked by the timing and sequence of installation works on parts of sanitary and technical systems (installation grips).

A differentiated installation method (separate) is used. Note here that structural elements are arranged in series, in element by element.

The main condition for the correct organization of production is firm adherence to the necessary sequence of work by stages. The entire assembly manufacturing process can be divided into the main stages:

a) study and preparation of technical documentation for installation works;

b) preparation of production in the installation organization (for all its divisions);

c) preparation of the construction facility for unimpeded and quick execution of installation works;

d) manufacturing of assembly units and parts in the procurement enterprise: picking of necessary materials and equipment;

e) installation of assembly works at the facility, i.e. assembly of assembly units and parts and installation of sanitary equipment in accordance with the design;

f) testing, adjustment and commissioning of mounted devices.

The performance of work on the object in such a sequence ensures the rhythm and economic efficiency of production.

Job Instruction for Installation of Air Ducts in Truss Space from Enlarged Units Running Parallel and Perpendicular to Trusses

Organization and procedure of works execution

2.1. Installation of air ducts shall be carried out in accordance with the PDP approved in accordance with the established procedure and agreed with the general contractor.

2.2. Prior to installation of air ducts, the following works shall be performed:

- trusses are mounted and coating plates are laid;

- embedded parts for air ducts attachment are installed;

- access roads and passageways to the installation site are provided;

- installation area is protected;

- safety signs are installed;

- The pick list for the enlarged units has been drawn up and the sequence of their installation has been determined;

- planned and agreed with the general contractor of the place of installation and attachment of lifting mechanisms;

- air duct parts are delivered to the installation site.

2.3. Sequence of working operations during installation of air ducts in truss space from enlarged blocks passing perpendicular to trusses:

- picking and tray of individual parts to the lifting place;

- assembly of individual parts into enlarged blocks on inventory stands;

- installation of clamps and suspensions on the enlarged unit;

- installation and attachment of electroheads;

- installation and attachment of cargo and branch units;

- slinging of the air duct of the enlarged unit to the electric carts and installation of braces;

- lifting of the enlarged unit with the help of electrolobes and drawers, its temporary fixation;

- installation of enlarged unit into design position from automatic hydraulic hoist of AGP, installation of ready gasket and tightening of bolts in connection of flanges of previously installed and installed enlarged units;

- alignment of the position of the enlarged unit to the design;

- installation of fasteners;

- final attachment of the enlarged unit;

- disassembly of enlarged unit and removal of braces;

- removal of cargo and discharge units and electric units, their installation for installation of the next enlarged unit.

2.4. The sequence of working operations when installing air ducts in the truss space from enlarged blocks running parallel to the trusses is similar to that described in item 2.3.

2.5. Work on installation of air ducts is performed by a link consisting of 4 people:

fan fitter - 5 discharges, he is also an electric welder;

fan fitter - 4 discharges, he is also a rigger;

locksmith-ventilator - 3 discharges, he is also an electrolobic engineer;

fan locksmith - 2 discharges.

Quality and

Acceptance Requirements

3.1. Prior to erection, an act for hidden construction works is drawn up, incoming quality control of used materials, blanks, measuring tools, compliance with their standards and specifications, design types and grades is carried out.

3.2. Acceptance control of mounted structures is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185. At acceptance of works, logs of installation and welding works, corrosion protection of welded joints, acts of inspection of hidden works are presented.

Construction Management

Construction production - an interconnected complex of construction and installation works and processes, ensuring reproduction by creating and updating fixed assets. It covers processes related to the construction of new buildings and structures, as well as the expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and repair of existing enterprises, buildings and structures.

Organization of construction production - an interconnected system for preparing for the performance of certain types of work, establishing and ensuring the general order, priority and timing of implementation, supplying all types of resources to ensure the efficiency and quality of the performance of certain types of work and construction of facilities.

The organization of construction production according to the requirement of SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization" shall ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on the achievement of the final result - commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality in the prescribed time frame.

The construction of the facility is allowed to be carried out only on the basis of organizational and technological documentation, including a previously developed decision on the organization of construction - the construction organization project.

The construction organization project is developed for the full scope of construction and includes:

- the construction schedule, which defines the sequence and timing of the work;

- construction plot plan with indication of the boundaries of the construction site and types of its fences; operating and temporary underground, above-ground and air networks and communications; permanent and temporary roads; traffic patterns and mechanisms; places of installation of construction and lifting machines, ways of their movement and areas of operation; accommodation of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures.

14.1. Calculation of labor intensity of works.

The labour intensity of the works is calculated taking into account the selected methods of the main works execution in tabular form (Table 14.1) on the basis of the bill of quantities of works and the corresponding ENiR collections. As well as the Bill of Quantities, the Bill of Labour consists of two parts: civil and installation works.

The working shift duration for the transition from man-hours to man-days is 8.2 hours at a 5-day working week.

Total labor intensity is defined as the sum of labor intensity of all works listed in the list and addition to this amount of 20% for unaccounted works.

14.2. Work Schedule.

The schedule is the main document of the work execution project, on the correctness of which all other sections of the project depend.

In order to draw up an object schedule, it is first necessary to determine the scope of work (Table 14.1). The scope of work for the installation of heating and ventilation systems is determined in accordance with the compiled nomenclature of work according to the drawings and their specifications.

The second stage in the preparation of the calendar plan is the calculation of labor costs for civil and sanitary works. To do this, appropriate collections of uniform norms and rates for the performance of work (ENiR) are required.

14.3. Define storage space requirements.

When calculating storage areas, we accept the delivery of materials and equipment by road for a distance of up to 50 km, therefore we accept the stock norm for 12 days, and the non-uniform coefficient of goods receipt to warehouses K1 = 1.1. The unevenness factor of production consumption of the material during the calculation period is K2 = 1.3. The useful life of a material is determined by the work schedule for which the material is required.

14.4. Define the requirement for temporary buildings.

The following temporary buildings shall be placed in order to service those working on the construction site: office, dressing room, food room, toilet, tool-dispenser station (IRP) and building workshop (PM).

The maximum number of workers is taken as the calculated number of workers (54 in this case).

The tool and distribution station and the building workshop are accepted as inventory mobile in the form of a single-axle trailer with an area of ​ ​ 10.5 m2 (dimensions 4.3x2.8 m).

Construction economy

The economy of construction is a branch science that explores the forms of manifestation of general economic laws in capital construction.

The main task of the construction economy is to evaluate the activities of construction enterprises in market relations .

The construction economy explores the economic efficiency of capital investments and scientific and technological progress in construction (factors, criteria, indicators, standards) as a decisive condition for the growth of labor productivity, increase in income, profit, profitability, acceleration of commissioning and development of capacities, as well as the achievement of design technical and economic indicators. The construction economy develops the economic foundations of construction design, the industrialization of construction production taking into account the factor of time, environmental and urban planning conditions, the socio-economic effect, as well as the reduction in the cost of building facilities. An important area of ​ ​ the construction economy is the creation of a regulatory framework, i.e. a system of interconnected value and natural standards (planned, production, estimate, accounting, statistical, etc.), for the purpose of technical and economic regulation of production at all stages of the investment process and control over it.

The subject of the study of the economy of construction as a science is the role and place of construction in the development of the national economy, the analysis of the economic mechanism of the industry, the development of a way to improve it, the identification of methods for improving the efficiency of the use of technology, labor items, labor, functioning in this area. The construction economy considers problems of planning and forecasting, economic efficiency of new equipment and construction production, design solutions, as well as issues of pricing and estimate business, logistics, financing and lending, accounting, reporting and analysis of production and economic activities, technical and production rationing, management organization, etc.

The concept of the economy of construction also includes economic work carried out by the economic services of construction organizations: planning, financial, estimate, accounting, labor and wage departments. Their functions include the development of production and economic plans, the organization of accounting and analysis of economic results, the organization of settlements and control over the level of prices, cost and profit, the introduction of effective methods of organization and remuneration.

Thus, the construction economy is engaged in the study of construction as a special branch of the national economy, which is formed, on the one hand, as a process of reproduction of fixed assets, requiring the necessary capital investments in its implementation, and, on the other, as a process of its own development of this branch of material production.

15.1. Determination of estimated construction cost.

The price in construction is the monetary expression of a unit of construction products, which is determined by the amount of socially necessary work spent on its creation.

The main provisions on pricing and estimated rationing in construction in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Methodological Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation - MDS 8135.2004.

The estimated cost is the basis for determining the amount of capital investments, financing construction, forming contractual prices for construction products, settlements for construction and installation works performed, payment for the costs of acquiring equipment and delivering it to construction sites, as well as reimbursement of other costs from the funds provided for by the consolidated estimated calculation. On the basis of the estimated documentation, accounting, economic calculation and evaluation of the activities of construction and installation organizations and customers are carried out. Based on the estimated cost, the book value of the assets put into operation for the built enterprises, buildings and structures is determined. The estimated cost is the basis for the calculation of the feasibility of the designed facility, the justification and the decision on its construction.

The estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is the amount of money necessary for its implementation in accordance with the design materials. It includes the costs of erecting buildings and structures of the construction site, equipping it with technological equipment, the construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the implementation of work and dismantled after the completion of construction, the construction of temporary and permanent access roads, power transmission lines, temporary and permanent settlements for builders and operational personnel.

15.2. Preparation of local heating and ventilation estimates.

Local estimates are based on physical quantities of work, structural drawings of building elements and structures, accepted methods of work execution and, as a rule, for each building and structure by type of work. Data on individual types of works are grouped by individual structural elements of buildings and structures. The procedure for grouping data on individual structural elements of buildings, structures, types of works should correspond to the technological sequence of works and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction.

The resulting estimate in the local estimate represents direct costs. Due to the fact that overhead costs are usually set for various types of work, direct costs are charged to overhead costs and estimated profits.

Overhead costs for internal sanitary works are accepted in the amount of 13.3% of the amount of direct costs for heating, for installation special works from the main wages of workers, for construction works - from the amount of direct costs for construction work.

From the amount of direct costs and overhead expenses, planned savings of 8% are accrued.

The total estimated cost of heating and ventilation of the shopping complex building is determined by summing up direct costs, overhead costs and planned savings.

Estimates are compiled at current prices, the conversion factor is 5.10 based on the regional pricing factor in construction in the Kaliningrad region.

15.3. Preparation of the object estimate for the construction of the building.

Object estimates are made for the construction of each individual building and structure and determine the total amount of all costs associated with the construction of this object. Object estimates are based on local estimates for individual types of work and costs for buildings, structures and site-wide works. Estimated calculations, which are included in the object estimates, agreed with contracting construction organizations, are the basis for determining the estimated cost of commercial construction products.

The object estimates take into account the cost of all types of construction and installation work, equipment costs, fixtures and equipment.

In order to determine the total estimated cost of the facility required for calculations for the work performed between the customer and the contractor at the current price level, at the end of the object estimate, the cost of construction and installation works includes funds to cover limited costs:

- to increase the cost of work performed in winter and other similar costs included in the estimated cost of construction and installation works;

- other works and costs, which are determined as a percentage of the cost of each type of work, costs or the total of construction and installation works for all local estimates;

- reserve for unforeseen works and costs provided for in the construction cost estimate for reimbursement of contractor's costs, the amount of which is determined by separate agreement between the customer and the contractor.

15.4. Summary estimate.

The consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures or their queues is a document defining the estimated limit of funds necessary for the complete completion of construction of all facilities provided for by the project. The approved consolidated estimate of construction costs serves as the basis for determining the capital investment limit and opening construction financing. The consolidated estimate is based on object estimates as well as estimates for additional costs not included in the object and local estimates.


Thus, the graduation qualification work, the purpose and task of which was to select and calculate heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, to ensure comfortable meteorological conditions and the necessary air quality in the serviced area of ​ ​ the premises of the Bratsk shopping center, was completed. Ventilation of the building is provided by the use of artificial and mechanical systems. Heating is provided by a double-tube heating system.

The design provides technical solutions to ensure:

normalized meteorological conditions and air cleanliness in the serviced area of the room;

normalized noise levels from ventilation equipment operation;

serviceability of ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems;

saving thermal energy for heating and ventilation.

The diploma developed measures on the installation technology of ventilation systems, developed a work schedule and a schedule for the movement of workers, developed a construction plan, and determined the estimated cost of construction.

Safety issues during installation and testing of pipelines and sanitary equipment are considered.

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